Overall Statistics

Geek Syndicate

Geek Syndicate
The long awaited, critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious.... Hear what happens when 2 old friends(perhaps more in the coming weeks), some pizza, 2 bottles of single malt whiskey and a couple of cats decide to celebrate all aspects of geek life from a UK perspective. We hope to cover TV,Books,Games,Comics..etc every fortnight.

Homepage: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com/rss

Geek Syndicate Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
95 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes and 48 seconds
Earliest Episode:
1 October 2006 (2:23am GMT)
Latest Episode:
14 June 2024 (11:56am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes and 55 seconds

Geek Syndicate Episodes

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 04 Review

    22 January 2020 (1:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 38 seconds

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    In this week's episode of Doctor Who, the TARDIS crew land in 1903 and meet up with Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison in Nina Metivier's historical tale. In an unfortunate twist, Arachnophobe Barry joins Ant to review an episode that features Scorpion aliens ... Listen on to find out how that went down ...  

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 04 Review

    22 January 2020 (1:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 38 seconds

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    In this week's episode of Doctor Who, the TARDIS crew land in 1903 and meet up with Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison in Nina Metivier's historical tale. In an unfortunate twist, Arachnophobe Barry joins Ant to review an episode that features Scorpion aliens ... Listen on to find out how that went down ...  

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 44

    19 January 2020 (7:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds

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    We're back! First episode of 2020 and Scott and Steve kick off with some news and reviews. For our main feature we talk about the forthcoming Dune film adaptation by visionary director Denis Villeneuve, as well as previous adaptations, the forthcoming TV show and our expectations for what is to come.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 44

    19 January 2020 (7:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 46 minutes and 33 seconds

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    We're back! First episode of 2020 and Scott and Steve kick off with some news and reviews. For our main feature we talk about the forthcoming Dune film adaptation by visionary director Denis Villeneuve, as well as previous adaptations, the forthcoming TV show and our expectations for what is to come.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 03 Review

    19 January 2020 (7:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 11 seconds

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    In Orphan 55, The Doctor and company find themselves in an All-Inclusive holiday Spa that comes under attack from a hostile force and everything is by no means what it appears. Will Ed Hime's tale survive an assault from Ant and Barry in this review of the episode? 

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 03 Review

    19 January 2020 (7:33am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 38 minutes and 11 seconds

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    In Orphan 55, The Doctor and company find themselves in an All-Inclusive holiday Spa that comes under attack from a hostile force and everything is by no means what it appears. Will Ed Hime's tale survive an assault from Ant and Barry in this review of the episode? 

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 313

    15 January 2020 (6:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 29 seconds

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    Monts and Nuge are back with their first episode of Geek Syndicate for 2020.

    Week that Was

    Simon Says: Nazi Hunter, War of the Worlds, His Dark Materials,Dracula,Swamp Thing and Dr Who.


    As our dynamic due like we to be fashionably late for their main the lads finally talk all things Rise of Skywalker.

    Happy new year and all that Jazz!

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 313

    15 January 2020 (6:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 29 seconds

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    Monts and Nuge are back with their first episode of Geek Syndicate for 2020.

    Week that Was

    Simon Says: Nazi Hunter, War of the Worlds, His Dark Materials,Dracula,Swamp Thing and Dr Who.


    As our dynamic due like we to be fashionably late for their main the lads finally talk all things Rise of Skywalker.

    Happy new year and all that Jazz!

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek Episode 11

    13 January 2020 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Taking another look down at the world of comics come the Birds of Geek. Join Amy, Barry and Ant as they delve into four comic titles:

    • Life Is Strange Volume 2: Waves (Writer: Emma Vieceli, Artist: Claudia Leonardi, Colourist: Andrea Izzo, Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft) - Join Max, Chloe and friends in an alternative universe in this video game sequel;
    • Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor Year 2, Issue 1 (Writer: Jody Houser, Artist: Roberta Ingranata, Colourist: Enrica Eren Angiolini, Flatter: Shari Chankhamma, Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Sarah Hendricks4 ) - The Thirteenth Doctor is off course and meets up with a familiar face in this start to a new year's adventures;
    • The Shadow Year One  (Writer: Matt Wagner, Artist: Wilfredo Torres) - Discover the origins of one of the Pulp era's finest vigilantes.

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek Episode 11

    13 January 2020 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 3 seconds

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    Taking another look down at the world of comics come the Birds of Geek. Join Amy, Barry and Ant as they delve into four comic titles:

    • Life Is Strange Volume 2: Waves (Writer: Emma Vieceli, Artist: Claudia Leonardi, Colourist: Andrea Izzo, Letters: Richard Starkings & Comicraft) - Join Max, Chloe and friends in an alternative universe in this video game sequel;
    • Doctor Who The Thirteenth Doctor Year 2, Issue 1 (Writer: Jody Houser, Artist: Roberta Ingranata, Colourist: Enrica Eren Angiolini, Flatter: Shari Chankhamma, Letterer: Richard Starkings & Comicraft's Sarah Hendricks4 ) - The Thirteenth Doctor is off course and meets up with a familiar face in this start to a new year's adventures;
    • The Shadow Year One  (Writer: Matt Wagner, Artist: Wilfredo Torres) - Discover the origins of one of the Pulp era's finest vigilantes.

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 01-02 Review

    12 January 2020 (11:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 43 seconds

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    Ant is back with more Doctor Who Reviews. This week, together with Barry and Amy, he breaks down the two-part opener to this year's series: Spyfall. The premise brings together two of Ant's favourite things - Doctor Who and Covert Operations. Part two introduces one of Amy's heroines. What did the team think of these ideas and the execution of the story? 

  • GSN PODCAST: Doctor Who Series 12 Episodes 01-02 Review

    12 January 2020 (11:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 40 minutes and 43 seconds

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    Ant is back with more Doctor Who Reviews. This week, together with Barry and Amy, he breaks down the two-part opener to this year's series: Spyfall. The premise brings together two of Ant's favourite things - Doctor Who and Covert Operations. Part two introduces one of Amy's heroines. What did the team think of these ideas and the execution of the story? 

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 10

    10 January 2020 (3:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 58 seconds

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    HAPPY FLIPPIN' NEW YEAR! (Is it too late in January to say that now? Answers on a photo of a postcard, please...)

    Welcome to the first Stace & Barry of 2020, and as ever it's chock full of morning geeky goodness. Grab a coffee and listen in as Stace swipes Barry's Moment of Geekdom like one of those people that can whip a tablecloth out from under a load of crockery, Barry enjoys some side scrolling duel gun action, and they both toot John Williams' horn.

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 10

    10 January 2020 (3:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 30 minutes and 58 seconds

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    HAPPY FLIPPIN' NEW YEAR! (Is it too late in January to say that now? Answers on a photo of a postcard, please...)

    Welcome to the first Stace & Barry of 2020, and as ever it's chock full of morning geeky goodness. Grab a coffee and listen in as Stace swipes Barry's Moment of Geekdom like one of those people that can whip a tablecloth out from under a load of crockery, Barry enjoys some side scrolling duel gun action, and they both toot John Williams' horn.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 312

    23 December 2019 (5:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 11 seconds

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    And here at the turn of the tide we come back to you.

    Right now we've got the Lord of the Rings nod out of the way we can crack on. Monts and Nuge pull off a Christmas miracle by managing to squeeze in an episode before the end of the year.

    The lads throw out their normal formatting to just have a catch up on everything they've watched and read over the last few months.

    Nuge suggests a radical solution to spoilers (and no it has nothing to do with time travel).

    Week that was

    Seis Manos

    Rolled a One

    Dungeon Fun

    The Question: The deaths of vic sage


    The Boys

    Russian Doll

    Into the Badlands

    The Mandolrian (Don't worry no spoilers)

    Doom Patrol

    Swamp Thing

    The Expanse


    And more!

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 312

    23 December 2019 (5:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 11 seconds

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    And here at the turn of the tide we come back to you.

    Right now we've got the Lord of the Rings nod out of the way we can crack on. Monts and Nuge pull off a Christmas miracle by managing to squeeze in an episode before the end of the year.

    The lads throw out their normal formatting to just have a catch up on everything they've watched and read over the last few months.

    Nuge suggests a radical solution to spoilers (and no it has nothing to do with time travel).

    Week that was

    Seis Manos

    Rolled a One

    Dungeon Fun

    The Question: The deaths of vic sage


    The Boys

    Russian Doll

    Into the Badlands

    The Mandolrian (Don't worry no spoilers)

    Doom Patrol

    Swamp Thing

    The Expanse


    And more!

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 43

    19 December 2019 (10:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 24 seconds

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    To celebrate the last episode of the decade Steve and Scott discuss some of their favourite movies, TV shows and comics from the last ten years.  Here's to the next ten years of podcasting!

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 43

    19 December 2019 (10:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 24 seconds

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    To celebrate the last episode of the decade Steve and Scott discuss some of their favourite movies, TV shows and comics from the last ten years.  Here's to the next ten years of podcasting!

  • GSN PODCAST: Bags of Action Episode 68 - Demolition Man

    18 December 2019 (5:02am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 37 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the classic 1990s film, Demolition Man starring Sly Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. This was the height of Snipes' fame and during this period he was making one successful film after another, in a variety of genres, with him effortlessly moving between comedic and drama, as well as playing both heroes and villains. It was also the first major part or the relatively unknown Bullock at this time.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes

  • GSN PODCAST: Bags of Action Episode 68 - Demolition Man

    18 December 2019 (5:02am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 45 minutes and 37 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the classic 1990s film, Demolition Man starring Sly Stallone, Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. This was the height of Snipes' fame and during this period he was making one successful film after another, in a variety of genres, with him effortlessly moving between comedic and drama, as well as playing both heroes and villains. It was also the first major part or the relatively unknown Bullock at this time.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 9

    7 December 2019 (4:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds

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    They're back baby! Join Stace & Barry as they get mildly festive but not quite festive enough to be a Christmas episode. Or perhaps further research needs to be done?... Anyhoo, get ready for some serious love for fantasy TV, animation, and some top notch TV themes, as well as a brief bit of singing! Also, will Stace and Barry ever pronounce a name right on first try?! Who knows.

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 9

    7 December 2019 (4:38am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds

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    They're back baby! Join Stace & Barry as they get mildly festive but not quite festive enough to be a Christmas episode. Or perhaps further research needs to be done?... Anyhoo, get ready for some serious love for fantasy TV, animation, and some top notch TV themes, as well as a brief bit of singing! Also, will Stace and Barry ever pronounce a name right on first try?! Who knows.

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 42

    26 November 2019 (1:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 54 seconds

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    This month Steve and Scott kick off with some news and reviews. For the Main Feature we talk about two of the biggest new TV shows around at the moment, The Mandalorian and the Watchmen TV show, following on from the comic book series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 42

    26 November 2019 (1:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 54 seconds

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    This month Steve and Scott kick off with some news and reviews. For the Main Feature we talk about two of the biggest new TV shows around at the moment, The Mandalorian and the Watchmen TV show, following on from the comic book series by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek Episode 10

    7 November 2019 (6:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 18 seconds

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    As Thought Bubble approaches, the Birds of Geek team take another delve into the world of comics. This episode the team review the following comics:
    • MULP Issue 5 (Writer: Matt Gibbs, Artist: Sara Dunkerton Letters: Jim Campbell) -Honest to goodness pulp adventuring with authentic archaeology featuring anthropomorphic mice;
    • Blade Runner 2019 Volume 1  (Writer: Michael Green and Mike Johnson, Artist: Andres Guinaldo, Colourist:  Marco Lesko, Letterer: Jim Campbell) - A look at a different type of Blade Runner than Decker in the original movie, set in the same time period;
    • Shades of Magic The Steel Prince Volume 2: Night of Knives  (Writer: VE Schwab Artist: Budi Setiawan Inkers: Budi Setiawan (Issue 1), Andrea Olimpieri (Issues 2-4), Colourist: Enrica Eren Angiolini Colour Assists: Viviana Spinelli Letterer: Rob Steen) - Further adventures of young Prince Marik in this prequel to the best-selling fantasy series;

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek Episode 10

    7 November 2019 (6:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 37 minutes and 18 seconds

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    As Thought Bubble approaches, the Birds of Geek team take another delve into the world of comics. This episode the team review the following comics:
    • MULP Issue 5 (Writer: Matt Gibbs, Artist: Sara Dunkerton Letters: Jim Campbell) -Honest to goodness pulp adventuring with authentic archaeology featuring anthropomorphic mice;
    • Blade Runner 2019 Volume 1  (Writer: Michael Green and Mike Johnson, Artist: Andres Guinaldo, Colourist:  Marco Lesko, Letterer: Jim Campbell) - A look at a different type of Blade Runner than Decker in the original movie, set in the same time period;
    • Shades of Magic The Steel Prince Volume 2: Night of Knives  (Writer: VE Schwab Artist: Budi Setiawan Inkers: Budi Setiawan (Issue 1), Andrea Olimpieri (Issues 2-4), Colourist: Enrica Eren Angiolini Colour Assists: Viviana Spinelli Letterer: Rob Steen) - Further adventures of young Prince Marik in this prequel to the best-selling fantasy series;

  • Barry and Scott present Secret Cinema presents Casino Royale

    4 November 2019 (7:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Barry and Scott went (separately) to experience Secret Cinema does Casino Royale back in August.  In this show they discuss in detail their experiences of the event and the phenomenon that is Secret Cinema.

  • Barry and Scott present Secret Cinema presents Casino Royale

    4 November 2019 (7:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 51 seconds

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    Barry and Scott went (separately) to experience Secret Cinema does Casino Royale back in August.  In this show they discuss in detail their experiences of the event and the phenomenon that is Secret Cinema.

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 8

    2 November 2019 (5:27am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Welcome to the Stace and Barry kinda but not really Halloween special.

    In the red corner Stace goes off to see Ninja Sex Party and checks out the Watchmen TV series.

    In the blue corner Barry goes back to school with the Stormhaven Techs: Tales from the Prep Room comic.

    The dynamic duo also unveil a new segment 'Behind the Book Corner with Stace'. The only small problem is Stace has no idea what the segment is about before she tackles 'Authority' the second book in the Southern Reach Trilogy.  

    So put down that egg and bacon sarnie and listen in!

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 8

    2 November 2019 (5:27am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 28 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Welcome to the Stace and Barry kinda but not really Halloween special.

    In the red corner Stace goes off to see Ninja Sex Party and checks out the Watchmen TV series.

    In the blue corner Barry goes back to school with the Stormhaven Techs: Tales from the Prep Room comic.

    The dynamic duo also unveil a new segment 'Behind the Book Corner with Stace'. The only small problem is Stace has no idea what the segment is about before she tackles 'Authority' the second book in the Southern Reach Trilogy.  

    So put down that egg and bacon sarnie and listen in!

  • Bags of Action Episode 67 - John Wick 3: Parabellum

    24 October 2019 (3:28am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 13 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the third instalment in the John Wick franchise starring Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, Ian McShane and big cast of familiar faces. How will this film live up to the previous two films? There's already news of a franchise spin off TV show about the Continental hotels and news of a 4th film, so this isn't the end.

    To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes

  • Bags of Action Episode 67 - John Wick 3: Parabellum

    24 October 2019 (3:28am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 13 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the third instalment in the John Wick franchise starring Keanu Reeves, Lawrence Fishburne, Ian McShane and big cast of familiar faces. How will this film live up to the previous two films? There's already news of a franchise spin off TV show about the Continental hotels and news of a 4th film, so this isn't the end.

    To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 7

    12 October 2019 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 13 seconds

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    It's Saturday morning, and you know what that means; Stace & Barry are coming at you with some weekend geeky fun times! This episode features sharply dressed cats, partially hidden robots and hilarious henchmen. Enjoy!

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning Series 2 Episode 7

    12 October 2019 (7:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 35 minutes and 13 seconds

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    It's Saturday morning, and you know what that means; Stace & Barry are coming at you with some weekend geeky fun times! This episode features sharply dressed cats, partially hidden robots and hilarious henchmen. Enjoy!

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek - Episode 9

    6 October 2019 (4:46am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds

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    As the country enters a cold Autumn, the Birds of Geek take a journey through time to 1897 and the village of Milford Green - where Ant discovers a surprise by not reading the blurb! In this episode, the team take a look at the first two parts in the Milford Green series - the second of which has just launched on Kickstarter: Milford Green and Beyond Milford Green.   The comics are written by Samuel George London, with art by Mikael Hankonen.   As mentioned in the episode:   

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek - Episode 9

    6 October 2019 (4:46am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 24 minutes and 24 seconds

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    As the country enters a cold Autumn, the Birds of Geek take a journey through time to 1897 and the village of Milford Green - where Ant discovers a surprise by not reading the blurb! In this episode, the team take a look at the first two parts in the Milford Green series - the second of which has just launched on Kickstarter: Milford Green and Beyond Milford Green.   The comics are written by Samuel George London, with art by Mikael Hankonen.   As mentioned in the episode:   

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 311

    1 October 2019 (6:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 7 seconds

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    Like the Jedi, Monts and Nuge Return (Ok that sounded better in my head) with another rip roaring, rib pulling, chaotic episode of Geek Syndicate.

    In this special episode the lads celebrate 13 years of Podcasting....and not killing each other.

    Promise the blurb will get better...ah who am I kidding you're stuck with them...accept it!


    Some love for the upcoming CW crossover show 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'

    Week that was

    Picking up from last episode Nuge finally watches Bait.


    Monts checks out the Snowpiecer prequel comic

    Nuge goes back to his DnD rots with the comic 'Rolled a One' 

    Doing Time by Jodi Taylor 

    Nuge makes a major discovery about Amazon.

    The lads gush over the trailer for the Space 1999:Breakaway audio drama coming from Big Finish.

    More audio drama goodness with Doctor Who - The Comic Strip Adaptations (Vol 1)



    The lads take some questions from the listeners.

    You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    No worries if you can't donate in which case please leave us a review on the podcasting platform of your choice.

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate Episode 311

    1 October 2019 (6:13am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 14 minutes and 7 seconds

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    Like the Jedi, Monts and Nuge Return (Ok that sounded better in my head) with another rip roaring, rib pulling, chaotic episode of Geek Syndicate.

    In this special episode the lads celebrate 13 years of Podcasting....and not killing each other.

    Promise the blurb will get better...ah who am I kidding you're stuck with them...accept it!


    Some love for the upcoming CW crossover show 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'

    Week that was

    Picking up from last episode Nuge finally watches Bait.


    Monts checks out the Snowpiecer prequel comic

    Nuge goes back to his DnD rots with the comic 'Rolled a One' 

    Doing Time by Jodi Taylor 

    Nuge makes a major discovery about Amazon.

    The lads gush over the trailer for the Space 1999:Breakaway audio drama coming from Big Finish.

    More audio drama goodness with Doctor Who - The Comic Strip Adaptations (Vol 1)



    The lads take some questions from the listeners.

    You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

    No worries if you can't donate in which case please leave us a review on the podcasting platform of your choice.

  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning - Season 2 Episode 6

    28 September 2019 (5:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Good morning you gorgeous geekfolk and welcome back to Stace & Barry in the Morning! On this glorious episode, Barry shares The Legend of La Mariposa: The Demon Gauntlet - a comic that's right up his humour alley, Stace is feeling video gamey and they manage a spoiler-free review of Final Space. So grab your favourite breakfast bowl and enjoy!

    Here's the link check out the The Legend of La Mariposa: The Demon Gauntlet Kickstarter.



  • GSN PODCAST: Stace and Barry in the Morning - Season 2 Episode 6

    28 September 2019 (5:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 36 minutes and 53 seconds

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    Good morning you gorgeous geekfolk and welcome back to Stace & Barry in the Morning! On this glorious episode, Barry shares The Legend of La Mariposa: The Demon Gauntlet - a comic that's right up his humour alley, Stace is feeling video gamey and they manage a spoiler-free review of Final Space. So grab your favourite breakfast bowl and enjoy!

    Here's the link check out the The Legend of La Mariposa: The Demon Gauntlet Kickstarter.



  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 310

    10 September 2019 (5:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Monts and Nuge are back in the saddle shaking the trees of geekdom and seeing what pop culture nuggets fall into their laps.

    News   Monts gives a tribute to the late Terrance Dicks     Week that was   The Fire Within - A story about Domestic Violence Sandman Mystery Theatre  The Rook Bait Us      This week the lads tackle a big question - Are comic book films and Tv shows ruining or enhancing the comic medium?   You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

  • GSN PODCAST: Geek Syndicate - Episode 310

    10 September 2019 (5:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Monts and Nuge are back in the saddle shaking the trees of geekdom and seeing what pop culture nuggets fall into their laps.

    News   Monts gives a tribute to the late Terrance Dicks     Week that was   The Fire Within - A story about Domestic Violence Sandman Mystery Theatre  The Rook Bait Us      This week the lads tackle a big question - Are comic book films and Tv shows ruining or enhancing the comic medium?   You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

  • GSN POCAST: Bags of Action Episode 66 - True Lies

    5 September 2019 (9:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 17 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the classic Arnie film, True Lies from 1994. But how well has this film aged in the interim years and what do they think of it today compared to back in the day? The film has an all star cast with Arnie, Jamie Lee Curtis, Art Malik, Tom Arnold, Eliza Dushku and Tia Carrere, Bill Paxton and Charlton Heston

    To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes.            

  • GSN POCAST: Bags of Action Episode 66 - True Lies

    5 September 2019 (9:47am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 17 seconds

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    This is Bags of Action. The podcast devoted to  action movies, both old and new, but all of them are awesome! In this episode Steve and Pete talk about the classic Arnie film, True Lies from 1994. But how well has this film aged in the interim years and what do they think of it today compared to back in the day? The film has an all star cast with Arnie, Jamie Lee Curtis, Art Malik, Tom Arnold, Eliza Dushku and Tia Carrere, Bill Paxton and Charlton Heston

    To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Bags of Action Facebook group here - Facebook Group . If you would like to get in touch with the show you can follow us on Twitter @BagsofAction or you can email us at bagsofaction [at] gmail [dot] com or you could leave us a review on iTunes.            

  • GSN PODCAST: Corey Talks to Barry Part 2

    1 September 2019 (3:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Comics writer Corey Brotherson pulls up another chair (how many does this man need?) to continue his chat with Geek Syndicate host Barry Nugent (Nuge).

    Some of the conversation topics for part 1 included:

    • Writing and mental health
    • What's next?
    • The UK Geek Scene


    You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

  • GSN PODCAST: Corey Talks to Barry Part 2

    1 September 2019 (3:44am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Comics writer Corey Brotherson pulls up another chair (how many does this man need?) to continue his chat with Geek Syndicate host Barry Nugent (Nuge).

    Some of the conversation topics for part 1 included:

    • Writing and mental health
    • What's next?
    • The UK Geek Scene


    You can get in contact with us at thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk and if you want to donate to the show to help with podcast/website hosting fees you can send us a tip via our paypal account which again is thegeeks@geeksyndicate.co.uk

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 41

    26 August 2019 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds

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    This month Steve and Scott kick off with some news and reviews. For the Main Feature we embark on part 2 of our Celebrated Directors section where we discuss some of the most important influential directors who have had a big impact on our lives.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Grouchy Old Geeks Episode 41

    26 August 2019 (12:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 55 seconds

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    This month Steve and Scott kick off with some news and reviews. For the Main Feature we embark on part 2 of our Celebrated Directors section where we discuss some of the most important influential directors who have had a big impact on our lives.   To talk about this episode and any other episode you can visit the Grouchy Old Geeks Facebook Group. If you would like to get in touch you can email us on grouchyoldgeeks[at]gmail[dot] com or you could leave a review on iTunes. 

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek - Episode 8

    25 August 2019 (6:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Taking another look down at the world of comics come the Birds of Geek. Join Amy, Barry and Ant as they delve into four comic titles:
    • James Bond Origin Volume 1 (Writer: Jeff Parker, Artist: Bob Q, Colourist: Bob Q, Roman Stevens, Jordan Boyd and Jordie Bellaire, Letters: Simon Bowland) - A wartime origin for Britain's most famous fictional agent;
    • Rocket Robinson and the Pharoah's Fortune (Writer: Sean O'Neill, Artist: Sean 'Neill) - An all-ages archeological adventure;
    • Blade Runner 2019 Issue 1  (Writer: Michael Green and Mike Johnson, Artist: Andres Guinaldo, Colourist:  Marco Lesko, Letterer: Jim Campbell) - Further replicant hunting at the time of the classic science-fiction movie.
    • Great Lives: Marie Curie  (Writer: Agnieszka Biskup, Artist: Sonia Leong) - A biographical comic about one of the world's greatest scientists.

  • GSN PODCAST: Birds of Geek - Episode 8

    25 August 2019 (6:52am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Taking another look down at the world of comics come the Birds of Geek. Join Amy, Barry and Ant as they delve into four comic titles:
    • James Bond Origin Volume 1 (Writer: Jeff Parker, Artist: Bob Q, Colourist: Bob Q, Roman Stevens, Jordan Boyd and Jordie Bellaire, Letters: Simon Bowland) - A wartime origin for Britain's most famous fictional agent;
    • Rocket Robinson and the Pharoah's Fortune (Writer: Sean O'Neill, Artist: Sean 'Neill) - An all-ages archeological adventure;
    • Blade Runner 2019 Issue 1  (Writer: Michael Green and Mike Johnson, Artist: Andres Guinaldo, Colourist:  Marco Lesko, Letterer: Jim Campbell) - Further replicant hunting at the time of the classic science-fiction movie.
    • Great Lives: Marie Curie  (Writer: Agnieszka Biskup, Artist: Sonia Leong) - A biographical comic about one of the world's greatest scientists.

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