Earth Station One

- Description:
- It ' s time to let your inner geek out to play.
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 271
- Average Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 00:00
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 minutes and 0 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 4 April 2015 (4:52pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 7 January 2014 (7:52pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 5 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 21 seconds
Earth Station One Episodes
Moving On Up....
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHey All, We are happy to announce that The ESO Network is moving off this website as of January 8th 2014. All your favorite shows and posts will now be found at Thank you to all fans over the past four years for their support and love off of this side, but we have … Continue reading
Moving On Up....
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHey All, We are happy to announce that The ESO Network is moving off this website as of January 8th 2014. All your favorite shows and posts will now be found at Thank you to all fans over the past four years for their support and love off of this side, but we have … Continue reading
Earth Station One Ep 195 - ESO Targets Arrow
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis week, the ESO crew reaches into their quivers and takes aim at the unexpected TV hit show, Arrow. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, Phantom Troublemaker, Drew Leiter, and John McCarthy review the CW series from last year’s impressive pilot to last month’s explosive mid-season finale. We also chat with writer/editor Larry Nemecek … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 194 - John Hughes Is a Righteous Dude
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis week, the ESO crew travels back to to 80′s to enjoy the works of John Hughes. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, and Rebecca Perry leave JD home alone and travel by plane, train, and automobile to celebrate a some kind of wonderful pretty in pink sixteenth birthday party held in a detention … Continue reading
Earth Station Who Episode 58 - The Time of the Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn Christmas Day 2013, the Eleventh Doctor’s time was up! Mike, Mike, Jen, the Phantom Troublemaker, and guest Josh Wilson sort through their first impressions of the 800th episode of the franchise. Did Moffat and co give us the Christmas present we wished for most, or did we find coal in our stockings? No matter … Continue reading
Earth Station Who Episode 57 - The Mind Robber
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWhile they anxiously await “The Time of The Doctor,” the ESW crew decides to take their minds off the impending departure of Matt Smith by taking a trip fantastic with the Second Doctor! Mike, Mike, Jen, the Phantom Troublemaker, and guest Nathan Laws encounter a different kind of Master, white robots, unicorns, minotaurs, sword fighters, … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 193 - ESO Reviews The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis week,’s Rebecca Perry joins Mike, Mike, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash as they return to Middle-Earth to review the middle chapter of Peter Jackson’s Hobbit trilogy. Almost as tough as facing a fire-breathing dragon, Radio Cult founders Ricky and Bambi try to rock themselves out of The Geek Seat! And speaking of … Continue reading
The Science of Santa
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHow do you celebrate the holidays when you love your job? Create a holiday episode of course! Fresh from the successes of the most recent public appearances Doctor Geek and his staff must explain the science behind Santa Clause before Claire's strike team reaches the North Pole. Check out our latest episode, and enjoy an … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 192 - You're a Wonder, Wonder Woman
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis week, the ESO crew turns their attention to the last (but certainly not least) of the DC Trinity Wonder Woman. For 72 years, the Amazon Princess has been the leading lady of the superhero genre and soon she will be featured on the big screen for the first time. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author … Continue reading
Earth Station Who Episode 56 - An Adventure in Space and Time
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsMike, Mike, Jen, and The Phantom Troublemaker continue to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who by traveling back to where it all began! And thanks to writer/producer Mark Gatiss, we don’t need a TARDIS to do it. The ESW crew reviews the docudrama that re-enacts the birth of a phenomenon. Plus, we Rant & … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 191 - The Fourth Annual ESO Geek Gift Guide
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIt’s the most wonderful time of the year! Also, the most stressful. In the never-ending battle to fight the holiday blues, the ESO crew steps up once again to provide some gift ideas for the geek in your life. To make things easier, you can find just about every item suggested by Mike, Mike, the … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 190 - ESO Reviews Catching Fire
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHappy Hunger Games! This week, ESO crew were selected to compete in the podcasting arena. Jennifer Hartshorn from the Higher-Learning District dominated her opponents Mike Faber (Info Tech District), Mike Gordon (Tiki District), Bobby Nash (Award-Winning District), and Ashley Bergner (Blogger District). However, all the tributes participate in the tour of the popular books and … Continue reading
Earth Station Who Episode 55 - The Day of the Doctor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAfter 50 years, The Doctor finally had his day and what a day it was! After the record-breaking global broadcast, the ESW crew celebrated the 50th anniversary with an event co-hosted with TimeGate Convention, Doctor Who: The Forgotten Doctor and DragonCon British Media Track. Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker had a blast sharing … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 189 - Action Figures: Our Favorite Action Heroes
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLights...Camera...Action! The ESO satellite reeks of testosterone this week as week rave about our favorite action heroes on the big and small screen. The award-winning author Bobby Nash takes control of the station and leads the elite fighting force of Mike, Mike, Dan Carroll, and Thomas Deja through shootouts, fists of fury, daredevil car chases, … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 188 - Thor: The Dark World Reviewed
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSince the summer movie season ended, the cinematic landscape has been pretty bleak. This weekend, just like thunder, the Odinson arrived in theaters with a sequel we can’t wait to talk about! Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, Jennifer Hartshorn, Alex Autry, and Rob Levy journey to Asgard to see if each is worthy … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 187 - Hulkamania Running Wild!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWatcha gonna do brutha, when the ESO crew runs wild on you? Oooooh yeeeah! Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, Joe Crowe, and Nick Ahlhelm step back in the squared circle to witness the birth of the superstars of wrestling. While we’re on the subject of giants, we also shoot with the president of … Continue reading
Earth Station Who Episode 53 - Terror of The Zygons
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWhoa Nessie! The ESW crew review the long-awaited DVD release of the classic Fourth Doctor adventure. Mike, Mike, Jen, and the Phantom Troublemaker avoid head shots, low budget stop motion effects, and orange calamari-pickle monsters to discover one of the best Doctor stories of the franchise. We also revisit the Tenth Doctor and reveal more … Continue reading
Episode 9 (S2E3) - Karaoke Contest
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHappy Halloween everyone! We have quite the treat in store for you. The investigation into Our Companion the Robot concludes. Robot helicopters are here, can Skynet be far behind? Meanwhile Dr. Geek must face Professor Pedantic in a battle of the labs. Little do they know the future is at stake. Listen to the newest … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 186 - I Ain't 'Fraid of No Ghosts
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe ESO crew concludes the Countdown to Halloween with a blazing campfire, some marshmallows, and our favorite ghost stories. Mike, Mike, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash are joined by Ghostbustin’ writer Erik Burnham and Halloween Legionnaires Martin Powell and Diana Leto for some spooky stories, terrorizing tales, and paranormal mysteries. Plus, The Bone Witch … Continue reading
Earth Station Boo 2 - Electric BOO-galoo
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsCalling all dorky demons and geeky ghouls! It is once again the time of year where spooky spirits roam the dusty corridors of Earth Station One and Phantom Troublemaker possesses the transmission to bring you the creepiest and scariest show of the year! That’s right, Phantomaniacs – Earth Station Boo has risen from the grave … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 185 - The Films of John Carpenter
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe continue our Countdown to Halloween spotlighting one of the true masters of horror, John Carpenter. Mike, Mike, award-winning author Bobby Nash, award-winning artist Mark Maddox, Anthony Taylor, and Drew Meyer run into some big trouble in Little China and escape from New York wearing their sunglasses while avoiding psychopaths in Shatner-masks, all the while … Continue reading
Ratchet Retrocast Episode 17
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsNever say "I'll be right back!" in this episode! Thats right, the gang dives into Slasher and Horror movies that changed how we slept with one eye open at night. Special guest Andrew Valentine and cameo by Matt Silva help tackle the world of blood and thrillers while we hope CD survives getting lost in … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 184 - ESO Delves into The X-Files
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe truth is no longer out there, it is on Earth Station One! We continue the Countdown to Halloween as former cigarette-smoking host Mike Gordon is joined by skeptic Mike Faber, believer and award-winning author Bobby Nash, and lone gunman Thomas Deja, to declassify one of the most influential TV series in our time. And … Continue reading
Next on Earth Station One..
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsESO's Countdown to Halloween Continues! Next week, the ESO crew knows the truth is out there as they dig into the declassified cases of The X-Files. We'll also have the usual assortment of Rants and Raves, ESO's Khan Report, interviews, The Geek Seat, Shout Outs, and so much more. We hope you'll join us for … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 183 - Finally, The Walking Dead
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew kicks off the Countdown to Halloween with a look at the apocalyptic series from Robert Kirkman. From the comics to TV, novels, toys, and games, it seems everyone’s favorite undead series will never die. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, and special guests Deadpool Speaks (from the Chimichanga … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 182 - Our Number's Up! ESO Reviews Person of Interest
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWe are being watched. Good thing Earth Station One is an audio podcast! Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, and Jack Kammerer Jr. take on The Machine and all the characters it surveys. We also have our own Fangasm when Molly McIsaac spends some time in The Geek Seat. Plus, rants and raves on … Continue reading
ESO Dragon Con 2013 Khan Report
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsDragon Con 2013 is behind us now, but the fond memories, con crud, and the numerous buckets o’ rum will live with us forever. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash, Mary Lou Who, Nikki Rau-Baker, and rookie Raven, tell their tales of survival among the record-setting crowd. Though one can never be truly prepared … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 181 - On a Quest with Monty Python for the Holy Grail
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew discusses something completely different. King Mike, his trusty steed Patsy Mike, the award-winning Sir Bobby the Brave, Sir Greg the Not-Quite-So-Award-Winning, Rebecca the Enchanter, Robert the Shrubber, and Sir Not-Apearing-in-this-Podcast risk just a bit of peril to discuss the classic comedy and there is much rejoicing. Plus, we also … Continue reading
Dragon Con 2013: The Needless Things Panels
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsI didn't want to go clogging up the esteemed Earth Station One newsfeed with the three (THREE!) episodes of the Needless Things Podcast I've released over the past week (WEEK!), so I saved 'em all up for one big dump. Er, post. One big post. Perhaps the biggest side benefit of being … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 180 - The King of Comics Jack Kirby
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn 1917, an artist named Jacob Kurtzburg was born and for the next three quarters of a century, he popped and krackled his way to creating fantastic, bombastic, amazing, astonishing, strange, romantic, suspenseful, thrilling adventures unlike anyone had seen before. Mike, Mike, the award-winning author Bobby Nash and fellow award-winners Mark Maddox and James R. … Continue reading
Earth Station One Dragon Con Special - Downton Abbey
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn the first of a monthly special episode of ESO, Recorded live on August 30th, 2013 at Dragon Con 2013, we are proud to bring you the very popular Downton Abbey panel in the Dragon Con British Media Track. Featuring Mike Faber, Jonathan Thomas , Carolyn Brown & Abeeda Mahboob. If you would like to … Continue reading
ESO Network Special - 2nd Annual ESO Network Dragon Con Reunion
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsRecorded live at Dragon Con 2103, an ESO Network gathering so large, only one of the largest conventions in the country could host it! Featuring Mike, Mike, Jennifer and the award-winning author Bobby Nash from the Earth Station One mothership, Phantom Troublemaker from Earth Station Who, Jason & Rita from Transmissions from Atlantis, Dr. Scott … Continue reading
Episode 8 (S2E2) - Cyberworld
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this new episode of Doctor Geek's Laboratory of Applied Geekdom, the investigation into Our Companion the robot continues. Meet Albin Johnson founder of The 501st Legion and owner of R2KT. Meanwhile Mr. Creature explores the future for robots at that most wretched hive of scum and villainy, The Cobalt Parrots Cantina
Earth Station One Episode 179 - Summer Movie Roundup & Fall TV Preview
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsAs the ESO crew basks in the afterglow that was Dragon Con, we pause to remember the many films that appealed for our affections over the last four months and look ahead to the series (new and returning) that will be flying through the air as we sit back and relax with our colortinis this … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 178 - ESO Live at Dragon Con 2013
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsRecorded live at Dragon Con 2013! The ESO crew hosted two panels this past weekend and you can listen to them both in their entirety! First, Mike, Mike, Jen, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash put American Classic SciFi in The Geek Seat with track director (and RevSF co-host) Joe Crowe. Then, we crash in … Continue reading
LARRY NIVEN Interview on ESO's White Rocket Podcast!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsLARRY NIVEN Interview on ESO’s White Rocket Podcast! This week on the ESO Network’s White Rocket Podcast, Van Allen Plexico interviews SF legend Larry Niven (Ringworld; Lucifer’s Hammer) before a big live audience at DragonCon 2013!
Earth Station One Episode 177 - Our Favorite Flavours of Cornetto
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew attempts an epic theater crawl to review three films, starting with Shaun of the Dead, advancing to Hot Fuzz, and concluding at The World’s End. The six friends (who had no idea one another existed while they were in high school) undertaking this quest are none other than Mike, … Continue reading
Needless Things Podcast Episode 9: Dragon Con - CALABRESE
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHello ESO-keteers and Phantomaniacs! It's time for the next thrilling installment of the Needless Things Podcast! I discovered one of my favorite bands on the planet at Dragon*Con (still with an asterisk then) 2009. This is when the bands were still at the Hyatt. I walked … Continue reading
ESO Dragon Con 2013 Khan Report Episode 8
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe big event we’ve been waiting for all year is less than a week away! We’ve packed as much content as we could into this final pre-Dragon Con episode for you to listen to as you’re packing your costumes and other assorted geek items. Mike, Mike, Darren, MaryLouWho, Nikki, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash, … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 176
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThe ESO crew are not what they seem, but they do enjoy a damn good cup of coffee and a slice of cherry pie. Mike, Mike, Jennifer, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash are joined by Josh Wilson to discuss the ground breaking 90′s series. We wanted to put the Log Lady’s wooden friend in … Continue reading
Needless Things Podcast Episode 8: DJ Spider
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHello ESO-keteers and Phantomaniacs! It's time for the next thrilling installment of the Needless Things Podcast! After the magic of Heroes Con I knew I was going to have to do a full episode with the magnificent DJ Spider. I got to enjoy an excellent conversation on costuming with her and some other folks … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 175 - ESO Says Farewell to Burn Notice
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew breaks the classified seal on Michael Weston and his team as we prepare for the series finale of Burn Notice. Mike, Mike, Jennifer, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash are joined by Jim “Spiff” Griffin and John McCarthy as they give a full debrief on what made the series … Continue reading
ESO Dragon Con 2013 Khan Report Ep 7a DC Hotel Preview
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsMike Faber & Darren Nowell of the ESO Dragon Con 2013 Khan Report take you on a tour of Dragon Con site, and show you the basics of the Hotels used in the annual con help in downtown Atlanta. Feedback is always welcome at Note:*Since the making of this video we have learned that … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 174 - The Satirical Work of "Weird Al" Yankovic
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew honors one of the truest geniuses of our time – the award-winning master musician, songwriter, producer, director, author, actor, humorist, podcaster, multi-media artist known as “Weird Al” Yankovic. Mike, Mike, Jennifer, and the award-winning author Bobby Nash are joined by Phantom Troublemaker and Gary Mitchell compare one anther’s ultimate … Continue reading
ESO Dragon Con Khan 2013 Report Episode 7
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWith Dragon Con less then a month away, the crew buckles down and tries to hold the wave of Con Fever back from overtaking us. Mike, Darren, Mary and special Guest Star Bobby Nash are joined by the Second in Command of the Dragon Con Media Relations, / Interview Room Manager, Samantha Douglas, who gives … Continue reading
Our Companion The Robot Investigation Begins
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsI am proud to announce the premier of the second season of Doctor Geek's Laboratory of Applied Geekdom. In Episode 7 (S2E1), the investigation into Our Companion the Robot begins. Will robots ever become third in command of a starship? Or will they snap and become our robot overlords?
Earth Station One Episode 173 - The Wolverine Movie Reivew
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWith 'Howdy' Mike Gordon sick in bed, Mike F, Bobby and Jen carried on and headed back to the theater for a screening of the latest adventure of everyone's favorite clawed mutant. That's right, we're reviewing The Wolverine and are joined by the ESO movie reviewer Ashley Bergner and Drew Leitner to join the crew … Continue reading
Needless Things Podcast Episode 7: San Diego Comic Con 2013
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsSurprise! It’s time for another Needless Things Podcast! I hadn’t expected to be doing another one quite so soon, but when my co-host Mr. Beau Brown wants to talk Masters of the Universe, I have learned it is best to get on the ball and make things happen. And there was a lot of MOTU … Continue reading
Earth Station One Episode 171 - The Golden Age of Professional Wrestling
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsOn this episode, the ESO crew enters the squared circe to grapple with the early origins of the unique world of sports entertainment. Mike, Mike, and the award winning author Bobby Nash face off against Joe Crowe, Nick Ahlehelm, and John Morgan Neal in the ultimate battle for the ESO title belt. We also chat … Continue reading
Needless Things Podcast Episode 6: LIVE From Odin's Comics
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHello ESO-keteers and Phantomaniacs! It's time for the next thrilling installment of the Needless Things Podcast! We recorded this nugget of joy LIVE at Odin's Cosmic Bookshelf in the heart of scenic Lilburn, Georgia. In this episode I am joined on a permanent basis by my co-host Mr. Beau Brown - puppeteer and costumer extraordinaire. … Continue reading