Overall Statistics

The Krynoid Podcast

The Krynoid Podcast
Jim & Martin get together to chew the fat over individual Doctor Who stories and invite you to do the same. In each podcast, a televised Doctor Who story will be discussed and the next one announced, giving you time to see it yourself and add your own views to the next podcast. Find us at https://krynoidpodcast.wordpress.com/ and on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/krynoidpodcast. Email us at krynoidpodcast@gmail.com and follow and tweet us @KrynoidPodcast on Twitter.

Homepage: https://krynoidpodcast.wordpress.com/

RSS Feed: http://krynoid.libsyn.com/rss

The Krynoid Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
32 days, 19 hours, 53 minutes and 7 seconds
Earliest Episode:
25 July 2024 (3:42pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
23 April 2024 (7:48pm GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
13 days, 21 hours, 23 minutes and 54 seconds

The Krynoid Podcast Episodes

  • 082: The Face of Evil

    13 June 2016 (9:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Well now, it seems I have been here before."

    You have: Planet of Evil. Well... only up to a point.

    Sure the red-outlined empty creatures from the id are here again but this time they have Tom Baker's distinctive fizzog. As does the local equivalent of Mount Rushmore (although the DVD cover features someone else entirely, for some reason...).

    And cheap terrifying invisible monsters are causing a rumble in the jungle again, but this time they're accompanied by sultry space savage turned stowaway, a shape-throwing shaman whose hat fits like a glove, a chieftain who's just been Tango'd, and the campest IT support team ever seen. Throw in a computer with more voices than Rob Culshaw and you have one of the most bonkers bouillabaisses of the Baker era.

    Martin reveals he's a Horda hoarder and Jim displays a positively Luddite awareness of current technological thinking, but do they like The Face of Evil? Or do they turn their own, even more reviled countenances away in disgust?

    Listen to find out...

  • 082: The Face of Evil

    13 June 2016 (9:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Well now, it seems I have been here before."

    You have: Planet of Evil. Well... only up to a point.

    Sure the red-outlined empty creatures from the id are here again but this time they have Tom Baker's distinctive fizzog. As does the local equivalent of Mount Rushmore (although the DVD cover features someone else entirely, for some reason...).

    And cheap terrifying invisible monsters are causing a rumble in the jungle again, but this time they're accompanied by sultry space savage turned stowaway, a shape-throwing shaman whose hat fits like a glove, a chieftain who's just been Tango'd, and the campest IT support team ever seen. Throw in a computer with more voices than Rob Culshaw and you have one of the most bonkers bouillabaisses of the Baker era.

    Martin reveals he's a Horda hoarder and Jim displays a positively Luddite awareness of current technological thinking, but do they like The Face of Evil? Or do they turn their own, even more reviled countenances away in disgust?

    Listen to find out...

  • 082: The Face of Evil

    13 June 2016 (9:28pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 47 minutes and 15 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Well now, it seems I have been here before."

    You have: Planet of Evil. Well... only up to a point.

    Sure the red-outlined empty creatures from the id are here again but this time they have Tom Baker's distinctive fizzog. As does the local equivalent of Mount Rushmore (although the DVD cover features someone else entirely, for some reason...).

    And cheap terrifying invisible monsters are causing a rumble in the jungle again, but this time they're accompanied by sultry space savage turned stowaway, a shape-throwing shaman whose hat fits like a glove, a chieftain who's just been Tango'd, and the campest IT support team ever seen. Throw in a computer with more voices than Rob Culshaw and you have one of the most bonkers bouillabaisses of the Baker era.

    Martin reveals he's a Horda hoarder and Jim displays a positively Luddite awareness of current technological thinking, but do they like The Face of Evil? Or do they turn their own, even more reviled countenances away in disgust?

    Listen to find out...

  • 081: The Sensorites

    17 May 2016 (3:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes and 40 seconds

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    "I rather fancy that's settled that little bit of solution."

    OK, that's Billy going way off piste again but six-part saga The Sensorites is all about solutions.

    A remarkably serene Susan is the solution to an impasse on a spaceship, the devious Doctor finds the solution to a municipal malaise and the unlucky Ian drinks a solution which may well have previously passed through half a dozen Sensorites.

    These frisbee-footed, central-hearted denizens of the Sense-Sphere are a strange bunch. Even without eyelids, they seem blinkered to everything that's going on. And, ill-equipped as they are for darkness, noise and identity parades, they're hardly the stuff of nightmares, so the late arrival of some subterranean soap-dodgers brings some welcome menace to proceedings.

    So is this story as soporific as fan wisdom would have you believe? Well pack some fruit and (clean) water, strap yourselves in and prepare for the long haul and as Jim and Martin slowly sense the solution to that question.

  • 081: The Sensorites

    17 May 2016 (3:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes and 40 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "I rather fancy that's settled that little bit of solution."

    OK, that's Billy going way off piste again but six-part saga The Sensorites is all about solutions.

    A remarkably serene Susan is the solution to an impasse on a spaceship, the devious Doctor finds the solution to a municipal malaise and the unlucky Ian drinks a solution which may well have previously passed through half a dozen Sensorites.

    These frisbee-footed, central-hearted denizens of the Sense-Sphere are a strange bunch. Even without eyelids, they seem blinkered to everything that's going on. And, ill-equipped as they are for darkness, noise and identity parades, they're hardly the stuff of nightmares, so the late arrival of some subterranean soap-dodgers brings some welcome menace to proceedings.

    So is this story as soporific as fan wisdom would have you believe? Well pack some fruit and (clean) water, strap yourselves in and prepare for the long haul and as Jim and Martin slowly sense the solution to that question.

  • 081: The Sensorites

    17 May 2016 (3:54pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 8 minutes and 40 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "I rather fancy that's settled that little bit of solution."

    OK, that's Billy going way off piste again but six-part saga The Sensorites is all about solutions.

    A remarkably serene Susan is the solution to an impasse on a spaceship, the devious Doctor finds the solution to a municipal malaise and the unlucky Ian drinks a solution which may well have previously passed through half a dozen Sensorites.

    These frisbee-footed, central-hearted denizens of the Sense-Sphere are a strange bunch. Even without eyelids, they seem blinkered to everything that's going on. And, ill-equipped as they are for darkness, noise and identity parades, they're hardly the stuff of nightmares, so the late arrival of some subterranean soap-dodgers brings some welcome menace to proceedings.

    So is this story as soporific as fan wisdom would have you believe? Well pack some fruit and (clean) water, strap yourselves in and prepare for the long haul and as Jim and Martin slowly sense the solution to that question.

  • 080: Ghost Light

    15 April 2016 (2:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds

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    "Professor... what's going on?!"

    Good question, Ace.

    The last ever classic Who story to be recorded, Ghost Light, is something of a period-piece puzzle - with a few pieces missing.

    But it does include dinner-suited monsters, gun-toting maids, an insane explorer, a simian sermoniser and a Neanderthal butler (doesn't every home have one?). This madhouse is presided over by a dusty but upwardly mobile photophobe, with high treason on his ever-evolving mind.

    But he doesn't bargain on the devious Doctor and the arsonous Ace, ably abetted by a racist rozzer and an uncontrolled control experiment.

    Enter the angelic, anally retentive Light and the Earth is in imminent danger of being purged in a fit of OCD pique.

    But can Jim and Martin shed any light on proceedings? Listen in and decide for yourself.

  • 080: Ghost Light

    15 April 2016 (2:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Professor... what's going on?!"

    Good question, Ace.

    The last ever classic Who story to be recorded, Ghost Light, is something of a period-piece puzzle - with a few pieces missing.

    But it does include dinner-suited monsters, gun-toting maids, an insane explorer, a simian sermoniser and a Neanderthal butler (doesn't every home have one?). This madhouse is presided over by a dusty but upwardly mobile photophobe, with high treason on his ever-evolving mind.

    But he doesn't bargain on the devious Doctor and the arsonous Ace, ably abetted by a racist rozzer and an uncontrolled control experiment.

    Enter the angelic, anally retentive Light and the Earth is in imminent danger of being purged in a fit of OCD pique.

    But can Jim and Martin shed any light on proceedings? Listen in and decide for yourself.

  • 080: Ghost Light

    15 April 2016 (2:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 39 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Professor... what's going on?!"

    Good question, Ace.

    The last ever classic Who story to be recorded, Ghost Light, is something of a period-piece puzzle - with a few pieces missing.

    But it does include dinner-suited monsters, gun-toting maids, an insane explorer, a simian sermoniser and a Neanderthal butler (doesn't every home have one?). This madhouse is presided over by a dusty but upwardly mobile photophobe, with high treason on his ever-evolving mind.

    But he doesn't bargain on the devious Doctor and the arsonous Ace, ably abetted by a racist rozzer and an uncontrolled control experiment.

    Enter the angelic, anally retentive Light and the Earth is in imminent danger of being purged in a fit of OCD pique.

    But can Jim and Martin shed any light on proceedings? Listen in and decide for yourself.

  • 079: Meglos

    28 March 2016 (12:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 24 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

    Dunno. Have you watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad?

    Hurrah! It's double helpings of Tom Baker in 1980's Meglos, one bristlier and greener around the gills than the other.

    It's a saga of succulents, savants and power supplies wherein Romana is fondled by a bunch of flowers, K9 is assaulted by a bunch of light opera extras and the Doctor is plagued by a bunch of pricks.

    Debate rages between the Wigs and the lunatic fringe and the poor man's John Le Mesurier is caught dithering in the middle.

    Will Meglos succeed? Is Brotadac's anagram apposite? Will anyone remember any of this in the morning?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin discuss ... sorry... what were we talking about again...?

  • 079: Meglos

    28 March 2016 (12:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 24 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

    Dunno. Have you watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad?

    Hurrah! It's double helpings of Tom Baker in 1980's Meglos, one bristlier and greener around the gills than the other.

    It's a saga of succulents, savants and power supplies wherein Romana is fondled by a bunch of flowers, K9 is assaulted by a bunch of light opera extras and the Doctor is plagued by a bunch of pricks.

    Debate rages between the Wigs and the lunatic fringe and the poor man's John Le Mesurier is caught dithering in the middle.

    Will Meglos succeed? Is Brotadac's anagram apposite? Will anyone remember any of this in the morning?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin discuss ... sorry... what were we talking about again...?

  • 079: Meglos

    28 March 2016 (12:56pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 58 minutes and 24 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Haven't I seen you somewhere before?"

    Dunno. Have you watched The Golden Voyage of Sinbad?

    Hurrah! It's double helpings of Tom Baker in 1980's Meglos, one bristlier and greener around the gills than the other.

    It's a saga of succulents, savants and power supplies wherein Romana is fondled by a bunch of flowers, K9 is assaulted by a bunch of light opera extras and the Doctor is plagued by a bunch of pricks.

    Debate rages between the Wigs and the lunatic fringe and the poor man's John Le Mesurier is caught dithering in the middle.

    Will Meglos succeed? Is Brotadac's anagram apposite? Will anyone remember any of this in the morning?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin discuss ... sorry... what were we talking about again...?

  • 078: The Power of Three

    4 March 2016 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 25 seconds

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    "There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants."

    Not what happened during the recording of this podcast episode but a mildly diverting moment from The Power of Three - something of an oasis, some might say.

    Yes, this is the story of the boring slow invasion. The Doctor's bored, Rory's out of washing powder, Amy sniffs some milk and Brian spends hours sitting around watching the box. Never fear - maybe Kate Stewart's drone (voice, not military hardware) and a half-baked, blink-and-you'll-miss-him hologram will liven things up? And maybe they won't.

    But who (and why) are the grill-faced nurses? Does the little girl who lives full-time in Rory's waiting room now have squatters' rights? And does having carked it for half an hour count as a near death experience?

    Listen in to hear Jim and Martin tackle all these questions - and a serious attack of ennui.

  • 078: The Power of Three

    4 March 2016 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 25 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants."

    Not what happened during the recording of this podcast episode but a mildly diverting moment from The Power of Three - something of an oasis, some might say.

    Yes, this is the story of the boring slow invasion. The Doctor's bored, Rory's out of washing powder, Amy sniffs some milk and Brian spends hours sitting around watching the box. Never fear - maybe Kate Stewart's drone (voice, not military hardware) and a half-baked, blink-and-you'll-miss-him hologram will liven things up? And maybe they won't.

    But who (and why) are the grill-faced nurses? Does the little girl who lives full-time in Rory's waiting room now have squatters' rights? And does having carked it for half an hour count as a near death experience?

    Listen in to hear Jim and Martin tackle all these questions - and a serious attack of ennui.

  • 078: The Power of Three

    4 March 2016 (10:34pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 30 minutes and 25 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "There are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants."

    Not what happened during the recording of this podcast episode but a mildly diverting moment from The Power of Three - something of an oasis, some might say.

    Yes, this is the story of the boring slow invasion. The Doctor's bored, Rory's out of washing powder, Amy sniffs some milk and Brian spends hours sitting around watching the box. Never fear - maybe Kate Stewart's drone (voice, not military hardware) and a half-baked, blink-and-you'll-miss-him hologram will liven things up? And maybe they won't.

    But who (and why) are the grill-faced nurses? Does the little girl who lives full-time in Rory's waiting room now have squatters' rights? And does having carked it for half an hour count as a near death experience?

    Listen in to hear Jim and Martin tackle all these questions - and a serious attack of ennui.

  • 077: The Mind of Evil

    15 February 2016 (9:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 37 seconds

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    "Well thank you, Brigadier! But do you think that for once in your life you could manage to arrive before the nick of time?"

    I'd leave it another half hour next time if I was you, Brig.

    Yes, the third Doctor is being as pleasant as a fart in a spacesuit again, this time in The Mind of Evil - a six-part saga of surprised screws, conniving cons, a bucket of evil and 1971's Cigar Smoker of the Year.

    The Doctor crosses his eyes, the Master mesmerises with his eyes and Jo chucks hot tea into an inmate's eyes - all part of a day's work for UNIT, a small organisation tasked with running peace conferences, escorting missiles, protecting the Earth and, no doubt, taking in washing.

    But is Chin Lee really the only 'dolly' Chinese girl in Europe? Why is the Master menaced by a coke float? And is any swarfega tagliatelle ever really complete without a sun-dried glass eye?

    Listen in to hear the answers to none of these questions.

  • 077: The Mind of Evil

    15 February 2016 (9:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 37 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Well thank you, Brigadier! But do you think that for once in your life you could manage to arrive before the nick of time?"

    I'd leave it another half hour next time if I was you, Brig.

    Yes, the third Doctor is being as pleasant as a fart in a spacesuit again, this time in The Mind of Evil - a six-part saga of surprised screws, conniving cons, a bucket of evil and 1971's Cigar Smoker of the Year.

    The Doctor crosses his eyes, the Master mesmerises with his eyes and Jo chucks hot tea into an inmate's eyes - all part of a day's work for UNIT, a small organisation tasked with running peace conferences, escorting missiles, protecting the Earth and, no doubt, taking in washing.

    But is Chin Lee really the only 'dolly' Chinese girl in Europe? Why is the Master menaced by a coke float? And is any swarfega tagliatelle ever really complete without a sun-dried glass eye?

    Listen in to hear the answers to none of these questions.

  • 077: The Mind of Evil

    15 February 2016 (9:18pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes and 37 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Well thank you, Brigadier! But do you think that for once in your life you could manage to arrive before the nick of time?"

    I'd leave it another half hour next time if I was you, Brig.

    Yes, the third Doctor is being as pleasant as a fart in a spacesuit again, this time in The Mind of Evil - a six-part saga of surprised screws, conniving cons, a bucket of evil and 1971's Cigar Smoker of the Year.

    The Doctor crosses his eyes, the Master mesmerises with his eyes and Jo chucks hot tea into an inmate's eyes - all part of a day's work for UNIT, a small organisation tasked with running peace conferences, escorting missiles, protecting the Earth and, no doubt, taking in washing.

    But is Chin Lee really the only 'dolly' Chinese girl in Europe? Why is the Master menaced by a coke float? And is any swarfega tagliatelle ever really complete without a sun-dried glass eye?

    Listen in to hear the answers to none of these questions.

  • 076: Time-Flight

    15 January 2016 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds

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    "It's not exactly dull travelling with the Doctor."

    Not normally, Tegan. Not normally...

    But this is the season 19 closer, Time-Flight, in which the Doctor seems to be under heavy sedation, OmNyssia knows all the answers, Tegan remains an air hostess (not that she ever hints at this) and Adric is still dead (mercifully).

    The Master is at large too, coercing a plane-full of extras into caressing an inner sanctum, wherein lies a battery crammed full of blokes and an orang-utan's family jewels. He also finds time to co-ordinate a platoon of turd men, all while nursing a projectile cold.

    But which passenger is Victor Foxtrot? Why is Concorde's progress monitored from a broom cupboard? And why on (prehistoric) Earth is the Master cosplaying as the last Widow Twankey in the job centre, even when he's on his Jack Jones?

    Listen in to hear Jim, Martin and special guest Ian Atkins pick through the wreckage.

  • 076: Time-Flight

    15 January 2016 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "It's not exactly dull travelling with the Doctor."

    Not normally, Tegan. Not normally...

    But this is the season 19 closer, Time-Flight, in which the Doctor seems to be under heavy sedation, OmNyssia knows all the answers, Tegan remains an air hostess (not that she ever hints at this) and Adric is still dead (mercifully).

    The Master is at large too, coercing a plane-full of extras into caressing an inner sanctum, wherein lies a battery crammed full of blokes and an orang-utan's family jewels. He also finds time to co-ordinate a platoon of turd men, all while nursing a projectile cold.

    But which passenger is Victor Foxtrot? Why is Concorde's progress monitored from a broom cupboard? And why on (prehistoric) Earth is the Master cosplaying as the last Widow Twankey in the job centre, even when he's on his Jack Jones?

    Listen in to hear Jim, Martin and special guest Ian Atkins pick through the wreckage.

  • 076: Time-Flight

    15 January 2016 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 46 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "It's not exactly dull travelling with the Doctor."

    Not normally, Tegan. Not normally...

    But this is the season 19 closer, Time-Flight, in which the Doctor seems to be under heavy sedation, OmNyssia knows all the answers, Tegan remains an air hostess (not that she ever hints at this) and Adric is still dead (mercifully).

    The Master is at large too, coercing a plane-full of extras into caressing an inner sanctum, wherein lies a battery crammed full of blokes and an orang-utan's family jewels. He also finds time to co-ordinate a platoon of turd men, all while nursing a projectile cold.

    But which passenger is Victor Foxtrot? Why is Concorde's progress monitored from a broom cupboard? And why on (prehistoric) Earth is the Master cosplaying as the last Widow Twankey in the job centre, even when he's on his Jack Jones?

    Listen in to hear Jim, Martin and special guest Ian Atkins pick through the wreckage.

  • 075: Planet of Evil

    15 December 2015 (8:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes and 17 seconds

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    "Usually I only entertain friends in the TARDIS."

    Everyone off to the tinselled Type 40 then for some serious wassailing! Like all the best parties, we'll no doubt end up clustered around the food machine.

    Yes, it's our snow-capped Christmas 2015 edition in which Jim and Martin cast their occuloid trackers over the 1975 Tom Baker space epic (Forbidden) Planet of Evil and then appraise - but not unanimously praise - the last four episodes of 2015's Series 9, all under the influence of listener-brewed ale!

    Many questions arise...

    How much chest-hair should Morestran men of a certain age be revealing? Is a visit to Blackpool really that scary? And did Clara's 479th tear-stained death leave the lads' eyes as red as Sorenson's?

    Listen and find out!

  • 075: Planet of Evil

    15 December 2015 (8:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes and 17 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Usually I only entertain friends in the TARDIS."

    Everyone off to the tinselled Type 40 then for some serious wassailing! Like all the best parties, we'll no doubt end up clustered around the food machine.

    Yes, it's our snow-capped Christmas 2015 edition in which Jim and Martin cast their occuloid trackers over the 1975 Tom Baker space epic (Forbidden) Planet of Evil and then appraise - but not unanimously praise - the last four episodes of 2015's Series 9, all under the influence of listener-brewed ale!

    Many questions arise...

    How much chest-hair should Morestran men of a certain age be revealing? Is a visit to Blackpool really that scary? And did Clara's 479th tear-stained death leave the lads' eyes as red as Sorenson's?

    Listen and find out!

  • 075: Planet of Evil

    15 December 2015 (8:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 30 minutes and 17 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Usually I only entertain friends in the TARDIS."

    Everyone off to the tinselled Type 40 then for some serious wassailing! Like all the best parties, we'll no doubt end up clustered around the food machine.

    Yes, it's our snow-capped Christmas 2015 edition in which Jim and Martin cast their occuloid trackers over the 1975 Tom Baker space epic (Forbidden) Planet of Evil and then appraise - but not unanimously praise - the last four episodes of 2015's Series 9, all under the influence of listener-brewed ale!

    Many questions arise...

    How much chest-hair should Morestran men of a certain age be revealing? Is a visit to Blackpool really that scary? And did Clara's 479th tear-stained death leave the lads' eyes as red as Sorenson's?

    Listen and find out!

  • 074: Vincent and the Doctor

    13 November 2015 (6:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 29 seconds

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    "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly and in the right order?"

    No, not a comment from one of our long-suffering listeners but one of the many amusing lines from Vincent and the Doctor, in which the Doctor tilts at wind, Amy is a typical Brit abroad (either shouting at or chatting up the locals) and Alan Van Gogh puts his paintings to a variety of (un)sanitary uses.

    Our heroes dodge marauding locals and their bouncing bottoms, skewer a catering-sized invisible chicken and endure both bill stickers and Bill Nighy.

    But is the episode high art or low-brow?

    Listen to find out what card-carrying philistines Jim and Martin make of it.

  • 074: Vincent and the Doctor

    13 November 2015 (6:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 29 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly and in the right order?"

    No, not a comment from one of our long-suffering listeners but one of the many amusing lines from Vincent and the Doctor, in which the Doctor tilts at wind, Amy is a typical Brit abroad (either shouting at or chatting up the locals) and Alan Van Gogh puts his paintings to a variety of (un)sanitary uses.

    Our heroes dodge marauding locals and their bouncing bottoms, skewer a catering-sized invisible chicken and endure both bill stickers and Bill Nighy.

    But is the episode high art or low-brow?

    Listen to find out what card-carrying philistines Jim and Martin make of it.

  • 074: Vincent and the Doctor

    13 November 2015 (6:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 24 minutes and 29 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Is this how time normally passes? Really slowly and in the right order?"

    No, not a comment from one of our long-suffering listeners but one of the many amusing lines from Vincent and the Doctor, in which the Doctor tilts at wind, Amy is a typical Brit abroad (either shouting at or chatting up the locals) and Alan Van Gogh puts his paintings to a variety of (un)sanitary uses.

    Our heroes dodge marauding locals and their bouncing bottoms, skewer a catering-sized invisible chicken and endure both bill stickers and Bill Nighy.

    But is the episode high art or low-brow?

    Listen to find out what card-carrying philistines Jim and Martin make of it.


  • 073: Blink

    14 October 2015 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 14 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Okay. Not sure but really, really hoping... pants?"

    No, not your hosts feeling their presents on Christmas morning but the ludicrously-named Laurence Nightingale in the much-lauded Blink - a tale of kinetic statues, exploding hens, dumbfounding DVD extras and a pro-celebrity wedding.

    And it prompts a number of burning questions...

    Is it really possible to be unsure of your underwear status?

    Is Martin hinting that he lives in a house called Easter Debenhams?

    And can people stop saying 'timey-wimey'? Please?

    So did the Weeping Angels command Jim and Martin's full attention? Or did our intrepid podcasters struggle to keep their eyes open?

    Find out here.

  • 073: Blink

    14 October 2015 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 14 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Okay. Not sure but really, really hoping... pants?"

    No, not your hosts feeling their presents on Christmas morning but the ludicrously-named Laurence Nightingale in the much-lauded Blink - a tale of kinetic statues, exploding hens, dumbfounding DVD extras and a pro-celebrity wedding.

    And it prompts a number of burning questions...

    Is it really possible to be unsure of your underwear status?

    Is Martin hinting that he lives in a house called Easter Debenhams?

    And can people stop saying 'timey-wimey'? Please?

    So did the Weeping Angels command Jim and Martin's full attention? Or did our intrepid podcasters struggle to keep their eyes open?

    Find out here.

  • 073: Blink

    14 October 2015 (8:31pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 14 seconds

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    "Okay. Not sure but really, really hoping... pants?"

    No, not your hosts feeling their presents on Christmas morning but the ludicrously-named Laurence Nightingale in the much-lauded Blink - a tale of kinetic statues, exploding hens, dumbfounding DVD extras and a pro-celebrity wedding.

    And it prompts a number of burning questions...

    Is it really possible to be unsure of your underwear status?

    Is Martin hinting that he lives in a house called Easter Debenhams?

    And can people stop saying 'timey-wimey'? Please?

    So did the Weeping Angels command Jim and Martin's full attention? Or did our intrepid podcasters struggle to keep their eyes open?

    Find out here.

  • CapaldiCast 9.3 / 9.4: Under The Lake / Before The Flood

    13 October 2015 (9:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "This is called The Bootstrap Paradox. Google it."

    So now we have to do some homework before settling down to our favourite programme?

    Maybe not, as we get an explanation of what's going to happen before (and after) we watch it happen in Before the Flood. Oh for the simpler if more claustrophobic pleasures to be found Under The Lake.

    And our pre-titles primer also involves the fourth wall of the TARDIS being demolished and the Doctor turning his amp up to 11 (again).

    So Jim and Martin marshal together their views on what turned out to be very much a game of two halves - and even manage to do so without uttering the dreaded 't-w' word.

    And the lads close with a decision of which Tegan's Aunt Vanessa would have been proud.

    Uncover (some of) the mystery here.

  • CapaldiCast 9.3 / 9.4: Under The Lake / Before The Flood

    13 October 2015 (9:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "This is called The Bootstrap Paradox. Google it."

    So now we have to do some homework before settling down to our favourite programme?

    Maybe not, as we get an explanation of what's going to happen before (and after) we watch it happen in Before the Flood. Oh for the simpler if more claustrophobic pleasures to be found Under The Lake.

    And our pre-titles primer also involves the fourth wall of the TARDIS being demolished and the Doctor turning his amp up to 11 (again).

    So Jim and Martin marshal together their views on what turned out to be very much a game of two halves - and even manage to do so without uttering the dreaded 't-w' word.

    And the lads close with a decision of which Tegan's Aunt Vanessa would have been proud.

    Uncover (some of) the mystery here.

  • CapaldiCast 9.3 / 9.4: Under The Lake / Before The Flood

    13 October 2015 (9:51pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 10 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "This is called The Bootstrap Paradox. Google it."

    So now we have to do some homework before settling down to our favourite programme?

    Maybe not, as we get an explanation of what's going to happen before (and after) we watch it happen in Before the Flood. Oh for the simpler if more claustrophobic pleasures to be found Under The Lake.

    And our pre-titles primer also involves the fourth wall of the TARDIS being demolished and the Doctor turning his amp up to 11 (again).

    So Jim and Martin marshal together their views on what turned out to be very much a game of two halves - and even manage to do so without uttering the dreaded 't-w' word.

    And the lads close with a decision of which Tegan's Aunt Vanessa would have been proud.

    Uncover (some of) the mystery here.

  • CapaldiCast 9.1/9.2 The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar

    29 September 2015 (8:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 27 seconds

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    "Supreme Dalek... your sewers are revolting!"

    B'dum tish! He's here all week, laydeez 'n' gen'lemen... For the next ten weeks, in fact.

    Yes, the Doctor's back on our screens and straight into in a touching but mutually mendacious bromance with Ole One-Eye (or is that Three-Eyes now?)

    Davros weeps, the Doctor shreds, Missy larks about and Clara has a communication breakdown, albeit in familiar surroundings. And Snake Face has a roller skate and segway race... with himself(s).

    But what's in the Doctor's confession dial? Why does Missy want the Doctor to live? And just what is the elephant in the 12th century arena?

    Jim and Martin bang on about it all right here...

  • CapaldiCast 9.1/9.2 The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar

    29 September 2015 (8:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 27 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Supreme Dalek... your sewers are revolting!"

    B'dum tish! He's here all week, laydeez 'n' gen'lemen... For the next ten weeks, in fact.

    Yes, the Doctor's back on our screens and straight into in a touching but mutually mendacious bromance with Ole One-Eye (or is that Three-Eyes now?)

    Davros weeps, the Doctor shreds, Missy larks about and Clara has a communication breakdown, albeit in familiar surroundings. And Snake Face has a roller skate and segway race... with himself(s).

    But what's in the Doctor's confession dial? Why does Missy want the Doctor to live? And just what is the elephant in the 12th century arena?

    Jim and Martin bang on about it all right here...

  • CapaldiCast 9.1/9.2 The Magician's Apprentice / The Witch's Familiar

    29 September 2015 (8:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 27 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Supreme Dalek... your sewers are revolting!"

    B'dum tish! He's here all week, laydeez 'n' gen'lemen... For the next ten weeks, in fact.

    Yes, the Doctor's back on our screens and straight into in a touching but mutually mendacious bromance with Ole One-Eye (or is that Three-Eyes now?)

    Davros weeps, the Doctor shreds, Missy larks about and Clara has a communication breakdown, albeit in familiar surroundings. And Snake Face has a roller skate and segway race... with himself(s).

    But what's in the Doctor's confession dial? Why does Missy want the Doctor to live? And just what is the elephant in the 12th century arena?

    Jim and Martin bang on about it all right here...

  • 072: Revelation of the Daleks

    15 September 2015 (8:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes and 58 seconds

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    "That would have created what I believe is called 'consumer resistance'."

    True dat, Davros. Much as many people would like to get rid of the occasional relative, eating them rarely presents itself as a viable option.

    A Marxist stand-up masquerading as a crap Dee-Jay is also likely to put off customers (even the comatose ones), while melting mutants, hybridised heads and flying Kaled fingers might even prompt punters to look elsewhere than Tranquil Repose for their funerary needs.

    Yep, this is Revelation of the Daleks wherein Davros is nought but a head in a tank, Jobel is a spam-head under a rug, Orcini has a tin leg, Tasembeker thinks with her knuckles and good old Lilt communicates with his.

    But do Jim and Martin find this story irresistible? Or would they prefer a steaming plateful of The Great Healer's patented (but 'orrible) 'I can't believe it's not Quorn' (TM)?

    Find out here!

  • 072: Revelation of the Daleks

    15 September 2015 (8:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes and 58 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "That would have created what I believe is called 'consumer resistance'."

    True dat, Davros. Much as many people would like to get rid of the occasional relative, eating them rarely presents itself as a viable option.

    A Marxist stand-up masquerading as a crap Dee-Jay is also likely to put off customers (even the comatose ones), while melting mutants, hybridised heads and flying Kaled fingers might even prompt punters to look elsewhere than Tranquil Repose for their funerary needs.

    Yep, this is Revelation of the Daleks wherein Davros is nought but a head in a tank, Jobel is a spam-head under a rug, Orcini has a tin leg, Tasembeker thinks with her knuckles and good old Lilt communicates with his.

    But do Jim and Martin find this story irresistible? Or would they prefer a steaming plateful of The Great Healer's patented (but 'orrible) 'I can't believe it's not Quorn' (TM)?

    Find out here!

  • 072: Revelation of the Daleks

    15 September 2015 (8:41pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 50 minutes and 58 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "That would have created what I believe is called 'consumer resistance'."

    True dat, Davros. Much as many people would like to get rid of the occasional relative, eating them rarely presents itself as a viable option.

    A Marxist stand-up masquerading as a crap Dee-Jay is also likely to put off customers (even the comatose ones), while melting mutants, hybridised heads and flying Kaled fingers might even prompt punters to look elsewhere than Tranquil Repose for their funerary needs.

    Yep, this is Revelation of the Daleks wherein Davros is nought but a head in a tank, Jobel is a spam-head under a rug, Orcini has a tin leg, Tasembeker thinks with her knuckles and good old Lilt communicates with his.

    But do Jim and Martin find this story irresistible? Or would they prefer a steaming plateful of The Great Healer's patented (but 'orrible) 'I can't believe it's not Quorn' (TM)?

    Find out here!

  • 071 The Gunfighters

    17 August 2015 (6:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 53 seconds

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    "Let's hope the piano knows it."

    Merely false modesty from virtuoso ivory ticklers Steven "Regret" Taylor and Dodo "Dodo Dupont" Chaplet as we soon discover in the blood and horse-flop flecked epic, The Gunfighters.

    The Doctor ("Caligari") has a busted tooth extracted but that ain't the only malfunctioning thing coming out of anyone's mouths in this one... no siree! For accents shuttle to and forth across the Atlantic like speeding bullets, often more Tottenham than Tombstone.

    But can our Doc and his fellow "thesbians" survive the crossfire between the more whiskery (whiskey-ery?) Doc and the Clantons?

    Is Charlie the Barman related to Ghostlight's Nimrod?

    And is it possible to have a song entirely bleached from one's mind? And, if so, where does Jim sign?

    So stop right there stranger an' take a listen to this here podcast to find out the answers. To some other questions.

    NB: Our thanks to Keeper1st on YouTube for the basis of the accompaniment for the song at the top of the episode. No thanks whatsoever to Jim for the "singing" though.

  • 071 The Gunfighters

    17 August 2015 (6:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 53 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Let's hope the piano knows it."

    Merely false modesty from virtuoso ivory ticklers Steven "Regret" Taylor and Dodo "Dodo" Chaplet as we soon discover in the horse-flop flecked epic, The Gunfighters.

    The Doctor ("Caligari") has a busted tooth extracted but that ain't the only malfunctioning thing coming out of anyone's mouths in this one... no siree! For accents shuttle back and forth across the Atlantic like speeding bullets, often more Tottenham than Tombstone.

    But can our Doc and his fellow "thesbians" survive the crossfire between the more whiskery (whiskey-ery?) Doc and the Clantons?

    Is Charlie the Barman related to Ghostlight's Nimrod?

    And is it possible to have a song entirely bleached from one's mind? And, if so, where does Jim sign?

    So stop right there stranger an' take a listen to this here podcast to find out the answers. To some other questions.

    NB: Our thanks to Keeper1st on YouTube for the basis of the accompaniment for the song at the top of the episode. No thanks whatsoever to Jim for the "singing" though.

  • 071 The Gunfighters

    17 August 2015 (6:52pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 12 minutes and 53 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Let's hope the piano knows it."

    Merely false modesty from virtuoso ivory ticklers Steven "Regret" Taylor and Dodo "Dodo" Chaplet as we soon discover in the horse-flop flecked epic, The Gunfighters.

    The Doctor ("Caligari") has a busted tooth extracted but that ain't the only malfunctioning thing coming out of anyone's mouths in this one... no siree! For accents shuttle back and forth across the Atlantic like speeding bullets, often more Tottenham than Tombstone.

    But can our Doc and his fellow "thesbians" survive the crossfire between the more whiskery (whiskey-ery?) Doc and the Clantons?

    Is Charlie the Barman related to Ghostlight's Nimrod?

    And is it possible to have a song entirely bleached from one's mind? And, if so, where does Jim sign?

    So stop right there stranger an' take a listen to this here podcast to find out the answers. To some other questions.

    NB: Our thanks to Keeper1st on YouTube for the basis of the accompaniment for the song at the top of the episode. No thanks whatsoever to Jim for the "singing" though.

  • 070 The Pirate Planet

    15 July 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 13 seconds

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    "Dross and baubles!"

    A three-word review of The Pirate Planet by the salty cyborg himself?

    Perhaps. Not that there's much in the way of baubles, except for a compact and bijou planet made entirely from sweetie wrappers.

    But there are some monkish mentalists who need a decent kip, a dangerously incontinent tin budgie and a heaving metropolis of eight souls (or eleven if you include the cosmos's crappiest granddad, his doe-eyed granddaughter and her trigger-happy intended).

    Does some semblance of an intellect lie behind the Pirate Captain's relentless ranting? What's his kinky nurse-patient role-play all about? And could his garrison of gimp guards even hit a cow's arse with a banjo?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin ponder these questions while also wondering if walking the plank might be preferable to sitting through this again.

  • 070 The Pirate Planet

    15 July 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 13 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Dross and baubles!"

    A three-word review of The Pirate Planet by the salty cyborg himself?

    Perhaps. Not that there's much in the way of baubles, except for a compact and bijou planet made entirely from sweetie wrappers.

    But there are some monkish mentalists who need a decent kip, a dangerously incontinent tin budgie and a heaving metropolis of eight souls (or eleven if you include the cosmos's crappiest granddad, his doe-eyed granddaughter and her trigger-happy intended).

    Does some semblance of an intellect lie behind the Pirate Captain's relentless ranting? What's his kinky nurse-patient role-play all about? And could his garrison of gimp guards even hit a cow's arse with a banjo?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin ponder these questions while also wondering if walking the plank might be preferable to sitting through this again.

  • 070 The Pirate Planet

    15 July 2015 (7:01pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 43 minutes and 13 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Dross and baubles!"

    A three-word review of The Pirate Planet by the salty cyborg himself?

    Perhaps. Not that there's much in the way of baubles, except for a compact and bijou planet made entirely from sweetie wrappers.

    But there are some monkish mentalists who need a decent kip, a dangerously incontinent tin budgie and a heaving metropolis of eight souls (or eleven if you include the cosmos's crappiest granddad, his doe-eyed granddaughter and her trigger-happy intended).

    Does some semblance of an intellect lie behind the Pirate Captain's relentless ranting? What's his kinky nurse-patient role-play all about? And could his garrison of gimp guards even hit a cow's arse with a banjo?

    Listen in as Jim and Martin ponder these questions while also wondering if walking the plank might be preferable to sitting through this again.

  • 069: The Invasion

    16 June 2015 (9:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes and 25 seconds

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    "Isobel... where are yoooouuu?"

    Come to that, where is Scooby Doo? Shouldn't he be with those crazy kids in the Big Smoke's syewers (sic) trying to take shots of scary Cyberm'n (one of them's sick).

    It's all because of The Invasion, masterminded by perma-winking Tobias Vaughn and his woefully inept sidekick (and arse-kick), Packer.

    The Doctor has an eye for a photo opportunity, courtesy of our snappy flapper, but Jamie proves not to be as photogenic as Zoe's spangly bottom, despite his family-friendly weighted kilt. And the jury's still out as to whether his dirk is more impressive than Jimmy's chopper.

    Does Cyber-Plan B make any sense? Why hasn't Vaughn killed Packer several times by now? And should we petition Philip Morris to recover those missing action sequences?

    See if anything "has been agreeed" by Jim and Martin in this mammoth episode.

    You'll need the stamina of a Cyberm'n to listen to it all.

  • 069: The Invasion

    16 June 2015 (9:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes and 25 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Isobel... where are yoooouuu?"

    Come to that, where is Scooby Doo? Shouldn't he be with those crazy kids in the Big Smoke's syewers (sic) trying to take shots of scary Cyberm'n (one of them's sick).

    It's all because of The Invasion, masterminded by perma-winking Tobias Vaughn and his woefully inept sidekick (and arse-kick), Packer.

    The Doctor has an eye for a photo opportunity, courtesy of our snappy flapper, but Jamie proves not to be as photogenic as Zoe's spangly bottom, despite his family-friendly weighted kilt. And the jury's still out as to whether his dirk is more impressive than Jimmy's chopper.

    Does Cyber-Plan B make any sense? Why hasn't Vaughn killed Packer several times by now? And should we petition Philip Morris to recover those missing action sequences?

    See if anything "has been agreeed" by Jim and Martin in this mammoth episode.

    You'll need the stamina of a Cyberm'n to listen to it all.

  • 069: The Invasion

    16 June 2015 (9:45pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 3 hours, 5 minutes and 25 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "Isobel... where are yoooouuu?"

    Come to that, where is Scooby Doo? Shouldn't he be with those crazy kids in the Big Smoke's syewers (sic) trying to take shots of scary Cyberm'n (one of them's sick).

    It's all because of The Invasion, masterminded by perma-winking Tobias Vaughn and his woefully inept sidekick (and arse-kick), Packer.

    The Doctor has an eye for a photo opportunity, courtesy of our snappy flapper, but Jamie proves not to be as photogenic as Zoe's spangly bottom, despite his family-friendly weighted kilt. And the jury's still out as to whether his dirk is more impressive than Jimmy's chopper.

    Does Cyber-Plan B make any sense? Why hasn't Vaughn killed Packer several times by now? And should we petition Philip Morris to recover those missing action sequences?

    See if anything "has been agreeed" by Jim and Martin in this mammoth episode.

    You'll need the stamina of a Cyberm'n to listen to it all.

  • 068: The Robots of Death

    15 May 2015 (8:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."

    No, the Doctor isn't addressing your gentle hosts but Martin's favouritest actor ever is on the receiving end.

    It's The Robots of Death - a tale of unwelcome bike reflectors, irresistible make-up and ludicrous millinery.

    The Doctor and his mousy sidekick, Leela, are in a sand miner and in the frame for the mysterious marigold murders. But who's behind the rubber-gloved death-dealing droids?

    The exasperated Uvanov? The bellowing Borg? Surely not tottietastic Toos? Or might the face, voice and trousers of another crew member put him under suspicion? Just maybe?

    Listen in to hear if Jim and Martin can get to the sub-stratum of this miner problem.

  • 068: The Robots of Death

    15 May 2015 (8:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 2 hours, 32 minutes and 47 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."

    No, the Doctor isn't addressing your gentle hosts but Martin's favouritest actor ever is on the receiving end.

    It's The Robots of Death - a tale of unwelcome bike reflectors, irresistible make-up and ludicrous millinery.

    The Doctor and his mousy sidekick, Leela, are in a sand miner and in the frame for the mysterious marigold murders. But who's behind the rubber-gloved death-dealing droids?

    The exasperated Uvanov? The bellowing Borg? Surely not tottietastic Toos? Or might the face, voice and trousers of another crew member put him under suspicion? Just maybe?

    Listen in to hear if Jim and Martin can get to the sub-stratum of this miner problem.

Dormant Podcasts