The Cloister Room

- Description:
- A Podcast about Doctor Who and Other Things, featuring Tom Dickinson and Louis Mitas.
RSS Feed:
- Episodes:
- 257
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:0:49:02
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:1:29:34
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 8 days, 18 hours, 1 minutes and 1 second
- Earliest Episode:
- 8 February 2025 (2:08am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 1 January 2016 (4:00pm GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 9 days, 2 hours, 57 minutes and 5 seconds
The Cloister Room Episodes
TCR 007: I Hope It's Cool!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 36 secondsThis week on The Cloister Room, Tom talks about reboots. No, not ReBoot. Franchise continuity reboots. Of the kind that, back in January, Jane Tranter was considering engaging in for the purpose of bringing Doctor Who to the US. Tom explains his reaction and, well... it's not fanboyish bile.
Plus two new, presumably regular segments: Tom Says Some Stuff About Lost: Tom unravels the mysteries of the new narrative device introduced this season of Lost. The Haiku Review: Tom offers his poetically pithy reviews of three currently-running TV programs.
All this and more*, on this week's episode of The Cloister Room.
Please follow me on Twitter! You can get updates about this show at @TheCloisterRoom, and you can follow my daily musings on all sorts of banal things at @tdickinson.
*NOTE: And by "more" I mean the Dune Quote of the Week. That's more, right?
TCR 006: An Announcement, and a Lament for Gallifrey
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 8 minutes and 32 secondsTom announces the advent of weekly episodes, and shares his thoughts on the Gallifrey One Convention. By singing.
Links: Blinovitch: "The Ultimate Foe" Blinovitch: "Five Docs"
Special thanks to these guys for featuring my song! Bridging the Rift: Tim's Take On...:
Please follow me on Twitter! You can get updates about this show at @TheCloisterRoom, and you can follow my daily musings on all sorts of banal things at @tdickinson.
TCR 005: The Great Genre Panic
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 23 secondsIt's back! The Cloister Room bursts back onto the scene for Christmas eve in an episode that has... nothing to do with Christmas at all. Ah well. This week, I take a look at the state of genre television on major networks in the United States, looking at the problems posed by shows like Dollhouse and what the American industry can learn from the UK, and, of course, Doctor Who in particular. Feedback is welcome, and one particular question of interest: if an American actor had to play the Doctor, who would you want it to be? Some thoughts are in the episode, but I'd love to hear your opinion on this and other issues in the comments!
TCR 004: Requiem for a Drama
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 12 minutes and 20 secondsThe Cloister Room returns! No, it has not been canceled before its time, but this is an episode about television shows that were canceled before their time. The question at stake: Is it worth setting yourself up for disappointment by investing in a show that's already been canceled, or looks like it will be? The answer: Well, you'll just have to listen to find out! Also, the Dune quote of the week. Which is a bit of a misnomer, coming from a podcast that makes no claim to a weekly schedule.
Elsewhere on the Internet:
You can hear Tom as a guest panelist on episode 7 of Bridging the Rift (as soon as it's released anyway, I'll put a link to the episode here once it's out).
And you can also hear Tom, singing! Tom has sort of started a Trock project called Blinovitch, and he sings a song about The Valeyard over at videobloggery. It's called "The Ultimate Foe".
TCR 003: Man, O Mandalorian!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 17 minutes and 19 secondsHa! After a brief dry spell, you thought this rookie podcast didn't have the staying power to last more than two episodes. But you were wrong, buster.
Last time on the Cloister Room, Tom promised a discussion of Star Wars. This week, he deviates from his plans but still fulfills the promise by talking about canonical issues in Star Wars. Also included is a defense of canon in Doctor Who. All this and also the Dune Quote of the Week in the third exciting episode of this rookie podcast.
The Cloister Room promo
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 1 minutes and 8 secondsHave a podcast? Want to run a promo for The Cloister Room? Well, please do!
TCR 002: O Captain! My Captain!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 19 minutes and 30 secondsThis week on The Cloister Room, Tom takes a look at Captain Jack Harkness: the background of the character, the major events that have shaken him in Children of Earth, and his thoughts on the character's direction for the future. But that's only one of the four acts in this episode. Tom also discusses the recently unveiled trailers for the upcoming specials and Russell T Davies' attitude on religion in Torchwood: Children of Earth. It's far and away the most jam-packed episode yet, which, Tom admits, is really not saying much, as it's only the second one!
Useful Links:
The Waters of Mars Trailer (youtube)
The End of the World Trailer (youtube)
The Minute Doctor Who Podcast (discussed in this episode)