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Tin Dog Podcast

Tin Dog Podcast
tin-dog@hotmail.co.uk The Tin Dog welcomes you to sit back and listen to his rants and ramblings about all that is best in modern SF and Television. Via the gift of the new fangled Podcast over the tinterweb. As you can probably guess Tin Dog mostly talks about Doctor Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith but that wont stop him talking about any other subject you suggest. Hailing from a non specific part of the northeast of England, Tin Dog is male and in his mid 30s. A life long fan of almost all TV SF. His semi-autistic tendencies combined with his total lack of social skills have helped him find a place in the heart of British SF Fandom. Even as a child the Tin Dogs mother told him that she can trace his love of SF TV back to his rhythmic kicking, while still in the womb, along to the beat of the Avengers theme music. From Gabriel Chase to Totters Lane, from the Bad Wolf Satellite to the back streets of the Cardiff, Tin Dog will give you his thoughts on the wonderful Whoniverse. Daleks and Cybermen and TARDIS ES Oh My If you enjoy these Tin Dog Podcasts please remember to tell your friends and leave an email tin-dog@hotmail.co.uk

Homepage: http://tin-dog.co.uk

RSS Feed: http://www.tin-dog.co.uk/rss

Tin Dog Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
19 days, 15 hours, 46 minutes and 16 seconds
Earliest Episode:
1 May 2007 (6:54pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
24 July 2024 (7:20am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 5 hours, 22 minutes and 21 seconds

Tin Dog Podcast Episodes

  • TDP 1167: #Torchwood Among Us 01

    12 July 2023 (6:48am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 4 seconds

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      This title was released in May 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 July 2023, and on general sale after this date. Torchwood are on the run. As the world puts itself back together, Torchwood are there to pick up the pieces. And they find something nasty hiding in them. A housing estate where everyone’s gone mad, an industrial estate interrogation facility, a lighthouse in Iceland, the comments section of a newspaper. Trouble is everywhere. And so are Torchwood. 7.1 Aliens Next Door by Ash Darby Mrs Betty Clerihew has an exciting secret in her spare room. Torchwood are hiding out there, watching the comings and goings of her estate. Apparently, monsters are living on the cul-de-sac. 7.2 Colin Alone by Una McCormack Colin Colchester-Price has been left behind. But he’s kept calm and he’s carried on. He knows his husband is out there, saving the world for Torchwood. And he’ll comeback for him. One day. Soon. Surely. 7.3 Misty Eyes by Tim Foley Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams have made a new life for themselves in Iceland. Away from death and aliens and horror and Torchwood. Until there’s a knock on the door from the last person they want to see. 7.4 Moderation by James Goss Tyler Steele has a job moderating the comments section of a website. His old friend Petra is a star reporter for the newspaper. And Tyler realises the newspaper is going to kill her.

  • TDP 1171: By Hook Or By Crook Episode Three A B and C

    8 July 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 24 seconds

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      This week our guest is Peter Zunitch To download the episode in 5.1 surround sound please visit .   T-shirts can be found here –  Follow us on twitter  Like us on  Review us on  Email the show – 

  • TDP 1166: 5th Doctor Who Once and future The Artist at end of time

    5 July 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 47 seconds

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      This title was released in June 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 August 2023, and on general sale after this date. Suffering the effects of degeneration, the Doctor heads towards the end of the universe in search of answers. Instead, he finds his daughter - Jenny - and an Artist whose works appear to mark the end of every world they touch. The Doctor stabilises into his Fifth form to join forces with Jenny and the Curator to solve the mystery of the Final Gallery and the art it has collected.

  • TDP 1170: Whooverville 14 2023

    3 July 2023 (6:56am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 47 seconds

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      The 60th Anniversary Edition! Saturday 2nd September 2023 FROM 10:00-17:30 at Quad! So, Whooverville 14 – celebrating Doctor Who’s 60th Anniversary with FOUR DOCTORS – Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Michael Jayston and Michael Troughton. (Four Doctors and counting!) We are delighted to announce that MICHAEL TROUGHTON has agreed to join us for Whooverville 14 at Derby QUAD on Saturday 2nd September. Michael Troughton, of course, is the son of the second Doctor, Patrick Troughton; and wrote an acclaimed and very much recommended biography of his father. He made his own Doctor Who television début in the 2014 Christmas Special, Last Christmas, playing Professor Albert. In 2022 he took on the role of Patrick’s Doctor in a new range of full cast audio productions from Big Finish. We look forward very much to welcoming Michael back to Whooverville in September. Tickets are now on sale via the  website. They are – Adults: £55, Concessions: £38, Children: £10. Terms and conditions are also available via the website. Whooverville 14 - A Special Bonus Announcement We are delighted to announce a special bonus for attendees at Whooverville 14 at Derby QUAD on Saturday September 2nd. Each ticket holder will be offered a free copy of a special DVD release from Reeltime Pictures. THE DOCTORS: THE SYLVESTER McCOY YEARS This is the definitive set of interviews with the team who brought the SYLVESTER McCOY era of DOCTOR WHO to life! These six documentaries are the best in-depth interviews with SYLVESTER McCOY (the Seventh Doctor), SOPHIE ALDRED (Ace), ANGELA BRUCE (Brigadier Bambera), JESSICA MARTIN (Mags), LISA BOWERMAN (Bernice Summerfield) and Script Editor ANDREW CARTMEL ever undertaken! Presented by ROBERT DICK, “voice of the Daleks” NICHOLAS BRIGGS and “Ace” SOPHIE ALDRED. For all DOCTOR Who fans, this 2 DISC special collector’s edition is 5 hours of pure nostalgia, which will give you a whole new insight into the making of your favourite science fiction series! SPECIAL FEATURE: Introduction by SOPHIE ALDRED and Producer KEITH BARNFATHER Our thanks go to our friend Keith Barnfather for this extraordinarily generous gesture and for his support of Whooverville. Reeltime Pictures will be launching their latest DVD release at Whooverville, DOCTOR ON DISPLAY: BLACKPOOL 2004-2009 And don't forget that, at no extra cost, as part of our programme during the day, we will be presenting MYTH MAKERS 3, your chance to watch two future Myth Makers releases being filmed, during which Sylvester McCoy will be interviewed by Sophie Aldred and Sophie will be interviewed by Sylvester. Tickets for Whooverville 14 are still available (but selling fast) from  Get them while you can. Simon Fisher-Becker We are delighted that our friend SIMON FISHER-BECKER is once again returning to Whooverville as a sponsored guest. Simon played Dorium Maldovar in the Doctor Who stories The Pandorica Opens, A Good Man Goes to War, The Wedding of River Song, and for Big Finish in the Eleventh Doctor Chronicles story The Light Keepers. Also for Big Finish he played the Time Lord Science Minister Kavil in series 5 of Gallifrey; and voiced Lift in the Iris Wildthyme story A Lift in Time. Beyond Doctor Who, he is known for appearing in the popular Harry Potter film franchise as The Fat Friar, and for playing the Fat Controller from Thomas the Tank Engine for ten years. We look forward to welcoming Simon to Whooverville 14 at Derby QUAD on Saturday 2nd September. Simon will be at his table in our dealers' and traders' room selling copies of his books. Please remember that as a sponsored guest, Simon will charge for all autographs. Doctor on Display We are delighted to be able to announce that Whooverville 14 at Derby QUAD on Saturday 2nd September will feature an exclusive World Premiere screening of a new release from Reeltime Pictures. The Doctor on Display: Blackpool 2004-2009 tells you everything you need to know about the second Blackpool Doctor Who Exhibition and features previously unseen footage of the fondly-remembered attraction and its owner David Boyle, together with reminiscences by those who were behind the exhibition and the fans who visited. Our premiere presentation will be introduced by the man behind Reeltime Pictures Keith Barnfather and the DVD will be available to buy throughout the day at a special price, from the Reeltime stall.    

  • TDP 1165: By Hook Or By Crook Episode Two A Prisoner Podcast The chimes of big ben

    1 July 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 52 seconds

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      This week our guest is  To download the episode in 5.1 surround sound please visit .   T-shirts can be found here –  Follow us on twitter  Like us on  Review us on  Email the show – 

  • TDP 1162: 7.2. Doctor Who: Daleks! Genesis of Terror

    28 June 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 52 seconds

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      This title was released in May 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 June 2023, and on general sale after this date. In a paved garden outside time, the Doctor is presented with an awful prophecy: the conquest of all time by the Daleks. To prevent this terrible fate, the Time Lords have decided on a radical course — to weaponise time themselves, and destroy the Daleks before they were ever created. And they want the Doctor to carry out this extraordinary task! Soon, he and his companions Sarah and Harry are on the battle-ravaged planet Skaro, where a war has been raging for centuries. The war is now waged by teenagers using the last surviving weapons. Everything is desperate. But the Kaled’s chief scientist has a new weapon that he thinks might just change everything… Disc 1: Full cast version of Terry Nation's first draft of episode one of Genesis of the Daleks, with Nicholas Briggs providing the stage directions, plus readings by individual cast members of the storylines for the other episodes. Disc 2: BBC broadcaster and journalist Samira Ahmed interviews Philip Hinchcliffe.    

  • TDP 1164: By Hook Or By Crook Episode One A Prisoner Podcast Arrival

    24 June 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 40 seconds

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    We dive into the very first episode of The Prisoner with our guests  and . To download the episode in 5.1 surround sound please visit .   T-shirts can be found here –  Follow us on twitter  Like us on  Review us on  Email the show –   

  • TDP 1161: 5. Doctor Who: The War Doctor Begins: Comrades-in-Arms

    21 June 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 14 seconds

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      This title was released in May 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 July 2023, and on general sale after this date. The Doctor is no more. A warrior has joined the Time War between the Daleks and Gallifrey. But how far will he go? What lines will he cross? How much of himself will he sacrifice? 5.1 A Mother's Love by Noga Flaishon Responding to a distress call, the War Doctor arrives on Haven: a state-of-the-art Time Lord field hospital, operated by the highly advanced 'Medbay Operation Mainframe' - or M.O.M. But the station has been compromised. M.O.M.'s secrets run deep, time is running out, and the War Doctor must renew some old alliances if everyone is to get out alive… 5.2 Berserker by Timothy X Atack Sunspire was devastated by the Daleks centuries ago. The last of its people are returning to seek out their heritage in an underground bunker, and save their species from extinction. Case and the War Doctor join the mission, posing as a Dalek-Killer and her squire. But the bunker has an occupant: a single Berserker Dalek, driven insane by four hundred years of solitude... 5.3 Memnos by Phil Mulryne Memnos: a secret Time Lord project, recording everything lost to the Time War. A place where the War Doctor can admit his part in the conflict and seek solace - and perhaps where he can find salvation for Case. But the Dalek Time Strategist will not let slip her potential. She could be the Daleks’ greatest weapon. The battle for Case's soul will be won or lost in Memnos.

  • TDP 1163 By Hook Or By Crook Episode Zero - A Prisoner Podcast

    17 June 2023 (7:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 46 seconds

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      Michael and Luke introduce their Prisoner Podcast, By Hook or By Crook. They interview each other about what they love about the series and set the stage for what to expect from the rest of the series. For more info got to .   T-shirts can be found here –  Follow us on twitter  Like us on  Review us on  Email the show – 

  • TDP 1160: 4th Doctor Who: Once and Future: Past Lives 1

    14 June 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 30 seconds

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    This title was released in May 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 July 2023, and on general sale after this date. The Time War. The Doctor has been injured and brought to a Time Lord field hospital. His body glows with energy, but this is no regeneration into a future form – instead, the Doctor’s past faces begin to appear as he flits haphazardly between incarnations... Staggering to his TARDIS, the Doctor sets out to solve the mystery of his ‘degeneration’. Who has done this to him? How? And why? From the Earth to the stars, across an array of familiar times and places, he follows clues to retrace his steps, encountering old friends and enemies along the way. Tumbling through his lives, the Doctor must stop his degeneration before he loses himself completely... Settling as his Fourth incarnation, the Doctor goes in search of the Monk, with a vague memory that he had something to do with his ‘degeneration’. On Earth, the Monk is meddling, bringing Sarah Jane Smith to the future UNIT HQ to steal a device for an alien race. The Doctor must help Kate Stewart and Osgood foil an invasion before he can confront the Monk about what he knows...

  • TDP 1159: 3.1. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Pioneers #Doctorwho

    7 June 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 12 seconds

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    review  This title was released in May 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 July 2023, and on general sale after this date. The Doctor meets many remarkable people on his travels - those at the forefront of innovation and exploration. From a deep-space colony ship seeking safe haven, to the frozen Arctic wastes, and the foundation of ideas which will touch the lives of millions - the Doctor is there to lend a hand to the human race's greatest pioneers! 1.1 The Green Gift by Roy Gill Seeking a new home for Callen and Doyle, the Doctor lands on a vast spacecraft: The Greenwood. The ship is nearing the end of its long journey but what is the price of this voyage? Who is really in charge? And what legacies from Old Earth might be travelling with them? 1.2 Northern Lights by Robert Valentine The Doctor crashes to Earth and finds himself in the Arctic - but not quite alone. The Aurora Borealis are even more unearthly than usual... Intrepid explorer Fridtjof Nansen is trying to get home as alien forces close in. The Doctor knows Nansen has a part to play in history - can he save the future? 1.3 The Beautiful Game by Katharine Armitage The Doctor decides to treat himself and attend the historic meeting which founds the football league. But he arrives a week early! Instead, he must enlist the help of a hotel maid to battle an obsessive alien before it consumes everything that will ever be connected to the beautiful game...    

  • TDP 1158: Rani Takes on the World Beyond Bannerman Road from bigfinish worlds of doctorwho review

    31 May 2023 (5:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 50 seconds

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    TDP 1158: Rani Takes on the World Beyond Bannerman Road from bigfinish worlds of doctorwho review   This title was released in April 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 June 2023, and on general sale after this date. Life on Bannerman Road was always an adventure for Rani Chandra and her friends. A childhood of mystery and wonder, of meeting aliens, time travellers, lost princes, intergalactic robots and so much more - all alongside Sarah Jane Smith. Sarah Jane is gone. Childhood ends. Everyone grows up eventually. But the story doesn't stop there. When Rani and Clyde are reunited, adventure finds them once again - ready and waiting to take on the world! 1.1 Here Today by Joseph Lidster Years after her adventures with Sarah Jane Smith and friends, Rani Chandra is a successful journalist - she’s brought down a government, and her podcast is making waves. And she's about to be surprised by a visit from her best friend, Clyde Langer - who has an announcement of his own. But tonight Clyde isn’t the only visitor to Ealing... In the skies above, a flying saucer approaches - and only one person on Earth can stop it destroying London! 1.2 Destination: Wedding by James Goss Rani and Gita Chandra have been invited to a dream wedding on a luxury island resort. But how did Tiff from school end up marrying a film star? And why has she asked all the worst people from her life alongside the Hollywood A-listers? While Gita samples the canapés and criticises the flower arrangements, Rani senses something amiss... The perfect wedding comes at a price - but who will be paying? 1.3 The Witching Tree by Lizzie Hopley Chasing a podcast award, encouraged by a secret source, Rani investigates a ‘haunted’ restaurant built around a twisted tree. The owners could be faking the spooky activity, but Rani soon realises the tree is not what it seems. As a terrifying threat to planet Earth is revealed, Clyde and Phoenix are dragged into the fight. Rani is torn between revealing the truth, or keeping a secret too terrifying to broadcast..

  • TDP 1157: By Hook Or By Crook A Prisoner Podcast Coming Soon...

    29 May 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes and 56 seconds

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  • TDP 1156: 4th #DoctorWho The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 12: New Frontiers

    25 May 2023 (5:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 44 seconds

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      12.1 Ice Heist! by Guy Adams (4 parts) Recently, the world changed for Margaret Hopwood. Everything she knew was turned upside down by the arrival of a strange man in a blue box. And now nothing in her life seems the same. So when he comes back with a lady called Leela and an invitation to an unusual art gallery, she’s more than happy to join him for the ride. And what a ride it is. Because it’s an art gallery on a distant world… where a deadly plan is about to commence - one involving creatures called Ice Warriors. 12.2 Antillia the Lost by Phil Mulryne (4 parts) Antillia. A place of mystery. A manufactured island in space, lost to time. But now it’s finally been found. The Doctor and his friends arrive on Antillia at the same time as an expeditionary party, delighted to solve one of the great mysteries of history. But they may have found more than they bargained for. Some things are better off lost.

  • TDP 1155: Robots volume 6 from #bigfinish review doctorwho

    17 May 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 30 seconds

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      This title was released in April 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31st May 2023, and on general sale after this date. During the events of , Liv Chenka left the Doctor and the TARDIS behind. Just for one year. A year during which she would live on Kaldor, and get to know her sister Tula all over again. But Kaldor is going through a period of tumultuous change. Technology is changing at an advanced rate - the robots are evolving, artificial intelligence is adapting, and with these changes so politics is altering too. Dangerously. Can Liv and Tula make a difference during the most turbulent time in the world’s history? 6.1 Force of Nature by Helen Goldwyn A month after Tula’s enhancement chip was compromised, she and Liv join a compulsory ‘Recovery Training Course’ to help rehabilitate those infected. But they soon become embroiled in the tensions between the course participants and a very human-like SuperVoc - seemingly with its own agenda... 6.2 Face to Face by John Dorney When Tula wakes to find some strangely familiar faces in her living room, a battle of wills breaks out. Not everyone can leave... but will they let the right one out? 6.3 The Final Hour by Matt Fitton Liv Chenka’s time on Kaldor is almost at an end. The Company seems more powerful than ever. There’s unrest on the streets, the people are scared. And Tula is in trouble with her boss... But there are those who stand against the Company. Those with a new vision of the future for Kaldor and its Robots. An intricate plan is in motion - the Chenka sisters are about to spend their final hour on the planet.

  • TDP 1154 3B. Star Cops: The High Frontier 2 from #bigfinish review from #tindogpodcast

    10 May 2023 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 19 seconds

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      review   This title was released in April 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31st May 2023, and on general sale after this date. It’s the near future, and mankind has expanded its presence in space. Maintaining law and order beyond Earth is the responsibility of the International Space Police Force, known colloquially as the Star Cops. Nathan and his team step up their investigations into the secretive and ruthless criminal organisation known as the Collective. As they come closer to identifying who’s in charge, with enquiries on Earth and in space, the Collective strikes back. The Star Cops must identify who is a friend and who is a deadly foe. 3.4 Old Flame, New Fire by Alison Winter Earth leave in Liverpool is disrupted for both Devis and Paul when a figure from Paul’s undercover past comes back into his life. On Moonbase, an investigation into a contraband food additive leads Nathan and Kenzy into danger. 3.5 Grandma’s Footsteps by Katharine Armitage Kenzy enlists the help of an old friend on Earth to follow a trail that could lead to the unmasking of the leader of the Collective. On the Moon, Nathan and Devis are dealing with a series of accidents that don't look very accidental - and that will force Devis to reveal a secret. 3.6 Escape and Evasion by Andrew Smith The leader of the Collective is in custody on the Moon, with arrangements in hand for their transport back to Earth under armed guard. But an escape plan is in place. And the Collective’s operatives are prepared to kill anyone who gets in their way.

  • TDP 1153: 73. #Torchwood: Launch Date

    3 May 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 42 seconds

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    This title was released in April 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 June 2023, and on general sale after this date. Geraint fails to notice Chrissie flirting with him. Too late to go back. That’s the story of Geraint’s life. A lot of missed opportunities. Geraint’s fed up of it all - his dead-end job and his dead-end life. So, he asks his best mate for help. Sort his life out. And Ianto Jones is only too happy to help.  

  • TDP 1152: Mandalorian Season3 Episode 8

    1 May 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 14 seconds

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      back to more #Doctorwho tomorrow

  • TDP 1151: Mandalorian Season3 Episode 7

    30 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds

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      last one tomorror

  • TDP 1150: Mandalorian Season3 Episode 6

    29 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 27 seconds

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      more tomorrow

  • TDP 1149: Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 5

    28 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 16 seconds

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      another of the Daily binge of Mandalorian. more tomorrow

  • TDP 1148: Mandalorian Season3 Episode 4 The Foundling

    27 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 6 minutes and 10 seconds

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      more tomorrow

  • TDP 1147: Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 3

    26 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 31 seconds

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      daily look at mandalorian ... more tomorrow

  • TDP 1146: Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2

    25 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds

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      a daily look at season 3 of mandalorian

  • TDP 1145: #Starwars The Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 1

    24 April 2023 (7:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 41 seconds

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      episode 1 of the daily release of Mandalorian reviews. More Tomorrow

  • TDP 1144: 71. #Torchwood: The Last Love Song of Suzie Costello

    5 April 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 57 seconds

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        This title was released in February 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2023, and on general sale after this date. An island has appeared in the North Atlantic Ocean. Suzie Costello comes to investigate and finds a crashed spaceship on the seabed. Inside the spaceship is a mystery. And also something Suzie has never dreamed of...    

  • TDP 1143: #DoctorWho 2.4. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Shades of Fear

    29 March 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 37 seconds

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      This title was released in February 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 30 April 2023, and on general sale after this date. Alien threats come in many forms - and many different hues. A charity shop where customers vanish, a 1920s gentleman's club besieged by giant plants, and a distant colony planet where death hides in darkness - wherever they manifest, the Doctor is on hand to fight every shade of fear... 4.1 The Colour of Terror by Lizzie Hopley Mrs Bevell wants to keep the star rating for her charity shop at any cost - but why does she stock so many items of one particular shade? When West Morebry residents start to notice disappearances, the Doctor assembles a motley band to do battle... with the colour red! 4.2 The Blooming Menace by James Kettle Toby Entwhistle and his bachelor chums in the Fellows Club are falling victim to a plague - of marriage! The chaps are all besotted by giant flowers - but Toby’s new valet seems to know what’s going on. The Doctor could be London's only hope... 4.3 Red Darkness by Roy Gill The sunlight from Solis Kailya could revolutionise colony farming. While his mother researches its properties, Callen and his seeing (and talking!) dog Doyle meet a new arrival - and discover an impending threat... The Vashta Nerada are closing in, and they are not alone.

  • TDP 1142: Avalon Volume 01

    22 March 2023 (7:24am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 45 seconds

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      The third century of the second calendar. Roj Blake is about to discover a powerful spaceship and spearhead a rebellion against the despotic Federation. But he can’t be everywhere at once... Throughout the galaxy, brave people fight for freedom, without the benefit of miraculous alien technology. Avalon has only her wits and her contacts to rely on – but her name will become legend, all the same. 1.1 Terra Firma by Steve Lyons The Resistance on Earth has been decimated. Blake has been arrested. Avalon returns home, to the seat of the Federation's power, to pick up the pieces. But she'll need the help of a self-centred smuggler named Jenna... 1.2 Throwback by Gary Russell Argo Madison’s career as a clerk was uneventful – until a band of outlaws burst into his ordered life and brought it crashing down around him. Now, Captain Travis of Space Security wants to know what Madison knows about the rebel leader Avalon... 1.3 Black Water by Trevor Baxendale Avalon hopes to pull the Resistance on Earth together with a bold attack upon an Administration facility. But her plan might be doomed before she can put it into action, thanks to a traitor in the ranks...

  • TDP 1139: 10. #DoctorWho: Unbound: Doctor of War 2: Destinyny

    13 March 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 59 seconds

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      Times have changed. A choice was made and the universe diverged. And now all of history is at war. One man stands at the centre of it all. But whose side is he on? Is he with the angels? Or the demons? And does anyone even know which is which? He was a Doctor once, but now he is Doctor no more. He is the Warrior. The Doctor of War. Who Am I? by Nigel Fairs The Tesh and the Sevateem are at war, obeying the orders of their God Xoanon. But they cannot know their battle has a higher purpose, one led by the Time Lord responsible for Xoanon's condition. A Time Lord called... the Master. Time Killers by Lizzie Hopley Arriving on Marinus in search of a temporal weapon, the Warrior and the Master are confronted by a place where time literally is money. As the Master finds himself in changed circumstances, the Warrior finds himself with a deadly decision to make. The Key To Key To Time by Tim Foley As battle continues to rage across the history of the cosmos, the White Guardian opts to provide the Warrior with a way out... located at the end of a dangerous quest, with an even more dangerous companion. But can a Time War ever truly end?

  • TDP 1141: #DoctorWho 8th 5. Doctor Who: Time War 5: Cass

    6 March 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 50 seconds

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      This title was released in January 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2023, and on general sale after this date. The Doctor and his great-grandson Alex are back travelling the universe together… but when that universe is in the grips of a Time War, the unexpected lurks round every corner... 5.1 Meanwhile, Elsewhere by Tim Foley (1 part) The Doctor and Alex arrive on a tropical beach where something’s amiss. Meanwhile, elsewhere… a desperate pilot runs for his life. Meanwhile, elsewhere… it’s Cass Fermazzi’s first day on an errand-class starship. Meanwhile, elsewhere… it’s the beginning of the end of everything. 5.2 Vespertine by Lou Morgan (1 part) It’s Cass’s first trip in the TARDIS, and the Doctor is determined to make it one to remember. But when they arrive at a research base that shouldn’t exist, built above a missing explorer’s ship that should never have been found, it seems their visit’s going to be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Because deep beneath the ice, there’s more than just a long-lost ship waiting for them… 5.3 Previously, Next Time by James Moran (2 parts) Part One: The Doctor, Cass and Alex land to find out what's causing temporal anomalies with the TARDIS, and come across an uninhabited planet, a mysterious factory, and a weapon so dangerous, it could destroy the Universe. But things go catastrophically wrong… Part Two: The factory has vanished along with the TARDIS, and the formerly uninhabited planet is now fully populated by people who have been here for thousands of years, people who have never heard of the Time War OR Daleks. Something very strange is going on with time itself - and it's running out, fast.

  • TDP 1137: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio Some thoughts

    27 February 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 12 seconds

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      TDP 1137: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio Some thoughts

  • TDP 1140: THE WORLDS OF BLAKE'S 7 Allies and Enemies

    24 February 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 11 seconds

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      From the start of the rebellion to its brutal conclusion, Arlen has hunted for Roj Blake. Cally fights beside her. Jenna Stannis works for her. Space Commander Travis is her mentor. As she plays each side off against the other, how will Arlen decide who are allies and who are enemies? Saurian Major by Lizbeth Myles Saurian Major is a key Federation communications hub. Federation Officer Arlen undertakes an undercover mission to destroy the rebel factions that threaten it. The last person she expects to find is an Auron outcast among the humans. Will the mysterious Cally disrupt her plan? No Name by Simon Guerrier Everyone on Vanstone is hiding something. That’s why they are there. Hiding from her own past, Arlen wonders what has brought Roj Blake to this remote outpost. Has Arlen uncovered a buried secret? And what does Space Commander Travis want on Vanstone? Sedition by Jonathan Morris Jenna Stannis knows that smuggling guns will help free Solta-Minor from the Federation. And she suspects that’s not the only reason why Arlen wants her help. But Jenna doesn’t know who else is on the planet. How can Travis have survived Star One?

  • TDP 1135: Andor Season 1

    20 February 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 4 seconds

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      som thoughts on how andor is basically Blakes 7 with a budget

  • TDP 1138: #Torchwood 70 Double Part 2

    17 February 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 28 seconds

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      This title was released in January 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2023, and on general sale after this date. A lot of people have died, and not for the first time in her life, Roberta Craven has changed sides. Travelling the world with a dead man, she’s negotiating world peace. Or is she starting a world war? The Autons are coming. And Torchwood won’t stop them...

  • TDP 1136: #Torchwood 69 Double Part 1

    13 February 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 50 seconds

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      review   This title was released in January 2023. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 March 2023, and on general sale after this date. 1970s London is a place of suspicion and murder. The assassination of an entire embassy comes to the attention of Torchwood. There’s a global energy crisis. There’s an alien invasion. Petrochemical companies are subject to hostile take overs by the mysterious Nessoil. Extremely hostile take overs. Roberta Craven was once a spy. Now she’s broken. But she can still see the patterns in the world. And they’re closing in around her.

  • TDP 1130: #DoctorWho Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor Adventures: Connections

    10 February 2023 (11:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 31 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2023, and on general sale after this date. The Doctor, Liv and Helen are out in the universe, picking up missing pieces, and finding lost connections. After a package entangles them with shifty Time Lord Drax, the TARDIS crew are haunted by past loves on a space station, before Helen encounters somebody she believed long gone... Here Lies Drax by John Dorney (1 part) The Doctor, Liv and Helen are surprised to get a letter delivered to the TARDIS from the Doctor’s old school friend, Drax. They’re even more surprised when it’s followed by a parcel also sent by the intergalactic con-man, asking them to keep its contents safe. Contents that seem to be a lot of worthless junk. And their surprise gets even bigger when this parcel is itself followed by an invitation... to Drax’s funeral. And that’s just where the surprises start. The Love Vampires by James Kettle (1 part) Regret can follow people everywhere - even out into deep space, in the shadow of a dying star. When the Doctor, Liv and Helen meet the terrified crew of a space station, all are haunted by faces from the past. But these lost loves are more than mere memories - and they want to feed... Albie's Angels by Roy Gill (1 part) When the Doctor and friends hunt down time anomalies in 2020s Soho, Helen steps into the past and meets the brother she thought she’d lost forever. But there are Weeping Angels in London - and one of the stone assassins wants something from the Doctor and Liv...

  • TDP 1131: #DoctorWho 8. The War Master: Escape from Reality

    6 February 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 49 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2022, and on general sale after this date. Pursued by a squadron of Dalek assault ships, the Master's only hope is to abandon the space-time vortex and flee into an altogether different reality: a realm of fiction. Confronted with creatures of myth and figures from folklore, the Master sees an opportunity to scavenge a universe of impossible artefacts and use them against his enemies. But first, he must face off against a host of legendary monsters, literary heroes and embody fiction’s greatest consulting detective: Sherlock Holmes. 8.1 The Wrath of Medusa by Rochana Patel Crashing into a universe of fiction, the Master finds himself lost in a world of Greek mythology… with a Dalek assault squad close behind. 8.2 The Shadow Master by Lizzie Hopley As the Master plunders inconceivable artefacts from an impossible universe, he encounters a figure that may prove his greatest threat: his own Shadow. 8.3 The Adventure of the Deceased Doctor by Alfie Shaw When Dr John Watson is informed of his own murder, only the world’s greatest consulting detective can assist. He just happens to come from a different world. 8.4 The Master of Dorian Gray by David Llewellyn Seeking the power of immortality, the Master works himself into the life of Dorian Gray. But can he change how the story ends?

  • TDP 1133: BNW2. UNIT: Brave New World: Visitants

    3 February 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 19 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2023, and on general sale after this date. The countdown to the millennium begins. New dangers face Brigadier Winifred Bambera, Sergeant Jean-Paul Savarin and Dr Louise Rix - some manmade, some uncanny, and some from beyond this world. To defeat them they must stand together... or there’ll be no tomorrow. 2.1 The Frequency by Tajinder Singh Hayer UNIT has been invited to take part in the testing of a top-secret US Air Force project designed to make military groups function better as a team: the 'Hoplite Frequency'. However, the implications of this powerful mind-altering technology make Sergeant Savarin uncomfortable. Will Bambera heed the misgivings of her loyal Number Two, or take the charismatic Colonel Hagen up on his offer and choose to embrace the Frequency? 2.2 Haunt by Lizzie Hopley Bambera joins Rix on an excursion up north to investigate strange goings on at the abandoned Greensands Hotel. Are local legends true that the hotel is haunted by a murderous bogeyman known as Baghead, or is there a more down-to-earth explanation? The only way to uncover the truth is to stay in the hotel overnight, but their digging into the building's past has awoken something that would have been better left alone. 2.3 The Last Line of Defence by Robert Valentine With the civil war in Valge Maja threatening to spark an even greater conflict, Bambera is put in charge of security at a secret Millennium Eve peace conference to settle the matter. But as all of Earth’s leaders gather to debate the future of humanity, dark forces have conspired to ensure that this meeting will usher in a terrifying New World Order - and with the clock ticking, who can possibly stand in their way?

  • TDP 1133: BNW2. UNIT: Brave New World: Visitants

    3 February 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 19 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2023, and on general sale after this date. The countdown to the millennium begins. New dangers face Brigadier Winifred Bambera, Sergeant Jean-Paul Savarin and Dr Louise Rix - some manmade, some uncanny, and some from beyond this world. To defeat them they must stand together... or there’ll be no tomorrow. 2.1 The Frequency by Tajinder Singh Hayer UNIT has been invited to take part in the testing of a top-secret US Air Force project designed to make military groups function better as a team: the 'Hoplite Frequency'. However, the implications of this powerful mind-altering technology make Sergeant Savarin uncomfortable. Will Bambera heed the misgivings of her loyal Number Two, or take the charismatic Colonel Hagen up on his offer and choose to embrace the Frequency? 2.2 Haunt by Lizzie Hopley Bambera joins Rix on an excursion up north to investigate strange goings on at the abandoned Greensands Hotel. Are local legends true that the hotel is haunted by a murderous bogeyman known as Baghead, or is there a more down-to-earth explanation? The only way to uncover the truth is to stay in the hotel overnight, but their digging into the building's past has awoken something that would have been better left alone. 2.3 The Last Line of Defence by Robert Valentine With the civil war in Valge Maja threatening to spark an even greater conflict, Bambera is put in charge of security at a secret Millennium Eve peace conference to settle the matter. But as all of Earth’s leaders gather to debate the future of humanity, dark forces have conspired to ensure that this meeting will usher in a terrifying New World Order - and with the clock ticking, who can possibly stand in their way?

  • TDP 1134: #Torchwood 68 The Empire Man

    30 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2023, and on general sale after this date. Christmas Eve, and in a secret library underneath Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria has invited her new prime minister to a very private tradition. At one hour to midnight, the monarch insists on the telling of ghost stories. Stories of the supernatural, the alien, and the unsettling. Only this year, something else has got in. We are not alone.

  • TDP 1134: #Torchwood 68 The Empire Man

    30 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds

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      This title was released in December 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2023, and on general sale after this date. Christmas Eve, and in a secret library underneath Buckingham Palace, Queen Victoria has invited her new prime minister to a very private tradition. At one hour to midnight, the monarch insists on the telling of ghost stories. Stories of the supernatural, the alien, and the unsettling. Only this year, something else has got in. We are not alone.

  • TDP 1128: #DoctorWho #UNIT vNEM3. UNIT: Nemesis 3: Objective - Earth

    27 January 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 35 seconds

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      This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2023, and on general sale after this date. Axos has been freed from the time loop, and is plotting to drain Earth’s energy. Without the Doctor’s help to stop the powerful space parasite, UNIT are forced to rely on a multi-personality renegade Time Lord... known as the Eleven. UNIT Chief Kate Stewart and her squad now have to confront her father's past foe... 3.1 The Vulpreen Encounter by Andrew Smith When a forty-mile-long asteroid drifts into the solar system, Osgood and new UNIT recruit Lt Jimmy Tan are sent to investigate on board the newly-built UK spaceship Starseeker. Kate Stewart visits a UNIT safe house in Norway where Jacqui McGee is recovering from the trauma of her experiences at the hands of the Vulpreen. She needs Jacqui’s help against the Vulpreen threat - but can she be trusted? 3.2 By Jacqui McGee by Lisa McMullin As Kate Stewart and the UNIT team race to escape a Vulpreen assassination squad, Jacqui McGee uploads the most important report of her career. Vulpreen Commander Krillen is coordinating a hostile operation across planet Earth. But are the Vulpreen planning an immediate attack, or do they have something more sinister in mind? 3.3 Axos Unleashed by Katharine Armitage With the threat of a Vulpreen invasion imminent, a new menace presents itself in the shape of golden humanoids. A foe from UNIT's past. Axos has escaped the Time trap it was placed in years before and has returned to feed off the Earth. 3.4 Time of the Vulpreen by Roland Moore UNIT coordinates a worldwide response to the arrival of Vulpreen Arches around the globe. Troops stand ready to face the invaders. Kate Stewart and Osgood form an uneasy alliance with the Eleven to destroy the time fields that protect each Arch and which are being used as a devastating weapon by the Vulpreen. But when the invasion starts, the odds may be stacked too heavily against them...

  • TDP 1128: #DoctorWho #UNIT vNEM3. UNIT: Nemesis 3: Objective - Earth

    27 January 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes and 35 seconds

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      This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2023, and on general sale after this date. Axos has been freed from the time loop, and is plotting to drain Earth’s energy. Without the Doctor’s help to stop the powerful space parasite, UNIT are forced to rely on a multi-personality renegade Time Lord... known as the Eleven. UNIT Chief Kate Stewart and her squad now have to confront her father's past foe... 3.1 The Vulpreen Encounter by Andrew Smith When a forty-mile-long asteroid drifts into the solar system, Osgood and new UNIT recruit Lt Jimmy Tan are sent to investigate on board the newly-built UK spaceship Starseeker. Kate Stewart visits a UNIT safe house in Norway where Jacqui McGee is recovering from the trauma of her experiences at the hands of the Vulpreen. She needs Jacqui’s help against the Vulpreen threat - but can she be trusted? 3.2 By Jacqui McGee by Lisa McMullin As Kate Stewart and the UNIT team race to escape a Vulpreen assassination squad, Jacqui McGee uploads the most important report of her career. Vulpreen Commander Krillen is coordinating a hostile operation across planet Earth. But are the Vulpreen planning an immediate attack, or do they have something more sinister in mind? 3.3 Axos Unleashed by Katharine Armitage With the threat of a Vulpreen invasion imminent, a new menace presents itself in the shape of golden humanoids. A foe from UNIT's past. Axos has escaped the Time trap it was placed in years before and has returned to feed off the Earth. 3.4 Time of the Vulpreen by Roland Moore UNIT coordinates a worldwide response to the arrival of Vulpreen Arches around the globe. Troops stand ready to face the invaders. Kate Stewart and Osgood form an uneasy alliance with the Eleven to destroy the time fields that protect each Arch and which are being used as a devastating weapon by the Vulpreen. But when the invasion starts, the odds may be stacked too heavily against them...

  • TDP 1132: Wedsnesday - hogwarts for goths

    23 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 46 seconds

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  • TDP 1132: Wedsnesday - hogwarts for goths

    23 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 46 seconds

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  • TDP 1127: #DoctorWho Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor Adventures: Sullivan and Cross - AWOL

    20 January 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 42 seconds

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      This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 December 2022, and on general sale after this date. Sometimes a Time Lord forgets precisely where he left things - keys, screwdrivers... companions! Harry Sullivan and Naomi Cross are stuck in the wrong time, so when the TARDIS arrives, they give up their 21st-century lives to find a way home. But as they join the Doctor - a different version to any they've met before - Harry and Naomi are in for a few perilous stops along the way... London Orbital by John Dorney (4 parts) Long ago, a massacre in a suburban house led to the young Harry Sullivan joining UNIT. But the murders were never solved. Years later, Harry and Naomi Cross investigate an oddity in the London Underground and uncover a whole different side to the capital. Creatures of myth are running amok across the city in a conflict going back decades. And somewhere in the shadows lurks a new incarnation of their old friend... the Doctor. And he's here to stop a war. Scream of the Daleks by Lisa McMullin (2 parts) Halloween 1969. The Doctor, Harry and Naomi respond to a scream for rescue. They find that people have been dying on the same spot on this day across millennia. But in their bid to stop the nightmare, the travellers have unleashed the Doctor’s old enemy. This may be one cry for help better left unanswered...

  • TDP 1127: #DoctorWho Doctor Who: The Seventh Doctor Adventures: Sullivan and Cross - AWOL

    20 January 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 42 seconds

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      This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 December 2022, and on general sale after this date. Sometimes a Time Lord forgets precisely where he left things - keys, screwdrivers... companions! Harry Sullivan and Naomi Cross are stuck in the wrong time, so when the TARDIS arrives, they give up their 21st-century lives to find a way home. But as they join the Doctor - a different version to any they've met before - Harry and Naomi are in for a few perilous stops along the way... London Orbital by John Dorney (4 parts) Long ago, a massacre in a suburban house led to the young Harry Sullivan joining UNIT. But the murders were never solved. Years later, Harry and Naomi Cross investigate an oddity in the London Underground and uncover a whole different side to the capital. Creatures of myth are running amok across the city in a conflict going back decades. And somewhere in the shadows lurks a new incarnation of their old friend... the Doctor. And he's here to stop a war. Scream of the Daleks by Lisa McMullin (2 parts) Halloween 1969. The Doctor, Harry and Naomi respond to a scream for rescue. They find that people have been dying on the same spot on this day across millennia. But in their bid to stop the nightmare, the travellers have unleashed the Doctor’s old enemy. This may be one cry for help better left unanswered...

  • TDP 1129: #Blakes7 After The War

    16 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 48 seconds

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    The galactic war has unexpected repercussions. Humanity struggles. The Federation is reeling. And enemies are still at large... Andromeda One by Trevor Baxendale Space Commander Travis knows that a data thief on the volcanic planet Amerinth can crack the encrypted coordinates for Star One. His road to hell is paved with bad intentions. Will an old acquaintance help him or thwart his treacherous purpose? Fallout by Steve Lyons When her life capsule crashes on a farming world, Jenna Stannis strikes up an uneasy alliance with the local population and a suspicious Federation officer. Will any of them recognise the alien menace that threatens to destroy their fragile coalition and their lives? The Enemy by Katharine Armitage In the aftermath of their narrow escape from a devastated Liberator, Cally tracks down Jenna to a dilapidated space service station. Can Cally rescue her old friend and get them both to safety? Or has she unwittingly fallen into a deadly telepathic trap?

  • TDP 1129: #Blakes7 After The War

    16 January 2023 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 48 seconds

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    The galactic war has unexpected repercussions. Humanity struggles. The Federation is reeling. And enemies are still at large... Andromeda One by Trevor Baxendale Space Commander Travis knows that a data thief on the volcanic planet Amerinth can crack the encrypted coordinates for Star One. His road to hell is paved with bad intentions. Will an old acquaintance help him or thwart his treacherous purpose? Fallout by Steve Lyons When her life capsule crashes on a farming world, Jenna Stannis strikes up an uneasy alliance with the local population and a suspicious Federation officer. Will any of them recognise the alien menace that threatens to destroy their fragile coalition and their lives? The Enemy by Katharine Armitage In the aftermath of their narrow escape from a devastated Liberator, Cally tracks down Jenna to a dilapidated space service station. Can Cally rescue her old friend and get them both to safety? Or has she unwittingly fallen into a deadly telepathic trap?

  • TDP 1122: #DoctorWho 9th Doctor2.3. Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Hidden Depths

    13 January 2023 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 42 seconds

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      This title was released in November 2022. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2022, and on general sale after this date. Sometimes things lurk below the surface which only the Doctor can see... From a moon with poison seas, to a 19th-century health spa, even somewhere as everyday as a furniture store on a Sunday afternoon - there are always hidden depths and unseen dangers to uncover! 3.1 The Seas of Titan by Lizbeth Myles Out on Saturn's moon, Titan, an outpost all-but-forgotten by Earth struggles on against the odds. As the Doctor joins explorers deep in the methane seas, they discover a hidden civilisation. But will the Sea Devils prove to be the colony’s salvation or its final destruction? 3.2 Lay Down Your Arms by Lisa McMullin 1864. Instead of relaxing at the Bad Homburg Spa, its visitors are fighting. And Bertha Kinzky, housekeeper to Alfred Nobel, is appalled. Perhaps the mysterious Herr Schmidt can help? Soon, Bertha is contending with aliens, as well as her mother’s matchmaking, as she and the Doctor try to keep the peace. 3.3 Flatpack by John Dorney Liv Chenka and Tania Bell are spending Sunday afternoon on that most traditional of couple activities. Furniture-shopping! But just how long has London's newest Flatpack store been open? Who is its mysterious manager? And is it even Sunday? Liv is about to run into a very old friend...

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