Overall Statistics

Doctor Who: Verity!

Doctor Who: Verity!
A Doctor Who Podcast where a rotating cast of six women, from across the globe, talk all things Doctor Who. We have opinions.

Homepage: http://VerityPodcast.com/

RSS Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/VerityPodcast?format=xml

Doctor Who: Verity! Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
46 days, 19 hours, 11 minutes and 55 seconds
Earliest Episode:
21 December 2012 (10:33pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
31 December 2024 (12:00pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
4 days, 4 hours, 18 minutes and 21 seconds

Doctor Who: Verity! Episodes

  • Seven Minutes With the Doctor

    31 December 2024 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 33 seconds

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    The holidays are here again, and that means we were treated to another Christmas Special!

    Join Erika, Kat, Lynne, and Tansy as we discuss the Moffat-penned Christmas special "Joy to the World!"

    So, what are your thoughts on "Joy to the World?" Did you enjoy the Doctor's time with Anita on his slow go around? Were you excited like we were about Joel Fry's appearance? Where would you visit in the Time Hotel?

    Drop us a message on Bluesky, Facebook, or Instagram.


    Joel Fry is Justin, the Narrator in the Big Finish story Doctor Who: No Place

  • The Balloon Metaphor

    10 July 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Series 14 is over, so it's time for Verity! to talk about it and revisit the season's highs and lows.

    The crew is all here, and some of our pets decided to give their opinions as well. (If you speak canine or feline, please contact us to add a transcription.)

    Join Deb, Erika, Kat, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy, with special guests Hector, Hugo, and Pippa, as we talk series 14/season 1.    

    - We will be taking a couple of weeks off to prep for our Summer of Fun series.

    - If you're not already a member, you can join our Patreon as a free or paid member. So, what are your thoughts on series 14? What were your highs and lows? Do you agree with the general consensus of Empire of Death being a low point in the series? Drop us a message on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.

  • The Empire of Death Strikes Back

    26 June 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 27 seconds

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    The finale is here and half of the Verities are present to discuss it (with different opinions!) Join Deb, Kat, and Liz as we discuss "The Empire of Death," Sutekh, Ruby, and Mel. Have all our questions been been answered? Did the math add up? And in Kat's case, when will we get a Sutekh jackal plushie?   

    - We will be taking next week off to recover and then returning to the week after to discuss the entire series as a whole.

    - If you're not already a member, you can join our Patreon as a free or paid member. We've set up a post so you can give us some feedback about what you'd like to hear. Now friends, what are your thoughts on "The Empire of Death?" Did it bring you the answers you needed or just more questions? Are you looking forward to the Christmas special? Drop us a message on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or let us know in the comments!


    P.S. Make sure to listen all the way to the end.

    P.P.S. The anagram last week was "Listen to Verity."


  • The Wordle of Ruby Sunday

    19 June 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 56 seconds

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    The Doctor divides his attention between saving the world and helping Ruby learn about her past (thank you, VHS tapes), while Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy divide their attention between discussing Sutekh, thoughts on the Time Window, and the positive changes being made at U.N.I.T.   

    As mentioned in the episode: 

    - Joy Piedmont talks to Chris Chibnall on Reality Bomb 106A. - It's never Susan (except for in Warren's music video) We realize there's still another part to be aired, so anything can change, but what were your thoughts on "The Legend of Ruby Sunday?" Drop us a message on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, or let us know in the comments!


    P.S. Can you solve this anagram? "I invest lottery"

  • Rogue for Insight

    12 June 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Subtext, meet text! That kiss! Dungeons & Dragons in the Regency era! We have a lot of feels so thankfully Deb, Liz, and Lynne are here to discuss the rollicking Doctor Who episode "Rogue."   

    - Watch the official Doctor Who behind-the-scenes of "Rogue," including a mini interview with the writers Kate Herron and Briony Redman. (If you can find Unleashed! There's a longer interview.) So, there's lots of love for this episode, but what were your thoughts on "Rogue?" More importantly, which Richard E. Grant do we see among the regenerations? Drop us a message on our socials (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or website) 



  • Polka Dot Bubble

    5 June 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 2 seconds

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    We've been given another Doctor (and companion) lite episode, but this episode has given everyone plenty to talk about. Join Deb, Erika, and Lynne to discuss the Doctor Who episode "Dot and Bubble," with Deb back as moderator.   

    - Watch a trailer for the mostly missing, now animated Doctor Who story: Galaxy 4.

    What were your thoughts on "Dot and Bubble?" What parts stood out to you and why? Drop us a message on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, or let us know on the website! 



  • 73 Opinions

    29 May 2024 (11:01am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Kat, Liz, and Tansy discuss the Doctor Who episode "73 Yards," with Liz continuing her moderator role. We also talk about Wellington Paranormal, genre, and tropes, and with this guest cast, of course, there's a brief section for fans of I, Claudius!

    - Watch a trailer for the 1976 TV show I, Claudius.

    What were your thoughts on "73 Yards?" Did you enjoy the lack of clarification the script gave us, or do you need to know what was said to make people run away? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know on our website.


  • Doctor Boombastic

    22 May 2024 (11:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 55 seconds

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    It's a rare Verity! Two-hander this week with Liz and Lynne discussing the episode "Boom." They talk about Susan Twist, British history, Anglicanism, and the return of the Moff! Steven Moff(at), that is.   

    Classic Doctor Who Connections: - Watch the landmine scene from "The Genesis of the Daleks."

    How did you feel about "Boom?" Were you excited to see another Moffat script, or are you just passing the time until the Regency episode next week? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments on the website! 


  • Devil's Chord in her Heart (ft. Space Babies)

    15 May 2024 (11:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 33 seconds

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    The Bad Wolf and Disney-money era of Doctor Who is back! After a long press journey and travelling the world, we've been given TWO new episodes! Join Deb, Kat, Lynne, and Tansy as we discuss "Space Babies" and "Devil's Chord in Her Heart!"  

    How did you feel about "Space Babies?" What about "Devil's Chord?" Are you on board with all the conspiracy theories, or think it's never Susan? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments! We're so glad to be back!


  • Goblins Over Ruby Road

    3 January 2024 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 46 minutes and 20 seconds

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    Doctor Who was back on Christmas Day! This was Ncuti Gatwa's first full-length episode as the Doctor and introduced Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday, his new companion. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we discuss "Chuch on Ruby Road," new beginnings and having Doctor Who back at Christmas.  

    How did you feel about "Church on Ruby Road?" Were the goblins a hit with you? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things

    • Liz (and all the other Verities) are excited about the release of her story "Time Schisms!" in the Big Finish Audio "Rani Takes On The World: The Revenge of Wormwood."

  • The Giggle Loop

    13 December 2023 (1:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 22 seconds

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    The third special has aired and we have so much to talk about. Join Deb, Erika, and Kat, as we discuss "The Giggle" featuring Neil Patrick Harris, regenerations, and old friends returning.  

    How did you feel about "The Giggle?" Are you of two minds? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things

  • Family Friendly Body Horror

    6 December 2023 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Another week with new Doctor Who on our screens - it almost seems too good to be true! Join Lynne, Kat, Liz, and Tansy as we discuss the newest Doctor Who special and psychological thriller episode "Wild Blue Yonder." 

    How do you feel about "Wild Blue Yonder?" Were you impressed by the practical effects or were you awed by the CGI? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments!


    Mentioned in the episode: 

    Rob Shearman's Big Finish Audio: "Scherzo

    Happy Things

    Listen to Erika giving her thoughts on "Wild Blue Yonder" on the Incomparable Network's Flashcast

  • Verity! Meeps on Going

    29 November 2023 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 45 seconds

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    Verity! is back, and so is Doctor Who! We're so happy to be shaking off that podcast regeneration energy and have you all along for the ride. Join Deb, Kat, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we discuss the return of Doctor Who to our screens with "The Star Beast," and all hail the Meep!

    How do you feel about "The Star Beast?" Were you excited about Catherine Tate and David Tennant returning? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things

    Don't forget to listen to Erika giving her thoughts on "The Star Beast" on the Incomparable Network's Flashcast

  • Verity! Meeps on Going

    29 November 2023 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 45 seconds

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    Verity! is back, and so is Doctor Who! We're so happy to be shaking off that podcast regeneration energy and have you all along for the ride. Join Deb, Kat, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we discuss the return of Doctor Who to our screens with "The Star Beast," and all hail the Meep!

    How do you feel about "The Star Beast?" Were you excited about Catherine Tate and David Tennant returning? Drop us a message on social media, or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things

    Don't forget to listen to Erika giving her thoughts on "The Star Beast" on the Incomparable Network's Flashcast

  • Extra! - A Verity! Regeneration

    4 January 2023 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Happy 2023, everyone! This year, after 10 years of podcasting, Verity! is going to regenerate! Join Deb, Erika, Kat, Liz, Lynne, and Tansy as we all look back at the last 10 years and share some general hopes for the future! We also chat about the trailer for the Tennant-and-Tate 60th anniversary specials. Much excitement and many feels all around!

    Yes, that's right, Verity! will be taking a hiatus and making some changes, so think of this ep as the speech at the end of "Survival", but with the knowledge that the show WILL come back again -- and a lot sooner than Doctor Who did in the 80s/90s!

    Many many thanks for listening, whether you've been with us since 2013, picked up somewhere since then, or are joining us right now! We appreciate the community that has built itself up around us, and we're excited to regenerate into the next version of Verity! to keep bringing you thoughts and feelings about Doctor Who for a good long while to come!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Fanciful Holiday Gifting

    28 December 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 34 seconds

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    The holiday season is upon us, and we're in a giving mood! Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Tansy as we take a page out of the Deeper Cuts holiday book and pick Doctor Who-related gifts for the world and for each other. These are mostly fanciful things that couldn't possibly happen, but they're a lot of fun nonetheless. It's clear that after 10 years podcasting together, we know what will delight our fellow Verities!

    We also briefly touch on the announcement of Ncuti Gatwa's and Millie Gibson's new costumes, in which we all become sci-fi fashionistas. Do check out the video to see things up close!

    What would you gift to the world as some holiday DW goodness? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Journey's End of the Line

    21 December 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 30 seconds

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    With Tennant and Tate back next year, we thought it was time to revisit Donna's last appearance. Join Deb, Erika, and Kat as we discuss our feelings about this story and how they've changed over the years.

    How do you feel about "Journey's End" (and "The Stolen Earth") in particular, Donna's fate? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - You Modern Monster, You

    14 December 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 5 seconds

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    Time for another game of You Monster, You! Join Deb, Kat, and Tansy as they make monstrous (and not-so-monstrous) decisions -- with a Modern Who twist!

    Would you have made the same choices? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • The Runaway Bride and Prejudice

    7 December 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 43 seconds

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    We'll be seeing Donna on our screens again next year! Join Deb, Erika, and Lynne as we dip back and talk about her very first appearance!

    How do you feel about "The Runaway Bride" and in particular, Donna in this story? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Thoroughly Modern Millie

    30 November 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 44 seconds

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    New companion!!! Join Deb, Kat, and Lynne as they chat about Millie Gibson as the new companion, the announcement itself, and how the BBC has historically introduced new members of Team TARDIS.

    Are you excited to see Millie Gibson in the TARDIS? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Bring 'em Back - For Fun or For Fix-it

    23 November 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 35 seconds

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    So David Tennant is the 14th Doctor, and Donna is back as well. Join Deb, Erika, and Kat as we dream about what other Doctor-companion combos we'd like to have back, regeneration-style.

    What combos would you bring back, and why? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • A Look Back at 13

    16 November 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 30 seconds

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    Now that we've said goodbye to the 13th Doctor and reminisced about some favourite moments, it's time for a more comprehensive retrospective. Join Deb, Erika, Liz, and Lynne as we discuss the Chibnall-Whittaker era as a whole. We talk about what we liked, what we didn't as much, what held together, and we even learn a little bit about ourselves along the way!

    How did you feel about the era as a whole? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!

    Happy things:


    Hammer House of Podcast "Transmission" from The Doctor early in the pandemic Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Everywhere in Neverwhere

    9 November 2022 (12:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 37 seconds

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    Remember our "Who Adjacent" features, where we'd pick a non-DoctorWho property with some Who DNA? Join Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy as we talk about Erika's pick, Neverwhere which has so many relations to Doctor Who they're practically first cousins. From Peter Capaldi as the Angel Islington to the series being created by a Who actor (Lenny Henry) and a Who writer (Neil Gaiman), there are connections galore, and we dive deep! Just like Neverwhere does under London.

    Have you seen Neverwhere? Or read/listened to it? What did you think? Did you notice any Who connections we didn't mention? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Jodie Joy

    2 November 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Now that we've said goodbye to Jodie, it's time for some fond reminiscence! Join Liz, Kat, and Tansy as they squee over some of their favourite Jodie moments and stories.

    What are some of your favourite Jodie-related Who things? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • I've Got The Power of the Doctor

    26 October 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 4 seconds

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    NEW. DOCTOR. WHO. FINALLY. Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, and Tansy as we flail over our feels after this intensely feel-fueled BBC Centenary special, which just happens to be the final episode of an amazing Doctor that we're all going to miss.

    How did you feel about "The Power of the Doctor"? Did you need Pepto Bismol? Or were you annoyed/confused by all the fan service? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Build Your Own Convention

    19 October 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 12 seconds

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    With the Gallifrey One convention's announcement of Jodie Whittaker as a headline guest Deb, Kat, and Liz get in the convention spirit by building their own fantastical fan convention. Join us as we name our dream headliners, guests, creatives, cosplay elements, and as a bonus, what guests we'd like to see play the iconic "This or That".

    What shiny discs would you like to acquire? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Chain Reaction: Catherine Tate Interviews David Tennant Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • The Magician's Apprenticeship & The Witch's Familiarity

    12 October 2022 (2:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Is compassion an indulgence? Join Deb, Erika, and Tansy as they discuss this question in the context of our chat about Davros, the ultimate tech bro. And of course we spend lots of time on Clara, Missy, and the Doctor himself!

    How do you feel about "The Magician's Apprentice" and "The Witch's Familiar"? Was this your first Doctor Who story, or do you know someone for whom it was Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Rachel Boon - The Curator

    5 October 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 28 seconds

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    It's been a long time since we've brought you an interview, but when this opportunity popped up, Lynne could not resist! Join her as she chats with Rachel Boon, curator of the BBC at 100 exhibit! The exhibit opened July 27, 2022, and will be open into 2023.

    Have you had a chance to take in the exhibit? What did you think? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Doctor Who: Redacted

    28 September 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hour, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    It's been a while since we've talked about any Doctor Who audio! Join Deb, Erika, and Kat as we chat about the delightful-in-nearly-every-way 10-part audio drama, Doctor Who: Redacted!

    Have you checked out this podcast-within-a-not-quite-podcast yet? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Radio Free Skaro interview with Ella Watts Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Pyrrhic Victory of the Daleks

    21 September 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 12 seconds

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    Every showrunner gets to the Daleks eventually! Join Deb, Kat, and Tansy as they discuss Steven Moffat's first foray into Dalekdom!

    How do you feel about this Dalek tale? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things:

    • Deb is tickled about the existence of the movie Hotel!

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - You Are the Producer - Volume 3

    14 September 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 32 seconds

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    Ever wonder how a story would work with a different Doctor or companion? Join Deb, Erika, and Tansy as they reimagine Doctor Who stories with different cast configurations!

    How would you have re-cast these stories? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    You Are the Producer You Are the Producer, Again Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Blu-ray Wish List

    7 September 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 15 seconds

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    The list of Blu-ray titles for Doctor Who is growing, but maybe not fast enough! Join Deb, Kat, Liz, and Lynne as they talk about what they'd like on their shelves and why!

    What shiny discs would you like to acquire? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Alien Resurrection of the Daleks

    31 August 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 13 minutes and 29 seconds

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    There will always be more Daleks eventually, so the Verities talk about another one of their previous outings. Join Deb, Kat, and Tansy as they discuss one of the many "R" of the Daleks stories!

    How do you feel about this Dalek tale? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things:

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Trivial Pursuit - Bob Points

    24 August 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 47 seconds

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    When we put Liz in charge of a game, even Doctor Who Trivial Pursuit becomes more exciting! Join Liz, Deb, and Erika as the latter two of us do our best not to lose all our points!

    How would you have done on these questions? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Links! Incomparable Podcast Network members page (if you're not a member, you can still listen to general trivia on Random Pursuit and Doctor Who ramblings on Lazy Doctor Who) Hammer House of Podcast

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Pinky and The Brain of Morbius

    17 August 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 24 seconds

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    We've talked a lot about Time Lords, so let's talk about another one who appears in this "book report on Frankenstein"! Join Deb, Erika, Kat, and Tansy as we discuss Morbius and long history of the Sisterhood of Karn!

    How do you feel about this story? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things:

    Old Space Show podcast covers Blake's 7 Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Attack of the Cybermen in Black

    10 August 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 40 seconds

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    This week we're dipping back to a story that dips back even further! Join Erika, Kat, and Liz as we discuss the the Cybermen, Cyber Leader, Cyber Controller, and (of course) Lytton!

    How do you feel about this story? Is it terrible? Is it enjoyable? Is it both? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things:

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Not Simply to Amuse

    3 August 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes and 9 seconds

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    Doctor Who has always been political. ALWAYS. Join Deb, Erika, and Liz as we talk about how both the modern and classic eras have never shied away from taking on the issues of the day.

    What are some of the stories you think of when you think of political Who? Let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • The Deadly Assassin's Creed

    27 July 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 38 seconds

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    Time to revisit a 4th Doctor story with several elements that modern Who has called back to! Join Deb, Liz, and Tansy as they discuss the Master, the history of Gallifrey, and the everything-of-Rassilon.

    How do you feel about this story? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy Things:

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - AVA - The Dogs & Hats Edition

    13 July 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 58 seconds

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    When scheduling is woeful, we answer listener questions! So join Erika and Tansy as we dive into headgear and puppies and more! That's right, it's another edition of Ask Verity! Anything!

    Do you have questions for a future AVA? Let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Arc of Infinity War

    6 July 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 8 seconds

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    Time to revisit a 5th Doctor story with several elements that modern Who has called back to! Join Deb, Erika, and Lynne as we try to escape our real-world feelings by talking about the worlds of Gallifrey and Amsterdam.

    How do you feel about this story, and/or Tegan, Omega, Nyssa, etc.? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Bad Wolf Wish List

    29 June 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Bad Wolf Productions will be taking over Doctor Who production from the BBC! Join Erika, Katrina, Liz, and Tansy as we talk about what we'd like to see when that happens!

    What would you like to see from the Bad Wolf era? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this w

  • Tegan and Ace (They're Both Aces)

    22 June 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Were you as excited as we were to see Tegan and Ace in the preview following "Legend of the Sea Devil"? Heck, yeah you were! And if you're a Modern Who fan who is wondering what all the fuss was about, don't worry, we've got you. This week Deb and Lynne discuss Tegan and Ace, what makes them fascinating characters and what classic Who stories are good primers to watch before the 13th Doctor's finale.

    How do you feel about Tegan and Ace? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Verity! Public Episode Spreadsheet Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • The Clan Stewart

    15 June 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 1 second

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    We continue to delve into the origins of nifty things from modern Doctor Who. Join Erika, Lynne, and Tansy for this chat about Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, his daughter, and (briefly) his ancestor.

    How do you feel about the Brig and his fam? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy things:

    The Grey Man of the Mountain by Lizbeth Myles Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Bring Back These Baddies

    8 June 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Time for more wishing! Join Deb, Kat, and Tansy as they talk about some classic villains and monsters that haven't yet appeared in modern Who, but should!

    Which baddies would you bring back? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Doctor Re-Draft

    1 June 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Time for some silly re-casting! Join Deb, Erika, Kat, and Liz as we stick the "wrong" Doctors into a bunch of Doctor Who stories!

    Which Doctors would you put into these stories? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - AVA - The No News Edition

    25 May 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 25 seconds

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    We thought there might be some Big Doctor Who News the week we recorded this, but nope! So join Deb, Erika, and Kat as we answer listener questions - and some questions of our own! That's right, it's another edition of Ask Verity! Anything!

    Do you have questions for a future AVA? Let us know in the comments!


    Head Over Feels recap of “Legend of the Sea Devils” Finding Eurovision on Start the Music (Kat's podcast project) Beginner's Puck (Deb & Erika talk hockey) Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - More 2023 Casting News!

    18 May 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Holy Moses, more casting news! Join Deb, Erika, and Katrina as we react to the return of David Tennant's Doctor and Donna! And a new "Rose" played by Heartstopper phenom, Yasmin Finney!

    What was your reaction to hearing Tennant and Tate are back? Did you love Finney in Heartstopper as much as Erika? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - New Doctor News!

    11 May 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 24 seconds

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    It's official! We have another new Doctor! Join Deb, Erika, Katrina, Lynne, and Tansy as we dive into our reactions to this amazing news and welcome Ncuti Gatwa (Ncuti, pronounced SHOO-tee) to the Doctor Who family!

    Have you seen him in Sex Education or anything else? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Extra! - Escape the TARDIS!

    4 May 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 41 minutes and 15 seconds

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    It's game time again, and Liz leads the Verities on an Exciting Adventure! Join Liz, Lynne, and Tansy, as they play Escape the TARDIS! a brand-new role-playing game that Liz finished writing 20 minutes before they started recording. What could possibly go wrong?!

    Which part of this game was your favourite? Let us know in the comments!


    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

  • Breaking The Ice Warriors

    27 April 2022 (11:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds

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    We continue to delve into the origins of Doctor Who's "classic" villains. Join Tansy and Erika for this chat about Martians that maybe kinda sorta look like Vikings? If you can't see them very well? And maybe don't know what a Viking actually looks like?

    What did you think of "The Ice Warriors" and of Ice Warriors in general? Drop us a tweet or let us know in the comments!


    Happy things:

    Extra-special thanks to this week's editor, Steven Schapansky of Castria! Support Verity! on Patreon

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