Adventures in Time Space and Music

- Description:
- Hosted by Dr. Lou & Dr. Phill, this podcast will sample music from the almost 50 year history of Doctor Who, discussing and debating the technical minutiae involved in the music, how it relates to the story, as well as explore the varied composers and musicians who have worked on the show. 'Adventures in Time Space and Music' is not endorsed by the BBC in any way and is intended for entertainment and educational purposes only. No copyright infringement is intended. "...I've been listening to all the podcasts, and just wanted to say what a fantastic series of shows. Thoroughly enjoyed them all, and learnt a lot of stuff I didn't know about my fellow Who composers! Nice work!" - Dominic Glynn, freelance composer on Doctor Who, 1986-1989 (The Mysterious Planet, The Ultimate Foe, The Happiness Patrol, Dragonfire & Survival)
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 145
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:16:45
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:40:41
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 1 days, 16 hours, 27 minutes and 39 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 29 December 2021 (5:35pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 31 March 2015 (3:00pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 11 days, 7 hours, 27 minutes and 18 seconds
Adventures in Time Space and Music Episodes
Episode 401 - Part II - Going Back to the Future at 88 MPH with Alan Silvestri
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 19 secondsIn this segment we'll be focusing on the music of the iconic time-travel film Back to the Future and film composer Alan Sivestri. Produced by Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment & distributed by Universal Pictures, Robert Zemekis’ Back to the Future debuted in the United States July 3, 1985. NOTE: This episode aired as a segment on the TRAVELING THE VORTEX PODCAST […]
Episode 401 - Series 1, Part I - Fred Steiner, Joseph Mullendore, Gerald Fried and Alexander Courage
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this segment we'll be focusing on the musical contributions of composers Fred Steiner, Joseph Mullendore, Gerald Fried and Alexander Courage in Star Trek the Original Series, episode 28, production number 28, "The City on the Edge of Forever," the penultimate episode of the first season, first broadcast on April 6th 1967 on NBC in the United States.
Episode 401 - Series 1, Part I - Fred Steiner, Joseph Mullendore, Gerald Fried and Alexander Courage
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 43 secondsIn this segment we'll be focusing on the musical contributions of composers Fred Steiner, Joseph Mullendore, Gerald Fried and Alexander Courage in Star Trek the Original Series, episode 28, production number 28, "The City on the Edge of Forever," the penultimate episode of the first season, first broadcast on April 6th 1967 on NBC in the United States.
Episode 51 - Series 9, Part I - The Three Doctors Go Beneath the Surface with Malcolm Clarke and the Legacy of the Sea Devils
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, the Two Doctors, Dr. Lou and Dr. Phill, are joined by honorary ‘Doctor’ Mark Ayres looking at the important and controversial musical contributions of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composer Malcolm Clarke. In this episode we will look at his work on Doctor Who Serial LLL - Story 62 - The Sea Devils, a […]
Episode 51 - Series 9, Part I - The Three Doctors Go Beneath the Surface with Malcolm Clarke and the Legacy of the Sea Devils
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 29 secondsIn this episode, the Two Doctors, Dr. Lou and Dr. Phill, are joined by honorary ‘Doctor’ Mark Ayres looking at the important and controversial musical contributions of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composer Malcolm Clarke. In this episode we will look at his work on Doctor Who Serial LLL - Story 62 - The Sea Devils, a […]
Episode 50 - Revival Series 5, Part V - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Pandorica Opens & The Big Bang with Special Guests David
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts David and Elizabeth Keep will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang. The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang (Stories 212a & 212b - Production 1.12 & 1.13) originally aired between the 19th and the 26th of June, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 50 - Revival Series 5, Part V - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Pandorica Opens & The Big Bang with Special Guests David
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 20 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts David and Elizabeth Keep will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang. The Pandorica Opens and The Big Bang (Stories 212a & 212b - Production 1.12 & 1.13) originally aired between the 19th and the 26th of June, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 49 - Revival Series 5, Part IV - Murray's Planets of Gold - Special Guests The US WhoCast, Naked Scarf & TMDWP Discuss t
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Matt Murdick, Adam and Andi from the Naked Scarf and Luke Harrison will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories the Beast Below, the Vampires of Venice & the Lodger. The Beast Below, the Vampires of Venice & the Lodger (Stories 204, 207 & 211 - Production 1.2, 1.6 & 1.11) originally aired on the 10th of April, 8th of May, & the 12th of June 2010, respectively, on BBC One.
Episode 49 - Revival Series 5, Part IV - Murray's Planets of Gold - Special Guests The US WhoCast, Naked Scarf & TMDWP Discuss t
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 46 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Matt Murdick, Adam and Andi from the Naked Scarf and Luke Harrison will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories the Beast Below, the Vampires of Venice & the Lodger. The Beast Below, the Vampires of Venice & the Lodger (Stories 204, 207 & 211 - Production 1.2, 1.6 & 1.11) originally aired on the 10th of April, 8th of May, & the 12th of June 2010, respectively, on BBC One.
Delia Derbyshire Day, Saturday, January 12, 2013 - Tim's Take On, Episode 156
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 15 secondsDoctor Who Podcaster Tim Drury of 'Tim's take On...' was in attendance at Delia Derbyshire Day on Saturday, January 12th, 2013 in Manchester, UK. This is a shortened and revised version of his coverage, with the panel segment shortened to a segment featuring Doctor Who composer and BBC Radiophonic Workshop archivist Mark Ayres. Tim Drury's coverage of Delia Derbyshire Day appears on Adventures in Time, Space and Music by kind permission. To follow Tim Drury's 'Tim's Take On...', please visit
Episode 48 - Carey Blyton Goes Subterranean with the Crumhorn & the Recorder in Doctor Who and the Silurians
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 46 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the musical contribution by one of Doctor Who's more controversial musical figures - that of composer Carey Blyton. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial BBB - Story 52: Doctor Who and the Silurians , a 7-part story which originally aired between the 31st of January and the 14th of March 190 on BBC One. In addition to composer Carey Blyton, we will look at the contributions to his score by a group of musicians whose stories have often gone untold in Doctor Who history - the stories of musicians Paul Harvey, Michael Oxenham, Neil Sanders, Vivian Joseph, Gordon Kember, and Stephen Whittaker.
Episode 48 - Carey Blyton Goes Subterranean with the Crumhorn & the Recorder in Doctor Who and the Silurians
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the musical contribution by one of Doctor Who's more controversial musical figures - that of composer Carey Blyton. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial BBB - Story 52: Doctor Who and the Silurians , a 7-part story which originally aired between the 31st of January and the 14th of March 190 on BBC One. In addition to composer Carey Blyton, we will look at the contributions to his score by a group of musicians whose stories have often gone untold in Doctor Who history - the stories of musicians Paul Harvey, Michael Oxenham, Neil Sanders, Vivian Joseph, Gordon Kember, and Stephen Whittaker.
For the DWPA - 2012 Chicago TARDIS Special - Podcast Blastback Panel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 58 secondsThis is coverage from the Chicago TARDIS having taken place November 23-25, 2012 at the Westin Lombard Hotel at Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL PODCAST BLASTBACK Featuring Michelle (The Doctor Who Podcast), Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro), Phillip Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music) William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Lynne Thomas (SF SqueeCast) Adventures in Time, Space and Music - Radio Free Skaro - The SF SqueeCast - The Doctor Who Podcast - The 2-Minute Time Lord -
For the DWPA - 2012 Chicago TARDIS Special - Podcast Blastback Panel
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis is coverage from the Chicago TARDIS having taken place November 23-25, 2012 at the Westin Lombard Hotel at Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL PODCAST BLASTBACK Featuring Steven Schapansky (Radio Free Skaro), Phillip "Dr. Phill" Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music), Michele Simmons (The Doctor Who Podcast), William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Lynne Thomas (SF SqueeCast) PODCAST BLASTBACK was recorded by William "Chip" Sudderth (The Two-Minute Time Lord) & Post-Production by Phillip "Dr. Phill" Serna (Adventures in Time, Space and Music) Adventures in Time, Space and Music - Radio Free Skaro - The SF SqueeCast - The Doctor Who Podcast - The 2-Minute Time Lord -
Episode 47 - Revival Series 5, Part III - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood with Special Guests Traveli
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 46 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Keith Miles, Glenn Bartlett & Shaun Collins will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood. The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood (Stories 209a & 209b - Production 1.8 & 1.9) originally aired between the 22nd and the 29th of May, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 47 - Revival Series 5, Part III - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood with Special Guests Traveli
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Keith Miles, Glenn Bartlett & Shaun Collins will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood. The Hungry Earth and Cold Blood (Stories 209a & 209b - Production 1.8 & 1.9) originally aired between the 22nd and the 29th of May, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 46 - Revival Series 5, Part II - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Two Doctors Discuss the Regeneration of Murray Gold
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, the Two Doctors, Dr. Lou and Dr. Phill, will take a look at Murray Gold's scores for Revival Series 5 which originally aired between the 3rd of April, 2010 and the 26th of June, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 46 - Revival Series 5, Part II - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Two Doctors Discuss the Regeneration of Murray Gold
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, the Two Doctors, Dr. Lou and Dr. Phill, will take a look at Murray Gold's scores for Revival Series 5 which originally aired between the 3rd of April, 2010 and the 26th of June, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 45 - Revival Series 5, Part I - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone with Special Guests Ra
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Harry Medium & Leeson Fischer will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (Stories 206a & 206b - Production 1.4 & 1.5) originally aired between the 24th of April and the 1st of May, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 45 - Revival Series 5, Part I - Murray's Planets of Gold - The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone with Special Guests Ra
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 24 secondsIn this episode, guest hosts Harry Medium & Leeson Fischer will look at the music of new series composer Murray Gold focusing particular attention to the series 5 stories The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone. The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone (Stories 206a & 206b - Production 1.4 & 1.5) originally aired between the 24th of April and the 1st of May, 2010 on BBC One.
Episode 44 - Series 2, Part I - Francis Chagrin and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the singular musical contribution to Doctor Who by composer Francis Chagrin focusing on his work on Serial K - Story 10 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, a 6-part story comprising of World's End, The Daleks, Day Of Reckoning, The End Of Tomorrow, The Waking Ally & Flashpoint. The Dalek Invasion of Earth originally aired between the 21st of November and the 26th of December 1964 on BBC One.
Episode 44 - Series 2, Part I - Francis Chagrin and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 7 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the singular musical contribution to Doctor Who by composer Francis Chagrin focusing on his work on Serial K - Story 10 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, a 6-part story comprising of World's End, The Daleks, Day Of Reckoning, The End Of Tomorrow, The Waking Ally & Flashpoint. The Dalek Invasion of Earth originally aired between the 21st of November and the 26th of December 1964 on BBC One.
Episode 44 - Series 2, Part I - Francis Chagrin and the Dalek Invasion of Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes and 1 secondIn this episode we'll be looking at the singular musical contribution to Doctor Who by composer Francis Chagrin focusing on his work on Serial K - Story 10 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth, a 6-part story comprising of World's End, The Daleks, Day Of Reckoning, The End Of Tomorrow, The Waking Ally & Flashpoint. The Dalek Invasion of Earth originally aired between the 21st of November and the 26th of December 1964 on BBC One.
Minisode 8 - Series 20, Part I - Jonathan Gibbs, Peter Howell & Jakob Lindberg Meet Kamelion
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the music of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composers Jonathan Gibbs and Peter Howell and the lutanist Jakob Lindberg. Here we will examine Serial 6J - Story 128 - The Kings Demons, a 2-part serial originally broadcast between the 15th and 16th of March 1983 on BBC One.
Minisode 8 - Series 20, Part I - Jonathan Gibbs, Peter Howell & Jakob Lindberg Meet Kamelion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 5 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the music of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composers Jonathan Gibbs and Peter Howell and the lutanist Jakob Lindberg. Here we will examine Serial 6J - Story 128 - The Kings Demons, a 2-part serial originally broadcast between the 15th and 16th of March 1983 on BBC One.
Episode 43 - Series 8, Part I - Dudley Simpson and Brian Hodgson Join Forces Against the Claws of Axos
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson focusing on his work on Serial GGG - Story 57 - The Claws of Axos, a 4-part story which originally aired between the 13th of March and the 3rd of April 1971 on BBC One.
Episode 43 - Series 8, Part I - Dudley Simpson and Brian Hodgson Join Forces Against the Claws of Axos
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 48 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson focusing on his work on Serial GGG - Story 57 - The Claws of Axos, a 4-part story which originally aired between the 13th of March and the 3rd of April 1971 on BBC One.
Episode 42 - Series 3, Part II - Tristram Cary and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Tristram Cary focusing on his work on SerialZ - Story 25 - The Gunfighters. The Gunfighters was a 4-part story comprising of A Holiday for the Doctor, Don't Shoot the Pianist, Johnny Ringo and The OK Corral which originally aired between the 30th of October and the 20th of November 1976 on BBC One.
Episode 42 - Series 3, Part II - Tristram Cary and the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 7 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Tristram Cary focusing on his work on SerialZ - Story 25 - The Gunfighters. The Gunfighters was a 4-part story comprising of A Holiday for the Doctor, Don't Shoot the Pianist, Johnny Ringo and The OK Corral which originally aired between the 30th of October and the 20th of November 1976 on BBC One.
Episode 41 - Series 1, Part III - Richard Rodney Bennett and Marcus Dods Meet the Aztecs
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of composer Sir Richard Rodney Bennett and ensemble conductor Marcus Dods. Here, we will look at their work on Serial F - Story 6 - The Aztecs, a 4-part serial which originally aired between the 23rd of May and the 13th of June 1964 on BBC One.
Episode 41 - Series 1, Part III - Richard Rodney Bennett and Marcus Dods Meet the Aztecs
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 9 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of composer Sir Richard Rodney Bennett and ensemble conductor Marcus Dods. Here, we will look at their work on Serial F - Story 6 - The Aztecs, a 4-part serial which originally aired between the 23rd of May and the 13th of June 1964 on BBC One.
Minisode 7 - Series 1, Part III - Stock Music and John Smith and the Common Men
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at a piece of stock music used in the Pilot and Serial A - Story 1 - The Unearthly Child, the first of a four-part story comprising of An Unearthly Child, The Cave of Skulls, The Forest of Fear and the Firemaker which originally aired between the 23rd of November and the 14th of December 1963. The music in question is 'Three Guitars Mood 2' by Nelson & Raymond & performed The Arthur Nelson Group - released by Conroy Library Music catalogue BM 303B.
Minisode 7 - Series 1, Part III - Stock Music and John Smith and the Common Men
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 39 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at a piece of stock music used in the Pilot and Serial A - Story 1 - The Unearthly Child, the first of a four-part story comprising of An Unearthly Child, The Cave of Skulls, The Forest of Fear and the Firemaker which originally aired between the 23rd of November and the 14th of December 1963. The music in question is 'Three Guitars Mood 2' by Nelson & Raymond & performed The Arthur Nelson Group - released by Conroy Library Music catalogue BM 303B.
Minisode 6 - Series 3, Part I - Tristram Cary and his Missing Master Plan
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the musically groundbreaking work of Doctor Who composer Tristram Cary focusing on his work on Serial V - Story 21 - The Daleks' Master Plan, Terry Nation and Dennis Spooner's epic 12-part serial which originally aired between the 13th of November 1965 and the 29th of January 1966 on BBC One.
Minisode 6 - Series 3, Part I - Tristram Cary and his Missing Master Plan
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 56 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the musically groundbreaking work of Doctor Who composer Tristram Cary focusing on his work on Serial V - Story 21 - The Daleks' Master Plan, Terry Nation and Dennis Spooner's epic 12-part serial which originally aired between the 13th of November 1965 and the 29th of January 1966 on BBC One.
Episode 40 - Series 22, Part II - The Dueling Guitars of Peter Howell and Les Thatcher in the Two Doctors
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 57 secondsIn this Episode we'll be looking at the music of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composer Peter Howell. Here we will examine Serial 6W - Story 140 - The Two Doctors, a 3-part serial originally broadcast between the 16th of February and the 2nd of March 1985 on BBC One.
Episode 40 - Series 22, Part II - The Dueling Guitars of Peter Howell and Les Thatcher in the Two Doctors
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this Episode we'll be looking at the music of BBC Radiophonic Workshop composer Peter Howell. Here we will examine Serial 6W - Story 140 - The Two Doctors, a 3-part serial originally broadcast between the 16th of February and the 2nd of March 1985 on BBC One.
Episode 39 - Series 11, Part I - Dudley Simpson Regenerates with Jon Pertwee - Planet of the Spiders
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes and 42 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial ZZZ - Story 74 - Planet of Spiders, a 6-part story which originally aired between the 4th of May and the 8th of June 1974 on BBC One.
Episode 39 - Series 11, Part I - Dudley Simpson Regenerates with Jon Pertwee - Planet of the Spiders
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of the Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson. In this episode we will look at his work on Serial ZZZ - Story 74 - Planet of Spiders, a 6-part story which originally aired between the 4th of May and the 8th of June 1974 on BBC One.
Minisode 5 - Series 21, Part III - The Resurrection of Malcolm Clarke
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 18 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the controversial music of Malcolm Clarke. In this episode we will look at his work on Doctor Who Serial 6P - Story 133 - Resurrection of the Daleks. Ressurection was originally aired between the 8th and 15th of February 1984 on BBC One as two 45-minute episodes although it had been filmed as a 4-part story.
Minisode 5 - Series 21, Part III - The Resurrection of Malcolm Clarke
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this minisode we'll be looking at the controversial music of Malcolm Clarke. In this episode we will look at his work on Doctor Who Serial 6P - Story 133 - Resurrection of the Daleks. Ressurection was originally aired between the 8th and 15th of February 1984 on BBC One as two 45-minute episodes although it had been filmed as a 4-part story.
Episode 38 - The Two Doctors - The Two Doctors Discuss Kay, Cary, Derbyshire and More
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 1 secondIn this impromptu episode we'll be discussing early Doctor Who pioneers such as Norman Kay and Tristram Cary, while discussing Radiophonic Workshop composers Elizabeth Parker & Delia Derbyshire. This discussion was recorded on the 7th of June, 2011 with Dr. Phillip Serna & Dr. Louis Niebur.
Episode 38 - The Two Doctors - The Two Doctors Discuss Kay, Cary, Derbyshire and More
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this impromptu episode we'll be discussing early Doctor Who pioneers such as Norman Kay and Tristram Cary, while discussing Radiophonic Workshop composers Elizabeth Parker & Delia Derbyshire. This discussion was recorded on the 7th of June, 2011 with Dr. Phillip Serna & Dr. Louis Niebur.
Episode 37 - Series 6, Part I - Brian Hodgson, Anton Bruckner and the Mind Robber
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes and 34 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of two very different composers - Radiophonic workshop composer Brian Hodgson and 19th-century Austrian composer Anton Bruckner. Here we will examine this combination regarding Doctor Who Serial UU - Story 45 - The Mind Robber, a 5-part story which originally aired between the 14th of September and the 12th of October 1968 on BBC One.
Episode 37 - Series 6, Part I - Brian Hodgson, Anton Bruckner and the Mind Robber
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of two very different composers - Radiophonic workshop composer Brian Hodgson and 19th-century Austrian composer Anton Bruckner. Here we will examine this combination regarding Doctor Who Serial UU - Story 45 - The Mind Robber, a 5-part story which originally aired between the 14th of September and the 12th of October 1968 on BBC One.
2011 Chicago TARDIS Special - Part II - Tunes of the Time Lord
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 31 secondsThis is part II of coverage from the Chicago TARDIS having taken place November 25-27, 2011 at the Westin Lombard Hotel at Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL
2011 Chicago TARDIS Special - Part II - Tunes of the Time Lord
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThis is part II of coverage from the Chicago TARDIS having taken place November 25-27, 2011 at the Westin Lombard Hotel at Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL
Merry Christmas 2011 - The Adventures in Time, Space and Music Holiday Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 5 secondsThanks to our friends from sending us some lovely holiday messages which we'd like to share with you. May you all have a lovely holiday, whichever you may celebrate. Many warm wishes from the entire Adventures in Time, Space and Music team to all of you our listeners, guests, colleagues, and friends at home. May your holidays be filled with the warmth of friends, family and fellowship.
Merry Christmas 2011 - The Adventures in Time, Space and Music Holiday Special
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsThanks to our friends from sending us some lovely holiday messages which we'd like to share with you. May you all have a lovely holiday, whichever you may celebrate. Many warm wishes from the entire Adventures in Time, Space and Music team to all of you our listeners, guests, colleagues, and friends at home. May your holidays be filled with the warmth of friends, family and fellowship.
Episode 36 - Series 14, Part I - The Many Masques [of Mandragora] of Dudley Simpson
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 58 secondsIn this episode we'll be looking at the music of Doctor's composer Dudley Simpson, as well as the use of period stock music in Doctor Who. Here we will examine Serial 4M - Story 86 - The Masque of Mandragora, a 4-part serial originally broadcast between the 4th and 25th of September 1976 on BBC One.