Latest Podcast Episodes
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 19
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 19.
TDP 1328: 90 #Torchwood: Reflect
Tin Dog PodcastThis title was released in December 2024. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 28 February 2025, and on general sale after this date. "I will live in the past, the present, and the future. The spirits of all three shall strive within me." Christmas is a time for ghost stories, everyone knows that. But it is also a time to reflect on the past, consider the present and muse on where we might be in the future. Dorothy McShane and St John Colchester-Price have gathered to tell each other - and you at home - four stories of horror and hope, of spirits and sadness. It's the longest night of the year. And the lady in green waits... **Please note: the collector’s edition CD is strictly limited to 1,000 copies**
DIDDLY DUM PODCAST #207 – Oh Come All Ye Faithless
Diddly Dum PodcastOur own Hayden gate crashes our Christmas podcast (literally) and joins us for the usual traditional quizzes and games as we jeopardise our fire safety certificate by lighting our Advent Crown in the vicinity of so much booze.
Listen/download on Amazon Music
We can also be found on the Doctor Who Podcast Alliance
Find Diddly Dum pics on Tumblr.
Email us at
(00:16:43) The Diddly Dum Podcast has joined Bluesky so please do join us there.
Uxarian warrior from “Colony in Space”.
Fifth Doctor companion, Vislor Turlough.
Vogan Councillor Tyrum from “Revenge of the Cybermen”.
Silurian from “Joy to the World”.
First Doctor companion, Ian Chesterton from “The Crusade”.
Tobias Vaughn’s henchman, Packer from “The Invasion”.
Giant Vampire’s hand from “State of Decay”.
Tennant Doctor era sonic screwdriver accessory from friends of the podcast, Tom’s Refurbishments.
Fifteenth Doctor (at a pinch).
The Diddly Dum Podcast acknowledges the copyright of anyone we’ve pinched anything from.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 18
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 18.
Who's He? On The TV | Syrup at Christmas
Who's He?In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
Who's He? On The TV | Syrup at Christmas
In this festive edition, Phil looks at the phenonemon of the TV Christmas movie and how they've become a staple of Christmas in his household.
You can find us on X, Threads, Mastodon, Bluesky and Facebook. Don't miss an episode by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, plus many other podcatchers of your choice.
The Echo Chamber #9 – The Spectre of Lanyon Moor – LIVE!
The Doctor Who PodcastIt’s Episode 9 of The Echo Chamber! Join James and Michele live and in-person as they talk about The Spectre of Lanyon Moor by Nicholas Pegg, released in June 2000.
Listening instructions are very straightforward –
- Buy The Spectre of Lanyon Moor from Big Finish Productions for just a few pounds.
- Listen to it!
- Join us in the Echo Chamber, listen to what we thought and join in the discussion!
Enjoy the show!
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 17
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 17.
ProgNeg #48 Night of the Comet
Doctor Who: Prognosis NegativeALONE?:
- It's Prognosis Negative Episode Four Eight, featuring Caleb, Sean, Eric and a brand new host for this feed, Ike! Join us as we find ourselves once again at the end of the world as we discuss the 1984 film, The Night of the Comet. Dive in and discover if we go type O Neg or Pos!
- This is a Non-canonical ProgNeg, released out of sequence.
- This discussion was recorded on Oct. 26th, 2024.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and possibly Doctor Who! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
Host/Producer: Eric @BullittWHO Prognosis Negative Movie Reviews Podcast Star Trek: Romulans Bearing Gifts Podcast
Co-host: Sean @HomrigSean The Cabot Cove Confab: A Murder, She Wrote Podcast The Best Picture Podcast
Co-host/Producer: Chris @dubbayoo Doctor Who: Radio Free Skaro
Co-host/Producer: Caleb @CalebAlexader The Novice Elitists Film Podcast Bending the Elements: An Avatar Podcast
Co-Host: Carl @robominister
Co-Creator: H.B. Lockwood @hayleyglyps
Prognosis Negative @ProgNeg Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com Website: Patreon: Tumblr: Facebook:
ProgNeg Theme originally compiled by H.B. Lockwood
Podcastica Episode 327: Planet of the Ood OR Under the Oodfluence
PodcasticaSomething ood is afoot in the Ood Sphere! Yes, it's capitalism and exploitation come to wreck yet another civilization! Aren't we humans grand? Yes, this time we watch the wintry classic Planet of the Ood and weigh its message against the legendary, heavy-handed Orphan 55 (good news, not as heavy). And programming note: we may not be reviewing the Christmas special until about the first of the new year, so let us take this opportunity to thank you for joining us in 2024 and to wish you all a lovely holiday season!
CRRRRS 560 Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen and A Ghost Story for Christmas: Stigma Addenda and an Intermission
Roy's Rocket RadioJournal, Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen, Dune: Prophecy, A Ghost Story for Christmas: Stigma, Skeleton Crew, The Box of Delights, Whovian or Not?, Not One Hundred Percent
#259 - The Wheel Deal
Doctor Who: The Metebelis 2We discuss the phenomenal animation of "The Wheel in Space" by Iz Skinner and her partner Steve Skinner. It easily ranks in the top three of Doctor Who animations. We speculated about this animation having an official release before Josh Snares released his informative "Making of" documentary. Thus our podcast is a little behind the times due to the editing and production lag. To view the animation, you may watch the complete episodes on Gav Rymill's Missing Episodes Patreon or a playlist on TARDIS Timegirl's YouTube channel. Opening and closing music is from Wheel's soundtrack and was composed by Brian Hodgson. We recorded this podcast on 2 December 2024.
Spies Like Us
Waffle On PodcastWaffle On about Spies Like Us
Merry Christmas 2024 to you all and to those who don't celebrate it Merry Waffle On to you all. On this snowy episode Meds and Kell chat away about this Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase led comedy from, yes you've guessed it 1985. This is the last episode devoted to the year that the boys met, next year will be back to random years and who knows what.
Thanks for joining the podcast and keeping it alive. Happy 2025 to you all and see you on the other side.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 16
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 16.
TDP 1327:#Bigfinish Originals - VAM PD Volume One REVIEW
Tin Dog PodcastVampires live their lives by rules - but who polices them? Welcome to the Office of the Night, where vampires Catrin and Magnus keep an uneasy peace between the living and the undead. Party All Night Vampire Circuit Parties? Someone's set up a series of tasting clubs at which vampires massacre unsuspecting human invitees. Magnus and Catrin must stop this before the craze goes viral. It's Jane's first day as human liaison to the Office of the Night and it may well be her last. Blood Bank Some vampires choose not to kill for blood – they prefer to have it supplied. It's a lifestyle choice. There’s a thriving red market in liquid gold. But the vampires running the Red Market are worried – something's contaminating the blood – a contaminant that for some is a drug and for others is lethal. If the Red Market falls, then their customers are suddenly going to get very hungry. Under the Sun A vampire cult has sprung up allowing vampires the ultimate cure – the ability to walk in the sun. Catrin and Magnus are worried. Is the cult a trick, or will it change the way that vampires feed, unleashing terror on the world? Note: This production features scenes of vampiric feeding and blood consumption.
Radio Free Skaro #991 - The Son of Doctor Who
Radio Free SkaroIt is the beginning of Warren’s 54th trip around the Sun (aka Hot Orbie) as we release this episode and as such the Three Who Rule ponder news of new Gallifrey One guests, the official announcement of an animated recon of the 1966 Doctor Who story “The Savages”, an unofficial and very cool animated recon of “The Wheel in Space”, Doctor Who audio news, Steven’s overcomplicated Andor-Doctor Who-Disney+ conspiracy-laden paranoia, and an exciting interview with both Paul and Sonny McGann from Chicago TARDIS! Enjoy!
- Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon
- Gallifrey One guest update: Sheppard, Herron, Redman, Robinson, Handcock, Houser
- RTD & Steven Moffat interview from the Radio Times shoot
- Missing Doctor Who story ‘The Savages’ returns as animation
- The Savages Amazon UK preorder link, shows Mar 24, 2025 release
- The Wheel in Space unofficial animation profiled on Josh Snares’ YouTube channel
- The Wheel in Space animation playlist
- Doctor Who Magazine Special 68 – The 2025 Yearbook released Dec 12
- Doctor Who: Where’s the Doctor? Paperback due 19 Jun. 2025
- Doctor Who: Dracula Paperback due 28 Aug 2025
- Doctor Who: Agent of the Daleks: 1st Doctor Audio Original due 6 Mar 2025
- Doctor Who: The Cloud Exiles & Other Stories: Doctor Who Audio Annual due 3 Apr 2025
- Doctor Who theme added to Australia’s National Film & Sound Archive
- Big Finish The Death and Life of River Song: Ace and Tegan due Mar 2025
- Arnold Yarrow (Bellal in Death to the Daleks) dies aged 104
- Radio Free Skaro Livestream: “Joy To The World” Review: December 26, noon PT/3pm ET/8pm UK
Who's He? Podcast 482 | A time for memories returning
Who's He?In this episode of the Who's He? Podcast....
A time for memories returning
Christmas is coming so what better time to talk about Doctor Who toys! Join Phil and Scott as they select their five favourite Doctor Who toys that they have either received as presents or just really wanted but never got!
And in the news, The Savages gets animated and we say goodbye to Arnold Yarrow.
You can find us on X, Threads, Mastodon, Bluesky and Facebook. Don't miss an episode by subscribing to our show on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Podcasts, plus many other podcatchers of your choice.
#doctorwho #whoniverse
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 15
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 15.
Preview of Joy to the World
The Doctor Who PodcastJoin Phil, James and Michele as they take a in-depth (well, as in-depth as it gets for us) look at this year’s upcoming Christmas Special, Joy to the World, starring none other than Ncuti Gatwa and Nicola Coughlan. No spoilers (mainly cos we don’t know any!), but we do talk about the promotional material already out there – that’s the preview in Doctor Who Magazine, the trailers and the media rounds that have been keeping Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies busy of late.
Episode 9 pf the DWP Echo Chamber will be online Wednesday, but then the next time the Campervan pulls into your feed will be Boxing Day when we review Joy to the World! Not long now brand new Doctor Who!
As always, get in touch with us be emailing us at the campervan at, Tweeting us or by jumping into our Facebook Page and Group.
Enjoy the show – and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Episode 909: Sleep No More
Who NewWhat follows is the account of final days of the Le Verrier station orbiting Neptune as told by Station Archival Footage, Military Helmet Cameras, and Gagan Rassmussen. Gagan addresses viewers directly by use of various cameras ending with the message, “You Have Been Warned.”
BEGIN PLAYBACK – Gagan Rassmussen (Age – Unknown, Scientist, Presumed Dead) tells the viewer that they are in danger (Cause Unknown) but this video can provide answers. On a deserted space station (I.D. Le Verrier Station in orbit around Neptune, Sol system), a military team – Nagata (Age 30, Officer 2nd Class, Commanding – Deceased), Chopra (Age 28, Conscript – Deceased), Deep-Ando (Age 40, Conscript 2nd Class – Deceased), 474 (Age 5, Grunt – Deceased) – are searching the station and encounter The Doctor (Age – Unknown, Gallifrean Time Lord, Status – Unknown) and Clara Oswald (Age 27 {relatively} – 21st Century origin, Rank – Unknown, Status – Unknown). They are being hunted by Sleep Men (Age – Unknown, Rank – Unknown, Status – Unknown) who have grown from sleep dust and kill other entities to reproduce. The remaining sentients aggressively attempt to escape the station and death… Static… – PLAYBACK ENDS.
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Bonus Interview with Andy Lambert & Jeff Goddard
Trap One: A Doctor Who PodcastIn this bonus interview, Andy Lambert (@zygon71) and Jeff (@CityOf_Jeff) talk to Conrad (@hairofthehound_) about their Doctor Who fandom and creative inspirations, from cartoons to caricatures, puppets to toy photography. Follow Andy Lambert on Bluesky: and Jeff Goddard Andy Lambert's art: Trap One Winter Special - Black Sun Rising: The Collected Back-up Strips Vol.2:
Circumventing: Episode 1
WHO 37 - A Doctor Who PodcastA preview of the new Inside No. 9 Podcast. Chris, Sean and JB discuss the episode "Love's Greatest Adventure", appropriately for this time of year a story set during Xmas. Speaking of which, we'll be back after the holiday to catch up and have our therapy session over the 2024 Disney Who Xmas Special. Happy Holidays!
Alternate Galaxies: The Return of the King
The Doctor Who ShowThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was released in 2003 and tonight, The Doctor Who Show team ends its trilogy of Alternate Galaxies episodes begun two months ago with The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring and continued last month with The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
We again examine the film in question from two different angles, with Dave not having seen the production before.
What are our thoughts on this film, its writing, its production, and its ensemble cast including Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Liv Tyler, Viggo Mortensen, Sean Astin, John Rhys-Davies, Bernard Hill, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom, Miranda Otto, David Wenham, Karl Urban, and Andy Serkis, here in 2024?
If you’ve got an hour to spare, sit back, relax, and join us in an ALTERNATE GALAXIES episode that travels to Middle Earth for the final time - unless we do the Hobbit, but does anyone really want that?
Contact us any time:
November 2024 Big Finish Releases with Gary Russell and Nicholas Briggs
Doctor Who : The Sirens of AudioWe take a look back at the Big Finish Doctor Who related releases for the month of November 2024.
We are priviledged once again to be joined by two of the most important figures in Big Finish history, Gary Russell and Nicholas Briggs. They talk about their own releases for the month, Nick's Redux version of The Sirens of Time, and Gary's contribution to Gallifrey: Echoes Through Eternity, celebrating 20 years of Gallifrey.
Theme music by Joe Kraemer.
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Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 14
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 14.
Black Sun Rising: Back-up Tales Vol. 2
Trap One: A Doctor Who PodcastOn the Trap One Winter Special, Andy (@zygon71), Jeff (@CityOf_Jeff), Eric (@egrissom) & Conrad (@HairoftheHound_) reunite to review the remaining 18 Doctor Who Monthly back-up strips in 'Black Sun Rising: The Complete Doctor Who Back-up Tales Volume 2' Bonus interview with Andy Lambert & Jeff Goddard released Sunday 15th December 2024. Andy Lambert's art: Eric Grissom's work on & Review of Return of the Daleks Vol 1: Bonus Interview with Eric Grissom: Doctor Who Metal Theme by inertia666
Tim's Take On: Episode 782(Doctor Who: The Lie of the Land mini review)
Tim's Take On...This week we reach the final part of the monk’s trilogy Doctor Who: The Lie of the Land.
You may wish to contribute to the show’s running costs, it’s Patreon is here
or buy me a coffee here
The show is also on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to
or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 13
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 13.
TDP 1325: Torchwood Bad Connection 89
Tin Dog PodcastThis title was released in November 2024. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2025, and on general sale after this date. A lonely man is walking past a telephone box when he notices it’s ringing. On the other end of the line is a woman telling him he’s in terrible danger. Will someone finally listen to Suzie Costello? And will she save Emlyn Crook?
248: Festivities & Frollicking
Neither The Time Nor The SpaceThis week, David & Matt sit down for something a little different as they rank each Holiday Special of new Who
Doctor Who theme by Ron Grainer, arranged by Alexander Erben.
Talk to us! Email:
Twitter: @timenorspacepod
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 12
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 12.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 11
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 11.
The Echo Chamber #8 – Red Dawn
The Doctor Who PodcastIt’s Episode 8 of The Echo Chamber! James and Michele talk about Red Dawn by Justin Richards, released in May 2000.
Listening instructions are very straightforward –
- Buy Red Dawn from Big Finish Productions for just a few pounds.
- Listen to it!
- Join us in the Echo Chamber, listen to what we thought and join in the discussion!
Enjoy the show!
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 10
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 10.
Episode 106: What's In A Name?
Something WhoPaul, Giles, Rick and Richard return with some Greatly Intelligent chat about 11th Doctor tale The Name of the Doctor from Series 7, paired with 2nd Doctor story The Abominable Snowmen from Season 5, which we discussed last time (and a bit more this time too). There's a couple more snippets of Missing Episodes chat at the start and finish of the episode.
Please like or share our podcast with people who will enjoy it, so we can build our listener base high for happiness. You can rate us directly on Apple Podcasts or
Head over to, where we all love Paul's stories. You can pre-order his latest Companion Chronicle The White Ship here as part of the Families box set:
Rick posts on social media as @brickpandorica, where you can find fantastic pictures of his Lego models of Doctor Who moments.
Giles has 2 new children's books out, which you can find in all good bookshops and also at these links: Can We Live on Mars? and Spin to Survive: Deep Space Danger Far be it from us to suggest that these might make great Christmas presents for the enquiring mind in your family.
Richard has another podcast with co-hosts Emily & Nicola, called "If It's Hurting, It's not Working" and it's a fun and informative look at work - why we work, how we work, and what makes a great job. Go to and for more.
The Something Who logo, which features prominently on all our cover art was designed for us by Bea Garrido. She's a really talented artist, who you can find by following this link:, where you can buy prints of some remarkable paintings of characters from Doctor Who.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 9
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 9.
TDP 1325: #ForYourConsideration 11 - Austenland
Tin Dog PodcastThis month’s choice comes from Luke’s wife Hannah. What did Michael and his family make of the choice. T-shirts can be found here – Follow us on twitter Like us on
Top Female Villains (The List Makers)
The Doctor Who ShowThis month we put our thinking caps on and discuss our top female villains in the series. Will we be obvious? Will we go off-piste? Maybe somewhere in between. Who would your picks be? Why not write in and let us know?
You can follow us on X @theDWshow and write to us about anything you like at:
Radio Free Skaro #990 - Borad Subsequent Moviefilm
Radio Free SkaroIt’s a banner weekend in Vancouver as one Taylor Swift graces Warren’s fair city with the final shows of the Eras Tour, and yet the Three Who Rule soldier on (and show just how out of touch they are) with talk of the new trailer for Joy To the World, Doctor Who showrunner holiday photoshoots, some The War Games in Colour backpatting and badinage, a truly inspiring Borad figurine, and the showcase of this episode, Steven’s interview from Chicago TARDIS featuring Season 25 luminaries Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Mark Ayres, and Dominic Glynn!
- Support Radio Free Skaro on Patreon
- Doctor Who Magazine #611 Released
- Doctor Who showrunners unite for exclusive Radio Times festive shoot
- Joy to the World trailer
- Joy to the World will go out at 5:10pm GMT Dec 25 on BBC One
- Joy to the World will drop at 9:10am PST/12:10pm EST on Disney+
- The Doctor Who Proms will go out Dec 24 at 4:10 PM GMT on BBC Two
- The War Games in colour will go out Dec 23 at 9pm GMT on BBC Four
- Josh Snares on the 50% Doctor Who Podcast talking about The War Games colourization
- Phil Sims won Best Design RTS award for Doctor Who
- Ncuti Gatwa nominated for Best Actor in a Drama Series for the Critics Choice TV Awards
- Harrop Buckley Borad figure available to preorder
- Joy to the World DVD/Blu-Ray preorders (Amazon UK), date not yet listed
- Season 9 UK Blu-Ray Standard Packaging due Feb 3
- Season 25 Blu-Ray US preorder (Amazon)
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 8
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 8.
Highlanders Revisited
Staggering Stories PodcastSummary:
Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn review Doctor Who: The Highlanders and the 1991 film Highlander 2: The Quickening, find some general news and a variety of other stuff, specifically:
- 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
- 01:12 — Welcome!
- 02:09 – News:
- 02:23 — Doctor Who: Troughton’s colourful exit.
- 07:52 — Star Trek: Shatner returns.
- 11:28 — Doctor Who: More merch.
- 14:39 — Doctor Who RPG: Unofficial Eighth Doctor audio sourcebook.
- 16:58 — Dungeons and Dragons: Soon to be owned by Elon Musk?
- 18:49 – Highlander 2: The Quickening (1991 film).
- 34:23 – Doctor Who: The Highlanders.
- 48:35 – Emails and listener feedback.
- 52:10 – Farewell for this podcast!
- 52:57 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
Vital Links:
- Staggering Stories.
- BBC: Doctor Who.
- Star Trek.
- The Roddenberry Archive.
- Siskoid: Doctor Who RPG Expanded Universe Sourcebooks.
- Wikipedia: Hasbro.
- Wikipedia: Dungeons and Dragons.
- Wikipedia: The Highlanders (Doctor Who).
- BBC: Doctor Who – The Highlanders.
- Wikipedia: Highlander 2: The Quickening.
- Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
Top Female Villains (The List Makers)
The Doctor Who ShowThis month we put our thinking caps on and discuss our top female villains in the series. Will we be obvious? Will we go off-piste? Maybe somewhere in between. Who would your picks be? Why not write in and let us know?
You can follow us on X @theDWshow and write to us about anything you like at:
Flight Through Entirety: A Doctor Who PodcastWe’ve spent the last twelve weeks enjoying some unexpected extra time with Peter Capaldi and friends, and so it’s finally time to kick back and chat about what we’ve loved, what we’ve learned, and (inevitably) who we’d snog. It’s the Series 10 Retrospective.
Notes and links
Thank you to the people who contributed their questions: Luke Hobbs, Si Hart and David Kitchen. And remember that we have a shiny new-ish Bluesky account, which is the best way to follow us online these days.
And for the very last time, probably, we reference Friend from the Future, a promotional short designed to introduce Bill Potts, first broadcast during Match of the Day on 23 April 2016, nearly a year before this season began. You can see the entire short here.
And just as a reminder, the Jenny Laird Award goes to a season or era’s most puzzling creative choice, and the Bonnie Langford goes to someone or something that is surprisingly and delightfully good.
Follow us
Nathan is on Bluesky at, Todd is at and James is at The Flight Through Entirety theme was arranged by Cameron Lam.
You can follow Flight Through Entirety on Bluesky, as well as on Mastodon, X and Facebook. Our website is at Please consider rating or reviewing us on Apple Podcasts, or we’ll think of the right words later.
And more
You can find links to all of the podcasts we’re involved in on our podcasts page. But here’s a summary of where we’re up to right now.
500 Year Diary is our latest new Doctor Who podcast, going back through the history of the show and examining new themes and ideas. Its first season came out early this year, under the title New Beginnings. Check it out. It will be back for a second season early in 2025.
The Second Great and Bountiful Human Empire has broadcast our hot takes on every new episode of Doctor Who since November last year, and it will be back again in 2025 for Season 2.
The Three-Handed Game makes a triumphant return to your podcatcher with Part 2 of its The Pop Explosion triptych, Build a Better Mousetrap, in which Cathy Gale joins a motorcycle gang which is threatened by witches, which is a thing that basically happened all the time in the 1960s.
And finally there’s our Star Trek commentary podcast, Untitled Star Trek Project, featuring Nathan and friend-of-the-podcast Joe Ford. Nathan and Joe took the week off this week, but last week, we enjoyed a widely-reviled episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine called Ferengi Love Songs.
25 Years of Doctor Who at Big Finish
Doctor Who : The Sirens of AudioIn this episode we are joined by Kenny Smith, editor of Big Finish Vortex Magazine and host of the Pieces of Eighth and Power of Three podcasts to talk about our memories and stand out moments from Big Finish Doctor Who over the last 25 years!
Thanks to our friends from The 50% Doctor Who Podcast for the clips from our Brisbane event with Sylvester McCoy. Be sure to watch to the end to see it!
Theme music by Joe Kraemer.
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Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 7
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 7.
Once Future: Coda - The Final Act
Trap One: A Doctor Who PodcastOn the brand new Trap One Podcast Frazer (@FelixFrazer), Keith, James & Mark (@QuarkMcMalus) return to the anniversary series Once & Future for its coda, The Final Act which introduces the Fugitive Doctor to Big Finish.
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 6
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 6.
Tim's Take On: Episode 781(Doctor Who: The Pyramid at the End of the World mini review)
Tim's Take On...This week my new series re-watch reaches the second in the monk trilogy Doctor Who: The Pyramid at the End of The World.
You may wish to contribute to the show’s running costs, it’s Patreon is here
or buy me a coffee here
The show is also on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show
If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to
or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this in case you were wondering.
TDP 1324: 8. #DoctorWho: Once and Future: Coda - The Final Act
Tin Dog PodcastThis title was released in November 2024. It will be exclusively available to buy from the Big Finish website until 31 January 2025, and on general sale after this date. The Time War. Dealing with the repercussions of degeneration, the Doctor has a limited window of time to evade capture, recruit old allies, wage a war, and find out what's really going on. A warrior is being hunted by a mysterious stranger in a TARDIS. A rogue agent has been assigned a mission to eliminate a dangerous foe. This is a fight between a war criminal and a fugitive. A fight between Doctors.
Episode 311W2449: Wanderers - And Now For The Big Finish - December 2024
Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor WhoOn this month's Wanderers - And Now For The Big Finish podcast, the Wanderers review the Doctor Who - Dark Gallifrey - The War Master audio adventure from Big Finish, as well as the finale to the Once and Future series, Coda!
- Trevor Trevsplace
- Charlie @insanityinchaos The Comic Conspiracy
- David @gwythinn MaroonedWhovian DraconianProgeny
- Connor The Deadly Emerald
Join us in two weeks for the December edition of Wanderers - Crossing the Void! As always, you can send us feedback on Facebook at Wanderers in the 4th Dimension or on Twitter @Wanderin4d... and now on Bluesky!
Radio Free Skaro – 2024 Fluid Links Advent Calendar, Day 5
Radio Free SkaroThis holiday season, Radio Free Skaro is presenting a Fluid Links Advent Calendar! Every day from December 1 until December 24, we’ll discuss one topic from our list provided by you, the listeners. Today: Day 5.