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The Doctor Who Podcast

The Doctor Who Podcast
The Doctor Who Podcast - your only source for the latest reviews, interviews, and features from the world of Doctor Who. We review the latest episodes, DVD releases, Big Finish audios, comics and much much more.

Homepage: http://www.thedoctorwhopodcast.com/

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheDoctorWhoPodcast

The Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
21 days, 10 hours, 43 minutes and 59 seconds
Earliest Episode:
27 March 2010 (12:00pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
27 June 2024 (8:04pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
4 days, 8 hours, 23 minutes and 15 seconds

The Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • Who Let the Dog Out?

    27 June 2024 (8:04pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 11 seconds

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    It’s here! Join James, Phil and Ian as the Campervan finally pulls into a service station to talk about the season finalé, Empire of Death. Be warned – James’ notes are longer than the M4! Do Phil and Ian last the distance? Tune in to find out in the longest DWP in a very long time! So kick back, pull up a comfy chair, grab your beverage of choice and join us for an hour in the campervan.

    We will be back! Episode 381 will be our series wrap-up and listener feedback episode – we have already received *loads* of feedback including some lovely audio messages – however you still have a chance to have your say by sending it to us feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com. Any format will do, but keep it under two minutes in duration.

    You can also send us your highly-thought out written feedback using the same email address, Tweeting us or joining un on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Empire of Death

    22 June 2024 (4:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 39 seconds

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    Well, that’s it folks! Season 1/14/40 is OVER! Did you enjoy the ride? What did you think of the finalé, Empire of Death?! Was the landing stuck?! This series has asked SO MANY QUESTIONS! Were they all answered satisfactorily?! Join Michele, Brent and Drew as they dive on board the Campervan seconds after the end-credits roll to give you their view on the subject.

    As always, we want to hear from YOU! feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com is the email address you need, Tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or dive into the conversation on our Facebook Page or Group.

    The UK contingent of the DWP will be back for Episode 380A mid-week to share their thoughts – keep an eye on your feeds and enjoy the show!

  • Are You My Mummy?

    19 June 2024 (2:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Join Michele, Drew, Phil and James as they have their say on the return of “Su Tech” in the penultimate episode (the *penultimate* episode! can you believe it?!) of this series, The Legend of Ruby Sunday. What a cliffhanger! Did you see it coming? Let us know?

    Kooky Theories always welcome, as are your thoughts/comments about anything Doctor Who. Audio feedback always preferred – any file format is fine, but keep it under two minutes and email it to feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com. You can also Tweet us or or jump onto the conversation taking place on our Facebook Page and Group, NOW!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of The Legend of Ruby Sunday

    15 June 2024 (3:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Hop on board the DWP Campervan and join us for a review of the latest episode of Doctor Who, The Legend of Ruby Sunday. What did you think of it?!

    Why not drop us a note?! Kooky Theories welcome, as are your thoughts/comments about anything Doctor Who. Audio feedback always preferred, just keep it under two minutes and email it to feedback@thedoctowhopodcast.com. You can Tweet us or or jump onto the conversation taking place on our Facebook Page and Group, NOW!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Angry Birds

    11 June 2024 (7:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join Ian and Brent for their deeper, more insightful look at Rogue! Drew and Phil drop by as well. Only one more week until the start of the season finale! How time flies.

    Why not drop a note to us at the campervan?! Kooky Theories welcome, as are your thoughts/comments about the current series, our thoughts about the show or anything else Doctor Who. Audio feedback always preferred, just keep it under two minutes and email it to feedback@thedoctowhopodcast.com. You can tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or dive into the deep, intelligent conversation taking place now on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Rogue

    8 June 2024 (2:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Shall we dance? James and Michele are back with their instant reaction to Rogue, Episode 6 of the latest run of Doctor Who. What did they think?! What do YOU think?! Let us know!

    feedback@thedoctowhopodcast.com is the email address you need, tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or dive into the conversation on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • In Memory of William Russell

    6 June 2024 (4:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Earlier this week, the Whoniverse lost one of it’s ‘founder members’ as William Russell passed away. William played Ian Chesterton in the early of years of Doctor Who, from 1963 to 1965. Join Michele and James as they recount their memories of William in Doctor Who before handing over to Brent and Drew who interviewed him in person at a US convention in 2018. The interview first went out on the Who and Company podcast as part of their convention coverage, and it’s wonderful to hear William so relaxed in his conversation.

    Rest in Peace William, and thank you for the unforgettable memories. Neither you or your contribution to Doctor Who will be forgotten. We are Most Grateful.

  • Bubble Shock!

    4 June 2024 (7:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join James, Michele, Phil and Ian for more thoughts on Episode 5 of this year’s run of Doctor Who, Dot and Bubble. Lots of chat about an episode that has stimulated discussion across the length and breadth of fandom.

    WARNING: There may be more singing. Listen at your own risk.

    We’ll be back at the weekend to discuss the next episode, Rogue! Join us then – but in the meantime, why not let us know what you thought? feedback@thedoctorwhpodcast.com is the email address you need, tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or dive into the conversation on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Dot and Bubble

    1 June 2024 (3:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join Michele and Brent for their instant reaction to Dot and Bubble, Episode 5 of the current run of Doctor Who!

    Don’t forget to let us know what you thought of the episode, or indeed, of what we thought! feedback@thedoctorwhpodcast.com is the only email address you need, tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or dive into the conversation on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • There's Something About Ruby

    28 May 2024 (6:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join James and Ian as they tie themselves in knots unpicking 73 Yards! Just as well Brent and Phil drop into the Campervan with their observations too!

    As always, you can get in touch with us by emailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweeting us @thedrwhopodcast or by finding us on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of 73 Yards

    25 May 2024 (4:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Join Michele and Drew for their hot take on Episode 4 of the latest series of Doctor Who, 73 Yards in which Drew determines that meanings are overrated.

    The Campervan will return mid-week with DWP 376A with the UK contingent’s thoughts. In the meantime, get in touch with the campervan at feedback@thedoctorwhpodcast.com, Tweet us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or jump onto our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

    21 May 2024 (7:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 34 minutes and 2 seconds

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    Ian and James are back with our second show of the week with more Boom analysis. Allegedly the extra time since broadcast allows deeper and more insightful commentary – however this time, this may not be immediately obvious. Jump on board the campervan for singing, discussion about faith, the use of the Anglican church as a military force and how Mr Moffat come up with a solidified sausage-in-the-hand as a way to preserve mortal remains?! Oh, and we also talk about some Who-related emails we’ve received from our wonderful listeners.


  • Review of Boom

    18 May 2024 (5:12am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 25 seconds

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    Join Brent, Michele and Drew for their instant reaction to Episode 3 of the current series, Boom! It’s *really* hard to type “Boom” without an exclamation mark!

    The UK contingent (or some of them at least) plan to back mid-week with DWP 375A. In the meantime, get in touch with the campervan at feedback@thedoctorwhpodcast.com, tweeting us at x.com/thedrwhopodcast or jump onto our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Season One Openers Reviewed!

    14 May 2024 (12:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Join Phil, James, Brent and Michele as they (finally) catch up with the Campervan (that Drew was driving way to fast after his instant reacation in Episode 374) and have their say on last weekend’s new episodes of Doctor Who.

    Let us know what you thought of the episodes, and of our crazy theories! feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, @thedrwhopodcast or on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of Space Babies and The Devil's Chord

    11 May 2024 (6:45am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 16 minutes and 53 seconds

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    This is THE Doctor Who Podcast! Now in our 14th Year, Episode 374 is the best time possible to jump on board with us!

    Join Drew as he takes control of the DWP Campervan/RV for a spin around the first two episodes of Series 1/14/40. Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord have been available on Disney+ and BBC iPlayer for a good few hours now – so there’s no reason for us not release our review too!

    The rest of the DWP crew (or some of them) will be back midweek with Episode 374A to provide a less-instant, more considered view of the episodes. Yes, regular listeners will be laughing in the Campervan aisle.

    Let us know what you thought of the episodes – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, @thedrwhopodcast or on our Facebook Page or Group.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Are You Ready for Ncuti?

    8 May 2024 (8:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 20 minutes and 9 seconds

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    Jump on board the Campervan for the final DWP before the new series! James and Phil talk about their hopes, dreams and fears just a few days ahead of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord transmission.

    We hope to be back online with our review of both episodes on the morning of 12th May (UK time) – that’s before it airs on BBC1, so you have been warned!!

    Get in touch with us any time to let us know what you think by emailing the campervan at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on Twitter/X @thedrwhopodcast, on our Facebook Page or in our Facebook Group.

    Enjoy the show – and see you on the other side of Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord!

  • Return to Ruby Road

    28 April 2024 (11:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 59 seconds

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    Just two weeks to go! TWO WEEKS until we get new Doctor Who – it feels like ages since last year’s anniversary specials!

    Join James and Michele as they revisit The Church of Ruby Road, specifically to talk through the many, many mysterious plot points and questions the episode asks. Multi-dimensional timey-wimey theories along with (yet more) attempts to identify Mrs Flood are the order of the day!

    As always, you can contact the Campervan and let us know what you think of our theories – or more interestingly, share your own with us by e-mailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

    We’ll be back in two weeks – just TWO WEEKS to let you have the DWP review of Episodes 1 and 2 – Space Babies and The Devil’s Chord.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Companion Piece!

    21 April 2024 (10:16am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 38 seconds

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    The Doctor Who Podcast returns from a spring break rested and refreshed. This time, Michele, Brent, and Drew take the campervan wheel to steer through a flurry of Doctor Who news releases.

    Up for scrutiny and discussion: episode titles, the ch-ch-changes new season trailer, official companion news, and new Doctor Who novels for your summer reading list. Then Ian and Michele travel back in time to review the first-ever short trip from Big Finish, Rise and Fall. Finally, the happy campers finish with a look at your latest feedback, including more discussion of the new Big Finish Range Dark Gallifrey. Should you want to judge it for yourself, you can hear the first 15 minutes of the Morbius trilogy at the end of this Big Finish Podcast from 31st March.

    Will the crew be as accurate as usual about things to come? Probably. But enjoy the show anyway!

    As always, you can contact the Campervan by e-mailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Timey-Wimey Scheduling!

    22 March 2024 (10:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 30 seconds

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    The Campervan is back! After an enforced period of absence (it’s been a whole month guys!) James, Brent and Ian pull the Campervan into a the usual parking boy in the interstellar lot and put their feet up for a good ol’ geekout.

    They cover midnight dropping in the UK, companion switch-ups, Season 15 on blu-ray and Big Finish‘s new monster-epic, Dark Gallifrey. Although precisely what monsters remains to be seen.

    As always, you can contact the Campervan by e-mailing feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook.

    Enjoy the show!

  • The Celestial Toymaker, Live from the British Film Institute

    2 March 2024 (8:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Join Ian, James, Phil and Scott live from the South Bank of the Thames shortly after the premier of the soon-to-be-released animated version of The Celestial Toymaker!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Listener Feedback (with an Ood) and further predictions for 2024

    10 February 2024 (3:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 31 seconds

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    It’s another episode of the Doctor Who Podcast! Join us for an hour where we hand the mic to our wonderful listeners – yes, this is our much-anticipated feedback episode! Michele and very special guest Mr Chris Mead (The Oodcast) and celebrity DWP listener) sift through the oodles (geddit?) of feedback we’ve received since Christmas via Facebook, X, email and DWP carrier pigeon.

    Phil and Drew also drop by as neither could resist making predictions for 2024 after hearing how terrible the rest of the team did in Episode 369!!

    Keep the feedback coming in, email us at feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on X or on Facebook. You can also join out Facebook group and join in the conversations our listeners have already started.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Live from the British Film Institute! Horror of Fang Rock

    4 February 2024 (8:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds

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    Another special episode of the DWP?! Well, why not?! Join James and Ian on the South Bank of the Thames, shortly after this afternoon’s screening of Horror of Fang Rock at the BFI to celebrate the upcoming release of Season 15 on Blu-Ray.

    You remain of course, Most Welcome!

  • The Underwater Menace with Who & Company

    2 February 2024 (5:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 20 seconds

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    It’s that time of year once again when the ol’ DWP Campervan occupies the same time/spacial coordinates as the snazzy new Who & Companymobile. Join Drew and Brent as they invite Michele and James into their more sedate world of Doctor Who fandom where companionship and camaraderie are celebrated!

    As is usual for January, the team take a look at the most recent animation of a missing story. This year, The Underwater Menace is put under the microscope.

    So sit back and enjoy an hour of irreverent banter as the four amigos fire up the blu-ray player and watch hi-jinks of the highest order in Atlantis!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Live at the Riverside Studios!

    23 January 2024 (10:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 27 seconds

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    It’s the first Special DWP of 2024!

    Catch up with James, Phil and Adam from the wonderful Staggering Stories podcast at The Riverside Studios in Hammersmith London, shortly after the Doctor Who Appreciation Society’s screening of An Adventure of Time and Space – and The Final Test – Episode 4 of The Celestial Toymaker!

    Enjoy the show.

  • 2024 Predictions

    15 January 2024 (9:04pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 37 seconds

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    Happy New Year!

    It’s our first episode of 2024! And it’s not even February yet! Join us for our annual predictions episode as BrentJamesMichele and Ian dig out the Campervan’s oh-so-reliable crystal ball and make carefully calculated predictions about what will come to pass in the Whoniverse in 2024. But that’s not before the team turn the clock back twelve months and review the predictions  Michele, Drew, Phil and James made in Episode 338 in 2023! Just how many (few) did they get right? Tune in to find out!

    Don’t forget to let us know what YOU think will happen in 2023 – will the TARDIS turn into a turnip? Will the Doctor finally travel the universe with a cabbage as a companion?! And just what is it about vegetables in this post?! I must be hungry. What are you having for dinner?

    Email feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, Tweet @thedrwhopodcast or find us on Facebook to let us know!

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of the Year!

    1 January 2024 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 27 seconds

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    Happy New Year! It’s 2024!! Where did 2023 go?!

    The 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who is now behind us. Join James and Phil as they relive some of the highlights of their year (and completely forget about others) from the comfort of the DWP Campervan.

    What was your Doctor Who highlight of 2023?! Let us know by getting in touch with us on Twitter (or X), Facebook or by email.

    We’ll be back in a couple of weeks with our predictions show for 2024!

    Enjoy the show.

  • More Ruby Road!

    29 December 2023 (3:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes and 10 seconds

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    Join Brent and Drew for their take on Goblins, the 15th Doctor Who, singing, Ruby Sunday – and just who on earth is Davina McCall?!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of The Church on Ruby Road

    26 December 2023 (3:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 58 seconds

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    It’s here! Hop on board the Campervan as James, Ian and Phil talk about Ncuti Gatwa’s first full episode of Doctor Who, The Church on Ruby Road! What did they make of Ncuti versus Goblins in the first episode of Doctor Who to air on Christmas Day since 2017?!

    As always, you can get in touch with the Campervan on Twitter (or X), Facebook or by email. We’ll be pulling into the next galactic lay-by towards the end of the year when we will bring you our review of the 60th anniversary year.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Preview of The Church on Ruby Road

    20 December 2023 (7:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 25 seconds

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    Join Ian, Phil and James as they preview The Church of Ruby Road, the next brand new episode of Doctor Who to hit your telly-screens on Christmas Day! Completely spolier-free – not through choice, but because once again the Campervan dwellers know nothing about the episode! Any speculation is purely that – if it happens to be right then that’s pure coincidence!

    We’ll be back on Boxing Day with our review of the Christmas Special – we thought we’d take some time before we record on this occasion. Recording and editing a podcast on Christmas Day is unlikely to result in a Merry Christmas for the DWP hosts!

    Enjoy the show – and Merry Christmas!

  • The 60th Anniversary Wrap-up!

    17 December 2023 (3:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 2 seconds

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    No new Doctor Who on our screens this weekend! How are you coping?! The sense of loss is palpable here in the campervan, so Michele, Ian and James get together over a mug of Horlicks and remissness about the three celebratory episodes we’ve enjoyed over the last month.

    What do they think of bi-regeneration after the twist on regeneration was introduced to Doctor Who fans and the wider viewing public a week ago? Was the arrival of the 15th Doctor 20 minutes earlier than anticipated overshadowed by the 14th not wanting to go one last time?! And which DWP host is most likely to be found in the Campervan’s vegetable patch shooting moles?! Tune in to fine out. 🙂

    We’ll be back mid-week with a preview of this year’s Christmas Special, The Church of Ruby Road. Phew, it’s all go here in the campervan! Well, it would be if there wasn’t a mole stuck in the exhaust pipe.

    Enjoy the show!

  • The 60th Anniversary Wrap-up!

    17 December 2023 (3:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 2 seconds

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    No new Doctor Who on our screens this weekend! How are you coping?! The sense of loss is palpable here in the campervan, so Michele, Ian and James get together over a mug of Horlicks and remissness about the three celebratory episodes we’ve enjoyed over the last month.

    What do they think of bi-regeneration after the twist on regeneration was introduced to Doctor Who fans and the wider viewing public a week ago? Was the arrival of the 15th Doctor 20 minutes earlier than anticipated overshadowed by the 14th not wanting to go one last time?! And which DWP host is most likely to be found in the Campervan’s vegetable patch shooting moles?! Tune in to fine out. 🙂

    We’ll be back mid-week with a preview of this year’s Christmas Special, The Church of Ruby Road. Phew, it’s all go here in the campervan! Well, it would be if there wasn’t a mole stuck in the exhaust pipe.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Doctor Where's Your Troosers?!

    13 December 2023 (7:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 56 seconds

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    Join Drew, Brent and Ian as they bring you a “more considered” take (allegedly) on the weekend’s brand new offering of Doctor Who, The Giggle.

    We’ll be back shortly to wrap up our coverage of the sixtieth anniversary specials – before we head long into Christmas – more Ncuti, goblins and a brand new companion named Ruby!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of The Giggle

    9 December 2023 (10:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 0 seconds

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    WOW WOW and WOW again! That was the final 60th anniversary episode – and what an episode! Join Michele, Phil and James as they share first impressions of this milestone episode. Allon-sy! Sniff.

    Enjoy the show!

  • More Blue Yonder!

    6 December 2023 (11:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Join Ian and Drew as they take the Campervan out for a midweek spin and reflect on last weekend’s brand new episode of Doctor Who.

    We’ll be back at the weekend to talk about David Tennant’s latest final episode of Doctor Who, The Giggle!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of Wild Blue Yonder

    2 December 2023 (11:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 9 seconds

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    WOW AGAIN! Join Brent, Michele and James as they attempt to discuss tonight’s episode in a calm, cool and coherant fashion!

    Make sure you let us know what you thought of the episode – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on X or join our Facebook Group!

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Wild Blue Yonder

    2 December 2023 (11:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 9 seconds

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    WOW AGAIN! Join Brent, Michele and James as they attempt to discuss tonight’s episode in a calm, cool and coherant fashion!

    Make sure you let us know what you thought of the episode – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on X or join our Facebook Group!

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Wild Blue Yonder

    2 December 2023 (11:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 9 seconds

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    WOW AGAIN! Join Brent, Michele and James as they attempt to discuss tonight’s episode in a calm, cool and coherant fashion!

    Make sure you let us know what you thought of the episode – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on X or join our Facebook Group!

    Enjoy the show!

  • More Meep!

    28 November 2023 (8:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 33 seconds

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    Join the DWP for their second (and much more considered) look at The Star Beast. Michele, Drew and Brent take the DWP RV for a spin!

    We’ll be back after Wild Blue Yonder airs on Saturday. Hooray!

    Enjoy the show.

  • Review of The Star Beast

    25 November 2023 (11:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 12 seconds

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    Its BACK! Join James, Ian and Phil for their instant reaction to the first of three special episodes of Doctor Who, starting with The Star Beast! Meep!

    Make sure you let us know what you thought of the episode – feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com, on X or join our Facebook Group!

    The more rational half of the DWP team will be back mid-week, with a more considered review of the episode.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Review of Destination: Skaro - Children In Need 2023

    23 November 2023 (12:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 1 second

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    Surprise Number 2 of the day! You are MOST Welcome. 🙂

    Join Brent and Drew as they review this year’s Children in Need Doctor short, featuring David Tennant as the 14th Doctor.

    That really is it for today! Jump on board the campervan once again shortly after the Star Beast airs on BBC1 this coming Saturday!

    Enjoy the show.

  • An Unearthly Commentary

    23 November 2023 (12:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 7 seconds

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    It’s Doctor Who Day! Happy 60th Anniversary! Just before we get ready for The Star Beast, Drew, Michele and James bring you a special edition of The Doctor Who Podcast. Dig out your VHS, DVD, digital copy of An Unearthly Child, press play when the Campervan does and enjoy the episode with us!

    Enjoy the show!

  • The 60th Anniversary Specials - Previewed!

    18 November 2023 (11:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Not long to wait now! Join Michele, Phil and James as they jump on board the campervan to (loosely!) preview the upcoming Anniversary Specials The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle.

    Whilst nothing was off the table from a spoiler perspective, story elements were not discussed – mainly because no-one knew any! However, if you have a *very* low spoiler threshold, you may want to back this edition up until after broadcast.

    We’ll be back after The Star Beast has aired next weekend. Or possibly sooner if you are very fortunate….. keep your eyes peeled on the Campervan’s feed!

    Please note – this episode was recorded (just a few hours!) before the 2023 Children In Need scene featuring the 14th Doctor – therefore it will be discussed on an upcoming episode of the DWP.

    Enjoy the show.

  • The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #360 – Tales of the Campervan

    11 November 2023 (6:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 21 seconds

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    WOW! Just two weekends into November and the amount of Doctor Who material is impossible to keep track of! Daleks to the left of me, Cybermen to the right……!

    Join James, Phil and Ian as they attempt to cover everything their fragile brains can remember – from the amount of content available on iPlayer quadrupling overnight with the addition of Classic Who, to the wonderful Tales of the TARDIS! Pull up a chair, warm yourself by the fire (made from parts of the 13th Doctor’s TARDIS!) and join us in the Campervan as we struggle contain our excitement.

    Enjoy the show!

  • Once and Future Review #7 – The Union

    26 October 2023 (5:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes and 4 seconds

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    The Diamond Whobilee concludes – for now!

    Chapter 7 of Big Finish Productions monthly series of Doctor Who stories celebrating Doctor Who’s sixtieth anniversary, The Union was released earlier this week.

    The campervan is buzzing with excitement as we review each release as and when they materialise between now and November.

    So why not listen along with us?! Our reviews will be as full as possible, so DO NOT LISTEN BEFORE YOU HAVE HEARD THE STORY!!!! You have been warned!

    Part Seven, written by Matt Fitton is available to own right now by visiting Big Finish’s website. As soon as your ears have digested the story, download our review and join in the celebration with Drew, Michele, James and Ian.

    Drop an email to us as feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com (with “Once and Future” in the subject field) and we’ll read your message and discuss your theories on next month’s review show!

    Enjoy the show – and Happy Anniversary!

  • The Underwater Menace at the BFI

    22 October 2023 (4:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes and 2 seconds

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    Join Phil and and his son Scott for a special episode of the DWP! Join them in the campervan as they talk about The Underwater Menace, the latest “missing” story to be animated. The chaps were lucky enough to catch the advance screening at the British Film Institute this weekend.


  • New Theme Tune Reaction!

    13 October 2023 (10:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Join James and Phil as they react to the new Doctor Who Theme tune that the BBC released yesterday evening!

  • The DWP Unleashed!

    12 October 2023 (8:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 39 minutes and 19 seconds

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    What’s that?! Two DWPS in one week?! I’m afraid so….

    Put the kettle on, pull up a comfy chair and get the fire going (now that summer seems to have departed for good) – and join Phil and James as they sit down and waffle about all things Who. New Doctor Who figurines (or “tat” as Phil calls it), Doctor Who Unleashed, new CD of scores to Time and the Rani and Revenge of Cybermen – and a natter about Redacted 2 fill the airwaves this time. Be warned though – there are tangents! and more tangents! And tangents to those tangents! And tangents from the planet Tangent!

    If that wasn’t enough (it was), the episode rounds off with a discussion about a wonderful little Third Doctor and Brigadier story from Big Finish and Angus Dunican. What more could you possibly ask for? What was that? LESS, you say?! Well, hurrumph!

    Do get in touch with us on Twitter (or X), Facebook or email – and enjoy the show.

  • Once and Future Review #6 – Time Lord Immemorial

    8 October 2023 (8:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 42 seconds

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    The Diamond Whobilee continues!

    Chapter 6 of Big Finish Productions monthly series of Doctor Who stories celebrating Doctor Who’s sixtieth anniversary, Time Lord Immemorial was released earlier this week.

    The campervan is buzzing with excitement as we review each release as and when they materialise between now and November.

    So why not listen along with us?! Our reviews will be as full as possible, so DO NOT LISTEN BEFORE YOU HAVE HEARD THE STORY!!!! You have been warned!

    Part Six, written by Lisa McMullin is available to own right now by visiting Big Finish’s website. As soon as your ears have digested the story, download our review and join in the celebration with Brent, Michele, James and Phil.

    Drop an email to us as feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com (with “Once and Future” in the subject field) and we’ll read your message and discuss your theories on next month’s review show!

    Enjoy the show – and Happy Anniversary!

  • Trailer Reaction!

    23 September 2023 (8:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Join James and Phil as they react to the latest trailer for the upcoming David Tennant 60th anniversary Doctor Who specials, that aired on BBC1 this evening!

  • Once and Future Review #5 – The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50

    17 September 2023 (11:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 23 minutes and 22 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    The Diamond Whobilee continues!

    Chapter 5 of Big Finish Productions monthly series of Doctor Who stories celebrating Doctor Who’s sixtieth anniversary The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 was released earlier this week.

    The campervan is buzzing with excitement as we review each release as and when they materialise between now and November.

    So why not listen along with us?! Our reviews will be as full as possible, so DO NOT LISTEN BEFORE YOU HAVE HEARD THE STORY!!!! You have been warned!

    Part Five, written by Jonathan Barnes is available to own right now by visiting Big Finish’s website. As soon as your ears have digested the story, download our review and join in the celebration with Brent, Michele, Drew and Ian.

    Drop an email to us as feedback@thedoctorwhopodcast.com (with “Once and Future” in the subject field) and we’ll read your message and discuss your theories on next month’s review show!

    Enjoy the show – and Happy Anniversary!

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