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The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast

The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor Who Podcast limited to a minimum of 20mb

Homepage: http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com

RSS Feed: http://the20mbdoctorwhopodcast.podbean.com/feed/

The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
40 days, 20 hours, 9 minutes and 13 seconds
Earliest Episode:
3 January 2012 (9:18pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
21 June 2024 (9:05am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
8 days, 3 hours, 6 minutes and 24 seconds

The 20mb Doctor Who Podcast Episodes

  • Episode #492

    30 March 2021 (4:35pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 56 seconds

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    Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways; Adam, Kirby, Ben, Mary and Robert see off Nine and we have feedback and Doctor Who news.

  • Episode #491

    23 March 2021 (6:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Boom Town; Adam, Mary, Kirby, Robert and Ben avoid a rift and talk about the 9th Doctor's last visit to Cardiff. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #490

    16 March 2021 (11:44pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 48 seconds

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    The Empty Child - The Doctor Dances; Adam, Mary, Kirby, Debbie and Robert put their gas masks on, although some are exempt on medical grounds, and discuss Steven Moffat's first "canonic" story. We also have feedback, Doctor Who News and a cameo from the co-founder of the show, Alicia.

  • Episode #489

    9 March 2021 (8:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 40 minutes and 19 seconds

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    Fathers Day; Adam, Mary, Kirby, Ben and Kirsty celebrate Fathers Day a little early with time timey-wimey 80's fun thrown in. We also have feedback.

  • Episode #488

    2 March 2021 (9:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 57 minutes and 27 seconds

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    The Long Game; a long podcast is appropriate for some confusion over the two Adams discussed in this show. Adam Pearson, Ben, Kirby, Mary and Debbie negotiate the fun. We also have feedback, news and probably a one off edition of You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode#487

    23 February 2021 (9:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 45 seconds

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    Dalek; Adam, Debbie and Kirby talk about the first Dalek episode of "New Who" plus we have feedback, news and the return of an old friend.

  • Episode #486

    9 February 2021 (8:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 42 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Aliens of London/World War Three; Adam, Ben, Mary, Kirby and Kirsty chat about the ninth Doctor's rather fluctuant first two parter. We also have feedback and news. 

  • Episode #485

    2 February 2021 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 32 minutes and 27 seconds

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    The Unquiet Dead, Adam, Kirby, Ben, Debbie, Kirsty and Mary talk spooky Christmas adventures. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #484

    26 January 2021 (9:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 0 seconds

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    The End of the World: Adam, Ben, Mary and Kirby chat about the next instalment in our Journey through the television world of Doctor Who. We also have feedback, news and Kirsty.

  • Episode #483

    18 January 2021 (10:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 18 seconds

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    Rose; Adam, Kirby, Mary, Ben and Debbie arrive in the Eccleston era. We also have feedback and Doctor Who news.

  • Episode #482

    12 January 2021 (7:46pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Scream of the Shalka; Adam, Robert, Kirby, Ben, Debbie and Mary have a geek out and chat about REG's cartoon Doctor. We also have feedback and talk about the unofficial announcement of Jodie's departure at the end of her third season.

  • Episode #481

    4 January 2021 (11:17am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 45 minutes and 15 seconds

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    Revolution of the Daleks; Adam, Kirby, Mary and Kirsty talk about the breakup of "The Fam". We also have your opinions and Doctor Who news.

  • Episode #480

    22 December 2020 (10:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds

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    The Curse of Fatal Death

    Adam, Debbie, Kirby, Mary, Robert, Kirsty, Matthew and anyone else I have forgotten review the Comic Relief special. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #479

    16 December 2020 (8:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 7 minutes and 12 seconds

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    Doctor Who The Movie; Adam, Kirby, Debbie, Mary, Kirsty and Matthew welcome in the 8th Doctor. We also have news and feedback.

  • Episode #478

    8 December 2020 (11:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 45 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Dimensions In Time; Adam, Kirby, Robert and Ben make podcasting history by improvising a show that is actually better than the subject matter of its review. We also have feedback, banter and news.

  • Episode #477

    2 December 2020 (8:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 33 seconds

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    Survival; Adam, Debbie,Mary, Kirby, Kirsty, Robert and Matthew reach the end of the first phase of The Journey. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #476

    24 November 2020 (9:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes and 16 seconds

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    The Curse of Fenric; Adam, Mary, Kirby, Matthew, Debbie and Kirstie talk about the last historical tale of the classic era. We also have feedback and a bit of news.

  • Episode #475

    17 November 2020 (5:26pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 1 minutes and 4 seconds

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    Ghostlight; Adam, Kirby, Mary and Robert discuss what is generally remembered as a confusing story. Matthew joins us before we have feedback and news and of course there is a cameo from Andrew Cartmel.

  • Episode #474

    10 November 2020 (9:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 10 minutes and 56 seconds

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    Battlefield; Adam, Debbie, Matthew, Robert, Mary, Kirby and our special guest Sophie Aldred (Ace) discuss the legendary Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart's Doctor Who swan song and Sophie's novel, 'At Childhood's End'. We also have news, feedback and the obligatory cameo from Andrew Cartmel.

  • Episode #473

    2 November 2020 (8:16pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 16 minutes and 20 seconds

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    The Greatest Show in the Galaxy; Adam, Debbie, Mary, Kirby, Robert and Kirsty discuss the latest instalment of The Journey. Best of all though is that we are blessed with a full moon and Mags herself, Jessica Martin. We had fun doing this show, hope you enjoy it as well. We even managed to fit feedback in as well.

  • Episode #472

    27 October 2020 (6:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 14 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Silver Nemesis; in this bumper show, Adam, Ian, Debbie, Mary, Kirby, Robert and Matthew cram into the show this week while we review the classic era's final Cyberman story. We also have banter, news and feedback.

  • Episode #471

    21 October 2020 (6:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes and 34 seconds

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    The Happiness Patrol; Adam, Mary, Ian and Kirby try and stay cheerful for another segment of The Journey. We also have news and feedback.

  • Episode #470

    13 October 2020 (9:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 9 minutes and 40 seconds

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    Remembrance of the Daleks; Adam, Ian, Kirby, Mary and Robert discuss the very last Dalek story of the classic era. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #469

    6 October 2020 (8:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 36 seconds

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    Dragonfire; Adam, Kirby, Mary, Debbie and Ian see the show its last Doctor/Companion partnership of the classic era. We also have feedback and news. With Andrew Cartmel.

  • Episode #468

    29 September 2020 (9:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes and 6 seconds

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    Delta and the Bannermen; Adam, Debbie, Mary, Ian, Robert and Kirby chat about a camping trip to Wales then we have feedback. We also have a cameo from Andrew Cartmel

  • Episode #467

    22 September 2020 (10:00pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 0 minutes and 34 seconds

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    Paradise Towers, Adam, Debbie, Mary, Ian, Robert and Kirby talk about the next in our journey through the whole history of Doctor Who on television. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #466

    15 September 2020 (9:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 55 seconds

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    Time and the Rani


    Adam, Mary, Kirby, Robert and Ian see in the seventh Doctor era. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #465

    8 September 2020 (8:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 47 seconds

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    The Ultimate Foe, Adam, Debbie, Ian, Kirby, Robert and Mary say farewell to Old Sixy we also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #464

    31 August 2020 (10:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 11 seconds

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    Terror of the Vervoids

    Adam, Mary, Ian, Kirby, Robert and Debbie welcome Bonnie Langford to Doctor Who. We also have some rude looking aliens, feedback and news.

  • Episode #463

    26 August 2020 (12:03am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes and 50 seconds

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    Adam, Mary, Ian and Kirby say goodbye to Peri we also have feedback and Doctor Who News.

  • Episode #462

    19 August 2020 (12:23am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 51 minutes and 26 seconds

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    The Trial of a Timelord (1-4) The Mysterious Planet

    Adam, Ian, Mary and Kirby discuss Robert Holmes' final story for Doctor Who, and Peri's penultimate one.

    We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #461

    12 August 2020 (12:06am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 13 seconds

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    Revelation of the Daleks

    Adam, Kirby and Robert chat about the series finale and we also have feedback.

  • Episode #416 LIVE @ FAN TC CON

    27 August 2019 (4:55pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 23 minutes and 10 seconds

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    Adam opens the show, with Debbie, Kirby, Mary (briefly) and stage host Ben Shoveller before handing over to Ben to interview all of our guests at the first ever comic convention to spin off from a long running podcast (us). 

    Fan TC Con grew in six months from The Lord of Time into a pop culture convention, Fantasy Trade and Comic Con.

    Roy Spearman masterminded our live sound recording and the whole weekend was streamed to the recorder. Sadly most of Saturday was lost but all the guests appeared on Sunday and this is a random order collection of interviews with Colin Baker, Jennie Linden, Christopher Ryan, David Fynn, Simon Bucher-Jones, Andrew Smith, Velile Tshabalala, Josh Herdman, Martin Ballantyne, Rob Shearman and John Leeson.

    We also have evidence that 20MB super fan Billy Kirkbright travelled from Australia to see us. The Staggering Stories team were in the audience as well, along with Alan T Butcher.

    This is an extended show for obvious reasons.

  • Episode #415

    22 August 2019 (3:06pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 44 seconds

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    #FanTCCon Preview Special


    Adam, Kirby and Mary preview our own convention, Fan TC Con.

  • Episode #414

    31 July 2019 (9:53pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 57 minutes and 28 seconds

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    The Leisure Hive (or Centre Parcs in Space)


    Adam, Debbie, Kirby and Mary review Alister Pearson's favourite Doctor Who story with mixed opinions. It is also the beginning of the end for classic Doctor Who with John Nathan-Turner taking up the producer's chair for the first time.

    We also have #FanTCCon news, feedback, news and You Won't Ge This One. And we still forgot to play John Leeson's promo for Fan TC Con...

  • Episode #413

    23 July 2019 (10:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 5 minutes and 42 seconds

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    Shada (with animated fillers)


    Adam, Kirby, Debbie and Mary give their thoughts on the latest edition/version of Douglas Adams' unfinished masterpiece. We also have news, #fantccon news and feedback

  • Episode #412

    2 July 2019 (10:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 50 minutes and 2 seconds

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    The Horns of Nimon


    Adam, Debbie, Mary and Kirby take "The Journey" through a scenery chewing exploits of some of the actors in this story. We also have feedback, news, You Won't Get This One and #FanTCCon news.

  • Episode #411

    11 June 2019 (10:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 48 minutes and 52 seconds

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    The Nightmare of Eden


    Adam, Debbie, Mary and Kirby review another story from our Journey through the history of Doctor Who. We also have feedback, #FanTCCon news, and the return of You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode #410

    4 June 2019 (10:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 14 seconds

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    The Creature from the Pit

    No not Kirby... its Adam, Debbie, Kirby and Dorothy discussing the Doctor Who story of that title. We also have feedback and #FanTCCon news.

  • Episode #409

    13 May 2019 (9:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 43 seconds

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    9 Years ago today 13th May 2010 we released our pilot episode and here we are recording our City of Death review.


    Adam, Debbie and Mary run the podcast through Paris before reading and listening to feedback and covering #FanTCCon news.

  • Episode #408

    30 April 2019 (9:27pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 41 minutes and 50 seconds

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    Destiny of The Daleks (with a hiss for the first 5 minutes)


    Adam and the skivers return to review the last ever Terry Nation story aired by the BBC. We also have a pathetic amount of feedback, #FanTCCon news and Doctor Who news.

  • Episode #407

    16 April 2019 (7:17pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 11 seconds

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    The Armageddon Factor


    The last segment of the Key to Time is found - eventually and evaluated by Adam, Mary and Kirby. We also have feedback, #FanTCCon news and news.

  • Episode #406

    26 March 2019 (9:12pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 33 minutes and 37 seconds

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    The Power of Kroll


    Adam, Debbie, Mary and Kirby review the only story featuring John Leeson not playing the voice of K-9. We also have feedback, news, #FanTCCon news, and You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode #405

    19 March 2019 (11:38pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 29 minutes and 47 seconds

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    The Androids of Tara


    Adam, Debbie, Mary and Kirby talk about another episode from the Key to Time season. We also have feedback, Fan TC Con news, news and You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode #404

    9 March 2019 (2:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 22 minutes and 49 seconds

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    The Stones of Blood


    Adam and Kirby reveiw the latest Key to Time instalment then Kirby goes solo for 10 minutes... We also have feedback, news and Fan TC Con news as well.

    #FanTCCon www.fantccon.net

  • Episode #402

    20 February 2019 (10:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 49 minutes and 56 seconds

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    The Pirate Planet


    Adam, Debbie, Kirby and Mary continue the journey through the Key to Time with a Douglas Adams classic?

    We also have feedback, news and You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode #402

    12 February 2019 (9:22pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 52 seconds

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    The Ribos Operation


    Adam, Kirby and Mary review the first part of the Key To Time season. We also have feedback and news.

  • Episode #401

    29 January 2019 (10:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 52 minutes and 58 seconds

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    Invasion of Time


    Adam, Kirby, Debbie and Mary return to the Journey with Louise Jameson (family member of the show), last story. We also have feedback, news and You Won't Get This One.

  • Episode #400

    21 January 2019 (11:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 2 minutes and 23 seconds

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    It's all about us


    Adam, Debbie, Mary and Kirby are joined by Robert Haynes, Matthew Kresal, Toby Hadoke, Louise Jameson, Paul Wilson and via feedback from our loyal listeners and dare I say it - fans of the show. Listen to the whole show otherwise you might miss something.

  • Episode #399

    15 January 2019 (10:32pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 17 seconds

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    Series 11 review and Top 11


    Adam, Debbie, Mary, Kirby and several listeners reveal their thoughts on the last series of Doctor Who until 2011. We also have news, feedback and the return of You Won't Get This One

Dormant Podcasts