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WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast
WHO 37 - A middle-aged geek from Chicago puts his face in front of a mic and talks about his passion for Doctor Who.

Homepage: http://who37.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://who37.libsyn.com/rss

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
19 days, 23 hours, 31 minutes and 52 seconds
Earliest Episode:
14 February 2025 (5:29am GMT)
Latest Episode:
28 December 2024 (8:00pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
8 days, 17 hours, 55 minutes and 43 seconds

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • #049 Something in the Water (Does Not Compute)

    7 November 2014 (2:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 28 seconds

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    ...in which the glass is either half empty or half full as our fearless podcaster reviews "Dark Water".

  • #048 Morning Wood

    26 October 2014 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 16 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster tries to kick his Coke habbit and finds himself cheering for Team Mickey.  Meanwhile the Doctor can't see the forest for the trees, Danny doesn't bother to take roll call on school field trips, and Clara lies. 

  • #048 Morning Wood

    26 October 2014 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 16 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster tries to kick his Coke habbit and finds himself cheering for Team Mickey. Meanwhile the Doctor can't see the forest for the trees, Danny doesn't bother to take roll call on school field trips, and Clara lies.

  • #048 Morning Wood

    26 October 2014 (6:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 16 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster tries to kick his Coke habbit and finds himself cheering for Team Mickey. Meanwhile the Doctor can't see the forest for the trees, Danny doesn't bother to take roll call on school field trips, and Clara lies.

  • #047 Off the Rails and On the Wall

    20 October 2014 (12:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

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    … in which people die aboard a train, monsters hide along the (two dimensional) plane, the Doctor dances in his box, and Queen is covered by a Fox(es).  Also, Clara lies.  Our fearless podcaster reviews "Mummy on the Orient Express" and "Flatline". 

  • #047 Off the Rails and On the Wall

    20 October 2014 (12:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

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    ... in which people die aboard a train, monsters hide along the (two dimensional) plane, the Doctor dances in his box, and Queen is covered by a Fox(es). Also, Clara lies. Our fearless podcaster reviews "Mummy on the Orient Express" and "Flatline".

  • #047 Off the Rails and On the Wall

    20 October 2014 (12:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 49 seconds

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    ... in which people die aboard a train, monsters hide along the (two dimensional) plane, the Doctor dances in his box, and Queen is covered by a Fox(es). Also, Clara lies. Our fearless podcaster reviews "Mummy on the Orient Express" and "Flatline".

  • #046 Walking On Eggshells

    9 October 2014 (12:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 50 seconds

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    … in which "Kill The Moon" is put under the microscope (or rather the telescope) to see if the test comes back positive.  Meanwhile our fearless podcaster catches up with an old friend and fellow Whovian at ARCHON 38. Topics include why Doctor Who is no longer science fiction, ball-jointed dolls and their plans for world domination, and just what is it about redheads?

  • #046 Walking On Eggshells

    9 October 2014 (12:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 50 seconds

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    ... in which "Kill The Moon" is put under the microscope (or rather the telescope) to see if the test comes back positive. Meanwhile our fearless podcaster catches up with an old friend and fellow Whovian at ARCHON 38. Topics include why Doctor Who is no longer science fiction, ball-jointed dolls and their plans for world domination, and just what is it about redheads?

  • #046 Walking On Eggshells

    9 October 2014 (12:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 50 seconds

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    ... in which "Kill The Moon" is put under the microscope (or rather the telescope) to see if the test comes back positive. Meanwhile our fearless podcaster catches up with an old friend and fellow Whovian at ARCHON 38. Topics include why Doctor Who is no longer science fiction, ball-jointed dolls and their plans for world domination, and just what is it about redheads?

  • #045 WHO 37 at ARCHON 38

    6 October 2014 (3:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 52 seconds

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    A special mid-term review of Series 8 recorded live at the WHO 37 panel at ARCHON 38 in Collinsville, IL with special guest panelists Jennifer Picker of the St. Louis Celestrial Intervention Agency and Marella Sands, a local Sci-Fi author.  Topics also include how to kill a weeping angel and whether Susan is a Time Lord or just a Gallifreyan.

  • #045 WHO 37 at ARCHON 38

    6 October 2014 (3:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 52 seconds

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    A special mid-term review of Series 8 recorded live at the WHO 37 panel at ARCHON 38 in Collinsville, IL with special guest panelists Jennifer Picker of the St. Louis Celestrial Intervention Agency and Marella Sands, a local Sci-Fi author. Topics also include how to kill a weeping angel and whether Susan is a Time Lord or just a Gallifreyan.

  • #045 WHO 37 at ARCHON 38

    6 October 2014 (3:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 52 seconds

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    A special mid-term review of Series 8 recorded live at the WHO 37 panel at ARCHON 38 in Collinsville, IL with special guest panelists Jennifer Picker of the St. Louis Celestrial Intervention Agency and Marella Sands, a local Sci-Fi author. Topics also include how to kill a weeping angel and whether Susan is a Time Lord or just a Gallifreyan.

  • #044 BBC Afterschool Special

    2 October 2014 (12:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 15 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster stays after school and has another go at reviewing "The Caretaker". 

  • #044 BBC Afterschool Special

    2 October 2014 (12:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 15 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster stays after school and has another go at reviewing "The Caretaker".

  • #044 BBC Afterschool Special

    2 October 2014 (12:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 18 minutes and 15 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster stays after school and has another go at reviewing "The Caretaker".

  • #043 Zero Percent Interest

    28 September 2014 (5:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster plays catch up with a double feature of new episode reviews.  This week it's "Time Heist" and "The Caretaker", and only one of these episodes was reviewed while sober. 

  • #043 Zero Percent Interest

    28 September 2014 (5:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster plays catch up with a double feature of new episode reviews. This week it's "Time Heist" and "The Caretaker", and only one of these episodes was reviewed while sober.

  • #043 Zero Percent Interest

    28 September 2014 (5:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster plays catch up with a double feature of new episode reviews. This week it's "Time Heist" and "The Caretaker", and only one of these episodes was reviewed while sober.

  • #042 Undercover (Hometown Blues)

    17 September 2014 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds

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    … in which The Doctor and Clara have a couple of bedroom scenes, Danny Pink is hot for teacher, and our fearless podcaster returns home to visit two generations of Doctor Who fandom under one roof.  Also a preview of the new Time Crash CD "Regeneration".  WARNING: Spoilers for Broadchurch (from 49:15 to 50:25)

  • #042 Undercover (Hometown Blues)

    17 September 2014 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds

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    ... in which The Doctor and Clara have a couple of bedroom scenes, Danny Pink is hot for teacher, and our fearless podcaster returns home to visit two generations of Doctor Who fandom under one roof. Also a preview of the new Time Crash CD "Regeneration". WARNING: Spoilers for Broadchurch (from 49:15 to 50:25)

  • #042 Undercover (Hometown Blues)

    17 September 2014 (11:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 2 minutes and 57 seconds

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    ... in which The Doctor and Clara have a couple of bedroom scenes, Danny Pink is hot for teacher, and our fearless podcaster returns home to visit two generations of Doctor Who fandom under one roof. Also a preview of the new Time Crash CD "Regeneration". WARNING: Spoilers for Broadchurch (from 49:15 to 50:25)

  • #041 Spoonman

    9 September 2014 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 16 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster plays with a snowball in September, the Doctor is hording all the ice cream (or is it cookie dough),  and Clara totally crushes the red velvet.  It's this week's new WHO review of "Robot of Sherwood".  There is also a new theory on the mysterious Missy as well as some news on the upcoming ARCHON 38 convention. 

  • #041 Spoonman

    9 September 2014 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 16 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster plays with a snowball in September, the Doctor is hording all the ice cream (or is it cookie dough), and Clara totally crushes the red velvet. It's this week's new WHO review of "Robot of Sherwood". There is also a new theory on the mysterious Missy as well as some news on the upcoming ARCHON 38 convention.

  • #041 Spoonman

    9 September 2014 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 16 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster plays with a snowball in September, the Doctor is hording all the ice cream (or is it cookie dough), and Clara totally crushes the red velvet. It's this week's new WHO review of "Robot of Sherwood". There is also a new theory on the mysterious Missy as well as some news on the upcoming ARCHON 38 convention.

  • #040 Rusty Innards

    3 September 2014 (5:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 14 seconds

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    … in which our frustrated podcaster has to use the MacBook's internal microphone to record his review of "Into The Dalek" because of techincal difficulties beyond his control.  To make up for the less-than-stellar sound quality, he also presents a five-year-old recording of a song written over 20 years ago about an alien empath from another Sci-Fi show.  Enjoy. 

  • #040 Rusty Innards

    3 September 2014 (5:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 14 seconds

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    ... in which our frustrated podcaster has to use the MacBook's internal microphone to record his review of "Into The Dalek" because of techincal difficulties beyond his control. To make up for the less-than-stellar sound quality, he also presents a five-year-old recording of a song written over 20 years ago about an alien empath from another Sci-Fi show. Enjoy.

  • #040 Rusty Innards

    3 September 2014 (5:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 31 minutes and 14 seconds

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    ... in which our frustrated podcaster has to use the MacBook's internal microphone to record his review of "Into The Dalek" because of techincal difficulties beyond his control. To make up for the less-than-stellar sound quality, he also presents a five-year-old recording of a song written over 20 years ago about an alien empath from another Sci-Fi show. Enjoy.

  • #039 Breathe Deep The Gathering Gloom

    26 August 2014 (11:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 34 seconds

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    … in which the Doctor literally faces off against his enemies, Clara finally develops into a character, Deanna Troi gets drunk and picks a fight in a bar, and our fearless podcaster suffers from con crud as he reviews the Series Eight premiere "Deep Breath" and recounts his experiences at this year's Wizard World Chicago convention. 

  • #039 Breathe Deep The Gathering Gloom

    26 August 2014 (11:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 34 seconds

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    ... in which the Doctor literally faces off against his enemies, Clara finally develops into a character, Deanna Troi gets drunk and picks a fight in a bar, and our fearless podcaster suffers from con crud as he reviews the Series Eight premiere "Deep Breath" and recounts his experiences at this year's Wizard World Chicago convention.

  • #039 Breathe Deep The Gathering Gloom

    26 August 2014 (11:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 34 seconds

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    ... in which the Doctor literally faces off against his enemies, Clara finally develops into a character, Deanna Troi gets drunk and picks a fight in a bar, and our fearless podcaster suffers from con crud as he reviews the Series Eight premiere "Deep Breath" and recounts his experiences at this year's Wizard World Chicago convention.

  • #038 Small Finish

    10 August 2014 (9:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 45 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcast explores the strange world of Doctor Who annuals and presents an audio adaptation of "The Body Snatcher" from the 1977 Doctor Who Annual.  He also catches up with some fan mail and ponders the fate of "big box" sci-fi conventions.

  • #038 Small Finish

    10 August 2014 (9:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 45 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcast explores the strange world of Doctor Who annuals and presents an audio adaptation of "The Body Snatcher" from the 1977 Doctor Who Annual. He also catches up with some fan mail and ponders the fate of "big box" sci-fi conventions.

  • #038 Small Finish

    10 August 2014 (9:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 45 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcast explores the strange world of Doctor Who annuals and presents an audio adaptation of "The Body Snatcher" from the 1977 Doctor Who Annual. He also catches up with some fan mail and ponders the fate of "big box" sci-fi conventions.

  • #037 Unchained

    30 July 2014 (1:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 55 seconds

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    … in which we finally meet the girlfriend of our fearless podcaster.  Our special guest for the 37th episode (in a row?) is Darlene of Do Bats Eat Cats?. We preview her line of Doctor Who inspired chainmaille jewelry and, of course, talk a lot about Doctor Who.  Topics include how River Song found out the Doctor's name, what Sarah Jane was really doing in the attic, and why we're still waiting for Silence to fall. 

  • #037 Unchained

    30 July 2014 (1:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 55 seconds

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    ... in which we finally meet the girlfriend of our fearless podcaster. Our special guest for the 37th episode (in a row?) is Darlene of Do Bats Eat Cats?. We preview her line of Doctor Who inspired chainmaille jewelry and, of course, talk a lot about Doctor Who. Topics include how River Song found out the Doctor's name, what Sarah Jane was really doing in the attic, and why we're still waiting for Silence to fall.

  • #037 Unchained

    30 July 2014 (1:37am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 55 seconds

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    ... in which we finally meet the girlfriend of our fearless podcaster. Our special guest for the 37th episode (in a row?) is Darlene of Do Bats Eat Cats?. We preview her line of Doctor Who inspired chainmaille jewelry and, of course, talk a lot about Doctor Who. Topics include how River Song found out the Doctor's name, what Sarah Jane was really doing in the attic, and why we're still waiting for Silence to fall.

  • #036a WHO 101 (Part 2)

    22 July 2014 (11:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 9 seconds

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    … in which eight Doctor Who panelists act like the writers' room of the TV movie and argue about what is considered canon, choose their Doctor Who desert island episodes, ponder the idea of the Doctor being played by a child, and ask "which Doctor is Thai food?"

  • #036a WHO 101 (Part 2)

    22 July 2014 (11:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 9 seconds

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    ... in which eight Doctor Who panelists act like the writers' room of the TV movie and argue about what is considered canon, choose their Doctor Who desert island episodes, ponder the idea of the Doctor being played by a child, and ask "which Doctor is Thai food?"

  • #036a WHO 101 (Part 2)

    22 July 2014 (11:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 9 seconds

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    ... in which eight Doctor Who panelists act like the writers' room of the TV movie and argue about what is considered canon, choose their Doctor Who desert island episodes, ponder the idea of the Doctor being played by a child, and ask "which Doctor is Thai food?"

  • #036 WHO 101 (Part 1)

    20 July 2014 (5:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 24 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster joins a rag-tag group of Chicago Whovians in a room full of creepy-clown murals for the Chicago Nerd Social Club's WHO 101 panel.  Featuring Gordon Dymowski (Zone 4 Podcast), Phil Salomon (formerly of the "Bar Tab of Rassilon" podcast), Ken Trayling (local Doctor Who cosplayer), John, Joanna & Nicole (2 Girls a Guy and a TARDIS podcast), and Lauren Faits (Geek Girl Chicago). Also we finally have the first guest announcements for this year's Chicago TARDIS convention. 

  • #036 WHO 101 (Part 1)

    20 July 2014 (5:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 24 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster joins a rag-tag group of Chicago Whovians in a room full of creepy-clown murals for the Chicago Nerd Social Club's WHO 101 panel. Featuring Gordon Dymowski (Zone 4 Podcast), Phil Salomon (formerly of the "Bar Tab of Rassilon" podcast), Ken Trayling (local Doctor Who cosplayer), John, Joanna & Nicole (2 Girls a Guy and a TARDIS podcast), and Lauren Faits (Geek Girl Chicago). Also we finally have the first guest announcements for this year's Chicago TARDIS convention.

  • #036 WHO 101 (Part 1)

    20 July 2014 (5:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 24 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster joins a rag-tag group of Chicago Whovians in a room full of creepy-clown murals for the Chicago Nerd Social Club's WHO 101 panel. Featuring Gordon Dymowski (Zone 4 Podcast), Phil Salomon (formerly of the "Bar Tab of Rassilon" podcast), Ken Trayling (local Doctor Who cosplayer), John, Joanna & Nicole (2 Girls a Guy and a TARDIS podcast), and Lauren Faits (Geek Girl Chicago). Also we finally have the first guest announcements for this year's Chicago TARDIS convention.

  • #035 Chimeron Girl

    4 July 2014 (1:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 57 seconds

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    … in which it's the 8th season of Doctor Who all over again with the billowing, red-lined cape of Pertwee … uh, make that the coat of Capaldi, and our fearless podcaster explains why Clara is still "The Impossible Girl".  We also finish DVD commentary for the year with Part Three of "Delta and the Bannermen".

  • #035 Chimeron Girl

    4 July 2014 (1:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 57 seconds

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    ... in which it's the 8th season of Doctor Who all over again with the billowing, red-lined cape of Pertwee ... uh, make that the coat of Capaldi, and our fearless podcaster explains why Clara is still "The Impossible Girl". We also finish DVD commentary for the year with Part Three of "Delta and the Bannermen".

  • #035 Chimeron Girl

    4 July 2014 (1:29am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 57 seconds

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    ... in which it's the 8th season of Doctor Who all over again with the billowing, red-lined cape of Pertwee ... uh, make that the coat of Capaldi, and our fearless podcaster explains why Clara is still "The Impossible Girl". We also finish DVD commentary for the year with Part Three of "Delta and the Bannermen".

  • #034 The Crystal in the Kool-Aid

    23 June 2014 (5:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster returns to Shangra-La for DVD commentary of Part Two of "Delta and the Bannermen".  Also a stream-of-consciousness journey through the wilderness years (inspired by the latest "Reality Bomb" podcast). 

  • #034 The Crystal in the Kool-Aid

    23 June 2014 (5:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster returns to Shangra-La for DVD commentary of Part Two of "Delta and the Bannermen". Also a stream-of-consciousness journey through the wilderness years (inspired by the latest "Reality Bomb" podcast).

  • #034 The Crystal in the Kool-Aid

    23 June 2014 (5:15am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 40 seconds

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    ... in which our fearless podcaster returns to Shangra-La for DVD commentary of Part Two of "Delta and the Bannermen". Also a stream-of-consciousness journey through the wilderness years (inspired by the latest "Reality Bomb" podcast).

  • #033 Delta Dawn

    8 June 2014 (8:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 33 seconds

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    … in which our fearless podcaster has another go at DVD commentary with Part One of "Delta and the Bannermen".   Also a look ahead at some future appearances on other Doctor Who podcasts and Chicago fan events.

Dormant Podcasts