Overall Statistics

Geek Syndicate

Geek Syndicate
The long awaited, critically acclaimed, irreverent, touching, intellectual, nonsensical, fairly drunken, incredibly sexy, hilarious.... Hear what happens when 2 old friends(perhaps more in the coming weeks), some pizza, 2 bottles of single malt whiskey and a couple of cats decide to celebrate all aspects of geek life from a UK perspective. We hope to cover TV,Books,Games,Comics..etc every fortnight.

Homepage: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com

RSS Feed: http://geeksyndicate.libsyn.com/rss

Geek Syndicate Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
95 days, 20 hours, 44 minutes and 48 seconds
Earliest Episode:
1 October 2006 (2:23am GMT)
Latest Episode:
14 June 2024 (11:56am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
2 days, 23 hours, 50 minutes and 55 seconds

Geek Syndicate Episodes

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 20 Part 2

    21 February 2007 (2:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 3 seconds

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    After the high points of Superman I & II we descend into the DC comics to Movies dark times which include Supergirl,Steel,Batman & Robin, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and last and always least Catwoman. Hope you enjoy this 2nd part of out mammoth 3 part 20th anniversary special. As an extra we've also included a review we've been sitting on for a while of the indie graphic novel Falling Sky...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 20

    19 February 2007 (7:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 52 seconds

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    Who would have thought it? Here we are celebrating our 20th episode. In the first of a three part special on top of the usual stuff(yes smallville does get mentioned) we talked about DC Comic inspired movies. Joining the party is non geek extraordinaire Amaechi.

    Enjoy and roll on episode 50!!!

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 20

    19 February 2007 (7:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 52 seconds

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    Who would have thought it? Here we are celebrating our 20th episode. In the first of a three part special on top of the usual stuff(yes smallville does get mentioned) we talked about DC Comic inspired movies. Joining the party is non geek extraordinaire Amaechi.

    Enjoy and roll on episode 50!!!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 19

    12 February 2007 (11:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 30 seconds

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    In this episode we pose some serious questions
    How can an innocent  mail order comic catalogue be mistaken for porn?
    Giant spiders in Role Playing Games for the PC...why?
    How would we treat each other in a disaster movie situation?..(the answer is not good).
    Why are we having to air a second apology this time to an entire nation?
    Death and evolution in Comics,TV and books ..good or bad? (Thanks to Derek Coward of Comic Book Noise as his episode 72 was the inspiration for our little chat)...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 19

    12 February 2007 (11:25am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 30 seconds

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    In this episode we pose some serious questions
    How can an innocent mail order comic catalogue be mistaken for porn?
    Giant spiders in Role Playing Games for the PC...why?
    How would we treat each other in a disaster movie situation?..(the answer is not good).
    Why are we having to air a second apology this time to an entire nation?
    Death and evolution in Comics,TV and books ..good or bad? (Thanks to Derek Coward of Comic Book Noise as his episode 72 was the inspiration for our little chat)...enjoy!

  • GS Episode 18 - Welcome to the Dark Syndicate

    5 February 2007 (8:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 12 seconds

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    After a week from hell the Geek Syndicate guys have been pushed over the edge. To take up the slack the Dark Syndicate, their evil alter, egos take over for this weekas episode.

    Be warned there is explicit language from the outset as they rant over Indy 4, Harry Potter, Smallville, The Lost Room and Rocky 6. They then turn their wrath up to full as they look at some upcoming tv pilots.

    So meet evil dread and the B!%t*&d a|youave been warned

  • GS Episode 18 - Welcome to the Dark Syndicate

    5 February 2007 (8:40am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 12 seconds

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    After a week from hell the Geek Syndicate guys have been pushed over the edge. To take up the slack the Dark Syndicate, their evil alter, egos take over for this weekas episode.

    Be warned there is explicit language from the outset as they rant over Indy 4, Harry Potter, Smallville, The Lost Room and Rocky 6. They then turn their wrath up to full as they look at some upcoming tv pilots.

    So meet evil dread and the B!%t*&d a|youave been warned

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 17

    29 January 2007 (9:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode we chat and argue over, Doctor Who season 3,300, Episode 1 of The Lost Room and episode 1 of The Dresden Files and some other stuff.

    We contact a listener at randon from our forum who gets to asks about our fave films.

    See if you can spot the part of this episode where we completely forget we're doing a podcast..here's a clue GET YER GEEK ON NINJAS!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 17

    29 January 2007 (9:51am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode we chat and argue over, Doctor Who season 3,300, Episode 1 of The Lost Room and episode 1 of The Dresden Files and some other stuff.

    We contact a listener at randon from our forum who gets to asks about our fave films.

    See if you can spot the part of this episode where we completely forget we're doing a podcast..here's a clue GET YER GEEK ON NINJAS!

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 16

    26 January 2007 (1:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Heath our Listener of the month is still with us as we talk more comics, probe the intricacies of comic book to film romances and how badly they've been handled and why. Heath then is witness to some shocking truths about Dave (Lex Luthor) Monteith that threaten to shatter the syndicate asunder.

    After the show heath and I head down to the Geek Syndicate canteen with a bit of chat with a few guys from the forum so keep listening. In true Lord of the Rings style see if you can figure out how many times we try to end this episode...enjoy.

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 16

    26 January 2007 (1:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Heath our Listener of the month is still with us as we talk more comics, probe the intricacies of comic book to film romances and how badly they've been handled and why. Heath then is witness to some shocking truths about Dave (Lex Luthor) Monteith that threaten to shatter the syndicate asunder.

    After the show heath and I head down to the Geek Syndicate canteen with a bit of chat with a few guys from the forum so keep listening. In true Lord of the Rings style see if you can figure out how many times we try to end this episode...enjoy.

  • GS Episode 15 - Video Games to Movie adaptations

    24 January 2007 (1:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Surprise and welcome to a one off midweek special episode.

    Again we are joined by old friends Clive and Amaechi to prove that we cover all areas of geekdon. So join us as we take a whistle stop tour through the top 20 grossing video games to movie adaptations. Learn about Dave's secret Pokemon fetish, discover the one adaptation that is so bad it earns the first ever liquid nitrogen slap. Discover the hidden dangers of co-op gaming with our good friend Matt...enjoy!


  • GS Episode 15 - Video Games to Movie adaptations

    24 January 2007 (1:08pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Surprise and welcome to a one off midweek special episode.

    Again we are joined by old friends Clive and Amaechi to prove that we cover all areas of geekdon. So join us as we take a whistle stop tour through the top 20 grossing video games to movie adaptations. Learn about Dave's secret Pokemon fetish, discover the one adaptation that is so bad it earns the first ever liquid nitrogen slap. Discover the hidden dangers of co-op gaming with our good friend Matt...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 14 - Listener of the Month

    22 January 2007 (11:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 18 seconds

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    In this episode we are joined by our listener of the month Heath who gives us a run for money with his hosting skills and his mini Smallville Rant. We also chat about Smallville's Justice episode and Indiana Jones 4 before reviewing Eragon (here's a clue... five dry slaps!), the Athena Voltaire web comic and discussing some the books of Steven King and the late great David Gemmell.

    Oh and make sure you listen right to the end...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 14 - Listener of the Month

    22 January 2007 (11:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 26 minutes and 18 seconds

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    In this episode we are joined by our listener of the month Heath who gives us a run for money with his hosting skills and his mini Smallville Rant. We also chat about Smallville's Justice episode and Indiana Jones 4 before reviewing Eragon (here's a clue... five dry slaps!), the Athena Voltaire web comic and discussing some the books of Steven King and the late great David Gemmell.

    Oh and make sure you listen right to the end...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - Ep 13 The Marvellous Movies of Marvel

    18 January 2007 (3:25pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Well as a little treat to all our listeners you get two episodes this week. In this special episode we are joined by special guests Amaechi and Clive for an in depth look at the past, present and future movies based on Marvel Comics.

    Be warned this episode contains major rants on Fantastic Four, Electra, The Punisher and Catwoman. Yes I know itas not a Marvel character but whereas the fun if you canat trash the Catwoman movie a littlea|enjoy and watch for the DC Movie special coming to an mp3 player near you soon.

  • Geek Syndicate - Ep 13 The Marvellous Movies of Marvel

    18 January 2007 (3:25pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 14 seconds

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    Well as a little treat to all our listeners you get two episodes this week. In this special episode we are joined by special guests Amaechi and Clive for an in depth look at the past, present and future movies based on Marvel Comics.

    Be warned this episode contains major rants on Fantastic Four, Electra, The Punisher and Catwoman. Yes I know itas not a Marvel character but whereas the fun if you canat trash the Catwoman movie a littlea|enjoy and watch for the DC Movie special coming to an mp3 player near you soon.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 12

    15 January 2007 (2:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds

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    In this week's episode we come up with a solution to Marvel's many Civil War woes (in a word stick figures) as we look forward to the Bristol Comic Con. Dave's size 11's end up in his mouth as we talk 52.

    In our main feature we look at some of the stuff we watched over the Christmas period and beyond. So, with no further ado, listen as we go on an adventure with Sarah Jane, notch Robin Hood's final arrow, discover the ruby in the smoke with Billie Piper, put the fro in Afro Samurai and finally take a much deserved torch to Torchwood.

    (lots of spoilers in this episode by the way)...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 12

    15 January 2007 (2:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds

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    In this week's episode we come up with a solution to Marvel's many Civil War woes (in a word stick figures) as we look forward to the Bristol Comic Con. Dave's size 11's end up in his mouth as we talk 52.

    In our main feature we look at some of the stuff we watched over the Christmas period and beyond. So, with no further ado, listen as we go on an adventure with Sarah Jane, notch Robin Hood's final arrow, discover the ruby in the smoke with Billie Piper, put the fro in Afro Samurai and finally take a much deserved torch to Torchwood.

    (lots of spoilers in this episode by the way)...enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 11 Kudos to Kudos

    7 January 2007 (10:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode we focus on Spooks,Hustle and Life on mars TV shows which are all under the banner of Kudos productions. We also share our thoughts/rants on the last harry potter book, The Doctor Who Christmas special and a few other odds and ends. We are also joined by special guest star and non-geek Amaechi, who some may remember from the Smallville special.

    Also lots of apologies as the sound isn't great on this episode as we were trying some new equipment which had not been properly configured.

    Hope this doesn't spoil things too much..enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 11 Kudos to Kudos

    7 January 2007 (10:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 22 seconds

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    In this episode we focus on Spooks,Hustle and Life on mars TV shows which are all under the banner of Kudos productions. We also share our thoughts/rants on the last harry potter book, The Doctor Who Christmas special and a few other odds and ends. We are also joined by special guest star and non-geek Amaechi, who some may remember from the Smallville special.

    Also lots of apologies as the sound isn't great on this episode as we were trying some new equipment which had not been properly configured.

    Hope this doesn't spoil things too much..enjoy!

  • Show Notes have moved

    7 January 2007 (5:53am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Our Show Notes our now on the main website.

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 10 part 2

    2 January 2007 (1:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Welcome to 2007 the Year of Geek Syndicate!(we hope).
    We finish off our first two parter with a look forward at some of the films,tv,books and comics we can't wait for. Due to the time on our look forward we were able to throw in a review of the new Hellboy cartoon!

    It is , however, our duty to warn you that War of Worlds is mentioned during this episode as it seems Barry can't remember that the movie came out in 2005  not 2006...the fool anyway enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - episode 10 part 2

    2 January 2007 (1:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 42 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Welcome to 2007 the Year of Geek Syndicate!(we hope).
    We finish off our first two parter with a look forward at some of the films,tv,books and comics we can't wait for. Due to the time on our look forward we were able to throw in a review of the new Hellboy cartoon!

    It is , however, our duty to warn you that War of Worlds is mentioned during this episode as it seems Barry can't remember that the movie came out in 2005 not 2006...the fool anyway enjoy!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 10 Part 1

    27 December 2006 (11:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 6 seconds

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    On this our tenth episode we decide to have our first epic two part episode. We take a fond look back at the highs and lows of 2006 in the world of films,tv,books and comics. Be warned this episode contains some major ranting!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 10 Part 1

    27 December 2006 (11:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 4 minutes and 6 seconds

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    On this our tenth episode we decide to have our first epic two part episode. We take a fond look back at the highs and lows of 2006 in the world of films,tv,books and comics. Be warned this episode contains some major ranting!

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 9

    18 December 2006 (3:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second

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    Have no fear episode 9 is here. We do a little bit of news (including a new film that I guarantee you will not believe) after a quick hello from Santa and his helper Xmas man. We then skip the week that was (back next week) for a no holds barred look at Classic Geek TV special. We talk and bitch about such notable classics as Buck Rogers, star trek, Airwolf, The A-team and many morea|although we did forget the six million dollar man ( I know we should be punished with six million dry slaps).

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 9

    18 December 2006 (3:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second

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    Have no fear episode 9 is here. We do a little bit of news (including a new film that I guarantee you will not believe) after a quick hello from Santa and his helper Xmas man. We then skip the week that was (back next week) for a no holds barred look at Classic Geek TV special. We talk and bitch about such notable classics as Buck Rogers, star trek, Airwolf, The A-team and many morea|although we did forget the six million dollar man ( I know we should be punished with six million dry slaps).

  • Geek Syndicate Singalong a Christmas

    18 December 2006 (10:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Episode nine will be out later today but with a week to the big festive day Geek Syndicate presents our first annual five minute Singalong a Christmas spectacular Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your kin.

    From Geek Syndicate

  • Geek Syndicate Singalong a Christmas

    18 December 2006 (10:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 21 seconds

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    Episode nine will be out later today but with a week to the big festive day Geek Syndicate presents our first annual five minute Singalong a Christmas spectacular Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your kin.

    From Geek Syndicate

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 8 Birmingham Comicon antics

    11 December 2006 (5:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds

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    The Birmingham comicon review episode

    Find out what happened to Barry in the toilet with colorist Matt Hollingsworth and a chinese boy!

    Danielle Corsetta speaks out of her ass

    Charlie Adlard interupts Michael Lark

    Markosia gives stuff away - surprise!

    Monkeys and Robots Battle

    Q!PAW and GS have their first epic battle

    MarcusQ reveals his gorgeous girlfirend

    and lots of people get very very drunk

  • Geek Syndicate - Episode 8 Birmingham Comicon antics

    11 December 2006 (5:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 37 seconds

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    The Birmingham comicon review episode

    Find out what happened to Barry in the toilet with colorist Matt Hollingsworth and a chinese boy!

    Danielle Corsetta speaks out of her ass

    Charlie Adlard interupts Michael Lark

    Markosia gives stuff away - surprise!

    Monkeys and Robots Battle

    Q!PAW and GS have their first epic battle

    MarcusQ reveals his gorgeous girlfirend

    and lots of people get very very drunk

  • GeeK Syndicate - The Promo

    7 December 2006 (4:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 18 seconds

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    This is a special promo featuring clips from our Podcast so far. If you listen to us already and want to hear some of our fave bits then by all means continue downloading.

    If however you've never heard of us this may help you to become a convert...go on it's only 20 minutes long...20 minutes that could change your listening habits forever.

  • GeeK Syndicate - The Promo

    7 December 2006 (4:29pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 18 seconds

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    This is a special promo featuring clips from our Podcast so far. If you listen to us already and want to hear some of our fave bits then by all means continue downloading.

    If however you've never heard of us this may help you to become a convert...go on it's only 20 minutes long...20 minutes that could change your listening habits forever.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 7 - The hangover episode

    4 December 2006 (10:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds

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    We apologise for the general apathy and lethargy displayed  during episode 7. This was due to circumstances (alcohol) beyond our control. Anyway in this episode we discuss the delights of some of the games on the Xbox 360 namely Dead Rising (a teddy bear as an offensive weapon surely not), Gears of War and Rainbow Six Las Vegas.

    The upcoming Preacher TV series is discussed as well the new Starship Troopers movie. Dave rants about the Sony mp3 player and Barry finally blows his top over Smallville. Several new Tv soundtracks are also mentioned.

    In the middle of all of this we do our most difficult review so fara|the last ever (barring the epilogue) issue of Planetary and out thoughts on the series as a whole (minor spoilers).

    Oops.. nearly forget and the competition winner is announced.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 7 - The hangover episode

    4 December 2006 (10:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 12 minutes and 20 seconds

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    We apologise for the general apathy and lethargy displayed during episode 7. This was due to circumstances (alcohol) beyond our control. Anyway in this episode we discuss the delights of some of the games on the Xbox 360 namely Dead Rising (a teddy bear as an offensive weapon surely not), Gears of War and Rainbow Six Las Vegas.

    The upcoming Preacher TV series is discussed as well the new Starship Troopers movie. Dave rants about the Sony mp3 player and Barry finally blows his top over Smallville. Several new Tv soundtracks are also mentioned.

    In the middle of all of this we do our most difficult review so fara|the last ever (barring the epilogue) issue of Planetary and out thoughts on the series as a whole (minor spoilers).

    Oops.. nearly forget and the competition winner is announced.

  • The name's Syndicate....Geek Syndicate 006

    28 November 2006 (9:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 44 seconds

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    In episode 6 we respond to some listener comments regarding the new Robin Hood tv show (SPOILER ALERT).

    We discuss what we think of heroes so far and reveal some casting news for the show. We also cover the upcoming Buffy season eight comic. There are also our thoughts on the new Rocky movie, the worldstorm comics and the Minx range of comics being aimed at the teenage girl market.

    The final nail  is hammered into Garth Ennis' Boys. A listener is surprised with an impromptu phone call...so remember next time it could be you! Also for the first time we actually discuss some gaming namely Superman Returns  and Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Dr Strange rules!!) on the Xbox 360

    Finally the name's Syndicate...Geek Syndicate. At last we review Casino Royale (MILD SPOILER ALERT).

  • The name's Syndicate....Geek Syndicate 006

    28 November 2006 (9:30am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 44 seconds

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    In episode 6 we respond to some listener comments regarding the new Robin Hood tv show (SPOILER ALERT).

    We discuss what we think of heroes so far and reveal some casting news for the show. We also cover the upcoming Buffy season eight comic. There are also our thoughts on the new Rocky movie, the worldstorm comics and the Minx range of comics being aimed at the teenage girl market.

    The final nail is hammered into Garth Ennis' Boys. A listener is surprised with an impromptu phone call...so remember next time it could be you! Also for the first time we actually discuss some gaming namely Superman Returns and Marvel Ultimate Alliance (Dr Strange rules!!) on the Xbox 360.

    Finally the name's Syndicate...Geek Syndicate. At last we review Casino Royale (MILD SPOILER ALERT).

  • Geek Syndicate - Candid Special

    23 November 2006 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 24 seconds

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    So we are 10 podcasts in and by now you must be wondering what happens after an episode ends. Well wait no more in this special episode the skype recording software was left running without Dave's knowledge and we decided to put out the results.

    Learn what the Worldstorm is as well as our concerns about the Boys. We also cover Star Wars Legacy, The Exterminators, DMZ and the Walking Dead. We also decided just whose side were on with Marvel's Civil War.

    By the end of this episode you will also learn just what the Geek Syndicate fears the most, even more than lions or nutters who think they are werewolves.

    Apologies to listeners who don't read comics as this special is nearly all about comics. Give it a listen anyway you may like what you hear...enjoy.

  • Geek Syndicate - Candid Special

    23 November 2006 (9:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 21 minutes and 24 seconds

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    So we are 10 podcasts in and by now you must be wondering what happens after an episode ends. Well wait no more in this special episode the skype recording software was left running without Dave's knowledge and we decided to put out the results.

    Learn what the Worldstorm is as well as our concerns about the Boys. We also cover Star Wars Legacy, The Exterminators, DMZ and the Walking Dead. We also decided just whose side were on with Marvel's Civil War.

    By the end of this episode you will also learn just what the Geek Syndicate fears the most, even more than lions or nutters who think they are werewolves.

    Apologies to listeners who don't read comics as this special is nearly all about comics. Give it a listen anyway you may like what you hear...enjoy.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 5 - Celebrations and Comic Conventions

    21 November 2006 (10:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 56 seconds

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    In this episode we celebrate our 10th podcast. Now we know this is our 5th episode but with our special episodes this makes ten. We also wanted something to celebrate so there! Anyway after the fanfare or lack of dies down we get back to our mission of talking crap.

    We reveal our plans to save the Halo movie, a new sword and sorcery animated film with a seriously epic voice cast. The potential train wreck that could be Babylon 5 The Lost Tales is covered. If it's sex, politics and intrigue with a sci fi slant you after we look at the upcoming Battlestar Galactica spin off Capica.

    For our special feature we drag Shane Chebsey, one of the organisers of next month's Birmingham comic show kicking and screaming off the street to discuss such loft topics as Booze, the thin line between geeks and psychos, why Ultimate Avengers is so crap oh and some stuff about his work with small press and some exclusive insight and information on next month's comic show.

    Yes and once again we bitch about Smallville and Torchwood.   

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 5 - Celebrations and Comic Conventions

    21 November 2006 (10:50am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 56 seconds

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    In this episode we celebrate our 10th podcast. Now we know this is our 5th episode but with our special episodes this makes ten. We also wanted something to celebrate so there! Anyway after the fanfare or lack of dies down we get back to our mission of talking crap.

    We reveal our plans to save the Halo movie, a new sword and sorcery animated film with a seriously epic voice cast. The potential train wreck that could be Babylon 5 The Lost Tales is covered. If it's sex, politics and intrigue with a sci fi slant you after we look at the upcoming Battlestar Galactica spin off Capica.

    For our special feature we drag Shane Chebsey, one of the organisers of next month's Birmingham comic show kicking and screaming off the street to discuss such loft topics as Booze, the thin line between geeks and psychos, why Ultimate Avengers is so crap oh and some stuff about his work with small press and some exclusive insight and information on next month's comic show.

    Yes and once again we bitch about Smallville and Torchwood.

  • Geek Syndicate - Sword and Sorcery Special

    15 November 2006 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 44 seconds

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    Years passed and rumours began to rumble through the outland kingdoms about a pair of fearless adventurers. Warriors, who roamed trackless deserts, mighty mountains and shining seas. These rumours grew into legends about these men who were at once; buccaneers, slaves, rouges and now Geeks for hire.

    This is the tale of the time the Geek Syndicate crossed swords with the keeper of the vaults of Telos. Their quest was to find classic sword and sorcery movies lost in the mists of time and space. To discard the unworthy (dungeons and dragons) and bring back the treasured few (Lord of the rings, Conan, Excalibur) for the whole kingdom to enjoy, no matter the risk.

    Come with me now and listen to a Podcast of high adventure!

  • Geek Syndicate - Sword and Sorcery Special

    15 November 2006 (6:19am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 44 seconds

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    Years passed and rumours began to rumble through the outland kingdoms about a pair of fearless adventurers. Warriors, who roamed trackless deserts, mighty mountains and shining seas. These rumours grew into legends about these men who were at once; buccaneers, slaves, rouges and now Geeks for hire.

    This is the tale of the time the Geek Syndicate crossed swords with the keeper of the vaults of Telos. Their quest was to find classic sword and sorcery movies lost in the mists of time and space. To discard the unworthy (dungeons and dragons) and bring back the treasured few (Lord of the rings, Conan, Excalibur) for the whole kingdom to enjoy, no matter the risk.

    Come with me now and listen to a Podcast of high adventure!

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 4

    13 November 2006 (11:16am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 45 seconds

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    In this episode we argue over...sorry I mean we discuss and debate in an intelligent manner the merits of a talking yoda mug vs a talking usb tardis.

    We have a few listener shout outs before celebrating the demise of the Fantastic Four cartoon. We give a brief nod to fallen heroes in this case Jack Palance and composer Basis Poledouris

    There are also reviews of Nightly News issue 1, The Helltown novel as well as a couple of words on the upcoming Superman returns game on the Xbox 360. We also review the title track for the new James bond film. We also reveal details of our first ever competition!

    Warning:  This Podcast contains explicit language, one scene of female impersonation and even more explicit singing.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 4

    13 November 2006 (11:16am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 44 minutes and 45 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    In this episode we argue over...sorry I mean we discuss and debate in an intelligent manner the merits of a talking yoda mug vs a talking usb tardis.

    We have a few listener shout outs before celebrating the demise of the Fantastic Four cartoon. We give a brief nod to fallen heroes in this case Jack Palance and composer Basis Poledouris

    There are also reviews of Nightly News issue 1, The Helltown novel as well as a couple of words on the upcoming Superman returns game on the Xbox 360. We also review the title track for the new James bond film. We also reveal details of our first ever competition!

    Warning: This Podcast contains explicit language, one scene of female impersonation and even more explicit singing.

  • Geek Syndicate Torchwood Special Episode

    6 November 2006 (6:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    To all the Geek Syndicate listeners, my name is Bucky a friend of the guys you will know if you listen to the show.

    I received this mp3 by encrypted email from David yesterday with intructions that should I receive no word from either of them by monday I should publish this podcast.

    As yet I have been unable to reach Barry or David and I fear the worst. I told them not to review the first three episodes of Torchwood that there are those that might not like what they have to say. That there would be factions outside of the law,beyond the government who would stop at nothing to stop Geek Syndicate from revealing massive spoliers for each of the three episodes.

    Sadly after listening to the show I was more right I could have dreamed.

    Listen to perhaps the Geek Syndicate's last ever podcast and make your own minds up.

  • Geek Syndicate Torchwood Special Episode

    6 November 2006 (6:04am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 47 minutes and 48 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    To all the Geek Syndicate listeners, my name is Bucky a friend of the guys you will know if you listen to the show.

    I received this mp3 by encrypted email from David yesterday with intructions that should I receive no word from either of them by monday I should publish this podcast.

    As yet I have been unable to reach Barry or David and I fear the worst. I told them not to review the first three episodes of Torchwood that there are those that might not like what they have to say. That there would be factions outside of the law,beyond the government who would stop at nothing to stop Geek Syndicate from revealing massive spoliers for each of the three episodes.

    Sadly after listening to the show I was more right I could have dreamed.

    Listen to perhaps the Geek Syndicate's last ever podcast and make your own minds up.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 3 Halloween Legends

    29 October 2006 (7:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome weary traveller my name is Bucky. Here take this flagon of ale and warm yourself by the fire.Ah, I see you are intrigued by the picture over the fireplace. Who are they? They were Geek Syndicate, brave geeks and true who travelled the world in search of rare Comics, Books, TV, Shows, Movies for the pleasure of other geeks...oh and to fight evil.

    A story you say? Here take this Podcast, but be warned, there are tales (and singing) within this Podcast that will freeze your blood and singing that could shatter your Ipod (sorry Tony aka MobileHome).

    In this, our special all hallows eve, episode we review Athena Voltaire issue 1 so in honour of that review the rest of this will be done in a pulp adventure style.

    Will the Syndicate be able to escape the electronic clutches of the listener questions and comments?

    What are the Geeks scariest Comics, Movies, TV shows and books?

    Cower in fear as Barry and Dave relate the true tales of their battle with a werewolf in a
    North London council estate and face down Vampires in Highgate cemetery.

    Learn why was there not enough time to review Torchwood?

    Gasp as the Geeks discover there may be a great evil within the Syndicate and his name is Peter.

  • Geek Syndicate Episode 3 Halloween Legends

    29 October 2006 (7:59am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 7 minutes and 7 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome weary traveller my name is Bucky. Here take this flagon of ale and warm yourself by the fire.Ah, I see you are intrigued by the picture over the fireplace. Who are they? They were Geek Syndicate, brave geeks and true who travelled the world in search of rare Comics, Books, TV, Shows, Movies for the pleasure of other geeks...oh and to fight evil.

    A story you say? Here take this Podcast, but be warned, there are tales (and singing) within this Podcast that will freeze your blood and singing that could shatter your Ipod (sorry Tony aka MobileHome).

    In this, our special all hallows eve, episode we review Athena Voltaire issue 1 so in honour of that review the rest of this will be done in a pulp adventure style.

    Will the Syndicate be able to escape the electronic clutches of the listener questions and comments?

    What are the Geeks scariest Comics, Movies, TV shows and books?

    Cower in fear as Barry and Dave relate the true tales of their battle with a werewolf in a
    North London council estate and face down Vampires in Highgate cemetery.

    Learn why was there not enough time to review Torchwood?

    Gasp as the Geeks discover there may be a great evil within the Syndicate and his name is Peter.

Dormant Podcasts