The Corsair's Closet podcast

- Description:
- A Doctor Who podcast celebrating the creative spirit of crafters and cosplayers in all pop culture genres.
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 24
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:49:43
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:08:34
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 0 days, 19 hours, 53 minutes and 2 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 23 July 2012 (6:23pm GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 23 December 2012 (9:08am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 6 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes and 22 seconds
The Corsair's Closet podcast Episodes
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.21 and S1E20 How Lady Loki Stole Xmas
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 54 secondsTime Siren finally gets to talk about her dream cosplay back in 2001. You'll love the tale. It's really quite fun. How she and the Grinch stole Hallow's Eve from Woodstock one night. Then hit the West Coast out in Burbank to take Xmas, giving both kids and adults a great fright. This week it was Hollywood Blvd. she snuck out to, to Grinch and deceive. If you missed us, come listen. By its end, you've believe!
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.20 and S1E19 The Trouble with Spoilers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 54 secondsThis week we review show previews, squee about beads, fuzzy caterpillar scarves and Dalek's just another day out of time in the Corsair's Closet.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.19 and S1E18 She Who Speaks last
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 28 secondsA Corsair's Closet first - Madwoman shuts up for a whole minute! She also went on about how I got her addicted to knitting...but she's was addicted BEFORE we met. Man, time travel screws with your brain! For those of you bored with that topic, I promise one day I'll pull out those ancient photos of the Nasa Nerd in a corset. For now, you'll have to be content with listening to the gory details as we frighten everyone with our Transalvanian plans for a very Transexual Blood Drive next year at Loscon.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.18 and S1E17 You Gotta Go Where Everyone Eats Your Brain
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 20 secondsYou Gotta Go Where Everyone Eats Your Brain. Travel with our daunting pair as they take blood from Zombies and feed it to the American Red Cross at this year's local infiltration of the LAX Marriott known as Loscon.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.17 and S1E16 James Bond is a Timelord
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 23 secondsTony Effing Harris goes to great pains to show us how easy it is to get kicked off Facebook with his not-too-well-thought-out comments about scantily clad comic-book-inspired girl cosplayers. It's a controversy older than spandex and one of those things that is as common a sight at conventions as comic books themselves. Tune in to see why everyone is so uptight and hear Madwoman cuss. Funny, it sounds just like a Tardis. Or does a Tardis sound like Madwoman?
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.16 and S1E15 Beating NaNoWriMo Block and Krypton Radio's Kickstarter Fundr
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 55 secondsGet your weekly dose of insanity as TimeSiren & Madwoman help you NaNoWriMo writers out there get over your writer's block AND in the second half of the show, they interview the heart & soul of Krypton Radio, Gene & Susan, our ever-important Station Manager and Program Sourcer as they express their passion behind the station and hopes as to where a successful kickstarter program will take us in the future.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.15 and S1E14 Agree to Disagree
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 55 secondsThis week we squee about creating the video for Krypton Radio's kickstarter campaign which is currently underway and you should check out 'cause they are AWESOME and put us on the air along with other great, geeky music and podcasts! It's also time for NaNoWriMo updates from our local writers (which is like, nearly ALL of us!), oooing over hot boy podcasters and embarrassing our station manager Gene 'cause he's cute when he's shy in front of the camera.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.14 and S1E13 Mutual Admiration Society
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 30 secondsThe Terrible Trio of fangirls continue their aural assault on your ears as we wrap up our reviews on the cool shows on the CW et al and talk about our chronic peyote bead habit, but most of all, batten down the figurative hatches in preparation for the writing juggernaut of the year that is the at once loved and dreaded - the month of NaNoWriMo! It's a Mutual Admiration Society day in The Closet.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.13 and S1E12 1.13 Its a Fan Girl Life for Us
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 59 secondsSo, what are the Girls in the Closet up to these days? They're talkin' bead stitches, yakking about Loscon and Gallifrey One, panicking over undone cosplays and looming convention deadlines and putting action figures down their, uh bras. Hey, it's just another day in The closet and It's a Fan Girl's Life for Us!
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.12 and S1E11 A Closet Endeavour
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 57 secondsOur regularly scheduled assortment of nonsense got hijacked as some git at Nasa gets the pink slip of ownership to Endeavour and decides to drive a bloody shuttle through south central L.A. How could we possibly turn down an opportunity to cover this?!? Listen to the mostly rambly but occasionally useful infocast here.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.12 and S1E11 A Closet Endeavour
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 57 secondsOur regularly scheduled assortment of nonsense got hijacked as some git at Nasa gets the pink slip of ownership to Endeavour and decides to drive a bloody shuttle through south central L.A. How could we possibly turn down an opportunity to cover this?!? Listen to the mostly rambly but occasionally useful infocast here.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - 1.9 and S1E8 Lou Know Who
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 53 secondsWe went to Comikaze and didn't even get any stupid t-shirts, BUT we did get some squeetacular interviews with some amazing guests. Unfortunately, Madwoman's brain broke when she interviewed Lou Ferrigno and all she can babble now is, "I interviewed Lou Ferrigno!". Listen in, but don't dare mention, Lou Know Who.
The Corsair's Closet 1.10 and S1E9 Comikaze Interviews
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 13 secondsThe reason for Madwoman's madness is nigh. We push through the "I interviewed Lou Ferrigno!" barrier in her poor brain to discover the cause of the insanity that was Comikaze. Interviewees include Daphne Ashbrook, Claudia Christian, Lou Ferrigno, Julie Newmar and Tara Strong. Listen to the end past the Thank and Blame segment to hear the funny and awesome Krypton Radio station i.d.s. It's worth it to hear Tara do the voices of Raven one second then Bubbles the next. Listen to the full podcast here.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.8 and S1E7 In Memorium and News
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 22 secondsRandom ramblings of the week concerning our fun first press trip to a convention. Comikaze conquerored, interviews obtained, stars talked to and drooled over. The Corsair and I had to run intervention for Liz who talks about her crafts more than usual - a distraction tactic to keep her from freaking out (yet again) over the awesometastic star she interviewed.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - The Corsair's Closet 1.11 and S1E10 Bye Bye Ponds A Season 7 Retrospective
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 34 secondsThe first part of 2012's season took so long to get here and now it's over so fast! We get the gang together (along with just a dash of testosterone) for a rousing, thoughtful discussion and to say Bye Bye Ponds: A Season 7 Retrospective.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - 1.7 Villainous Lair 1 year Anniversary - Interviews with Sarah and Cliff
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 54 secondsStill trapped in "Abnormal" Heights, our crazy reporter TimeSiren stalks both stores, finding two geeks who are living their dream. Listen to what bliss sounds like to a couple of happy gaming freaks who have found their Nirvana.
The Corsair's Closet podcast - 1.6 Villainous Lair 1 year Anniversary Interviews with Patrick and Chris
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 4 secondsWelcome to the deceptively named "Normal Heights" where the abnormal don't even bother hiding in the shadows. They walk the streets of the business district out in plain view, often on their way to our favorite hang-outs of Villainous Lair Comics and Gaming. Come learn where, as the Doctor would say, "the Geeks live".
The Corsair's Closet podcast - 1.5 Five Eleven
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 14 secondsIt's all about Five this podcast. The normally level-headed Time Siren needs mopping up off the floor as our intrepid fan girls squee about their new 11th Doctor figure's arrival and the fair-haired cricketing Time Lord of the classic series.
The Corsair's Closet podcast episode 1.4 The Time Siren's Apprentice
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 26 secondsRun! Hide! But take your .mp3 players with you into the caves as we squee! (and in madwoman's case, gurgle) our way through another weird and zany episode in which nothing is sacred and everything is fair game including Dalek Impersonators, My Little Ponies and Peter Davisons's pants!
The Corsair's Closet podcast episode S1E2 Krypton Radio - Doctor Hulk
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 27 secondsIt was fun, it was crazy and we're hooked. We've had a taste of fame on a website that gets half a million hits a month, we didn't burn the place down and they actually invited us back. Can you imagine?Tune in yet again as we fumble our way through Daleks in ampitheaters, people who shower in Tardises in the middle of nowhere and Lovely Asian Women who drive Big Mechs.
The Corsair's Closet podcast episode S1E1 Krypton Radio premiere
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 8 secondsS1E1 Okay, you though we were loud before? Wait 'till you hear us SQUEE! in our new home on Krypton Radio! Read all about how they took us in and fed us after midnight and the terrible consequences to the virtual airwaves of the planet as a result.
The Corsair's Closet podcast episode 1.3
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 46 seconds1.3 Our first interview is with @neowhovian and we are lovingly calling it the Marciacast Episode! Click here now for the full, podcasty goodness of not two crazy fangirls fangirling in the closet, but yes, THREE and one of them is an Astrophysicist, a word I couldn't even hope to spell correctly without looking it up.
The Corsair's Closet premiere podcast episode 1.1
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 30 seconds1.1 Our first podcast! Who we are, why we are as insane as we are and how to join us in our sandbox!
The Corsair's Closet podcast episode 1.2
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 19 seconds1.2 The Colorado theater shooting. Proper reaction by AMC theaters and Hollywood or an attack on Cosplay Fandom?