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The Oncoming Storm

The Oncoming Storm
Your guide to the world of Doctor Who outside of television! Books, Audios, comics... if it's a Doctor Who spinoff in other media, odds are we'll cover it at some point! Featuring Mad Norwegian Editor Josh Wilson and Timegate Director of Doctor Who Programming Ashley Raburn, we're here to cover all of the stories too broad and too deep for the television!

Homepage: http://theoncomingstorm.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://theoncomingstorm.libsyn.com/rss

The Oncoming Storm Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
26 days, 2 hours, 54 minutes and 35 seconds
Earliest Episode:
28 November 2024 (6:40am GMT)
Latest Episode:
17 November 2017 (12:36am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
5 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 39 seconds

The Oncoming Storm Episodes

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 99: BF # 40 - DalekCast (a Podcast with a picture of a Dalek)

    11 April 2014 (12:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 18 seconds

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    It's episode 99 of The Oncoming Storm! We're one away from the big 1-0-0, and in all the excitement, we're starting the celebration a little bit early. And what better way to celebrate than with a Jubilee?!? That's right, this week sees Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel discussing the Big Finish classic, Jubilee by Rob Shearman. Make no bones about it, they all agree upfront that it's a great audio, but that doesn't mean there's a lack of topics to talk about! From discussing the difference between Jubilee and Dalek, to the stellar performances from all involved, your hosts can't seem to stop talking about this one! All that, and this week's spin off media news is covered. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got electrocutions, stabbings, AND beheadings! It is a Rob Shearman story after all!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 98: NA #24 - A Tragedy of Epic Proportions

    4 April 2014 (12:02am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Ashley's back! Which means we can actually talk about Tragedy Day! Sorry for the delay! So yes, this week sees your hosts, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel head back to the New Adventures to talk Tragedy Day by Gareth Roberts. The Doctor, Ace, and Benny have finally worked out all of their problems and have let the TARDIS decide on a random destination for them to land, That always works out right? It's a tale of disgusting mutants, secret societies, and all powerful friars. Oh, and the giant spider assassin. But before they get to that, there's this week's discussion topic to talk about, "Do you prefer a darker or lighter Doctor, and how dark should he be allowed to go?" The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a deadly disco dancefloor! I bet you thought we'd go back to the spider guy didn't you?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 98: NA #24 - A Tragedy of Epic Proportions

    3 April 2014 (11:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Ashley's back! Which means we can actually talk about Tragedy Day! Sorry for the delay! So yes, this week sees your hosts, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel head back to the New Adventures to talk Tragedy Day by Gareth Roberts. The Doctor, Ace, and Benny have finally worked out all of their problems and have let the TARDIS decide on a random destination for them to land, That always works out right? It's a tale of disgusting mutants, secret societies, and all powerful friars. Oh, and the giant spider assassin. But before they get to that, there's this week's discussion topic to talk about, "Do you prefer a darker or lighter Doctor, and how dark should he be allowed to go?" The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a deadly disco dancefloor! I bet you thought we'd go back to the spider guy didn't you?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 97: BF DWM 3-4 - That One with the Talking Mouse

    27 March 2014 (11:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Yes, we know. This week was supposed to be our episode on the next New Adventure, Tragedy Day. Unfortunately, events beyond out control (Ashley) made it so we couldn't record that particular episode. We sincerely apologize (blame Ashley) but to make up for it, Josh, Sacha, and Rachel (Not Ashley) are here for episode 97 to cover the next two Doctor Who Magazine Big Finish freebies, No Place Like Home by Iain McLaughlin and Living Legend by Scott Gray. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some discussion on two light hearted stories featuring the 5th and 8th Doctors, and we'll be back on schedule next week. The Oncoming Storm... this time, we've got two Doctors. a talking mouse, and no Ashley!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 97: BF DWM 3-4 - That One with the Talking Mouse

    27 March 2014 (11:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 35 seconds

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    Yes, we know. This week was supposed to be our episode on the next New Adventure, Tragedy Day. Unfortunately, events beyond out control (Ashley) made it so we couldn't record that particular episode. We sincerely apologize (blame Ashley) but to make up for it, Josh, Sacha, and Rachel (Not Ashley) are here for episode 97 to cover the next two Doctor Who Magazine Big Finish freebies, No Place Like Home by Iain McLaughlin and Living Legend by Scott Gray. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some discussion on two light hearted stories featuring the 5th and 8th Doctors, and we'll be back on schedule next week. The Oncoming Storm... this time, we've got two Doctors. a talking mouse, and no Ashley!

  • The Oncoming Storm EP 96: BF # 39 - BANG BANG, You're Dead!

    21 March 2014 (12:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Dying is easy... Comedy is hard. Or at least, very subjective! Episode 96 of the Oncoming Storm sees a schism in the ranks form, as your hosts Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel take sides in the discussion of Bang Bang A Boom! by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman. Pantomime is in the air as the Seventh Doctor and Mel get involved in galactic politics, a song contest, and... MURDER (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN)! The bad jokes, and worse puns, are flying left and right. It's silly parody to the extreme, but is it any good? Before our hosts give their opinions though, they take time to debate the discussion topic of the week: Should Doctor Who do outright parody stories? Join the team and find out who has can take a (bad) joke, and who might need surgery to remove the stick from his posterior! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a talking hamster! Like Jar Jar Binks, only furrier.

  • The Oncoming Storm EP 96: BF # 39 - BANG BANG, You're Dead!

    21 March 2014 (12:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Dying is easy... Comedy is hard. Or at least, very subjective! Episode 96 of the Oncoming Storm sees a schism in the ranks form, as your hosts Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel take sides in the discussion of Bang Bang A Boom! by Gareth Roberts and Clayton Hickman. Pantomime is in the air as the Seventh Doctor and Mel get involved in galactic politics, a song contest, and... MURDER (DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN)! The bad jokes, and worse puns, are flying left and right. It's silly parody to the extreme, but is it any good? Before our hosts give their opinions though, they take time to debate the discussion topic of the week: Should Doctor Who do outright parody stories? Join the team and find out who has can take a (bad) joke, and who might need surgery to remove the stick from his posterior! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a talking hamster! Like Jar Jar Binks, only furrier.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 95: BF #38 - Double Vision

    14 March 2014 (1:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Engarde! Wei, Wei zhis weeeek, Zee Oncoming Storm iz goings to France, so everyone iz speeking in zee zilly Frrench accentz! Wait, what? No one is doing that? Really? The American story get Foghorn Leghorn and the France story nothing? Alright then. The management sincerely apologizes for that horrible mistake. To make up for it, we give you a discussion on fantastic piece of audio, The Church and the Crown by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright. Swordfights, betrayal, and mistaken identity abound... it must be time for another historical! Who will you side with, Louis and his Musketeers? Or that scheming Cardinal Richelieu? The answer may surprise you! The Oncoming Storm... This time, it's all for one and... ... ... oh come on!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 95: BF #38 - Double Vision

    14 March 2014 (1:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 24 seconds

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    Engarde! Wei, Wei zhis weeeek, Zee Oncoming Storm iz goings to France, so everyone iz speeking in zee zilly Frrench accentz! Wait, what? No one is doing that? Really? The American story get Foghorn Leghorn and the France story nothing? Alright then. The management sincerely apologizes for that horrible mistake. To make up for it, we give you a discussion on fantastic piece of audio, The Church and the Crown by Cavan Scott & Mark Wright. Swordfights, betrayal, and mistaken identity abound... it must be time for another historical! Who will you side with, Louis and his Musketeers? Or that scheming Cardinal Richelieu? The answer may surprise you! The Oncoming Storm... This time, it's all for one and... ... ... oh come on!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 94: Gallifrey Seaon 1 - High Collared Politics

    6 March 2014 (8:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Another week, another Oncoming Storm! In episode 94, it's time to put away the ripped jeans and Mohawks from last week, and trade them in for some robes with high collars! Or some animal skins if you'd rather. That's right, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are heading to Gallifrey! Join your hosts as they discuss the entire first series of Big Finish's Gallifrey. As they wade through the backstabbing, lies, and betrayals that come with Gallifreyan politics, there's discussion on the nature of a friendship between a president and a savage, temporal shenanigans, and why Brax is the best. The Oncoming Storm... The time, GALLIFREY STANDS... or used to stand... I mean, this is what it was like before that whole fall thing.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 94: Gallifrey Seaon 1 - High Collared Politics

    6 March 2014 (8:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 41 seconds

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    Another week, another Oncoming Storm! In episode 94, it's time to put away the ripped jeans and Mohawks from last week, and trade them in for some robes with high collars! Or some animal skins if you'd rather. That's right, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are heading to Gallifrey! Join your hosts as they discuss the entire first series of Big Finish's Gallifrey. As they wade through the backstabbing, lies, and betrayals that come with Gallifreyan politics, there's discussion on the nature of a friendship between a president and a savage, temporal shenanigans, and why Brax is the best. The Oncoming Storm... The time, GALLIFREY STANDS... or used to stand... I mean, this is what it was like before that whole fall thing.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 93: NA # 23 - Punk Rock Grrls

    27 February 2014 (11:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 29 seconds

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    Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy! The Oncoming Storm is ready to overthrow the government in the name of the people in episode 93. Remember when England was almost overthrown by aliens and the Queen shot in 1976? Of course it happened! Just look at No Future by Paul Cornell. The 7th Doctor, Ace, and Benny aren't really speaking any more, so it's the perfect time to face the enemy behind all of their troubles of late, right? There's old enemies, betrayals, and 1970's haircuts aplenty as Josh, Ashley, and Rachel look at the book that wraps up the Alternate History cycle. But first, let's take a look back at the conventions of the last few week! The Oncoming Storm... This time, you won't believe who we have back to menace the Doctor. Really, you wouldn't. 

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 93: NA # 23 - Punk Rock Grrls

    27 February 2014 (11:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 29 seconds

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    Anarchy! Anarchy! Anarchy! The Oncoming Storm is ready to overthrow the government in the name of the people in episode 93. Remember when England was almost overthrown by aliens and the Queen shot in 1976? Of course it happened! Just look at No Future by Paul Cornell. The 7th Doctor, Ace, and Benny aren't really speaking any more, so it's the perfect time to face the enemy behind all of their troubles of late, right? There's old enemies, betrayals, and 1970's haircuts aplenty as Josh, Ashley, and Rachel look at the book that wraps up the Alternate History cycle. But first, let's take a look back at the conventions of the last few week! The Oncoming Storm... This time, you won't believe who we have back to menace the Doctor. Really, you wouldn't.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 92: BF # 37 - Interesting Choice of Words

    21 February 2014 (1:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 19 seconds

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    This week, The Oncoming Storm has an interesting episode for you! In episode 92, your interesting hosts, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are looking at the Big Finish audio story The Sandman by Simon A Forward. It seems, though, that the 6th Doctor has left one of those interesting word entities from his last Big Finish story discussed, so talking about The Sandman is harder than it appears! Your hosts face this interesting problem with resolve however, and talk of The Doctor's heel turn, the emersive alien word, and other interesting aspects of the play. We think you'll really be interested in this one! The Oncoming Storm... This week, it gets all interesting!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 92: BF # 37 - Interesting Choice of Words

    21 February 2014 (1:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 57 minutes and 19 seconds

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    This week, The Oncoming Storm has an interesting episode for you! In episode 92, your interesting hosts, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are looking at the Big Finish audio story The Sandman by Simon A Forward. It seems, though, that the 6th Doctor has left one of those interesting word entities from his last Big Finish story discussed, so talking about The Sandman is harder than it appears! Your hosts face this interesting problem with resolve however, and talk of The Doctor's heel turn, the emersive alien word, and other interesting aspects of the play. We think you'll really be interested in this one! The Oncoming Storm... This week, it gets all interesting!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 91: BF #36 Finding God... in a nightclub???

    14 February 2014 (12:43am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Wow. Look at that cover. Isn't it beautiful??? Sorry, sorry. Got distracted there for a moment. Welcome to episode 91 of The Oncoming Storm! Once again threatened by ice and power outages, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are braving the elements to bring you a look at Big Finish story # 36, The Rapture by Joseph Lidster. It's the first in a long line of Doctor Who universe contributions by Mr. Lidster. How does this week's crew find his debut piece? Will they reach a higher level of being, or just be forced to listen to a bunch of crappy club music? Join us to find out! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got angels! And they're not those one trick pony Moffat kind either! And they're really aliens. Spoilers.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 91: BF #36 Finding God... in a nightclub???

    14 February 2014 (12:43am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Wow. Look at that cover. Isn't it beautiful??? Sorry, sorry. Got distracted there for a moment. Welcome to episode 91 of The Oncoming Storm! Once again threatened by ice and power outages, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha are braving the elements to bring you a look at Big Finish story # 36, The Rapture by Joseph Lidster. It's the first in a long line of Doctor Who universe contributions by Mr. Lidster. How does this week's crew find his debut piece? Will they reach a higher level of being, or just be forced to listen to a bunch of crappy club music? Join us to find out! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got angels! And they're not those one trick pony Moffat kind either! And they're really aliens. Spoilers.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 90: NA # 22 - It's Gone All Meta in Here

    7 February 2014 (1:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 25 seconds

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    It's finally time! Time to go back... to the New Adventures! After some time spent wrapping up the year or talking about some silly anniversary, The Oncoming Storm returns to it's original mission! Episode 90 sees Josh, Ashley, and Rachel looking at the penultimate story in the Alternate Universe arc, Conundrum by Steve Lyons. The Oncoming Storm is no stranger to the prolific Lyons, but this was his first entry into writing for Doctor Who. We know Josh is a Lyons fan, and Ashley seems ready to crown a new favorite, but how will Rachel react to her first ever New Adventure? The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a superhero, a witch, a bumbling detective, and a young Gary Russell. Yeah, it's gonna be one of THOSE stories.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 90: NA # 22 - It's Gone All Meta in Here

    7 February 2014 (1:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 25 seconds

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    It's finally time! Time to go back... to the New Adventures! After some time spent wrapping up the year or talking about some silly anniversary, The Oncoming Storm returns to it's original mission! Episode 90 sees Josh, Ashley, and Rachel looking at the penultimate story in the Alternate Universe arc, Conundrum by Steve Lyons. The Oncoming Storm is no stranger to the prolific Lyons, but this was his first entry into writing for Doctor Who. We know Josh is a Lyons fan, and Ashley seems ready to crown a new favorite, but how will Rachel react to her first ever New Adventure? The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a superhero, a witch, a bumbling detective, and a young Gary Russell. Yeah, it's gonna be one of THOSE stories.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 89: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who - A Snowy Comic Finale

    30 January 2014 (5:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 10 seconds

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    The Oncoming Storm is snowed in! That's right, old man winter isn't done just yet, and to prove the point, snow is now covering all of us. But have no fear, even if your hosts weren't able to bring you the normally scheduled episode this week, we have thrown together an episode for you anyway! Episode 89 is now featuring The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who, the last IDW comic release, by Paul Cornell and Jimmy Broxton. It's... not the smoothest of episodes, as Josh is preoccupied in trying to get his wife home after being stuck in traffic for 9 hours (she finally made it home just as recording ended), Ashley is trying to keep warm , and guest Jeff Polier is quite sick with a horrible cough! Join us to see what happens when we try to throw together an episode at the last minute and all that follows! The Oncoming Storm.... This Time, we've got snow. A Lot of Snow. And zero preperation!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 89: The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who - A Snowy Comic Finale

    30 January 2014 (5:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 10 seconds

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    The Oncoming Storm is snowed in! That's right, old man winter isn't done just yet, and to prove the point, snow is now covering all of us. But have no fear, even if your hosts weren't able to bring you the normally scheduled episode this week, we have thrown together an episode for you anyway! Episode 89 is now featuring The Girl Who Loved Doctor Who, the last IDW comic release, by Paul Cornell and Jimmy Broxton. It's... not the smoothest of episodes, as Josh is preoccupied in trying to get his wife home after being stuck in traffic for 9 hours (she finally made it home just as recording ended), Ashley is trying to keep warm , and guest Jeff Polier is quite sick with a horrible cough! Join us to see what happens when we try to throw together an episode at the last minute and all that follows! The Oncoming Storm.... This Time, we've got snow. A Lot of Snow. And zero preperation!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 88: BF DWM 1-2 Titanic Meepery

    24 January 2014 (12:28am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 5 seconds

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    ..."No need to ask why, do it for the Most High, you are Beeps friend Conquer Alllllll!"


    Ahem. Excuse us. It's just so catchy. Like my mind is being controlled by it. But nevermind that now... It's time for another exciting episode of The Oncoming Storm! In episode 88, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha step back a bit to cover the first freebie stories Big Finish handed out with Doctor Who Magazine! First up is The Last of the Titans by Nicolas Briggs, which sees the 7th Doctor trapped on a space hulk with a simpleton of a giant titanthrope. After that, it's the return of Beep the Meep in The Ratings War, by Steve Lyons. And it's exactly what you would expect. LEt the rending and dismemberment commence! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got puppies! And kitties! And bunnies! All gassed, flayed and served on a stick! All Hail the Most High Meep!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 88: BF DWM 1-2 Titanic Meepery

    24 January 2014 (12:28am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 5 seconds

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    ..."No need to ask why, do it for the Most High, you are Beeps friend Conquer Alllllll!"

    Ahem. Excuse us. It's just so catchy. Like my mind is being controlled by it. But nevermind that now... It's time for another exciting episode of The Oncoming Storm! In episode 88, Josh, Ashley, and Sacha step back a bit to cover the first freebie stories Big Finish handed out with Doctor Who Magazine! First up is The Last of the Titans by Nicolas Briggs, which sees the 7th Doctor trapped on a space hulk with a simpleton of a giant titanthrope. After that, it's the return of Beep the Meep in The Ratings War, by Steve Lyons. And it's exactly what you would expect. LEt the rending and dismemberment commence! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got puppies! And kitties! And bunnies! All gassed, flayed and served on a stick! All Hail the Most High Meep!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 87: BF #35 Ish ish ishing Ish!

    16 January 2014 (10:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Words. Words. WORDS! That's what The Oncoming Storm is dealing with this week in episode 87! Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel are back one more, and they're diving right into the English language with a spotlight in ...Ish by Phil Pascoe. The logophiles and English majors in the crew are as happy as can be, but one man dares to stand up and declare his disdain for a story with a bunch of pretty words but no plot. He then proceeds to be mercilessly berated for his thoughts! Will he convince to others, or come around to their thinking? Find out as we pull out our dictionaries and thesauruses to review ...Ish! The Oncoming Storm... Ish time, we Ish Ish the ISH!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 87: BF #35 Ish ish ishing Ish!

    16 January 2014 (10:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Words. Words. WORDS! That's what The Oncoming Storm is dealing with this week in episode 87! Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel are back one more, and they're diving right into the English language with a spotlight in ...Ish by Phil Pascoe. The logophiles and English majors in the crew are as happy as can be, but one man dares to stand up and declare his disdain for a story with a bunch of pretty words but no plot. He then proceeds to be mercilessly berated for his thoughts! Will he convince to others, or come around to their thinking? Find out as we pull out our dictionaries and thesauruses to review ...Ish! The Oncoming Storm... Ish time, we Ish Ish the ISH!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 86: BF # 34 - It's All Adric's Fault

    10 January 2014 (12:55am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 59 minutes and 23 seconds

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    The Oncoming Storm is back from Christmas Break! And boy, does it show in episode 86! Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Rachel are your hosts for the episode, as they struggle to shrug off the leftover holiday cheer and rustiness to get back into lean, mean podcasting shape! After a little bit of "What did we do over the break" talk, your hosts are proud to present their discussion of the Big Finish story Spare Parts by Marc Platt. Heralded by many as the definitive "classic" of the early Big Finish era, Spare Parts gives us a view of the origins of the Cybermen! Does it hold up to it's reputation? Do the Cybermen even need an origin story? Join us as these points and others are stumbled and mumbled over. The Oncoming Storm... This time, YOu WiLL BE LIkE US.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 85: 2013 in Review - Anniversary Highs & Lows

    2 January 2014 (11:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 41 seconds

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    In the last of our episodes recorded before Christmas, The Oncoming Storm comes together again to talk about Doctor Who, and  to reminisce on the year that was 2013. Yes, episode 85 is taking the easy way out and instead of doing something they have to prepare for, everyone is just talking about what they liked and didn't like about Doctor Who in the anniversary year. And despite Josh's attempts to steer things to spinoff media, talk about the year's television episodes creeps in. In-between talk of favorite audio and book releases, there's McGann discussion, anniversary episode discussion, and yes even Moffat bashing. And this was before the Christmas Episode! Sheesh. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a new year! And more McGann love. Always McGann love.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 84: Anniversary e-Book Wrap Up - WWMR (What Would Martha Read)

    28 December 2013 (2:21am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 14 seconds

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    In the simpler days before the great "Time of the Doctor" schism of Christmas 2013, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel came together to record episode 84 of The Oncoming Storm. With the dream of a peaceful holiday ahead of them, they rejoiced in the season, and turned to talking about the final anniversary e-Books in front of the fireplace, where the stocking had been hung with care. Doctors 8 through 11 were discussed, with such topics as Martha's reading habits, hairy ceilings, and the dreaded 'Mary Sue' talked over at length. Oh, and Neil Gaiman.There were differences of opinion, but camaraderie abounded and a good time was had by all... Even when Ashley was wrong. Want to remember what that was like? Join us, won't you? The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got civil, level headed debate! About Doctor Who??? I know, Crazy right?!? 

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 83: Prisoners of Time Finale - Gotta Catch 'Em All

    20 December 2013 (1:22am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 17 seconds

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    It's time for the penultimate episode of our anniversary specials coverage! This week on The Oncoming Storm, Josh, Ashley, and special guest Jeff Polier return to the IDW mini series Prisoners of Time. In this oversized episode, your hosts cover the last 5 issues of the series, numbers 8 through 12. Josh is questioning why exactly the Doctor is the Last of the Timelords in a universe of time travel, Ashley is extolling comic coloring of yore, and Jeff is just happy to be considered Sgt. Benton rather than Mike Yates. Do join them for a look at the epic conclusion of this Star Tre- ...er, Doctor Who comic series! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got ALL the Doctors, ALL the companions, and QUARKS! That's right, Quarks. Bet you're glad you listened now.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 82: Destiny of the Doctor 10 & 11 - Doctor Who and the Giant Disgusting Things

    12 December 2013 (11:02pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 9 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Ashley's fumbling with his new mike, Josh is ranting on continuity again, and Rachel is just happy to be here with Catherine Tate... yes it must be Thursday and time for episode 82 of The Oncoming Storm! This week sees your hosts finishing up their coverage of The Destiny of the Doctor series. First up, after some outdated news, is Death's Deal by Darren Jones, read by Catherine Tate! We miss you Donna! Them it all wraps up with The Time Machine by Matt Fitton, read by the lovely Jenna Coleman. Why exactly has the 11th Doctor been popping up along his former selves? Join us as we find out! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got Catherine Tate and Jenna Coleman! Time for some adventures with Donna and... Alice? Wait, what?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 81: Destiny of the Doctor 8 & 9 Sweet Sweet Paul McGann Kisses

    6 December 2013 (3:49am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 10 seconds

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    Time is running out in 2013, and The Oncoming Storm has some catching up to do before it's over! In their first leg to make it through the rest of the 50th anniversary material, Josh, Ashley, Hannah, and Rachel are here to cover not just one, but two Destiny of the Doctor releases. After some basking in the glow of Day of the Doctor/Adventures in Time and Space/The Fiveish Doctors, your hosts look at Enemy Aliens by Alan Barnes, featuring the 8th Doctor and canon companion Charley! Once proper attention has been paid to Paul McGann's lips, then it's time for Night of the Whisper by Cavan Scott and Mark Wright. It's the 9th Doctor, Rose, and Captain Jack in an adventure in New Las Vegas. And it's not as debauchery filled as you might expect with Jack loose in Vegas. But it does have wolfman gangsters and masked vigilantes! Join us to see if these latest audios pay proper homage to their eras. The Oncoming Storm... This time, BADA BUM BADA BUM BADA BUM BUM BUM!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 80: PDA # 17 A Sidestep? A Step Back? Who Knows?

    29 November 2013 (2:27am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 20 seconds

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    It's Turkey Day once again in America, but don't let that fool you! This week's episode of The Oncoming Storm features a story that is no turkey! In between overly large family dinners, Josh, Ashley, and Rachel were able to bring to you a discussion about the final story in our month of anniversary specials, The Infinity Doctors by Lance Parkin. Published in celebration of the 35th Anniversary, this book is an odd bird, featuring a Doctor back on Gallifrey, who was married, facing off against Omega... but who supposedly looks like Paul McGann, but is NOT the 8th Doctor. Listen as your hosts try to make sense of it all, catch up on some old news, and Josh enters a level of fan theory that bewilders his co hosts! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've been killed! Several times! Temporal Grace and all that. I'm sure you understand. Um... Could you explain it to us?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 79: That Other 50th Anniversary Special

    21 November 2013 (11:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 54 seconds

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    We're a podcast on an anniversary special. But probably not the one you were expecting.

    That's right. The Oncoming Storm is here with episode 80, in the week of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary! And we're ready to talk about the anniversary story. No, not the one with those two babyfaces and the guy from "Alien" in it. Ashley, Josh, Rachel, Sacha, and special guest Dr. Scott Vigue are here to discuss The Light at the End by Nicholas Briggs, the Big Finish Anniversary special. 8 Doctors, 1 Master, and a slew of companions. Will it be a mess or a masterpiece? But before that, a certain minisode with big implications regarding Doctor Who spin off media is thoroughly analyzed. And we won't lie, drooled over. The Oncoming Storm... This time we've got a whole lotta McGann, and some validation at last. Life couldn't be better.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 78: BF # 50 Zagreus Sits Inside Your Head and Causes Us Much Weeping

    15 November 2013 (12:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 50 seconds

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    OMG DID YOU SEE THAT?!? I WASN'T EXPECTING IT, THEN WHEN HE SHOWED UP... AND WHEN HE SAID THOSE NAMES, I JUST COULDN'T BELIE...  er, wait, what was I saying? Oh right, Zagreus. Sigh...ahem...

    Hey everyone, it's time for episode 78 of The Oncoming Storm! It's November, and as we await the 50th Anniversary(HOLY COW WAS THAT PREQUEL AWESOME... no no gotta focus...) proper, we here at Oncoming Storm headquarter are getting ready by looking at Anniversary stories of other media. First up, it's the Big Finish story Zagreus by Gary Russell and Alan Barnes. Wait, please come back! We were gonna have to do it at some point, might as well do it while the good anniversary vibes last. It is an endeavor though, as hosts Josh, Ashley, Sacha, and Hannah trudge through long recounts of exposition and Alice in Wonderland references. Join us, as we try to figure out if Zagreus is as bad as it's reputation, or if it is unduly maligned. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a talking TARDIS, way before that whole Doctor's Wife thing! Eat that Gaiman! 

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 77: BF #33 Oncoming Storm NOW.INF

    8 November 2013 (1:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 37 seconds

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    And we're back! Again! But not as long between episodes this time. There's been a lot going on at Oncoming Storm HQ, and now you get to see the results! Episode 77 is here, but behind the scenes, we've been calling it Season 2 Episode 1! Your regular hosts Josh and Ashley are still here, but now they have regular backup! Sacha, Hannah, and Rachel are now here to round out this fully armed and operational battlestation! After a rouond of proper introductions, it's time to get back to work, and this week we're back with the 8th Doctor in Neverland by Alan Barnes. This story brings the second Big Finish season of the 8th Doctor Adventures to a close. Was it all worth it? Join us to see what our team thinks! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got anti time particles in our throats. Cuz everyone knows that those pesky things go right for the larynx.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 76: NA # 21 Aaaaaaaaand We're Back!

    24 October 2013 (11:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 53 minutes and 52 seconds

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    So, did you miss us? Well your hosts, Josh and Ashley, sure missed talking about Doctor Who! Without further ado, it's time for The Oncoming Storm episode 76! Josh and Ashley do their best to shake off the rust and get back down to business, but there's been a lot going on in the world of Doctor Who. To make up for lost time, they take it upon themselves to cover the highlights of the last two months... and find themselves unable to shut up! After 47 minutes(!), they are finally able to get to the main event, talking about The Left Handed-Hummingbird by Kate Orman... and once again, find themselves over the moon to be talking New Adventures again. Josh won't stop gushing and Ashley is really, really concerned about drugs. What is the final consensus? Join the welcome back party and find out! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've back, we're bad, and we're celebrating milestones! It feels so good to be back!  

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 75: BF #32 Shakespearean Tragedy

    5 September 2013 (11:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 26 seconds

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    This week, Josh and Ashley are pulling their tights over their Dalek bumps, and reciting sonnets in their best electronic warble. It's a Dalek story of Shakespearean proportions on episode 75 of The Oncoming Storm! The Eighth Doctor and Charley star in Time of the Daleks by Justin Richards, as we finally get to hear the Eighth Doctor face off against the Daleks  properly for the first time! And what evil plot do the Daleks have this time? Would you believe a dastardly scheme to ... preserve Shakespeare??? Step through the looking glass with your hosts as they discuss topics like, "do we really need another Dalek story at this point?", or  "Why is Shakespeare in this at all???" The Oncoming Storm... This time, we travel through time using tin foil. And yes, that works. Somehow.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 74: Destiny of the Doctor #7 - Shock & Awe

    28 August 2013 (5:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 27 seconds

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    There's not a lot of time here at the Oncoming Storm, episode 74! Your hosts Josh and Ashley are gearing up for Dragoncon once again. But fear not, gentle listener, in all of their preperations, they have not forsaken you! This early release sees them talking about Destiny of the Doctor # 7, Shockwave by James Swallow. After discussing their plans for the week and a few bits of news, your hosts turn to the story proper, and discussions of Ace's character, how the McCoy years resemble the New Series, and uselessness of guest performers all occur. Also, some time is taken to talk about the actual story. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we're late for the convention! We'll make feeble attempts to be witty again next week!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep73: Seventh Doctor Anniversary Stories - "Oh Boy. Annoying, Nice Daleks"

    22 August 2013 (11:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 31 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Yes, it's The Oncoming Storm episode 73. You know the drill by now. Josh and Ashley are here, talking Issue # 7 of Doctor Who: Prisoners of Time with guest Jeff Polier, who is visiting live from a submarine thousands of feet underwater! Ot, at least it sounds that way. Then it's ebook time, with The Ripple Effect by Malorie Blackman. Things are talked about, opinions are given, yadda, yadda,yadda. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we just can't be bothered with a description. Just go listen will ya?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 72: NA # 20 Worst. Name. Ever.

    16 August 2013 (10:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second

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    After a journey long traveled, Ashley returns for The Oncoming Storm episode 72! Both regular hosts, Josh and Ashley, are back in action, and trying to recapture that magic they once had together. Luckily, they can finally get around to talking New Adventures again, so it should be just like riding a bike, right? Or maybe a sports car TARDIS? This week, The Dimension Riders by Daniel Blythe is the topic of discussion. The Doctor, Ace and Benny are separated in different time zones, facing off against Time Soldiers and naff Master wannabes. Join your hosts as they discuss old story references, Monster name choices, and that really icky death scene. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got time beam gun things. They'll age you to dust! Or a baby we guess, if that one Time Soldier feels like having a laugh.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 71: Excelis Trilogy "Boy, Giles sure sounds cray-cray"

    8 August 2013 (11:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 39 minutes and 43 seconds

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    It's time for Episode 71 of The Oncoming Storm, and once again, Josh finds himself alone. So rather than develop a complex about it, Josh turns to the wheels of fate, and finds himself two reliable fill in hosts, Dr. Scott and Sacha of The Articles of the Shadow Proclamation and Dr. Geek's Lab! And because Josh wants to reward such loyalty, it's time for one of the "special" episodes, and this time, it's all about the Excelis trilogy. Or is that Quadrilogy? Tetralogy? Whatever. Covered in this episode is Excelis Dawns by Paul Magrs, Excelis Rising by David McIntee, Excelis Decays by Craig Hinton, and Plague Herds of Excelis by Stephen Cole. There's guest stars abound, with stories filled with road trips, séances, and just plain depressing stuff. And Josh even says nice things about a Stephen Cole story. Well, nice-ish. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we're taking the ol' Number 22 to Putney Common.  Drinks all around!

  • The Oncoming Storm EP 70: BF # 31 Creepy Eyeholes

    1 August 2013 (8:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 38 seconds

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    He's back! Well, for 1 week at least. Yes, Ashley has return in time for The Oncoming Storm episode 70! After dusting down the place after all of the people sitting in his spot, Ashley is ready to talk Doctor Who again, and Josh can't stop him, no matter how much he threatens. This week, its the return to the Eighth Doctor's adventures in audio, with Nicholas Briggs's Embrace the Darkness. Your hosts are keeping their eyes on the dark spots in the room, in order to, well, keep their eyes! Creepy cliffhangers, cool giant robots, and the Doctor's depressive moods are on topic for discussion this time around. Just stick close to the light. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got no eyes! EMBRACE THE DARKNESS

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 69: Destiny of the Doctor #6 - Hands off the Doctor!

    24 July 2013 (11:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 16 seconds

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    Once again without his co-host, Josh must discover the new world of The Oncoming Storm episode 69 alone! Luckily, he is a resourceful podcaster, and is able to signal for help using some string and coconut shells! Answering the call are Substitute Podcaster Scott Coles, and fangirl extraordinaire Hannah! Strap yourself in folks, cuz this one is a bit different from the usual fair, as your guest hosts are certainly not afraid to let loose. Salty language is in the air, crass jokes are made, and much laughing is present. Oh, you want to know the story for the week too? Trouble in Paradise by Nev Fountain, performed by Nicola Bryant. Happy now? Hope you enjoying listening as much as your hosts enjoyed recording it! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got Space Buffalo. And that's not a euphemism. No matter how hard we try to make it one.

    Check out more of Scott and the other Legion of Substitute Podcasters at http://www.legionofsubstitutepodcasters.com/Early

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 68: Sixth Doctor Anniversary Stories - Penguins vs. Dinosaurs

    18 July 2013 (10:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 21 seconds

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    The Sixth Doctor is a complex man, often misunderstood and made a pariah. Though he had many companions, it often seemed he was alone... Josh understands, because in episode 68 of The Oncoming Storm, he finds himself once again abandoned by his partner Ashley. Good thing Jeff Polier was due to stop by to talk the latest issue of Prisoners of Time! After Josh ropes Jeff into joining him for an entire episode talking about ol' Sixie, the exciting events of issue # 6 of the comic are discussed, then they move onto the topic of the ebook, Something Borrowed by Richelle Mead. Does it stack up to last month's ebook? And just who is that glamorous woman with the large shoulder pads underneath that veil? Find out in this week's episode! The Oncoming Storm... this time, the bitch is back!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 67: BF # 30 Seriously? THESE are the new Lords of Time?

    11 July 2013 (12:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 23 seconds

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    Ni Hao listeners! Welcome to The Oncoming Storm episode 67! A nice relaxing vacation in Singapore awaits. Go to the tea gardens, relax with a nice cuppa, and wait for the nice immortal man to show up to tell you he's killed you in the past. Only in Doctor Who... And this week, the focus is on Seasons of Fear by Paul Cornell and Caroline Symcox. As the Doctor and Charley get caught up in the web of time, your hosts Josh and Ashley take some time to discuss the story, then wildly spin off into tangents about Charley vs Lucy Miller, the Eighth Doctor BBC novel range, and time paradoxes. They do get back around to talking about the story... eventually. Now if only they could go back in time and eradicate this timeline somehow and do an actually good show! The Oncoming Storm... This time, 3! I have seen 3 Nimon! THE NIMON BE PRAISED!!!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 66: NA # 19 For the Children

    4 July 2013 (10:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 19 seconds

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    It's been put off long enough. The Oncoming Storm return to the New Adventures in episode 66! Everything looks different around Oncoming Storm HQ. There are tropical plants EVERWHERE, and  we're not sure, but there may be a plesiosaur in the bath. Is it some world altering event? Nope, it's just Blood Heat by Jim Mortimore! And while they may not have the special edition version of the story to talk about, Josh & Ashley think this week's book is already pretty special! Join them as the discussion turns to the effectiveness of parallel world stories, the Brigadier's bloodthirtyness, and ask, "Should there have been another way?" The Oncoming Storm... This time... yeah ok, it's dinosaurs. You knew it, we knew it, no point in trying to be clever.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 65: Destiny of the Doctor #5 - Now You See Me...

    27 June 2013 (7:47pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Magic tricks, wild animals, fortune tellers... The Oncoming Storm is heading to the carnival in episode 65! Join your hosts Josh and Ashley as they grab their candy floss and take a listen to the 5th installment of Destiny of the Doctor, Smoke and Mirrors by Steve Lyons and read by Janet Fielding. It's got Houdini, alien crystals, and a surprise guest villain! (Though if you pay attention to classic Who at ALL, it's not really a surprise). And there's outdated news talk! Listen to two men full of hope discuss possibilities in the news section, before the awful truth would hit them the next day... The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a magic ball that sees the future! Well, okay, it's a magic 8-ball, and it's stuck on "Outlook Hazy" but that still counts right?

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 64: 5th Doctor Anniversary Stories - The Ugly Truth

    20 June 2013 (8:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 46 seconds

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    Episode 64 of The Oncoming Storm is here... and while they may be older and losing their hair, your hosts Josh and Ashley won't let that stop them from enjoying the fruits of 5th Doctor month! It's another two-fer episode as Josh & Ashley are first joined by Jeff Polier again to look at issue number 5 of Prisoners of Time, featuring the 5th Doctor, a boatload of companions, some Rutons, Sontarans, and a partridge in a pear tree. After their latest comic roasting, Josh & Ashley, then look at Tip of the Tongue by Patrick Ness... and Josh won't stop going on and on about it! Strap in for this one folks! The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got the best episode yet! I am lying to overcome a deep seated insecurity brought on by mommy issues. STOP THAT TRUTH TELLER!!!

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 63: BF # 29 For Whom the Bell Chimes

    14 June 2013 (10:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 9 seconds

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    Okay, lesson learned. Never proclaim during recording that everything is back on schedule for the future. Fate will surely step in to make a liar out of you! Now that power has return to Oncoming Storm HQ, Episode 63 can be released! Your hapless hosts, Josh & Ashley, have suffered over the weeks from broken legs to needless 80 hour work weeks... and now it's time they were rewarded! So they are looking at the reputed Big Finish classic The Chimes of Midnight by Rob Shearman. Does it live up to the hype? Well, okay, of course it does. But that doesn't stop Josh and Ashley discussing it with vigor, including talk about the comedy of death, Charley's snobbery, and Josh's overeager fascination with the time paradox. The Oncoming Storm... This time, we've got a sentient house! Ya know, if it had just hooked up with Saul rather then kill all of those people, this all could have been avoided.

  • The Oncoming Storm Ep 62: THE Andrew Cartmel Interview Part 2

    8 June 2013 (4:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 24 seconds

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    It's here! Part two of the amazing and captivating interview with Andrew Cartmel, on The Oncoming Storm episode 62! Yes, it's a bit late due to unforseen circumstances, but broken legs, rundown cars, and power mad manager can't keep this podcast down! Josh and Ashley talk a little out dated new before throwing it over to Andrew, as he discusses his work for Big Finish, talks some of his comics work, and tells us all about his new novels. Sit back and enjoy! The Oncoming Storm... Yep nothing different here this week! It's late, and we don't have time to try and be witty!


    Follow Andrew!

     @andrewcartmel on Twitter

    and his blog


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