Who Wars - A Star Wars & Doctor Who Podcast

- Description:
- Beaming out of Sydney (Australia) Sundays at 7pm, The Who Wars Podcast is for those among us who just can't decide between Star Wars and Doctor Who. Who says you need to decide, anyway?
Homepage: http://whowars.podbean.com
RSS Feed: http://whowars.podbean.com/feed/
- Episodes:
- 67
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:01:06
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:3:44:38
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 2 days, 20 hours, 13 minutes and 28 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 7 September 2014 (9:00am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 27 July 2016 (12:48pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 10 days, 6 hours, 51 minutes and 46 seconds
Who Wars - A Star Wars & Doctor Who Podcast Episodes
jenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor semua ikan hias yang kami jual adalah yang terbaik anda tidak perlu ragu karena kami mengambilnya langsung dari peternak dan tempat budidaya ikan hias terbaik di indonesia jadi percayakan semuanya hanya kepada kami, kami juga melayani ecer dan grosir untuk semua jenis pembelian
jenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor semua ikan hias yang kami jual adalah yang terbaik anda tidak perlu ragu karena kami mengambilnya langsung dari peternak dan tempat budidaya ikan hias terbaik di indonesia jadi percayakan semuanya hanya kepada kami, kami juga melayani ecer dan grosir untuk semua jenis pembelian
jenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor semua ikan hias yang kami jual adalah yang terbaik anda tidak perlu ragu karena kami mengambilnya langsung dari peternak dan tempat budidaya ikan hias terbaik di indonesia jadi percayakan semuanya hanya kepada kami, kami juga melayani ecer dan grosir untuk semua jenis pembelian
jenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar ekspor semua ikan hias yang kami jual adalah yang terbaik anda tidak perlu ragu karena kami mengambilnya langsung dari peternak dan tempat budidaya ikan hias terbaik di indonesia jadi percayakan semuanya hanya kepada kami, kami juga melayani ecer dan grosir untuk semua jenis pembelian
jenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya yang lengkap hanya ada di toko kami bagi anda yang ingin merasakan ikan hias yang sehat dan lincah percayakan semua pesanan anda hanya kepada kami jadi tunggu apa lagi ayo pesan sekarang juga jangan sampai ke duluan sama temen kamu yaaa.
jenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya yang lengkap hanya ada di toko kami bagi anda yang ingin merasakan ikan hias yang sehat dan lincah percayakan semua pesanan anda hanya kepada kami jadi tunggu apa lagi ayo pesan sekarang juga jangan sampai ke duluan sama temen kamu yaaa.
jenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya yang lengkap hanya ada di toko kami bagi anda yang ingin merasakan ikan hias yang sehat dan lincah percayakan semua pesanan anda hanya kepada kami jadi tunggu apa lagi ayo pesan sekarang juga jangan sampai ke duluan sama temen kamu yaaa.
jenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsjenis ikan hias air tawar dan harganya yang lengkap hanya ada di toko kami bagi anda yang ingin merasakan ikan hias yang sehat dan lincah percayakan semua pesanan anda hanya kepada kami jadi tunggu apa lagi ayo pesan sekarang juga jangan sampai ke duluan sama temen kamu yaaa.
harga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHarga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara sangat murah karena mudah klo susah cenderung mahal karena biaya perawatannya dan maka untuk itu jika anda ingin membeli ikan sebaiknya memikirkan lebih dulu jadi jangan sampai habis biaya di jalan selamat berbelanja
harga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHarga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara sangat murah karena mudah klo susah cenderung mahal karena biaya perawatannya dan maka untuk itu jika anda ingin membeli ikan sebaiknya memikirkan lebih dulu jadi jangan sampai habis biaya di jalan selamat berbelanja
harga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHarga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara sangat murah karena mudah klo susah cenderung mahal karena biaya perawatannya dan maka untuk itu jika anda ingin membeli ikan sebaiknya memikirkan lebih dulu jadi jangan sampai habis biaya di jalan selamat berbelanja
harga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsHarga ikan hias air tawar yang mudah dipelihara sangat murah karena mudah klo susah cenderung mahal karena biaya perawatannya dan maka untuk itu jika anda ingin membeli ikan sebaiknya memikirkan lebih dulu jadi jangan sampai habis biaya di jalan selamat berbelanja
Podbean.com - superior podcast hosting.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWelcome to Podbean.com. With Podbean, you can create professional podcasts in minutes without any programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface allows you to upload, publish, manage and promote your podcasts with just a few clicks of your mouse. Just point, click and execute. How easy is that? Learn more at http://faq.podbean.com. Have a question ? Check out the Podbean.com support center. Happy Podcasting!
Podbean.com - superior podcast hosting.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWelcome to Podbean.com. With Podbean, you can create professional podcasts in minutes without any programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface allows you to upload, publish, manage and promote your podcasts with just a few clicks of your mouse. Just point, click and execute. How easy is that? Learn more at http://faq.podbean.com. Have a question ? Check out the Podbean.com support center. Happy Podcasting!
Podbean.com - superior podcast hosting.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWelcome to Podbean.com. With Podbean, you can create professional podcasts in minutes without any programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface allows you to upload, publish, manage and promote your podcasts with just a few clicks of your mouse. Just point, click and execute. How easy is that? Learn more at http://faq.podbean.com. Have a question ? Check out the Podbean.com support center. Happy Podcasting!
Podbean.com - superior podcast hosting.
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsWelcome to Podbean.com. With Podbean, you can create professional podcasts in minutes without any programming knowledge. Our user-friendly interface allows you to upload, publish, manage and promote your podcasts with just a few clicks of your mouse. Just point, click and execute. How easy is that? Learn more at http://faq.podbean.com. Have a question ? Check out the Podbean.com support center. Happy Podcasting!
The Who Wars Podcast #040 (6th September, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 21 minutes and 7 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of this being not only our 40th episode, but also our one-year anniversary; the past 39 episodes equal 4014 minutes of entertainment (and as of this episode it's 4155 minutes); Who Wars is being downloaded all over the world these days - a far cry from 80s fanzine land; thank you to all of you for listening to the show.07:50 FEATURE - WHO WARS - Kate @Kamiduu digs through the archives to provide an overview of the past year of Who Wars in both her own words and archival clips.30:25 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - Four Doctors #3 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness and Kate @Kamiduu1:12:30 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - Four Doctors #4 (Titan) by Andy @skaromedia and Rob @WhoWars1:40:40 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #13 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:47:32 BOOK REVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Silhouette by Rob @WhoWars1:55:40 FEATURE - WHO WARS - Andy @skaromedia gives his own thoughts about appearing on Who Wars and the material he's presented on the show during the past 12 months.2:02:27 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by some Star Wars-related listener email. There's no major topic discussed at the end of this episode, however, Rob does touch upon Force Friday and the marketing machine that is currently pushing Star Wars at every possible opportunity. Does he like it?2:20:25 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 26 Feeling the Force Friday
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 54 secondsThis week, Robert is joined by Alan Zaugg, Who Wars contributor and co-host of the Idiot's Array podcast.Force Friday toysAs part of the marketing leading up to "Force Friday," talent from Disney's Maker Studios will unwrap merchandise hourly in cities around the world on Sept. 3, with coverage on YouTube. At the company's ABC broadcast network, "Good Morning America" will carry the product unveilings on TV and online. It's all a prelude to a midnight kickoff for stores.
The Making of BB-8
The Force awakens to take all Imax theatres in first 4 weeks.
You have been listening to...
Robert Wanless - https://twitter.com/mingoose
Alan Zaugg - https://twitter.com/Jedizaugg
The Who Wars Podcast #039 (23rd August, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 21 minutes and 33 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of his week, his MX-5 roadster and the weather in Sydney; the leak of a Luke Skywalker image from Episode VII and the (over) reaction to it as he sees it; Warlord Games acquires the licence to make a Doctor Who miniatures game; a shocking discovery is made about which Doctor Rob is most like; and what's coming up in this episode, including a new segment called, "Doctor Noob".10:38 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - Kate @Kamiduu begins a new segment called "Doctor Noob" where a non-Doctor Who fan (or perhaps a very casual one), is invited to watch an episode selected by Kate, then talk about it on the show. This episode Kate speaks to Catrina Dennis @ohcatrina who is a Senior Editor at @moviepilotnews, Bartender at @UnderMosEisley and a Podcaster at @WomanUpPodcast and @FACPOV. What will this Star Wars fan think of Who?22:24 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Russ Leach @Kre8uk about sequential art, illustration & design. Russ is currently working for Panini on Doctor Who Adventures Magazine, which comprises most of the chat.54:04 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - Four Doctors #1 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars and Lex @Lexerness1:23:55 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - Four Doctors #2 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars and Kate @Kamiduu1:51:05 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #15 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness2:04:42 COMIC - STAR WARS - Star Wars #8 (Marvel) by Kate @Kamiduu and Jamie @blabbathehutt Discover more at blabbathehutt.com2:40:59 COMIC - STAR WARS - Kanan: The Last Padawan #5 (Marvel) by Jon @nerdstitute2:46:14 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu reports on D23 2015 and the amount of Star Wars news released at the event, including: no new trailer but a new poster by Drew Struzan; Rogue One cast and first image; Star Wars theme parks; gaming news with the Darth Vader themed PS4 and the Disney Infinities set. Kate then asks Twitter and the Who Wars team what sort of rides they'd like to see at the new Star Wars feature at Disneyland. Who Wars team responses by Rob @WhoWars Lex @Lexerness and Andy @skaromedia2:59:30 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, the chronology takes him to 1.6 "Downfall of a Droid" and 1.7 "Duel of the Droids" Have you seen these episodes? Tell us what you thought of them: hello@whowars.net3:07:57 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by some iTunes feedback and listener email. There's no major topic discussed at the end of this episode, however, Rob does go back to some themes touched upon in the opening of the show, and wonders if Star Wars fans are getting a little crazy as the countdown to The Force Awakens begins to intensify. Rob also acknowledges the clanger he made in the Four Doctors #1 review.3:20:52 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 25 A Transmission Explosion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 38 secondsThis week Rob and Jon are joined by Catrina Dennis who is a senior editor at Movie Pilot News as well as host of several podcasts including her own Star Wars Comics podcast Mos Eisley Comicport.
GenCon Report from Robert. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152943795105899.1073741831.94046575898&type=3
Entertainment Weekly articles
Kylo Ren: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/12/star-wars-force-awakens-kylo-ren
Photos: http://www.ew.com/gallery/star-wars-force-awakens-first-look-gallery
Abrams and Who is Luke: http://www.ew.com/article/2015/08/12/star-wars-luke-skywalker-hooked-jj-abrams
Force Awakens TV Spot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-VTdsCKLgg -
Force Friday starting to take shape.
http://jedinews.co.uk/news/news.aspx?newsID=22857 -
First sneak peek of Star Wars Shattered Empire
http://www.techtimes.com/articles/74978/20150807/new-star-wars-shattered-empire-details-explain-post-return-jedi.htm -
Josh Trank and the lucky escape http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/fantastic-four-blame-game-fox-814764?utm_source=twitter
No campaign in battle front. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/star-wars-battlefront-dev-says-it-didnt-consider-s/1100-6428463/
Princess Leia Retrospective with Catrina.
Darth Vader issue 8Lando Issue 2
The Who Wars Podcast #038 (9th August, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes and 36 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of the Who Wars production process; this episode's Matthew Jacobs interview; plugging our usual segments; a call-out for feedback on the show and iTunes reviews; and a special Paul Cornell interview which will be on the blog next Wednesday.04:39 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO/LUCASFILM - Kate @Kamiduu speaks with British writer, director, producer and actor, Matthew Jacobs. He is known best for his extensive career writing for television shows like Doctor Who and The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. He also directed two prize-winning TV movies for BBC films Hallelujah Anyhow (1992) and Mothertime (1998). Jacobs has also written several screen plays. His film credits include Lassie, The Emperor's New Groove and the cult classic Paperhouse. Aside from his work in television and film, Jacobs has worked on other projects in the entertainment industry. He has written for the video games Outlaws and Star Wars: Starfighter.44:46 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu canvasses opinion on what would make a good Star Wars TV series on Netflix. Opinions from Who Wars team members Andy @Skaromedia Alan @JediZaugg & Rob @WhoWars with additional Twitter comments from @PeterDiCicco @acrossthestars @brushyourteeth @JoaquinSlowly @darthkindness @werewolfcallgirl & @forcechildren55:13 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, the chronology takes him to 1.5 Rookies Have you seen it? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net1:01:30 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Elizabeth @egunhildcarter speaks with the Sixth Doctor, Colin Baker @SawbonesHex Seventh Doctor companion, Sophie Aldred @sophie_aldred and the Seventh Doctor himself, Sylvester McCoy at Manchester Comic Con 2015. You can hear more of these interviews -- and more -- in the first episode of Andy's new podcast @topgeak1:15:25 BOOK REVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Rob @WhoWars takes a look at the 2013 reference book, The Doctor: His Lives and Times. Does it hold up to the classic reference books of Rob's past? Who would be best served by it?1:29:35 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 9th Doctor #3 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars1:37:18 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #13 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:44:08 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of recent comments by Colin Baker in Doctor Who Magazine relating to the fairness of its polls and whether we need to know the least popular Doctors and stories as well as the most popular. Where do you stand on this? Tell us what you think in text or an MP3 to us at: hello@whowars.net1:51:54 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 24 Old Ben Rocks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 9 secondsKate from Who Wars joins Jonathan as they talk all things Star Wars.
Where is Rob? He is at Gencon this week.
Jar Jar could have been MJ http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/jul/24/michael-jackson-wanted-to-play-jar-jar-binks-in-star-wars-prequels
Rumour - Star Wars Live Action TV - Could they be considering using Star Wars Level 1313 scripts?
http://www.cinelinx.com/tv/item/8034-star-wars-live-action-tv-update-netflix-bound-exclusive.html -
Benicio Del Toro rumoured as a villain for Episode VIII
Star Wars Issue issue 7 We love old Ben stories.
Kanan The Last Padawan issue 4 A boy and his alien.
Throwback section:
What is our favourite written Star Wars Story (book or comic) and why?
Show Notes:
Jonathan Williams
https://twitter.com/nerdstituteRobert Wanless
The Who Wars Podcast #037 (26th July, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 10 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Ident & Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of what we've produced in the past couple of weeks, such as Episode 36 featuring an interview with a Doctor from Doctor Who; the Rivers of London special covering an exciting new comic series based on novels written by Doctor Who alumni Ben Aaronovitch; unboxing the new, limited edition, Robert Harrop Cyberman figurine; and a great episode of Cloud City Council last weekend. Welcome to Who Wars #37.08:13 INTERVIEW - SDCC - Kate @Kamiduu talks to long-term SDCC goer (and Star Wars and Doctor Who fan), Margaret Mays @magmays about her experiences at San Diego Comic Con 2015 and past conventions.30:56 FEATURE - STAR WARS/THE MUPPETS - Neil and Johnny from the Drinking In The Park podcast discuss some long-held links between the Muppets and Star Wars.(Drinking In The Park podcast available at www.neilandjohnny.com as well as The Droids Canada podcast and the Tangent Bound podcast network.)45:14 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, the chronology takes him to 1.2 Rising Malevolence; 1.3 Shadow of Malevolence; and 1.4 Destroy Malevolence. What does he think of them?58:20 COMIC - STAR WARS - Darth Vader #7 (Marvel) by Andy @skaromedia and additional acting by Kate @Kamiduu1:05:13 COMIC - STAR WARS - Kanan #4 (Marvel) by Jon @nerdstitute1:08:50 ADVERT - Lex @Lexerness channels her inner Amelia Pond to encourage you to join the Who Wars team.1:09:12 BOOK REVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Rob @WhoWars reviews the first 12th Doctor New Series Adventure (NSA), The Blood Cell. Have you read it? Why not email us at hello@whowars.net and tell us whether you agree with Rob's thoughts or not? We'd love to hear from you.1:20:02 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO/DALEKS - Jon @nerdstitute talks Robert @MinGoose through watching his first classic episode of Doctor Who, The Daleks. This is the first part in a wider, irregular series where Jon and Robert will look at every Dalek story to date.1:33:29 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an email from @Johnnerholler about the back page of Episode 36 where Rob discussed the potential over-saturation of Star Wars in the decade ahead. Following this, the editorial topic for this week is footage and trailers screened at San Diego Comic Con as "exclusives" and designed never to be seen again. What sort of marketing madness is this? In his usual style, Rob has his say. Want to comment back? Email the show at hello@whowars.net and tell us what you think.1:43:29 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 23 Practically Overreaching
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 21 secondsNews:
San Diego Comic Con what did we learn? Not much though we do go on a rant about CGI and practical effects.
Parents are weird (bikinigate: 30 years too late)
Star Wars Aftermath excerpt is released and it looks good.
Jonathan plays with the Star Wars App and Robert tries to remain interested.
In comics we talk about Princess Leia 5, Darth Vader 7, and Lando issue 1.
Throwback section
Dark Horse Comics Jedi vs Sith and why a weak series of comics is so important to the Star Wars universe as a whole.
Show Notes:Aftermath Excerpt from Enterainment WeeklyMad Max CGI comparison
Who Wars: Rivers of London Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 41 seconds00:00 Who Wars Network Ident00:07 Introduction to the Rivers of London series by Andy @Skaromedia03:36 Andy @Skaromedia speaks with Tom Bolton @teabolton a London waterways expert to find out just how much the fictitious river spirits in the Rivers of London series reflect their geographic inspirations.Tom's website: http://teabolton.tumblr.com/14:28 Andy @Skaromedia speaks with Ben Aaronovitch @Ben_Aaronovitch Andrew Cartmel @andrewcartmel & Lee Sullivan @LeeSullivanArt about the Rivers of London series. For the Doctor Who fans in our audience, none of these three gentlemen will require any further introduction. If you are new to any of them, learn more about them at their sites below.Ben's website: http://www.the-folly.com/Andrew's website: http://venusianfrogbroth.blogspot.co.uk/Lee's website: http://www.leesullivanart.co.uk/44:05 Andy @Skaromedia speaks with Betsy Chevron @BetsyChevron & Al No @TheMeandTheHim to discuss the Rivers of London comic. Is it a jumping on spot for newcomers or something better suited to existing readers of the novels?54:28 Closing remarks by Andy @Skaromedia
The Who Wars Podcast #036 (12th July, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 28 minutes and 18 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of this being our biggest ever, from the point of view that it features an interview between Andy @skaromedia and one of the classic era Doctors from Doctor Who, Colin Baker, which is as big on the Doctor Who side of the fence as, say, a Carrie Fisher or Mark Hammil interview would be on the Star Wars side of the fence; San Diego Comic Con and the various Star Wars and Doctor Who announcements there; Doctor Who had a panel (includes audio clip), the announcement of a Lego game (includes audio clip), and a Series 9 trailer (which gets discussed in the following segment); Star Wars had a panel, a behind-the-scenes video (includes audio clip), the release of Dark Disciple by Christie Golden, based on unfinished Clone Wars episodes (reviwed later in this episode), and a symphonic concert of John Williams' Star Wars music (includes audio clip); Welcome to Who Wars #36.11:00 TRAILER - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia Al No @TheMeandTheHim Rob @WhoWars J.R. Southall @JR_Southall Kate @Kamiduu Lex @Lexerness Elizabeth Carter, The Face of Little Bo and The Him discuss the new Doctor Who Series 9 trailer. Do we want to kiss it to death? Listen in to find out. This is also a sneak peak of many of the people involved with the Who Wars Network's "Doctor Who Review Show" that's coming out later in the year when Doctor Who returns to our TV screens. Stay tuned!26:26 BOOK REVIEW - STAR WARS - Matt Neve @swcanonrebel and Elaine Tveit @tveitlight25 discuss the new release Star Wars novel, Dark Disciple, based on unfinished Clone Wars episodes. This review is spoiler-free (depending on your interpretation of spoilers of course), and might help your purchase decision.53:50 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, the chronology take him back to the start for 1.1 Ambush Have you seen it? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net1:01:30 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #12 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:05:31 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #14 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:15:00 FEATURE/INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia helped to host the recent Hull Comic Con. Here, he speaks with Doctor Who cosplayers at the event; Derek, Robert, Melissa, Heather, Brian and Elizabeth (from 1:17:30) and rounds things off by hosting a Colin Baker (6th Doctor, 1984-1986) interview onstage (from 1:26:01). As mentioned in 'The Front Page' of this podcast, the sound for the interview comes from multiple sources. If you initially find it hard to listen to without headphones, do stick with it as a better sound source kicks in (1:28:43) for the majority of the interview. Enjoy.2:07:05 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of whether it's possible to have too much Star Wars in the decade ahead. This was a discussion Rob recently kicked off on Twitter - and was perhaps misunderstood in the process. At the end of this discussion, he reads an email from listener Baz Hood on the topic of the Star Wars: The Old Republic MMORPG that Rob recently blogged about on WhoWars.net2:27:36 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 22 You Were the Chosen One
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 14 secondsThis week Jonathan and Robert are hosting a roundtable talking about the themes of the Prequel trilogy. Alan Zaugg, from Who Wars and Mike Klimo from Star Wars Ring Theory.
Our subject matter for this week:
The role of Jar Jar Binks
Why was Anakin so young in Phantom Menace
Star Wars Relationships
Too much politics?
The use of myth and religion and what was Lucas trying to do.
- Why do we appreciate the prequels?
Show Notes:
Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7Y4z4e24uU
Love and Star Wars: The Tragedy of Anakin and Padme http://www.thegeekblock.com/455/
Links:Jonathan Williams
https://twitter.com/nerdstituteRobert Wanless
https://twitter.com/mingooseMike Klimo
http://www.starwarsringtheory.com/Alan Zaugg
Jedi and Jerms http://www.tornbysports.com/category/prosports/utah-jazz/jedi-jerms-on-the-jazz/
Cantina Cast http://www.thecantinacast.net/author/alanjedi/
Idiots Array http://www.thecantinacast.net/category/idiots-array/You can find us on Facebook:
On Reddit
and on Youtube
The Who Wars Podcast #035 (28th June, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 18 minutes and 42 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of his week; John Hurt's pancreatic cancer diagnosis; dropping a special episode on Saturday 27th June for @AMAudioMedia including an interview with their Doctor, Andrew Chalmers; and a brief overview of the episode ahead.05:42 FEATURE - CONVENTION - Rob @WhoWars gives Andy @skaromedia a midnight call to discuss Hull Comic Con and his role in the event, as well as a sneak insight into what might appear in Episode 36 based on the event.20:27 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss the return of Star Wars: Rebels in The Siege of Lothal.56:50 FEATURE - CLONE WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he watches 3.1 Clone Cadets and 3.3 Supply Lines. Seen them? Tell us what you thought: hello@whowars.net1:10:14 INTERVIEW - ARTIST - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Eisner nominated artist, Sara Richard @SaraRichard who has produced both Star Wars and Doctor Who fan art, while currently working professionally on covers for Jem and the Holograms and My Little Pony. She's also the artist of the DC Justice League Tarot Card Set. Be sure to check out her art, and more at the URL below:1:32:25 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO/STAR WARS - Lex @Lexerness asks the Who Wars team how they would put together a Doctor Who and Star Wars crossover story. Rob @WhoWars has a try with the 9th Doctor; Kate @Kamiduu and Andy @Skaromedia tackle the 10th Doctor and Lex puts together a magnum opus for the 11th Doctor. How would you do it? Tell us at hello@whowars.net2:00:20 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by a discussion of his strange and patchy relationship with Doctor Who novels in the past. From the Target novels of the 1970s - 1990s; to the Virgin New Adventures (NAs) and Missing Adventures (MAs) of the 1990s; to the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures (EDAs) and Past Doctor Adventures (PDAs) of the 1990s - 2000s; to the current series of New Series Adventures (NSAs), he talks about them all, his feelings towards them, and whether he read them at the time. He's about to embark on reading the 12th Doctor NSAs.2:18:00 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Who Wars: Doctor Who - Dark Journey Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 33 seconds00:00 - The Who Wars Network Ident00:07 - Introduction to this episode from Doctor Who: Dark Journey's leading man, Andrew Chalmers and series producer, MA Tamburro @AMAudioMedia00:23 - Doctor Who: Dark Journey "The Age of Banishment". This is Episode 3 of Series 2 of Dark Journey, making its debut exclusively today here on Who Wars.Would you like to hear more Dark Journey? Need to catch up? Visit amaudiomedia.com/episodes14:22 - Rob @WhoWars reflects on conducting a near two-hour interview, before hitting play on it.16:35 - Rob @WhoWars speaks to Andrew Chalmers, the Doctor in Doctor Who: Dark Journey.Topics covered include Star Wars and Doctor Who (naturally!) as well as some interesting diversions on making fan audio and more.1:53:47 - Afterword from Rob @WhoWars about this special episode.1:57:06 - The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).1:57:47 - One final anecdote from Andrew Chalmers. You know you want it!
Cloud City Council Issue 21 Crimson Forever
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 58 secondsThis week on Cloud City Council, Robert and Jonathan discuss the announcements at E3 and the how excited they are about Battlefront. Also they talk about the release of Star Wars Rebels Siege at Lothal which is coming to Canada a week from now.Meanwhile, in comics they talk about Marvel Star Wars 50, and Kanan the Last Padwan.Next episode will feature Mike Klimo and Alan Zaugg talking about the Prequels with our hosts .NewsStar Wars Rebels release Siege at LothalEA releases more BattleFront video at E3Old Republic gets a nasty (in a good way) DLC releaseComics- Kanan the Last Padawan
- Star Wars 1 and Darth Vader 1 Directors cut
- Marvel Star Wars 50 and Annual 1
Next reading:Dark Horse Comics Jedi vs Sith
Cloud City Council Issue 21 Crimson Forever
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 58 secondsThis week on Cloud City Council, Robert and Jonathan discuss the announcements at E3 and the how excited they are about Battlefront. Also they talk about the release of Star Wars Rebels Siege at Lothal which is coming to Canada a week from now.Meanwhile, in comics they talk about Marvel Star Wars 50, and Kanan the Last Padwan.Next episode will feature Mike Klimo and Alan Zaugg talking about the Prequels with our hosts .NewsStar Wars Rebels release Siege at LothalEA releases more BattleFront video at E3Old Republic gets a nasty (in a good way) DLC releaseComics- Kanan the Last Padawan
- Star Wars 1 and Darth Vader 1 Directors cut
- Marvel Star Wars 50 and Annual 1
Next reading:Dark Horse Comics Jedi vs Sith
Who Wars: Phoenix Comic Con 2015 Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 43 seconds00:00 - The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 - The Front Page; Kate @Kamiduu kicks off this special episode by talking about Phoenix Comic Con 2015 and her experiences with it.03:52 - 'On The Floor' Part 106:05 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Chuck Wendig - novelist, screenwriter, and game designer. He is the writer of the upcoming Star Wars: Aftermath which tells the story of what happened in the Star Wars universe, post-Return of the Jedi.14:30 - 'On The Floor' Part 215:52 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Brian Miller - comic book colorist, founder of Hi-Fi colour design, and co-author of Hi-Fi Color for Comics and Master Digital Color from Impact Books. He has worked with both Star Wars and Doctor Who IPs to date.31:25 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Joe Corroney - illustrator of Star Wars and Star Trek artwork for books, games, trading cards, comic books, posters and magazines since 1997. He has also worked on many other properties, including Doctor Who.39:11 - Kate @Kamiduu talks (briefly!) to Kevin Wada - illustrator, including Doctor Who comic covers.39:45 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Tom Kane - voice actor most widely known as Jedi Master Yoda and Admiral Yularen in Star Wars: The Clone Wars; The Chancellor in Tim Burton's 9, Magneto in Wolverine and the X-Men and Marvel vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds; and Iron Man and Ultron in Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow.49:48 - 'On The Floor' Part 350:08 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Paul Cornell - award-winning writer of novels - comics, short fiction and non-fiction, as well as a TV screenwriter for Doctor Who and many other series.58:41 - 'On The Floor' Part 459:24 - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Jason Spisak - voice actor in animation and video games, and producer and founding member of Blackchalk Productions. Notably for our listeners, he portrayed Lux Bonteri in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.1:09:34 - 'On The Floor' Part 51:10:10 - Kate @Kamiduu talks about the panels she attended while at Phoenix Comic Con 2015, including snippets of audio from some to give you a taste of the action.1:17:25 - 'On The Floor' Part 61:18:50 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Kate @Kamiduu about the con.1:19:35 - Afterword from Rob @WhoWars about this special episode.1:24:01 - The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #034 (14th June, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 44 minutes and 38 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of so much happening since episode #33; the passing of Ron Moody and Christopher Lee and strange little links to both at the time of recording; the Who Wars Network and some future plans; Sense8 - a new series on Netflix from Andy and Lana Wachowski and J. Michael Straczynski; and this being an epic-length episode.09:30 FEATURE - TRIBUTE - Christopher Lee remembered by Rob @WhoWars with an obituary and audio clips from his films and a special memory from Vincent Price, featured in an episode of This Is Your Life that Christopher was honoured on.24:45 INTERVIEW - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Jason Spisak - American voice actor in animation and video games, and producer and founding member of Blackchalk Productions. Who Wars listeners might know him best as Lux Bonteri in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.38:20 FEATURE - CONVENTION - Andy @skaromedia gives us a background to the city of Hull in the UK; talks to Steve Bowman from District 14 Events which is running Hull Comic Con and we then hear a promo for the event. Are you going?Hull Comic Con49:27 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Rob @WhoWars continues to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he watches the Clone Wars film from 2008. Does he like it more than he did when he last watched it, almost seven years ago?1:07:50 COMIC - STAR WARS - Star Wars #6 & Darth Vader #6 (Marvel) by Andy @skaromedia and Kate @Kamiduu with them running through the issues individually and then after a musical interlude at 1:32:30 the two of them talk together.1:49:15 COMIC - STAR WARS - Kanan #3 (Marvel) by Jon @nerdstitute1:52:42 NOVEL - STAR WARS - Dawn of the Jedi: Into the Void by Elaine @tveitlight252:05:21 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Rob @WhoWars observes a Twitter interaction between Amanda Ward @realamandaward Jeremy Conrad @ManaByte & Joaquin Slowly @JoaquinSlowly about Star Wars fans who are stuck in the past, for example, denying everything post-Return of the Jedi. Following an expensive recreation of the exchange, Rob discusses the topic and gives his thoughts.Differences between ESB and RotJ toys:RotJ and its place within the trilogy:2:17:42 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Kate @Kamiduu talks to Paul Cornell, a British writer best known for his work in Doctor Who fiction and television. As well as Doctor Who, other television credits include Robin Hood, Primeval, Casualty, Holby City and Coronation Street. Cornell has also written for a number of comics, including Marvel and DC titles.2:30:04 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 9th Doctor #2 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars2:36:35 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #11 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu2:42:12 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Mat Irvine, a Technical Consultant and Visual Effects Designer who worked on television, primarily for the BBC, from the 1970s to the 1990s. As a Technical Consultant, Irvine worked on shows such as The Sky at Night, Tomorrow's World and Robot Wars. As a Visual Effects Designer, Irvine worked on shows such as Doctor Who, Rentaghost, Terry and June, Blake's 7, The Tripods, Edge of Darkness and To the Manor Born.3:32:26 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by messages to the show from Doc Whom and Baz Hood.3:43:42 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
Cloud City Council Issue 20 The New Order
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 22 secondsWelcome to the Cloud City Council, where Robert and Jonathan talk about all things Star Wars with a special emphasis on the Star Wars comics both past and present. In our first issue since the move to the Who Wars Network we discuss the response by Josh Trank to the rumours floating around. Also we talk about the latest rumours about the second Anthology movie and a possible Obi-Wan trilogy.
In our comics section we cover the latest three comics issued by Marvel, with heavy spoilers. And finally in our throwback section looks at Tales of the Jedi - The Sith Wars.
Comics (Spoilers start at 09:37 and end at 36:38)
Darth Vader 6
The conversation with Vader and Palpatine in Empire
Next Week's reading:
Marvel Star Wars 50 and Annual 1 (Remember you can read these on the Marvel Unlimited App)
Come talk to us on Twitter
Robert @Mingoose
Jonathan @nerdstitute
You can also buy our shirt here:
The Who Wars Podcast #033 (31st May, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes and 14 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:48 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of this being an epic-length episode and the nature of audio fanzines; turning 40 years old (Rob, not Who Wars); trying to get ahold of TV footage from 1988 where Rob appeared on ABC Television in Australia on a Doctor Who quiz, dressed as the 5th Doctor; we have a new reviewer this episode - Matt @swcanonrebel and we'll have another reviewer starting soon; acknowledgement that there are three interviews in this episode and don't forget the interviews tab on the Who Wars website; also our own Alan @jedizaugg has started a Star Wars chat podcast, Idiot's Array; we may have another podcast coming to the Who Wars Network soon; and in a shocking Rob-almost-forgets-moment, we have a current Doctor Who writer interviewed on this episode - Peter Harness.08:30 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Cute overload! Al Nowatzki from ChildrenOfTheForce @ForceChildren sends us an MP3 where he sits down with his two kids, Anna and Liam, asking them, "Why do you like Star Wars?"12:25 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to TV and film writer, Peter Harness, who not only wrote 'Kill the Moon' for Series 8 of Doctor Who and a currently unnamed episode for Series 9 (featuring the return of UNIT, Jemma Redgrave, Ingrid Oliver and the Zygons), but who also recently adapted Susanna Clarke's novel "Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell" into a television series of the same name. This interview ranges far and wide over his career.41:16 FEATURE - STAR WARS/DOCTOR WHO - Kate @Kamiduu is on the show floor at Phoenix Comicon @PhoenixComicon and tells us what she's seen and what she is preparing for the next episode of the show, which will include interviews with Star Wars author Chuck Wendig @ChuckWendig ; Doctor Who TV and book writer Paul_Cornell @Paul_Cornell and Yoda voice artist, Tom Kane. Good work, Kate!49:29 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Rob @WhoWars makes good on a "threat" he has made many times on Who Wars, ie: to watch the Clone Wars TV series in chronological order. Here, he kicks off by looking at episode 2.16 Cat and Mouse and 1.16 The Hidden Enemy.1:01:42 BOOK REVIEW - STAR WARS - Matt @swcanonrebel reviews the new Star Wars novel, Lords of the Sith written by Paul S. Kemp and released on April 28, 2015. What did Matt think? Tune in, folks.1:08:36 COMIC - STAR WARS - Darth Vader #5 (Marvel) by Andy @skaromedia with guest acting by Kate @Kamiduu1:18:32 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #12 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:24:53 INTERVIEW - COMICS/DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to self-described comic creator, illustrator, cat owner and tiny hat wearer - Rachael Smith @rachael_ who also submits one page comics to the @comicstitan range of 10th Doctor comic books.1:43:26 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - In Episode 32 of Who Wars Rob @WhoWars and Lex @Lexerness ran through their favourite 11th Doctor episodes of Doctor Who. Concluding the piece by asking the audience what they thought, Kate @Kamiduu and Jon @nerdstitute have sent in thoughts about their own favourite 11th Doctor episodes.1:52:05 INTERVIEW - FAN ART/STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu talks to pop culture illustrator and Star Wars fan Jeff Victor @jeffvictorart who has worked at Nickelodeon Games and Warner Bros. Animation. Learn more about Jeff and see his art: www.jeffvictor.com2:24:52 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial where he talks about the concepts of fan entitlement, fan service and a worrying (to him) tendency for fans to think they are part of the creative process in books, comics, TV shows and movies. Do you agree? Be sure to write in with your thoughts, or record yourself as an MP3 to hello@whowars.net2:34:32 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #032 (24th May, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 9 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:40 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars explains why Who Wars is producing an episode in its production "off-week". Upfront warning for the Star Wars fans in our audience; this is a 100% Doctor Who episode. You might want to... oh, you've already gone. Kidding, kidding.06:25 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - The 11th Doctor Game. Rob @WhoWars sits down with Lex @Lexerness to discuss our favourite stories from the 11th Doctor's era of Doctor Who. What will they choose? What would you have selected instead? Why not drop an email to hello@whowars.net or even record an MP3 and we'll play it on a future episode.1:13:22 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including contact details for the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #031 (17th May, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes and 4 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:40 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of being a bad Doctor Who fan for not even realising Matt Smith and other co-stars are currently touring Australia; purchasing the Star Wars: Armada tabletop game and a promise to review it in a future episode; Doc Whom from the Diddly Dum podcast writes to us; a reminder that there's a competition in the Princess Leia comic review in this episode - leave us an iTunes rating/review to be in the running.06:05 FEATURE/INTERVIEW - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu reviews the new reference book, Ultimate Star Wars and the reports from a Tempe, Arizona book signing for it. She puts some questions to a couple of the book's authors, Tricia Barr @fangirlcantina and Adam Bray @authoradambray too.16:47 FEATURE/COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - Lex @Lexerness Kate @Kamiduu and Andy @skaromedia talk about the @comicstitan Doctor Who release for Free Comic Book Day, featuring stories for the 10th, 11th and 12th Doctors, as well as their individual experiences on the day itself at their respective stores.50:35 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - Rob @WhoWars talks about the costume of the 5th Doctor, from the point of view of whether it resembles anything remotely like an "Edwardian cricketer" (which is the usual shorthand for it), as well as commenting on how he would have dressed the 5th Doctor instead, keeping the general cricketing motif, but looking more realistic.1:02:32 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to composer for TV, film and radio, Dominic Glynn @DominicGlynn1 - one of a select few people in the world who has arranged an official version of the Doctor Who theme (Season 23).1:39:10 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #10 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:45:49 COMIC/COMPETITION - STAR WARS - Princess Leia #4 Marvel) by Andy @skaromedia Leave us an iTunes rating/review to be in the running for a one-off, unique, there's-only-of-them, yes-it's-rare, Princess Leia #1 comic with cover art hand-drawn by Andy, based on characters from his reviews.1:57:44 COMIC - STAR WARS - Kanan #2 (Marvel) by Jon @nerdstitute2:01:12 COMIC - STAR WARS - Star Wars #4 (Marvel) by Kate @Kamiduu2:07:59 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu meets and talks to members of the 501st Legion (Dune Sea Garrison) in Arizona at the book signing for Ultimate Star Wars. She even finds a trooper who talks some Doctor Who as well. Shhh!2:16:47 - The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial where he talks about paying for autographs, photos and celebrity access at conventions.2:29:22 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #030 (3rd May, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 34 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:40 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of this being a 'May the 4th' episode and also the official, 'Kate takes over Who Wars' episode. Andy also chimes in this episode with a Lee Sullivan interview. We also have a new theme tune. What did you think? Why not write in and let us know?03:52 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu reports across her final day and a half at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. Did you miss her earlier reports? They're in Episode 29 of the show. Be sure to also check them out if you missed them.15:23 ADVERT - Cloud City Council Podcast @nerdstitute15:30 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu asks, "Why do you love Star Wars?" to attendees of Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. At the end of the feature, the Who Wars team joins in and give their answers to the question as well. If you would like to tell us why YOU like Star Wars, why not email us or send in an MP3?38:00 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Lee Sullivan @LeeSullivanArt about Doctor Who comics, the new Rivers of London comic series ( also including Doctor Who alumni Ben Aaronovitch @Ben_Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel @andrewcartmel ), not to mention his long career in comics in general.1:20:54 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu asks attendees of Star Wars Celebration Anaheim about their favourite Star Wars impressions. Andy @skaromedia joins in the fun at the end of the piece with some impressions of his own.1:26:07 FEATURE/INTERVIEW - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu talks about the short film, "Artoo In Love" and speaks to Writer, Director, Co-Editor Evan Atherton @EPAtherton and Co-Executive Producer, Artoo Builder/Operator Grant McKinney @gwmck at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. Discover more at www.artooinlove.com1:28:55 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial where he talks about how he got into watching Star Wars.1:36:52 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #029 (19th April, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 22 minutes and 35 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of the new teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens; Kate @Kamiduu filing stories from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim; the Topps Star Wars trading card game and what's coming up in the episode (yes, there is some Doctor Who!)06:06 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu reports across three days at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim. What did she get up to? Let her tell you right here.19:42 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Alan @Jedizaugg Jon @jonathanbw Kate @Kamiduu Andy @skaromedia Lex @Lexerness and Rob @WhoWars talk about the new teaser trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens. What were your thoughts on it?53:16 BONUS - STAR WARS - Kate @Kamiduu reports from the Star Wars Celebration Anaheim exhibit featuring Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens props.56:44 ADVERT - Cloud City Council Podcast @nerdstitute56:50 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Simon Fraser @simonfraser about drawing one the 11th Doctor comics series for Titan.1:19:36 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #9 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:24:55 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #11 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:33:04 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Andy @skaromedia talks to Comic Book John about Star Wars comics including a comparison of classic strips with modern ones.1:50:29 COMIC - STAR WARS - Darth Vader #3 & #4 (Marvel) by Andy @skaromedia2:01:02 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Clare Eden @Execcer about Doctor Who and projects including @strangeness_in & @MinisterChance.2:14:59 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial where he talks about growing up during a particular era in Doctor Who's history which has left him with a rather odd afflication today.2:21:50 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #028 (5th April, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 33 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of JR Southall's "You and Who Else" book project and how you can be involved; discussion of what's coming up in the episode, including this being the first episode of Who Wars to feature an interview with one of the writers during the classic era of Doctor Who.08:06 FEATURE - STAR WARS / DOCTOR WHO - MA Tamburro and Andrew Chalmers from AM Audio Media's Doctor Who: Dark Journey wander the show floor at Toronto Comic Con, March 20-22, 2015. Covered in the piece are:Troughton Is My Doctor - Editor - Dan Collins501st Legion - Volunteer - Jennifer BraceDoctor Who Society of Canada - Dalek prop makerActor - Grant BowlerArtist - Brian McCarvilleArtist - Beth - Knightmares & Daydreams24:12 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Al No @TheMeandTheHim in a wide-ranging conversation about Season 18 of Doctor Who and leading into the following interview.42:50 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Andrew Smith @Andr3wSmith about writing Full Circle for Season 18 of Doctor Who and being involved with the series in general.1:16:07 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss Star Wars Rebels' first series in retrospect.1:40:54 COMIC - STAR WARS: KANAN #1 (Marvel) - Jon @jonathanbw reviews the first installment of the Kanan series for Marvel.1:46:38 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial comparing being in a band to being part of a podcast team. Don't worry; there's method to the madness and a big clue to future episodes gets dropped at the end.1:52:48 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #027 (22nd March, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 37 minutes and 50 secondsThe Who Wars Podcast #02700:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion of what's coming up in the episode; the return of Doctor Who on March 26, 2005 and it being the inspiration for two pieces of content in this show; JR Southall's Watching Books and reprints of You and Who: Contact Has Been Made; Who Wars will return, April 5.05:18 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - MA Tamburro from AM Audio Media discusses Doctor Who in Canada and what the return of the show was like on Canadian television in 2005.08:48 INTERVIEW - DOCTOR WHO - Andy @skaromedia talks to Cavan Scott @cavanscott about writing the new miniseries of 9th Doctor comics for Titan @ComicsTitan39:04 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 9th Doctor #1 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars48:32 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #10 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness55:04 FEATURE/COMIC - PRINCESS LEIA #1, #2 (Marvel) - Andy @skaromedia talks about the character of Princess Leia, with contributions from Kate @Kamiduu Jon @jonathanbw and Rob @WhoWars. This is followed by Andy reviewing issues #1 and #2 of the series.1:20:49 COMIC - STAR WARS - Star Wars #3 (Marvel) by Kate @Kamiduu1:26:45 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars, followed by an editorial celebrating 10 years of Nu Who by discussing what life was like for him, as a fan of the classic series, once a new Doctor Who series was first announced in 2004.1:37:05 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #026 (15 March, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 43 minutes and 19 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion including why we're back this week; ongoing changes to the show's format coming in this episode and next; and some congratulatory listener mail from Pete from the UK and Baz Hood after our 25th episode last week.11:20 FEATURE - STAR WARS & DOCTOR WHO - Who Wars listener, Baz Hood, asks Rob why the lightsabers in Star Wars Rebels are so pointy and then asks the team, (1) Doctor Who: Do we really need Missy back so soon? and (2) Star Wars Rebels: Is Chopper a better Astromech than R2? Answers by Rob @WhoWars Jon @jonathanbw Kate @Kamiduu20:05 FEATURE/COMIC - DARTH VADER #2 (Marvel) - Andy @skaromedia talks about the late great Don Henderson, who appeared in both Star Wars and Doctor Who, and who is 'resurrected' in the new Darth Vader comic series. This is followed by Andy reviewing issue #2 of the series.31:52 FEATURE - STAR WARS - Topps' Card Trader App - Rob @WhoWars talks about the new Star Wars trading card app, now available for iOS.41:58 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw discuss Star Wars Rebels "Rebels Resolve" and "Fire Across The Galaxy", the two episodes which close out the first season of the show.1:19:28 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #8 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:29:51 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #9 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:32:31 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 12th Doctor #6 (Titan) by Andy @skaromedia1:40:05 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars.1:42:34 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #025 (8 March, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes and 57 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; @WhoWars kicks off this special 25th anniversary episode with a rundown of what we're doing different this time around. Same team, but rather different content!03:27 FEATURE - Star Wars and Doctor Who in 25 items (and memories) from @lexerness @Jedizaugg @nerdstitute @Kamiduu @skaromedia and a cameo from @WhoWars - but who does which? You'll have to listen to find out...Doctor Who: Converse High TopsStar Wars: 1977 Darth Vader action figureDoctor Who: Homemade (knitted) itemsStar Wars: Topps trading cardsDoctor Who: Fish fingers and custardStar Wars: Empire Strikes Back blanketStar Wars: Unorthodox action figure storageStar Wars: 1977 R5-D4 action figureDoctor Who: Homemade Fourth Doctor scarfStar Wars: Tauntaun scene in Empire Strikes BackStar Wars: Chewbacca's roarDoctor Who: Missy/The Mistress/The MasterStar Wars: 1980 Boba Fett action figureDoctor Who: Matt Smith and Karen Gillan posterStar Wars: Return of the Jedi poster magazineDoctor Who: Wilfred MottStar Wars: Star Wars And Other Space ThemesStar Wars: Marvel adaptation of A New HopeDoctor Who: 'The Classic Era' Seasons 1-26Star Wars: Original UK cinema posterDoctor Who: A Celebration - Two Decades Through Time and SpaceStar Wars: The Tusken Raider Gaffi StickStar Wars: 1977 Princess Leia action figureStar Wars: R2-D2Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor and Leela41:12 INTERVIEW - @WhoWars chats to @DockWhom from the @Diddly_Dum podcast about Star Wars and Doctor Who. Find their website here. Doc also tells us what five items he would have included in our Star Wars and Doctor Who in 25 items (and memories) segment earlier in the show. Would you like to hear Diddly Dum? Use the Twitter handle above and follow the links therein or visit its iTunes entry direct here.2:37:40 The Back Page; closing remarks from @WhoWars2:40:12 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including how to get in touch)
The Who Wars Podcast #024 (22 February, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 31 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; Rob @WhoWars kicks off this episode with discussion including Episode 24 being Star Wars heavy; debut Star Wars Rebels feature from Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw; listener feedback from @dw50dw and Doc Whom @DockWhom; 10th Planet Events Doctor Who autograph signings.07:29 STAR WARS NEWS - Massive Star Wars rumour going around (no spoilers); Carrie Fisher receives Oscar Wilde award from JJ Abrams, who also takes a moment to discuss Star Wars spoilers; Taron Egerton to potentially play young Han Solo in a standalone Star Wars film; prequel producer Rick McCallum to sell Sydney apartment.11:38 DOCTOR WHO NEWS - Everything We Know About Doctor Who Series 9 - including episode titles, writers, directors, actors, images from the set, the return of Missy, Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, Jenna Coleman staying for all of Serires 9, Peter Capaldi's changing Doctor - and Rob's thoughts on it all; Spy Report suggests Coal Hill is back in Series 9; Rare EMS Synthi 100 synthesiser restored in Melbourne after decades in storage.20:52 PROMO - Let the AM Audio Media people tell you about WhoWars.net22:41 FEATURE - REBELS ROUND-UP - Alan @Jedizaugg and Jon @jonathanbw primarily discuss Star Wars Rebels "Call to Action" this episode, but also cover a little of "Vision of Hope" as well.38:25 FEATURE/COMIC - DARTH VADER #1 (Marvel) - Andy @skaromedia talks to Betsy Chevron @BetsyChevron Al No @TheMeandTheHim Kate @Kamiduu and Rob @WhoWars about the character of Darth Vader. Comic stylings by Shaun Wilson. This is followed by Andy reviewing issue #1 of the series.55:30 COMIC - STAR WARS #2 (Marvel) by Kate @Kamiduu1:01:28 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - Who Wars Facebook follower, Baz Hood, asks the team, (1) Which 'old classic' foe, which hasn't been revisited post 2005, would you like to see brought back? (2) Who would you LOVE to write/direct an episode of Who? Answers by Andy @skaromedia Lex @Lexerness Rob @WhoWars Jon @jonathanbw Kate @Kamiduu1:15:19 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 12th Doctor #5 (Titan) by Andy @skaromedia1:19:24 FAN INTERVIEW - Kate @Kamiduu chats to Anna @mangofrognz - a major Whovian and Star Wars fan based in New Zealand, who has started a new blog at https://mangofrog.wordpress.com/1:33:05 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob @WhoWars.1:34:46 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show).
The Who Wars Podcast #023 (8 February, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 51 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 The Front Page; discussion includes what it means to be an "audio fanzine"; Who Wars gains two new reviewers for Star Wars Rebels -- Alan Zaugg @Jedizaugg and Jon Williams @jonathanbw -- starting from Episode 24; Why Rob is a terrible Whovian and the commercialisation of modern Doctor Who; Rundown of Episode 23.11:36 STAR WARS NEWS - Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie and their role in Episode VII (no spoilers!); The arcade strikes back with Star Wars: Battle Pod; Hollywood Reporter comments on Star Wars toys being huge for the toy industry in 2015; John Simon's Star Wars review from 1977 in New York Magazine.19:08 DOCTOR WHO NEWS - Russell T. Davies and Steven Moffat face off over whether the Doctor is a bigamist; Titan Comics releases a new Doctor Who title that re-purposes prior comics released under Titan; Doctor Who to get its first official LEGO release; Christopher Eccleston returns to the role of the Doctor... but not in the way you might think (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtV1TgcexKE for the video footage).30:25 FEATURE - STAR WARS REBELS - Andy @skaromedia talks about the Star Wars Rebels episodes Path of the Jedi, Idiot's Array and Vision of Hope and gets additional commentary from students at Bishop Burton College in Yorkshire, UK.44:05 COMPETITION - Winners of the AM Audio Media #WHOMASH contest are here! Doctor Who: Dark Journey's Roy Miranda and Andrew Chalmers announce the winners.47:34 FEATURE/COMIC - STAR WARS #1 (Marvel) - Andy @skaromedia talks to Marvel fan and comic collector, John Leyfield, about the new beginning for Star Wars comics at Marvel. This is followed by Kate @Kamiduu reviewing issue #1 of the series.1:05:25 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #7 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:11:06 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #8 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:20:35 ADVERT - DOCTOR WHO - Dark Journey by AM Audio Media1:20:56 FAN INTERVIEW - Kate @Kamiduu chats to 9 year old Tom from Project Indigo @DWProjectIndigo about being a Doctor Who fan, meeting the stars of the show and visiting its locations. She also slips in some Star Wars questions, too!1:37:50 The Back Page; closing remarks from Rob.1:40:06 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)
The Who Wars Podcast #022 (25 January, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 8 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 Introduction to the show; discussion includes the Australia Day long weekend; the Who Wars Facebook page grows massively; Steele Saunders renames This Isn't The Podcast You're Looking For, answers one of Rob's Episode VII questions and Rob discusses the success of comedy-based podcasts in general; Watching "The Time of the Doctor" for the first time since December 2013.09:59 STAR WARS NEWS - George Lucas' Episode VII ideas aren't being used (which Rob predicted in an episode last year); Word is the Star Wars spinoff won't be a Han Solo story or a Boba Fett story, but a single film from Godzilla director Gareth Edwards that includes both fan-favorite characters; Peter Mayhew, the actor who plays Chewbacca in Star Wars, has been taken to the hospital after suffering a bout of pneumonia; There's been a new wave of Star Wars games released on the Good Old Games website leading Rob to wax lyrical about Star Wars author, Karen Traviss.19:15 DOCTOR WHO NEWS - RTD talks to Graham Norton about writing a Doctor Who movie and incurring the wrath of the Doctor Who production office (includes an audio clip); Doctor Who has been nominated for a GLAAD award thanks to a Madame Vastra and Jenny kiss in "Deep Breath"; David Tennant says it will be "at least 10 years" before he would consider returning to Doctor Who; Plus a quick round up of Series 9 news snippets including episode titles, writers and directors.27:42 FEATURE - STAR WARS - The Rev @skaromedia tunes into the Star Wars radio plays.35:36 COMPETITION - AM Audio Media is sponsoring a Doctor Who-based competition here at Who Wars. Tune in and learn how to enter from AM Tamburro (Director/Producer, Doctor Who: Dark Journey) and Andrew Chalmers (The Doctor, Doctor Who: Dark Journey)!44:54 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 11th Doctor #7 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness49:21 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 12th Doctor #4 (Titan) by The Rev @skaromedia57:32 FAN INTERVIEW - Kate @Kamiduu chats to one of her oldest sci-fi friends and asks the time honoured question of this podcast, "Star Wars or Doctor Who?" (NB: This interview was recorded in late 2014, so some references are slightly out of date with more recent news and events.)1:19:32 Closing remarks1:21:22 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)
The Who Wars Podcast #021 (11 January, 2015)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 9 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 Introduction to the show; discussion includes welcome to the new year; not watching Star Wars Clone Wars during the break; run-down of Episode 21 contents; Who Wars continuing as a fortnightly podcast; competition in this episode in conjunction with AM Audio Media; WhoWars.net website now has a team page and details on how to join us; reviewing Star Wars Rebels on Who Wars in the future.05:55 STAR WARS NEWS - Liam Neeson's opinion of the new Episode VII lightsaber; Star Wars Detours possibly coming to DVD and Blu-Ray later this year; Star Wars spinoff movie loses scriptwriter Gary Whitta; young Irish actor, Domhnall Gleeson, talks being in Star Wars.17:05 DOCTOR WHO NEWS - Russell T. Davies on being asked to return to write for Doctor Who, plus the 10th anniversary of Nu-Who; Nine predictions for Doctor Who Series 9.33:05 COMPETITION - AM Audio Media is sponsoring a Doctor Who-based competition here at Who Wars. Tune in and listen to learn how to enter!35:50 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - Which actor or actress would be your ultimate choice to play the Doctor? Kate @Kamiduu Rob @WhoWars The Rev @skaromedia and Lex @Lexerness weigh in with their thoughts on who would make a great Doctor if casting was no object.47:38 FEATURE - DOCTOR WHO - The Rev @skaromedia ponders what Doctor Who needs, going into Series 9, after a conversation with 'Dave the Smurf'.52:18 COMIC - DOCTOR WHO - 10th Doctor #6 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu58:54 ADVERT - AM Audio Media59:14 Closing remarks1:00:24 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)
The Who Wars Podcast #020 (28 December, 2014)
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 55 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 Introduction to the show; discussion includes Who Wars hitting 20 episodes; Christmas and New Year around the world for the Who Wars team and our listeners; Rob also discusses the concept of whether pop culture is more disposable these days than in years past, or whether it's a by-product of growing up.10:34 NEWS - Star Wars - Is a Han Solo standalone Star Wars movie in progress? It seems likely -- but is it going to be "old Han" or "young Han"?13:30 NEWS - Star Wars - A conversation with a 5 year old girl about Jabba The Hutt's fashion ideas.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eitTGYQS2jc15:59 NEWS - Star Wars - Dark Horse is having its last ever sale of digital Star Wars comics. But you need to be quick if you want to buy them.20:12 NEWS - Doctor Who - Jenna Coleman is to stay another series of Doctor Who. Rob's not entirely happy with that outcome and gives his thoughts why.25:52 REVIEW - Doctor Who: Last Christmas. What do Rob @WhoWars The Rev @skaromedia and Lex @Lexerness think of the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas Special?46:15 FEATURE - Doctor Who - The Rev @skaromedia posed a question in Episode 19, "What scenarios or genres would you like to see the Doctor pop up in a future episode?" Kate @Kamiduu Lex @Lexerness and Rob @WhoWars give their thoughts.52:40 FEATURE - Star Wars or Doctor Who? Kate @Kamiduu puts that question to attendees of Phoenix Comicon Fan Fest, held December 12-14, 2014 at the University of Phoenix Stadium.1:08:12 COMIC - Doctor Who: 12th Doctor #3 (Titan) by The Rev @skaromedia1:16:26 COMIC - Doctor Who: 11th Doctor #6 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:18:38 Closing remarks1:20:09 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)
The Who Wars Podcast #019 (14 December, 2014)
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 Introduction to the show; discussion includes Rob being sick; reminder of show dates in December and January; Who Wars website gets an upgrade; and Rob's weird Star Wars dream about Episode VII.06:20 NEWS - Star Wars - George Lucas' surprising reaction to the Episode VII trailer.11:22 NEWS - Star Wars - Expect an increasing Star Wars presence at Disney theme parks.12:40 NEWS - Star Wars - Mark Hamill talks Episode VII beard foliage and potentially lets a cat out of the bag.16:34 NEWS - Star Wars - Sony hack reveals what David Fincher thinks of Adam Driver in Episode VII.18:52 NEWS - Star Wars - Kate @Kamiduu provides additional thoughts on the Episode VII teaser trailer.28:49 NEWS - Doctor Who - Big Chief Studios fails to come to terms with Peter Capaldi over 12'' Doctor Who doll.33:30 FEATURE - Star Wars: Who would The Rev @skaromedia be in the Star Wars saga... and why?39:33 FEATURE - Star Wars: Episode VII character names released. What do Rob @WhoWars The Rev @skaromedia and Kate @Kamiduu think of the names and the way in which they were revealed?56:18 COMIC - Doctor Who: 10th Doctor #5 (Titan) by Kate @Kamiduu1:02:48 COMIC - Doctor Who: 11th Doctor #5 (Titan) by Lex @Lexerness1:09:51 INTERVIEW - Kate @Kamiduu conducts a fan interview with her big brother on the topic of... what else... Star Wars or Doctor Who?1:28:07 Closing remarks; call for iTunes feedback on the show1:29:44 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)
The Who Wars Podcast #018 (30 November, 2014)
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds00:00 The Who Wars Podcast Theme00:30 Introduction to the show; discussion of this episode being a very Star Wars episode; Steele Saunders @SteeleSaunders feedback on Twitter; Kate @Kamiduu branching out into fan interviews; Diddly Dum's Rev @skaromedia joining the Who Wars team; Australian cricketer Phil Hughes passes away; new schedule for Who Wars in Dec/Jan.Phil Hughes - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phillip_Hughes07:30 NEWS - Star Wars - The first teaser trailer is out. We have a feature about it later in the episode, so concentrate here on the way Kate @Kamiduu guessed the release of the movie's name and first trailer in past months and revisit some old audio for background.Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Teaser) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erLk59H86ww11:32 NEWS - Star Wars - Mark Hammil predicts he would one day play an old, Obi-Wan style of Jedi in a Star Wars movie around 2011... back in 1983.12:54 NEWS - Star Wars - How Star Wars saved Marvel from financial ruin, back in the 1970s.16:02 NEWS - Doctor Who - AM Audio Media's Doctor Who Dark Journey has made it to the Audio Verse Awards final top five of Nominees for Roy Miranda (Best Actor), Kate Elyse Forrest (Best Actress) Andrew Chalmers (Best Writing) and Clayton Turner (Best Sound Engineer).Award info and voting - http://www.audioverseawards.net/site/18:20 FEATURE - Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser trailer reactions by Rob @WhoWars The Rev @skaromedia Lex @Lexerness and Kate @Kamiduu If you have your own thoughts on the trailer, why not drop us a Tweet, email, MP3 or Facebook post to let us know YOUR thoughts?52:22 INTERVIEW - Kate @Kamiduu interviews Ewok fancier and Boing Boing contributor, David Mizejewski @DmizejewskiDavid at Boing Boing - http://boingboing.net/author/dmizejewskiDavid's professional page - http://www.nwf.org/david-mizejewski.aspx1:29:39 REVIEW - Star Wars Rebels: Empire Day (Lucasfilm) and Gathering Forces (Lucasfilm) by Rob @WhoWars & Leo1:42:40 COMIC - Doctor Who: 12th Doctor #2 (Titan) by Rob @WhoWars1:50:34 Closing remarks; call for iTunes feedback on the show1:52:57 The Who Wars Podcast Credits (including details on how to get in touch with the show)