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WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast
WHO 37 - A middle-aged geek from Chicago puts his face in front of a mic and talks about his passion for Doctor Who.

Homepage: http://who37.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://who37.libsyn.com/rss

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
19 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes and 52 seconds
Earliest Episode:
20 February 2013 (1:14am GMT)
Latest Episode:
29 June 2024 (3:40pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
8 days, 9 hours, 54 minutes and 41 seconds

WHO 37 - A Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • #016 Gordon's Alive!

    13 October 2013 (3:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster shares the microphone with special guest Gordon Dymowski, co-host of the Zone 4 Podcast and organizer of the Chicago Doctor Who Meetup Group.  Of course we talk a lot about the rediscovered stories "The Enemy of the World" and "The Web of Fear" and also speculate if any other previously-lost stories may be waiting in the wings.  We also preview this year's Chicago TARDIS convention as well as the charity auction that will take place during the convention.  

  • #015 WHO 37 at ARCHON 37

    7 October 2013 (10:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster does it in front of a live audience. Featuring The Doctor Him?Self and other panel attendees. This episode also includes Part Two of "The Deadly Assassin" DVD audio commentary as well as some news about soon-to-be previously-missing episodes that may or may not materialize.

  • #015 WHO 37 at ARCHON 37

    7 October 2013 (10:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster does it in front of a live audience. Featuring The Doctor Him?Self and other panel attendees. This episode also includes Part Two of "The Deadly Assassin" DVD audio commentary as well as some news about soon-to-be previously-missing episodes that may or may not materialize.

  • #015 WHO 37 at ARCHON 37

    7 October 2013 (9:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 45 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster does it in front of a live audience.  Featuring The Doctor Him?Self and other panel attendees.  This episode also includes Part Two of "The Deadly Assassin" DVD audio commentary as well as some news about soon-to-be previously-missing episodes that may or may not materialize.  

  • #014 Goth Sausage Party

    29 September 2013 (12:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 35 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster becomes a fearless DVD commentator. It's episode one (or "Part One" rather) of "The Deadly Assassin". Also a preview of all the Doctor Who events happening at ARCHON 37, including the WHO 37 panel.

  • #014 Goth Sausage Party

    29 September 2013 (12:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 35 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster becomes a fearless DVD commentator. It's episode one (or "Part One" rather) of "The Deadly Assassin". Also a preview of all the Doctor Who events happening at ARCHON 37, including the WHO 37 panel.

  • #014 Goth Sausage Party

    28 September 2013 (11:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 35 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster becomes a fearless DVD commentator.  It's episode one (or "Part One" rather) of "The Deadly Assassin".  Also a preview of all the Doctor Who events happening at ARCHON 37, including the WHO 37 panel.

  • #013 Space: 1988

    16 September 2013 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which we go back in time to when our fearless (future) podcaster had his computer drawings published in issue 138 of Doctor Who Magazine, an event considered worthy enough to be featured in the local newspaper. Topics include the horror of buying Doctor Who novels in 1988 bookstores, podcasts hosted by William Hartnell and William Shatner, what Matt Smith and David Tennant had for dinner, and the five-sided TARDIS console.

  • #013 Space: 1988

    16 September 2013 (3:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which we go back in time to when our fearless (future) podcaster had his computer drawings published in issue 138 of Doctor Who Magazine, an event considered worthy enough to be featured in the local newspaper. Topics include the horror of buying Doctor Who novels in 1988 bookstores, podcasts hosted by William Hartnell and William Shatner, what Matt Smith and David Tennant had for dinner, and the five-sided TARDIS console.

  • #013 Space: 1988

    16 September 2013 (2:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 31 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which we go back in time to when our fearless (future) podcaster had his computer drawings published in issue 138 of Doctor Who Magazine, an event considered worthy enough to be featured in the local newspaper.  Topics include the horror of buying Doctor Who novels in 1988 bookstores, podcasts hosted by William Hartnell and William Shatner, what Matt Smith and David Tennant had for dinner, and the five-sided TARDIS console.  

  • #012 is Peter Capaldi

    4 August 2013 (9:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster records his initial reaction to the news of Peter Capaldi being cast as the 12th Doctor (because what else would you do when you host a Doctor Who podcast?!?)

  • #012 is Peter Capaldi

    4 August 2013 (9:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster records his initial reaction to the news of Peter Capaldi being cast as the 12th Doctor (because what else would you do when you host a Doctor Who podcast?!?)

  • #012 is Peter Capaldi

    4 August 2013 (8:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes and 47 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster records his initial reaction to the news of Peter Capaldi being cast as the 12th Doctor (because what else would you do when you host a Doctor Who podcast?!?)  

  • #011 Bash & Crash

    28 July 2013 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which our fearless podcaster auditions for the 12th Doctor and interviews the members of Time Crash, a Chicago Trock band. There's also more speculation on the 50th anniversary and some complaining about the BBC's double standard regarding spoilers.

  • #011 Bash & Crash

    28 July 2013 (8:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ... in which our fearless podcaster auditions for the 12th Doctor and interviews the members of Time Crash, a Chicago Trock band. There's also more speculation on the 50th anniversary and some complaining about the BBC's double standard regarding spoilers.

  • #011 Bash & Crash

    28 July 2013 (7:30pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 43 minutes and 27 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    … in which our fearless podcaster auditions for the 12th Doctor and interviews the members of Time Crash, a Chicago Trock band.  There's also more speculation on the 50th anniversary and some complaining about the BBC's double standard regarding spoilers.  

  • #010 The Balls of Time

    7 July 2013 (8:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ..in which our fearless podcaster looks back on Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor, explains what he's looking for in a new Doctor, comes to terms with new series fandom, and shares his final thoughts on the "Timey Wimey" show. Topics include attention deficit disorder, how Colin Baker got shafted again, TARDIS-shaped guitars, and why the Doctor should not be a woman. Also, Jupiter the Cat makes a reappearance.

  • #010 The Balls of Time

    7 July 2013 (8:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ..in which our fearless podcaster looks back on Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor, explains what he's looking for in a new Doctor, comes to terms with new series fandom, and shares his final thoughts on the "Timey Wimey" show. Topics include attention deficit disorder, how Colin Baker got shafted again, TARDIS-shaped guitars, and why the Doctor should not be a woman. Also, Jupiter the Cat makes a reappearance.

  • #010 The Balls of Time

    7 July 2013 (7:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 29 minutes and 48 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ..in which our fearless podcaster looks back on Matt Smith's tenure as The Doctor, explains what he's looking for in a new Doctor, comes to terms with new series fandom, and shares his final thoughts on the "Timey Wimey" show.  Topics include attention deficit disorder, how Colin Baker got shafted again, TARDIS-shaped guitars, and why the Doctor should not be a woman.  Also, Jupiter the Cat makes a reappearance. 

  • #009 Timey Wimey Supplemental

    23 June 2013 (3:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 46 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    We hear more from the cast and crew of The Right Brain Project's production of "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!) Think of these as extras on a DVD. The track listing is as follows: The Writers' Tale (Mac & Justin) Jen on entering the world of WHO Storefront Theater and The Right Brain Project (Jen, Sarah & Tom) Auditioning for the Doctor (Clint & JB) Directing WHO (Emma, Roxie & Cast) The Cast (Emma, Nathan & Cast) The Two Doctors (Roxie & JB) Dalek Dialogue (JB) K9 (JB, Jen & Rush) Designing the Cyber Chair (Rush) Sound Design (Nathan, Clint, Roxie, Jen & Sarah) Fight Choreography (Orion) Dance Choreography (Brittany & JB) Music (Mac, Trevor, Nathan & Cast) Arranging the Doctor Who theme (Trevor) Favorite Doctors Favorite Companions Favorite Episodes The Message of Doctor Who

  • #009 Timey Wimey Supplemental

    23 June 2013 (3:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 46 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    We hear more from the cast and crew of The Right Brain Project's production of "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!) Think of these as extras on a DVD. The track listing is as follows: The Writers' Tale (Mac & Justin) Jen on entering the world of WHO Storefront Theater and The Right Brain Project (Jen, Sarah & Tom) Auditioning for the Doctor (Clint & JB) Directing WHO (Emma, Roxie & Cast) The Cast (Emma, Nathan & Cast) The Two Doctors (Roxie & JB) Dalek Dialogue (JB) K9 (JB, Jen & Rush) Designing the Cyber Chair (Rush) Sound Design (Nathan, Clint, Roxie, Jen & Sarah) Fight Choreography (Orion) Dance Choreography (Brittany & JB) Music (Mac, Trevor, Nathan & Cast) Arranging the Doctor Who theme (Trevor) Favorite Doctors Favorite Companions Favorite Episodes The Message of Doctor Who

  • #009 Timey Wimey Supplemental

    23 June 2013 (2:24pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 46 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    We hear more from the cast and crew of The Right Brain Project's production of "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!)  Think of these as extras on a DVD.  The track listing is as follows: The Writers' Tale (Mac & Justin) Jen on entering the world of WHO Storefront Theater and The Right Brain Project (Jen, Sarah & Tom) Auditioning for the Doctor (Clint & JB) Directing WHO (Emma, Roxie & Cast) The Cast (Emma, Nathan & Cast) The Two Doctors (Roxie & JB) Dalek Dialogue (JB) K9 (JB, Jen & Rush) Designing the Cyber Chair (Rush) Sound Design (Nathan, Clint, Roxie, Jen & Sarah) Fight Choreography (Orion) Dance Choreography (Brittany & JB) Music (Mac, Trevor, Nathan & Cast) Arranging the Doctor Who theme (Trevor) Favorite Doctors Favorite Companions Favorite Episodes The Message of Doctor Who

  • #008 Timey Wimey Confidential

    19 June 2013 (7:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 43 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    A special behind-the-curtain look at "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!)", a stage production of The Right Brain Project in Chicago, featuring interviews with the cast and crew.

  • #008 Timey Wimey Confidential

    19 June 2013 (7:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 43 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    A special behind-the-curtain look at "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!)", a stage production of The Right Brain Project in Chicago, featuring interviews with the cast and crew.

  • #008 Timey Wimey Confidential

    19 June 2013 (6:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 43 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    A special behind-the-curtain look at "The Timey Wimey Fantastic Brilliant Extravaganza (Geronimo!)", a stage production of The Right Brain Project in Chicago, featuring interviews with the cast and crew.  

  • #007 Hello My Name Is __________

    21 May 2013 (5:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 37 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which an emotionally charged podcaster does his impression of a CTA bus route - after weeks of no episode reviews, four of them show up at once. It's a wrap up of Series 7-B from "Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS" to "The Crimson Horror" to "Nightmare in Silver" to "The Name of the Doctor". Topics include: the mechanics of time lock technology and why The Doctor really can't see Amy & Rory again, why Jenny should press charges, references to better Doctor Who episodes, references to better episodes of other programs, crimes against the art of acting, and a new numbering system. Also a preview of the "Timey Wimey" show. Plenty of F-bombs are lobbied, and some tears are shed.

  • #007 Hello My Name Is __________

    21 May 2013 (5:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 37 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which an emotionally charged podcaster does his impression of a CTA bus route - after weeks of no episode reviews, four of them show up at once. It's a wrap up of Series 7-B from "Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS" to "The Crimson Horror" to "Nightmare in Silver" to "The Name of the Doctor". Topics include: the mechanics of time lock technology and why The Doctor really can't see Amy & Rory again, why Jenny should press charges, references to better Doctor Who episodes, references to better episodes of other programs, crimes against the art of acting, and a new numbering system. Also a preview of the "Timey Wimey" show. Plenty of F-bombs are lobbied, and some tears are shed.

  • #007 Hello My Name Is __________

    21 May 2013 (4:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 37 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which an emotionally charged podcaster does his impression of a CTA bus route - after weeks of no episode reviews, four of them show up at once.  It's a wrap up of Series 7-B from "Journey To The Center Of The TARDIS" to "The Crimson Horror" to "Nightmare in Silver" to "The Name of the Doctor".  Topics include: the mechanics of time lock technology and why The Doctor really can't see Amy & Rory again, why Jenny should press charges, references to better Doctor Who episodes, references to better episodes of other programs, crimes against the art of acting, and a new numbering system.  Also a preview of the "Timey Wimey" show.  Plenty of F-bombs are lobbied, and some tears are shed.  

  • #006 Cold Wars, Warm Hearts, and Hot Young Empaths

    27 April 2013 (1:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 14 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster's head is about to explode. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but he was able to navigate thru the turbulence and deliver a double-header review of "Cold War" and "Hide". Topics include suspect or nonexistent accents and mispronunciations of fictional planets, the quest for the perfect Doctor Who episode, more Clara speculation, happiness as a clumsy metaphor for procreation, and mysterious laughter.

  • #006 Cold Wars, Warm Hearts, and Hot Young Empaths

    27 April 2013 (1:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 14 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster's head is about to explode. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but he was able to navigate thru the turbulence and deliver a double-header review of "Cold War" and "Hide". Topics include suspect or nonexistent accents and mispronunciations of fictional planets, the quest for the perfect Doctor Who episode, more Clara speculation, happiness as a clumsy metaphor for procreation, and mysterious laughter.

  • #006 Cold Wars, Warm Hearts, and Hot Young Empaths

    27 April 2013 (12:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 14 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster's head is about to explode.  It's been a rough couple of weeks, but he was able to navigate thru the turbulence and deliver a double-header review of "Cold War" and "Hide".  Topics include suspect or nonexistent accents and mispronunciations of fictional planets, the quest for the perfect Doctor Who episode, more Clara speculation, happiness as a clumsy metaphor for procreation, and mysterious laughter.  

  • #005 Ring Modulation

    7 April 2013 (10:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 11 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which The Doctor is too stingy to give up his screwdriver, Clara is too good at preserving her leaf collection, the TARDIS' translator circuits aren't working, and you can apparently breathe in outer space. Also, more rambling about the 50th Anniversary special. All of this in less than 30 minutes. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Since this week's Doctor Who had way too much Murray Gold music, there will be no bumper music on this week's podcast.

  • #005 Ring Modulation

    7 April 2013 (10:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 11 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which The Doctor is too stingy to give up his screwdriver, Clara is too good at preserving her leaf collection, the TARDIS' translator circuits aren't working, and you can apparently breathe in outer space. Also, more rambling about the 50th Anniversary special. All of this in less than 30 minutes. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Since this week's Doctor Who had way too much Murray Gold music, there will be no bumper music on this week's podcast.

  • #005 Ring Modulation

    7 April 2013 (9:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 11 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which The Doctor is too stingy to give up his screwdriver, Clara is too good at preserving her leaf collection, the TARDIS' translator circuits aren't working, and you can apparently breathe in outer space.  Also, more rambling about the 50th Anniversary special.  All of this in less than 30 minutes. PROGRAMMING NOTE: Since this week's Doctor Who had way too much Murray Gold music, there will be no bumper music on this week's podcast.  

  • #004 Clara Bells

    31 March 2013 (11:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 34 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster reviews "The Bells of St. John", reacts to the news of the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper for the 50th Anniversary Special, and concludes his "panel" on sex & relationships in Doctor Who. It's the longest podcast episode to date - clocking in at 55 minutes, and it's full of spoilers. Happy Easter, everyone!

  • #004 Clara Bells

    31 March 2013 (11:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 34 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster reviews "The Bells of St. John", reacts to the news of the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper for the 50th Anniversary Special, and concludes his "panel" on sex & relationships in Doctor Who. It's the longest podcast episode to date - clocking in at 55 minutes, and it's full of spoilers. Happy Easter, everyone!

  • #004 Clara Bells

    31 March 2013 (10:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 34 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster reviews "The Bells of St. John", reacts to the news of the return of David Tennant and Billie Piper for the 50th Anniversary Special, and concludes his "panel" on sex & relationships in Doctor Who.  It's the longest podcast episode to date - clocking in at 55 minutes, and it's full of spoilers.  Happy Easter, everyone!  

  • #002 Time and Relationships, Dating & Sex

    8 March 2013 (12:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …in which our fearless podcaster speaks in hushed tones of the sex appeal of Sarah Jane Smith in the new series era, expounds on who Leela really should have hooked up with on Gallifrey, explains why the First Doctor should crack open an encyclopedia now and then, and reveals what the Scooby-Doo gang and the Fifth Doctor's crew had in common.   Also featuring "The 17th Annual Dalek Invasion of Earth".

  • #002 Time and Relationships, Dating & Sex

    8 March 2013 (12:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster speaks in hushed tones of the sex appeal of Sarah Jane Smith in the new series era, expounds on who Leela really should have hooked up with on Gallifrey, explains why the First Doctor should crack open an encyclopedia now and then, and reveals what the Scooby-Doo gang and the Fifth Doctor's crew had in common. Also featuring "The 17th Annual Dalek Invasion of Earth".

  • #002 Time and Relationships, Dating & Sex

    8 March 2013 (12:31am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 51 seconds

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...in which our fearless podcaster speaks in hushed tones of the sex appeal of Sarah Jane Smith in the new series era, expounds on who Leela really should have hooked up with on Gallifrey, explains why the First Doctor should crack open an encyclopedia now and then, and reveals what the Scooby-Doo gang and the Fifth Doctor's crew had in common. Also featuring "The 17th Annual Dalek Invasion of Earth".

  • #001 Pilot

    20 February 2013 (1:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 1 second

    P Direct Podcast Download

    …and another Whovian throws his hat into the podcasting ring.  In the pilot episode, our intrepid podcaster explains the significance of the number 37, tells how Tom Baker's scarf helped turn rivals into best mates, and speculates about what to expect in Series 7B and the 50th anniversary special.  Topics also include Matt Smith's lack of aviation skills, funny Sontaran sidekicks, and memories of watching Doctor Who on public television in the 1980s.    

  • #001 Pilot

    20 February 2013 (1:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 1 second

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...and another Whovian throws his hat into the podcasting ring. In the pilot episode, our intrepid podcaster explains the significance of the number 37, tells how Tom Baker's scarf helped turn rivals into best mates, and speculates about what to expect in Series 7B and the 50th anniversary special. Topics also include Matt Smith's lack of aviation skills, funny Sontaran sidekicks, and memories of watching Doctor Who on public television in the 1980s.

  • #001 Pilot

    20 February 2013 (1:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 1 second

    P Direct Podcast Download

    ...and another Whovian throws his hat into the podcasting ring. In the pilot episode, our intrepid podcaster explains the significance of the number 37, tells how Tom Baker's scarf helped turn rivals into best mates, and speculates about what to expect in Series 7B and the 50th anniversary special. Topics also include Matt Smith's lack of aviation skills, funny Sontaran sidekicks, and memories of watching Doctor Who on public television in the 1980s.

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