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Staggering Stories Podcast

Staggering Stories Podcast
Random thoughts from the Staggering Stories team, mainly featuring discussion on television Science Fiction such as Doctor Who, Firefly, Star Trek and so many more. Also general randomness on MMOs and all manner of other geek topics! Come and join in on the insanity!

Homepage: https://www.staggeringstories.net/index2.html

RSS Feed: https://blog.staggeringstories.net/?feed=rss2&cat=23

Staggering Stories Podcast Statistics
Average Episode Duration:
Longest Episode Duration:
Total Duration of all Episodes:
23 days, 0 hours, 32 minutes and 40 seconds
Earliest Episode:
24 June 2007 (7:46pm GMT)
Latest Episode:
21 July 2024 (8:00am GMT)
Average Time Between Episodes:
9 days, 10 hours, 26 minutes and 20 seconds

Staggering Stories Podcast Episodes

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #55: Pick of the Pits

    27 September 2009 (11:09am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 8 minutes and 1 second

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show Summary:
    Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, ‘Fake’ Keith and ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Quatermass trilogy, Doctor Who Magazine’s ‘The Mighty 200′ story rankings, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:01 — Welcome!
    • 01:43 – News:
    • 01:59 — Doctor Who: Richard Curtis to write for Series 5.
    • 05:28 — The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 3 to broadcast two episodes a week.
    • 08:44 — Buy Gene Roddenberry’s Apple Macintosh.
    • 11:03 — Doctor Horrible gatecrashes the Emmys.
    • 11:59 – The Quatermass Trilogy.
    • 24:23 – Escape Pod Discs: Tony Gallichan.
    • 29:37 – Doctor Who Magazine’s ‘The Mighty 200′ story rankings.
    • 44:39 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 63:03 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 63:27 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Richard Curtis.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • Wikipedia: Gene Roddenberry.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • YouTube: Dr. Horrible Gatecrashes the Emmys.
    • Wikipedia: The Quatermass Experiment.
    • Wikipedia: Quatermass II.
    • Wikipedia: Quatermass and the Pit.
    • The Flashing Blade podcast.
    • Wikipedia: Doctor Who Magazine.
    • Facebook: Doctor Who Magazine Group.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Life, the Universe and Combom: DWM Mighty 200: 001 – 050.
    • Life, the Universe and Combom: DWM Mighty 200: 051 – 100.
    • Life, the Universe and Combom: DWM Mighty 200: 101 – 150.
    • Life, the Universe and Combom: DWM Mighty 200: 151 – 200.
    • Twitter: Karen Dunn.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.
    • Wikipedia: Major-General’s Song.

  • Whooverville 2009 Podcast Panel

    15 September 2009 (12:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 26 minutes and 32 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Whooverville was more than a Doctor Who convention, for me at least.A A historic meeting of so many Doctor Who podcasters.

    It all began on a slightly chilly Butterley Train Station platform at 10AM on Sunday 6th September 2009.A Four of our Staggering Stories team (Karen, Jean, Keith and myself, Adam) stumbled onto the platform to be greeted by The Colin Baker posing next to a black Dalek.A Probably an unusual sight for this particular museum train station, I’ve not had the chance to return on a different morning to see if Colin and Dalek are there again – I rather doubt it.

    I can’t remember the order of the meetings but, like a coalescing star, somehow the podcasters were drawn together on the platform – the geekest of the geek horde that had invaded the heritage railway station.A Kindred spirits!

    The steam train to take us on to the giant shed that was to host Whooverville was waiting at the platform as we arrived.A It was, however, lacking a ‘fireman’ (a coal shoveller) so we were late getting away.A That wasn’t a problem, though, as it gave us more time to talk amongst ourselves and have a wonderful photo taken for our albums:

    Whooverville 2009 podcasters, at train station (by kind permission of Nat Titman)

    In the above photo (taken by podcaster Nat Titman from Bridging the Rift), starting at the the left we have -
    Back row: James Rockliffe from Whocast and Dad’s Army podcast, James Naughton from Podshock and Hitchhiker’s Guide to British Sci-Fi, Jean Riddler (holding the Head of Pertwee) and Karen Dunn from Staggering Stories, Marty Perrett from Whocast and Box Room, Dave Cooper from Cultdom Collective, Luke Harrison from the Minute Doctor Who Podcast.
    Front row: Keith Dunn and Adam Purcell from Staggering Stories.

    The celebrity panels were, for me, less compelling than simply hanging out with the numerous other podcasters on hand.A That’s not meant as a slight on the guests as they were all very interesting people but in many ways I felt like I knew the other podcasters, it was like catching up with old friends!A Besides Tony and Jo (and the rest of the Staggering Stories team, of course!) I hadn’t ever actually met any of the others.A I doubt an outsider would have had any clue that was the case.

    For the most part I immediately recognised my fellow podcasters on sight – I’d seen their faces in pictures or videos.A Any doubt (still photos don’t always give a perfect representation) was immediately dispelled when I heard their voices.

    Steve Hatcher, who appeared to be the main driving force behind the Whooverville convention, invited us podcasters along for the express reason of getting us together on the stage for a Podcast Panel.A That was a masterstroke for getting us all together.A I think it is fair to say that no previous British event had brought together so many Doctor Who podcasters.A Fortunately he didn’t have any dastardly plan to wipe out a good percentage of the world’s Doctor Who podcasters – it would have been the perfect opportunity had he done so, though!

    Here we are on stage for the Podcasters Panel:

    Whooverville Podcast Panel 2009 (by kind permission of Jo Cummins)

    In the above photo (taken by podcaster Jo Cummins from The Flashing Blade) starting from the left we have -
    Back row: Tony Gallichan from The Flashing Blade, Michael from the Tin Dog Podcast, Karen Dunn and Adam Purcell from Staggering Stories, Marty Perrett from the Whocast and Box Room, Dave Cooper from Cultdom Collective, James Naughton from Podshock.
    Front row: Nat Titman from Bridging the Rift and Luke Harrison from the Minute Doctor Who Podcast.

    The podcast panel itself was lively and fun, at least from my point of view on the stage.A A very slight (surprisingly slight) trepidation accompanied me onto the stage but it was very quickly dispelled.A I’m hardly a natural public speaker but facing the onlooking crowds was a lot easier thanks the eight friends on stage with me.

    By the time all of us were up on stage and settled (squeezing 7 chairs on the small stage was not an easy task!) we had already spent about three minutes of our half hour time slot.A That left us with only about twenty-seven minutes to fill.A With seven and, when Nat and Luke quickly joined us (sans chairs!), soon nine of us on the stage it’s not hard to burn through such a short amount of time – most podcasters tend to easily fill an hour or two, rambling away each week!

    The podcast panel itself wasn’t quite what I’d expected.A I’d assumed it would be a round table affair, with a mic each or a series of mics along the table that picks us all up.A That wasn’t quite what we had, instead there were about three handheld mics that we were passing between us.A I’m not sure if that was a good or bad thing.A The downside being that it made the panel a little more stilted than it might otherwise have been.A On the plus side it stopped it getting too far out of hand and minimised any one person hogging things too much!A On balance, it was probably for the best!

    Let me wind things back to the previous evening, for a second.A It didn’t really all start on the train platform as six of us actually met up at the hotel the night before (one of which being Jo, who doesn’t appear in either of the photos above):

    A few podcasters gather the night before Whooverville 2009

    In the above photo (taken by myself) starting from the left we have -
    Tony Gallichan and Jo Cummings from The Flashing Blade, Jean Riddler, Karen Dunn and Keith Dunn from Staggering Stories.

    So, that was Whooverville 2009.A There is much more to be said about it.A Seek out all the podcasts mentioned above (especially their episodes directly after 6th September 2009) to hear more.A Fear yourself to tales of The Colin Baker meeting the Head of Pertwee and more!A Also seek out Staggering Stories Podcast 54 – ‘Hounds of the Whooverville’ for more of our Staggering thoughts on it.

    The attached audio file (MP3) features a few more words from me and, more importantly, the recording of the Podcast Panel I made on the day.A The background noise is a bit overpowering sometimes but hopefully it is nonetheless intelligible.A Enjoy!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #54: Hounds of the Whooverville

    13 September 2009 (9:27am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 58 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary:
    Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, ‘Fake’ Keith, Jean Riddler and ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who convention Whooverville, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:59 — Welcome!
    • 01:50 – News:
    • 02:10 — Doctor Who: The End of Time named.
    • 03:32 — Doctor Who: Big Finish licence renewed until end of 2011.
    • 04:46 — Disney wants to buy Marvel Comics for $4b.
    • 06:52 — Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Hitchcon’09 on 11 October.
    • 08:01 — Terry Wogan quits BBC Radio 2 breakfast show.
    • 09:03 – Doctor Who convention: Whooverville.
    • 48:13 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 67:03 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 67:24 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Big Finish Productions.
    • Disney.
    • Marvel.
    • Wikipedia: Daffy Duck.
    • Wikipedia: Donald Duck.
    • Southbank Centre: Hitchcon’09.
    • Wikipedia: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
    • BBC Radio 2: Wake Up to Wogan.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whoovers.
    • THE Colin Baker.
    • Staggering Stories: Dalek Master Plan review.
    • Steve Caldwell’s Doctor Who Painting prints.
    • The Box Room Podcast.
    • Bridging the Rift podcast.
    • The Cultdom Collective podcast.
    • The Flashing Blade podcast.
    • The Minute Doctor Who Podcast.
    • Doctor Who: Podshock podcast.
    • The Tin Dog Podcast.
    • Doctor Who: Whocast podcast.
    • Radio Free Skaro podcast.
    • The Terrible Zodin, Doctor Who fanzine.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Twitter: Karen Dunn.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #53: Crow Balancing for Beginners

    30 August 2009 (9:28am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary:
    Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Jean Riddler and ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: The Black Guardian DVD boxset (that being Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead, Doctor Who: Terminus and Doctor Who: Enlightenment), find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:21 — Welcome!
    • 02:07 – News:
    • 02:16 — Doctor Who: Tom Baker doing new Audio Plays.
    • 05:46 — Doctor Who: Dreamland (animated story) blog.
    • 07:44 — Caprica: James Marsters joins the cast.
    • 09:03 — Battlestar Galactica: Bryan Singer attached to direct new movie.
    • 13:02 — Heroes: Ernie Hudson gets a call.
    • 13:48 — Warner Brothers to build a Lego film.
    • 16:48 — World of Warcraft: Cataclysm details emerge.
    • 19:36 — Jean celebrates England’s Cricket win.
    • 21:03 – Doctor Who: The Black Guardian Trilogy -
    • 22:25 — Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead.
    • 41:00 — Doctor Who: Terminus.
    • 52:52 — Doctor Who: Enlightenment.
    • 71:16 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 88:59 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 89:22 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Tom Baker.
    • BBC: Doctor Who Dreamland Blog.
    • James Marsters.
    • Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica: Caprica.
    • Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica.
    • NBC: Heroes.
    • Ernie Hudson.
    • Lego.
    • World of Warcraft.
    • Wikipedia: The Ashes.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Mawdryn Undead.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Terminus.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Enlightenment.
    • Lass O’Gowrie Pub (Doctor Who conventions).
    • Engine Comics.
    • The Flashing Blade Podcast.
    • Facebook: The Flashing Blade Podcast Group.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whoovers.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #52: The Dwarf is Green

    16 August 2009 (9:18am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Show summary:
    Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and ‘Classic’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who’s The TARDIS, The Staggering Stories of Ferdinand De Bargos’ Mashup Movie, Red Dwarf: Season One, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:07 — Welcome!
    • 02:01 – News:
    • 02:11 — Doctor Who: New Waters of Mars trailer.
    • 04:30 — Futurama: Original voice cast cut a deal!
    • 06:06 — Alien: Ridley Scott to direct Alien 5.
    • 07:00 — Russell Crow: Rich giving to the poor.
    • 07:58 — Slingers: New Sci-Fi TV series in development.
    • 11:00 — Doctor Who: New Character Options figure – 6th Doctor in 5th’s clothes.
    • 12:07 — Torchwood: memorials left at Hub entrace in Cardiff.
    • 13:09 — The Hugos 2009: Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog beats Doctor Who.
    • 14:21 – Doctor Who: The TARDIS.
    • 33:52 – Mashup Movie!
    • 43:20 – Red Dwarf: Season One.
    • 58:21 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 75:44 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:08 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    Vital Links:
    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Captain Scarlet.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.
    • Wikipedia: Alien (film).
    • Wikipedia: Russell Crow.
    • Sleepydog: Slingers.
    • Mike Atherton (aka Sizemore).
    • Forbidden Planet exclusive Doctor Who figures.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Wikipedia: The Hugo Awards.
    • IMDB: The Staggering Stories of Ferdinand de Bargos.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • The Terrible Zodin, Doctor Who fanzine.
    • YouTube: Jon Pertwee reviews Star Wars: Dark Forces.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #51: How Much Wood Would a Torchwood Torch..?

    2 August 2009 (10:00am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Show summary:
    Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk extensively about the Torchwood radio stories Asylum, Golden Age, the Dead Line, also Torchwood: Children of Earth, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:44 — Welcome!
    • 01:35 – News:
    • 02:05 — Doctor Who: Karen Gillan’s character named.
    • 04:06 — Doctor Who: Matt Smith’s costume unveilled.
    • 06:25 — Doctor Who: New look TARDIS exterior.
    • 08:03 — Futurama: Voice cast get the heave-ho.
    • 10:01 — World of Warcraft: Sam Raimi to helm the film.
    • 11:25 — Tron 2: Now named ‘Tron Legacy’.
    • 12:38 — Amazon US gets all Big Brother with 1984 and Animal Farm eBooks.
    • 14:58 — The Staggering Stories of Ferdinand De Bargos: The Movie!
    • 16:41 — Captain Pugwash creator, John Ryan, dies.
    • 17:48 — Podcast 49 reply – Our names in Doctor Who (it’s not really news!)
    • 19:01 — Doctor Who: Exclusive Character Options toys.
    • 20:33 – Torchwood:.
    • 21:23 — Radio Play: Asylum.
    • 26:04 — Radio Play: Golden Age.
    • 30:45 — Radio Play: The Dead Line.
    • 35:18 — The Children of Earth.
    • 67:22 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 86:19 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 87:12 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.
    • World of Warcraft.
    • Wikipedia: Tron.
    • Amazon.
    • Wikipedia: Nineteen Eighty-Four.
    • Wikipedia: Animal Farm.
    • IMDB: The Staggering Stories of Ferdinand de Bargos.
    • YouTube.
    • Wikipedia: Captain Pugwash.
    • Forbidden Planet exclusive Doctor Who figures.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • The Terrible Zodin, Doctor Who fanzine.

  • Star Cops - Why I like it, in 5 minutes or less

    1 August 2009 (3:20pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Welcome to the resurrected Staggering Stories Audio Musings.A I’m Adam Purcell, and I’ll be your host for this musing.

    This doesn’t replace the proper Staggering Stories Podcast feed but is instead a VERY irregular (in more ones than one!) outlet for individual members of the Staggering Stories team to vent and generally spew forth…

    This is the first of a group of three musings (actually recycled MP3 comments…) about Herd Nurdles.A Herd Nurdles, do I hear you ask?A Probably not.A It’s a term introduced by the fabulous people over at the Box Room podcast, used to represent Science Fiction that one person really likes but few others do.A It’s the opposite of Nerd Hurdles… seek out Box Room Podcast 29 and onwards if you want to know more.

    Without further ado, here’s my justification for liking the 1987 BBC 2 Sci-Fi/detective series Star Cops – my first Herd Nurdle.

    You don’t know Star Cops?A Where were you in the late 80s?!A BBC 2, 1987.A A science fiction crime drama, devised and mainly written by none other than Chris Boucher, of Doctor Who and Blake’s 7.

    Okay, the production values… leave a little to be desired.A Let’s not even talk about the zero-G acting…A There’s some great model work, though… By I’m drifting.

    It’s basically Hard SF – It’s set in 2027 and there’s no magic tech, it’s all plausible.A There’s no anti-gravity, no faster than light travel, no transporters and NO aliens.A It’s real people policing a realistic Earth orbital stations and lunar colony universe.

    There’s some really great writing, some fantastic dialogue, clever ideas about the sort of crime that near future environment might encourage.A Some great performances too, especially, for my money, by David Calder and Trevor Cooper.

    It’s not for everybody – a lot of people probably won’t even get past the awful theme tune.

    Star Cops is something people seem to either love or hate.A It’s in my top 4 favourite TV series, along with Doctor Who, Babylon 5 and Firefly.A Give it a go – you might just love it!A You probably won’t, most people hate it but you never know… Sadly the DVDs are long since deleted but no doubt it is available via alternative means..!
    I can’t defend that cast photo on Wikipedia, though.A I think they must have just eaten from the BBC canteen or, perhaps, just been fired…

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #50: The Insanity of Cake

    19 July 2009 (12:03pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

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    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn eat cake, talk about their Favourite and Least Favourite bits of Doctor Who, see a Fight Club face off between Old and New Captain Kirks, experience a frightening vision of the future, feel the ire of the Agony Nanny, overindulge in a game of Swanee-Kazoo, find some general news, and a variety of other stuff (especially cake), specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:49 — Welcome (with celebratory cake)!
    • 06:36 – News:
    • 06:59 — Torchwood: UK Children of Earth ratings (no spoilers!)
    • 08:23 — Heroes: Is Claire going to bat for the other team?
    • 09:39 — View-Master: The Movie coming?
    • 11:07 — T J Hooker: a film in the works? Let’s hope not…
    • 13:00 — Hong Kong Phooey: The Movie!
    • 14:38 – Doctor Who: Favourite and Least Favourite Bits.
    • 28:37 – Fight Club: Original Captain Kirk vs. New Captain Kirk.
    • 33:14 – Real Keith presses the Future Podcast button:
    • 33:19 — Intro and theme tune.
    • 33:39 — Welcome!
    • 34:12 — News:
    • 34:24 ——- Doctor Who: New spin-off series confirmed.
    • 35:46 ——- William Shatner: compromise on where his body will be displayed.
    • 37:22 — Doctor Who: Revenge of the Nimon, part 1.
    • 50:20 – Nanny Ireland: The Agony Nanny
    • 51:34 – Swanee-Kazoo: Guess the Theme Tune.
    • 53:36 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 59:04 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 59:35 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    • 60:19 — Outtakes and a couple of interloping interlopers!

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: View-Master.
    • Wikipedia: T. J. Hooker.
    • Wikipedia: Hong Kong Phooey.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: James T. Kirk.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #49: Daleks Are Special, Too

    5 July 2009 (8:32am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk (extensively!) about Doctor Who’s Daleks, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, get a 30 second recommendation, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:11 — Welcome!
    • 01:37 – News:
    • 02:03 — Torchwood: Children of Earth UK airdates.
    • 03:16 — Sarah Jane Adventures: Nigel Havers and Brian Miller cast.
    • 04:33 — Heroes: Bryan Fuller quits (again).
    • 05:22 — Indiana Jones: more fifth film talk.
    • 07:47 — Teen Wolf: a TV series is in development…
    • 08:40 — Farrah Fawcett has died.
    • 09:41 — New Doctor Who Roleplaying Game isn’t dead, after all.
    • 11:15 — Tron: more new film details.
    • 12:17 – Doctor Who: Daleks (in general).
    • 42:57 – El Presidente.
    • 44:23 – Benjamin Elliott’s 30 Second Recommendation: Legend.
    • 46:02 – Escape Pod Discs:
    • 46:28 — Lizaanne.
    • 49:38 — Sarah M.
    • 51:45 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 67:59 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 68:23 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • Heroes.
    • Indiana Jones.
    • Wikipedia: Teen Wolf.
    • Wikipedia: Farrah Fawcett.
    • Cubicle 7 (Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space RPG).
    • Wikipedia: Tron.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Daleks.
    • Dalek Links.
    • YouTube: Kit Kat advert with Daleks.
    • Tim’s Take On… Podcast.
    • Firestep, the animators behind The Infinite Quest.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.

  • Doctor Who: The Invasion - thoughts and observations

    4 July 2009 (9:05pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    It was a brave move by 2|Entertain/BBC Worldwide to release this incomplete Patrick Troughton story on DVD.A The problem they are facing is that only 6 of the 21 Patrick Troughton stories are complete in the archives, the other 15 are missing at least one episode.A As I write this only two complete second Doctor stories are left to be released.A Their solution to this big problem was to hire Cosgrove Hall (famous TV animators behind the likes of Danger Mouse and Count Duckula) to recreate the two missing episodes, with hopes to do the same to other such stories.A Apparently The Invasion DVD didn’t sell that well, though, so plans for any more animated recreations are sadly on hold.A Or are they?A Rumours abound of the same being done for Power of the Daleks but that has zero surviving episodes, so I have my doubts.

    Before I continue, I should say that I am writing this before we recorded Staggering Stories Podcast 48, where we discuss this story (or will!)A This is, in part, my way of gathering my thoughts before we talk about it.A It will also, I hope, expand upon that podcast slightly.

    The obvious place to start is with the length of the story.A The Invasion is eight 25 minute episodes long.A The average (mode) is 4 episodes per Doctor Who story, so clearly this was twice as long as most stories.A It doesn’t drag as badly as you may think but there is quite a gap before we see the alien villains of the piece, at the end of episode four.A There’s a lot of messing around with our heroes gaining access to the human villain’s lair (more than once!)A Fortunately some great characterisations keep it enjoyable.

    It’s a Cyberman story, let’s not try to hide that fact.A There aren’t in it very much and we certainly don’t get any kind of face off between them and the Doctor.A Instead we find the familiar (particularly in later third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, stories) concept of a power mad human using an alien invasion force to personally rule the world!A The obvious benefit of this is that you have the Doctor battling someone that can emote (snear, mainly!)A In this case we are presented with the evil Tobias Vaughn, played brilliantly by Kevin Stoney.A Vaughn is so perfectly archetypal that he wouldn’t look out of place in a James Bond film.A He’s an electronics mogal, a bit like a less evil version of Alan Sugar, who has somehow (rather glossed over) made contact with the Cyberman fleet in deep space and ‘done a deal’.A Vaughn gets a leg up on his competition with electronics technology donated by his allies and within five years has cornered the market.

    You can see that Stoney is enjoying the part, especially on those many occasions where he says “Packer…” (during the commentary many of them, notably Nick Courtney and Fraser Hines, do their impressions of Stoney saying ‘Packer’!)A Like most evil genius villains he doesn’t really get to leave his lair, at least not until the very end and I don’t think he makes it off the grounds!A That’s a shame as it means he has little interaction with most of the cast.A If this were the Pertwee years you could be sure that the Brigadier would get to storm into his office and then have to slope off after getting a warning from some top ranking politician under the villain’s thumb!

    That brings us neatly onto Tobias Vaughn’s human associates.A The most notable of these is, of course, Packer.A A sadistic thug who has the brains of a turnip.A At first I couldn’t figure out why Vaughn would want such an incompetent as his closest ally.A Then I realised that his lack of intellect was exactly the point – such villains as Vaughn often make the mistake of trusting someone too ambitious, someone who will inevitably stab them in the back to take over themselves.A Packer would never dream of doing anything like that – he knows he couldn’t replace Vaughn.A Packer’s loyalty reminds me of a hunting dog, waiting patiently (for the most part) for his master to unleash him on some unfortunate little animal that he then enjoys tearing apart.A In the end, though, Packer’s incompetence in capturing the Doctor indirectly leads to Vaughn’s downfall.

    Other characters in Vaughn’s employ appear to be few and far between.A He has at least two large complexes, one in the country and another, a skyscraper, in central London.A Odd then that the only other employees we see are Packer’s security men (again in true Bond style) and a couple of scientist types.A Are these buildings otherwise empty?!

    I’ve mentioned the Pertwee era a few times already and that’s no coincidence.A This is a prototype Pertwee story, plain and simple.A The United Nations Intelligence Taskforce (UNIT) is first introduced and Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart makes his second appearance in the series, this time promoted to his famous rank of Brigadier.A I haven’t seen ‘The Web of Fear’ (Lethbridge-Stewart’s first appearance) but by ‘The Invasion’ he seems to be the fully formed Brig who becomes a regular in the next season with Jon Pertwee – crappy stick on moustache and all!

    The only other really important guest characters are Professor Watkins and his daughter Isobel.A Watkins has been kidnapped by Vaughn because he had a device that might give Vaughn power over the Cybermen.A Isobel is, effectively, a third companion – there mainly to give Zoe someone to get into trouble with while the Doctor pairs up with Jamie.

    Let’s get into the nuts and bolts of it, though.A This story is echoed by many later Cyberman stories.A Let’s start with the brain washing.A At first it is key people, government types it would seem.A At the end of the story that is extended to the entire human population of Earth via a special circuit put into all of International Electromatics products (IE being Vaughn’s company).A Very much like the earpods in the New Who, alternate Earth, Cyberman creation story ‘Rise of the Cybermen’.A Then there are the sewers.A This is more like a call back to ‘The Web of Fear’ where the Yeti were also roaming around under London (in that case in the London Underground metro system rather than sewers). Once they’ve had a taste for the London sewers the Cybermen can’t seem to get enough, though – in Colin Baker’s ‘Attack of the Cybermen’, full of historic Who references, the Cybermen travel back in time so they can frolic in the sewers once again!

    Then we have some pretty blatant cast holidays.A For an episode Zoe (and her story companion Isobel) are kidnapped and don’t appear in an episode.A Then we have Jamie unexpectedly shot (just a flesh wound, we are told) and missing from the final episode as he recuperates.A Zoe’s absence was so well written into the script that you hardly notice it is exactly one week she is gone for.A Jamie’s is rather less well done – he’s shot.A You’d think that would be a major plot point, something they’d play up for dramatic effect.A They don’t – it goes hardly remarked, just enough to say he was only very lightly injured.A At least in the final, pre-recorded location scenes, they did have the foresight to give Jamie a bandaged leg but I didn’t get the impression they’d really given it enough thought!
    Another thing I thought was a little odd, poorly plotted even, was all that stuff in the first episode.A Namely the IE colony and the general ’1984′ air to it that disappear in subsequent episodes.A International Electromatics go from being a sinister cult who controls a sizeable part of the country to a man in an office with some security thugs, albeit a sinister man in an office!

    Another interesting but rather glossed over element is the partial cyber-conversion that some IE personnel have apparently undergone.A The first evidence of this are the super strong workmen who are shifting the inert cybermen (in their boxes) around.A Next was Vaughn’s laughing immunity to bullets.A I can just about imagine Vaughn agreeing, even being eager, to be ‘upgraded’ – so long as his mind is left unaltered.A He’d want the results – the physical superiority to match his intellectual superiority.A I’m less convinced he would trust the Cybermen enough to let them actually carry out the, no doubt, extensive surgery.A How could he have been sure he would have woken up without any alterations to his brain?A Perhaps he had some kind of insurance, a hold over them stronger than their merely needing his company, IE.A Sadly such details are glossed over, especially considering the story is over 3 hours long!

    All these criticisms aside, it really is a good, fun story.A Patrick Troughton is a great Doctor and his teaming up with Frazer Hines’s Jamie really did produce one of the best Doctor/companion pairings of the entire series.A Wendy Padbury’s Zoe is by no means bad but she just can’t match the chemistry between Patrick and Frazer.A There are a lot of really good performances and characters, as previously mentioned.A That’s the real strength of this story – it’s not the slightly hackneyed plot and certainly not the deus ex machina resolution (would the Cybermen really be vulnerable to that?!).A No, watch this story to enjoy the characters.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #48: Our Segments Overrunneth

    21 June 2009 (11:27am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: The Invasion, Ashes to Ashes, Primeval, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:40 — Welcome!
    • 00:47 — Jean takes one for the country!
    • 01:30 – News:
    • 01:43 — Doctor Who: New animated series, featuring David Tennant.
    • 02:50 — Primeval: Axed, to death!
    • 05:03 — Torchwood: New Radio 4 play dates announced.
    • 06:27 — Futurama: new 26 episode series.
    • 07:07 — New ‘Bladerunner like’ web series, Purefold, from Ridley Scott.
    • 08:23 — Hugo Weaving back for The Hobbit
    • 08:51 — Liam Neeson for the A-Team?
    • 10:07 — Total Recall remake writer announced.
    • 11:52 — Michael Shanks to guest star in Sanctuary.
    • 12:50 — David Carradine found dead in the closet.
    • 14:22 — Dalek for sale.
    • 15:22 — Doctor Who funeral for fan.
    • 16:10 – Doctor Who: The Invasion.
    • 40:15 – Escape Pod Discs: Real Keith.
    • 44:09 – Ashes to Ashes.
    • 58:39 – Primeval.
    • 67:47 – Shameless Plugs:
    • 67:51 — The Tin Dog Podcast.
    • 68:26 — The Flashing Blade Podcast.
    • 69:47 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 70:59 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 71:18 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • David Tennant.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.
    • Wikipedia: Blade Runner.
    • Wikipedia: The Hobbit Film Duology.
    • Wikipedia: The A-Team.
    • Wikipedia: Total Recall.
    • Wikipedia: Michael Shanks.
    • Wikipedia: David Carradine.
    • West Sussex Gazette: Doctor Who Dalek lands in Crawley.
    • The Daily Mail: Dr Who lookalike has time-travelling funeral in Tardis-style coffin.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: The Invasion.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.
    • The Flashing Blade Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #47: When Assassins Go Deadly

    7 June 2009 (10:20am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin, Ashes to Ashes, find Doctor Who in Unusual Places, Choose their own Staggering Story, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:42 — Welcome!
    • 01:15 – News:
    • 01:33 — Doctor Who: New companion announced – Karen Gillan (with character name speculation!)
    • 06:10 — The Sarah Jane Adventures: David Tennant to appear as the 10th Doctor.
    • 07:20 — Doctor Who: New big screen film talk.
    • 08:22 — Doctor Who: BBC America to screen the 2009 Specials.
    • 09:05 — Dollhouse: Summer Glau to move into the house?
    • 10:05 — Alien: prequel/reboot in the works.
    • 11:36 — Buffy the Vampire Slayer: New film is planned, Whedon not involved.
    • 13:18 — Flight of the Navigator: another one for the remake bandwagon.
    • 13:59 — UFO: 1970s British TV series destined for a film version.
    • 15:05 — Hasslefree Miniatures: releasing metal miniatures ‘not’ based on Doctor Who and Firefly.
    • 16:36 — Telltale Games wants to licence Doctor Who for a computer game?
    • 17:34 — Toby Hadoke on tour with his Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf.
    • 19:03 – Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin.
    • 37:13 – An epic new Film Trailer!
    • 37:59 – Doctor Who in Unusual Places: A Madness of Angels.
    • 39:50 – Choose Your Own Staggering Story!
    • 42:38 – Ashes to Ashes.
    • 52:15 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 66:54 – Shameless Plug: Tim’s Take On Podcast
    • 67:33 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 67:52 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Karen Gillan.
    • Wikipedia: Karen Gillan.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • David Tennant.
    • BBC America.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Alien (film).
    • Wikipedia: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • Wikipedia: Flight of the Navigator.
    • Wikipedia: UFO (TV Series).
    • Hasslefree Miniatures.
    • Teltale Games.
    • Toby Hadoke: Moths ate my Doctor Who Scarf.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: The Deadly Assassin.
    • Kate Griffin: A Madness of Angels.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Tim’s Take On… Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #46: Under Captain Kirk

    24 May 2009 (10:55am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Jean Riddler and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl, the new Star Trek film, Choose their own Staggering Story, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:48 — Welcome!
    • 01.05 — Hello Jean!
    • 01:36 – News (with ridiculously long intro!):
    • 02:23 — Doctor Who: Timothy Dalton appearing as baddie.
    • 03:22 — Doctor Who: The Doctor’s mother?
    • 04:04 — Primeval not axed…
    • 05:05 — Dollhouse gets a second season!
    • 05:48 — Sarah Connor terminated.
    • 06:27 — Star Trek a success.
    • 06:49 — Hunt for Golum fan film crashes server.
    • 07:43 — Star Tours ride updated.
    • 08:40 — Dom DeLuise RIP.
    • 09:12 — Doctor Who in all the wrong places.
    • 09:43 – El Presidente.
    • 10:53 – Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • 23.45 — Shameless plugs for Whooverville and Hoo on Who.
    • 24:31 – Choose Your Own Staggering Story!
    • 29:08 – Star Trek: The 2009 Film.
    • 42:51 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 65:04 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Wikipedia: William Shatner’s ‘Musical Career’!
    • Bill Bailey (the news intro!).
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Timothy Dalton.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek (film).
    • The Hunt for Gollum.
    • Wikipedia: Star Tours.
    • Wikipedia: Dom DeLuise.
    • Star Trek.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Image of the Fendahl.
    • Facebook: Whooverville.
    • Whooverville.
    • Hoo On Who Podcast.
    • Wikipedia: The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast Promo

    22 May 2009 (6:55am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Promo time!

    Don’t fear (or perhaps do!), the next podcast should be out on schedule this coming Sunday/Monday. In the meantime here is a little something that might or might not amuse (but plug our podcast, either way!)

    Obviously feel free to spread this around – we would be most grateful. Fellow podcasters, don’t be surprised if you get a pleading email from us! We’re always happy to play a promo or two, of course, send them along.

    They might be able to contain swine flu but they can’t contain Staggering Stories!

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #45: The Throwback

    10 May 2009 (10:26am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who: Invasion 09 convention, Ashes to Ashes, Star Trek: the best and worst of Original Trek, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:45 — Welcome!
    • 01:22 – News:
    • 01:30 — Doctor Who: Yet more cast announced!
    • 04:24 — Heroes: Season 4 is to be pruned back.
    • 05:44 — Wolverine and Star Trek: Delayed due to swine flu.
    • 07:34 — Terminator Salvation: Arnie will be back!
    • 08:38 — Aardman Animations: Two new films with Sony.
    • 12:56 – Doctor Who: Invasion 09 Convention Report.
    • 24:56 – Escape Pod Discs: Crumbly.
    • 30:58 – Ashes to Ashes: Episodes 2.1 and 2.2.
    • 40:11 – Star Trek: Best and Worst of The Original Series.
    • 55:48 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 76:19 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:38 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Heroes.
    • Wolverine.
    • Star Trek.
    • Angels and Demons.
    • Terminator Salvation.
    • Aardman Animations.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Tim’s Take On… Podcast.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek – The Original Series.
    • ITV: Primeval.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #44: Back to Earth - of the Dead!

    26 April 2009 (8:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead, Red Dwarf: Back to Earth, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:47 — Welcome!
    • 01:27 – News:
    • 01:50 — Doctor Who: Even more Producers hired!
    • 03:09 — Red Dwarf: Record breaking ratings for Back to Earth.
    • 04:17 — Ashes to Ashes is back.
    • 06:43 — Dollhouse: Episode 13 is for international audiences and DVD only.
    • 08:14 — Primeval: A big screen outing in the works?
    • 10:27 — ISS Node 3 is named… Tranquility.
    • 12:47 — ElvenQuest: a new BBC Radio 4 comedy.
    • 14:39 — Star Trek Premiers.
    • 14:50 – Red Dwarf: Back to Earth.
    • 28:02 – Escape Pod Discs: Fake Keith.
    • 33:28 – Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead.
    • 56:12 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 70:19 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 70:42 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • Help NASA Name Node 3.
    • BBC: ElvenQuest.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #43: Into the Wild Written Primeval

    10 April 2009 (8:05am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Best and Worst Writers, Primeval, Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder, dig up some Escape Pod Discs, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:40 — Welcome!
    • 01:42 – News:
    • 02:35 — Doctor Who: Planet of the Dead air dates and times.
    • 03:50 — Catherine Tate queens it up in Lilliput.
    • 04:21 — K-9 early trailer leaked onto YouTube!
    • 07:12 — 2011: Year of the Sequels – Men in Black 3, Ghostbuster 3, Spider-man 4 & Star Trek 2.
    • 08:27 — Ridley Scott takes Forever War into the third dimension.
    • 09:03 — Nightmare on Elm Street remake casts Rorschach as Freddie.
    • 09:56 — Andy Hallett, Lorne from Angel, dies aged 33.
    • 11:02 — Streamy Awards: Dr Horrible, Battlestar Galactica, The Guild & The Shatner Project among winners.
    • 11:47 — Crumbly bathes with Star Trek captain!
    • 14:20 — Wincanton takes evil twin, Ankh-Morpork, road names.
    • 15:35 — Torchwood: rumours of two new Radio 4 plays.
    • 16:25 – Primeval.
    • 24:42 – Doctor Who: Best and Worst Writers!
    • 42:41 – Escape Pod Discs: Fake Keith.
    • 47:10 – Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder.
    • 53:05 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 75:52 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 76:13 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Catherine Tate.
    • Wikipedia: K-9 (TV Series).
    • YouTube: K9 MIPTeaser.
    • Wikipedia: Men in Black (film).
    • Wikipedia: Men in Black (film).
    • Wikipedia: Spider-man (film series).
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek.
    • Wikipedia: The Forver War.
    • Wikipedia: Nightmare on Elm Street.
    • Wikipedia: Andy Hallett.
    • The Streamy Awards.
    • Bath’s Roman Baths.
    • Wikipedia: Wincanton.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama – Into the Wild Green Yonder.
    • Nea’s Blog.
    • Tim Anderson’s Lion’s Share Podcast interview with DK on his CSI book.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #42: When Cybermen Attack

    29 March 2009 (6:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Best and Worst Villains, Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen, Watchmen, recommend Babylon 5, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:58 — Welcome!
    • 01:17 – News:
    • 01:35 — Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: And Another Thing front cover released.
    • 03:13 — K-9: New look K-9 revealed for Australian live action series.
    • 05:12 — Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Adventures on the PC!
    • 05:50 — The Sci-Fi Channel catches SyFy.
    • 07:24 — Star Wars live action TV series is casting.
    • 07:47 — MacGyver is being macgyvered for the big screen.
    • 09:35 — Terminator Salvation: Linda Hamilton lends her larynx.
    • 11:03 — Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles ratings are finally improving.
    • 11:57 — Dave Prowse has cancer.
    • 12:47 — Primeval series 3 has started.
    • 13:05 — Doctor Who: spoilers (mild!)
    • 15:15 – 30 Second Recommendation: Babylon 5.
    • 16:27 – Doctor Who: Bestest and Worstest Villains, ever!
    • 35:15 – Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen.
    • 48:40 – Watchmen (the film).
    • 54:23 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 66:18 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 66:36 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Wikipedia: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
    • Wikipedia: K-9 (TV Series).
    • Outpost Gallifrey: K-9′s new look.
    • Teltale Games: Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Advenures.
    • Sci Fi Wire: Sci-Fi Channel to become Syfy.
    • Wikipedia: Star Wars Live Action TV Series.
    • Wikipedia: MacGyver.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Dave Prowse.
    • ITV: Primeval.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen.
    • Warner Brothers: Watchmen.
    • Tim Anderson’s Lion’s Share Podcast – interview with DK on his CSI book

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #41: A Ghost, a Werewolf, a Vampire and Tom Baker...

    15 March 2009 (12:36pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Proudest and Most Embarrassing Moments, their time at Doctor Who Convention: Time Quest ’09, the BBC’s Being Human, recommend Sapphire and Steel, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01:02 — Welcome!
    • 01:22 – News:
    • 01:34 — Doctor Who: The TARDIS will get a full (interior!) redesign.
    • 02:51 — Doctor Who: Hannah Murray to be new companion with Matt Smith?
    • 03:44 — Doctor Who: Big Finish remake Colin Baker’s ‘Lost’ season as audio plays.
    • 04:54 — Being Human gets a second season.
    • 05:26 — US Life on Mars is cancelled, to death!
    • 06:00 — New Knight Rider is cancelled, to the scrapyard!
    • 06:18 — Dollhouse and Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles DVR figures are good.
    • 07:04 — Star Trek: The Experience back from the dead.
    • 08:03 — NASA competition to name ISS Node 3 – Browncoats vote Serenity!
    • 09:05 — Star Trek: The smell of nerd. Special fragrances released.
    • 10:15 — Doctor Who: Dalek rises out of pond!
    • 11:50 – The Staggering Team go to Doctor Who convention: Time Quest ’09.
    • 19:05 – Being Human.
    • 27:12 – El Presidente.
    • 28:41 – Doctor Who: Proudest and Most Embarrassing Moments.
    • 46:30 – Tin Dog’s ’30′ Second Recommendation: Sapphire and Steel.
    • 47:56 – Staggering Stories Presents: Subliminal Messages.
    • 48:18 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 66:00 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 66:26 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Hannah Murray.
    • Big Finish Productions.
    • BBC: Being Human.
    • Wikipedia: Life on Mars: USA.
    • NBC’s Knight Rider.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Star Trek – The Experience.
    • Help NASA Name Node 3!
    • Wikipedia: Firefly.
    • Genki Star Trek Fragrances.
    • The Telegraph: Dr Who Dalek found in pond.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Time Quest 09.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Wikipedia: Sapphire and Steel.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #40: The Big Four-Oh

    1 March 2009 (1:14pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Best and Worst One-Off Characters, games we are playing and books we are reading, Firefly: an overview, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:44 — Welcome!
    • 01:03 – News:
    • 01:22 — Doctor Who: Lindsay Duncan announced as a Special companion!
    • 02:19 — Doctor Who: BBC planning a Stage Show?
    • 03:53 — Doctor Who: Zimbabwe hoarding lost Doctor Who episodes?
    • 05:11 — Sarah Jane Adventures: Ronnie Corbett to star in Comic Relief Special.
    • 05:50 — Dollhouse: Starts off to poor ratings in Friday Night Death Slot.
    • 06:43 — Dead Like Me: Back from the dead via direct to DVD special.
    • 08:22 — Watchmen: Several versions of the film – long, very long and ginormous!
    • 10:21 — Futurama: Possibility of a sixth season, back on Fox…
    • 10:58 — Star Trek: The new film is getting more ‘Rock and Roll’.
    • 12:57 — Pride and Predator: new Jane Austen vs. Predator film.
    • 14:16 — The Shat: William Shatner wants to be Prime Minister of Canada.
    • 16:54 – Doctor Who: Best and Worst One-Off Characters.
    • 40:01 – Games we’re playing and books we’re reading.
    • 45:06 – Firefly: an overview.
    • 62:50 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 69:07 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 69:35 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Lindsay Duncan.
    • Wikipedia: Zimbabwe.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • Fox: Dollhouse.
    • Dead Like Me.
    • Watchmen Film.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.
    • Star Trek.
    • BBC News: Sir Elton makes alien Austen film.
    • William Shatner.
    • Fallout 3.
    • Wikipedia: The Time Traveler’s Wife.
    • Wikipedia: Stardust (novel).
    • World of Warcraft.
    • H P Lovecraft.
    • Andy’s Game-On review.
    • Wikipedia: David Gemmell’s Legend.
    • Galactic Civilizations II.
    • EA’s Spore.
    • Wikipedia: Firefly.
    • Nea’s Blog.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Time Quest 09.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #39: The Verge of Annihilation

    15 February 2009 (1:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction, Doctor Who: Favourite Frightening Moments, ITV’s Demons, recommend Koyaanisqatsi, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:41 — Welcome!
    • 00:57 – News:
    • 01:06 — Doctor Who goes High Definition!
    • 04:04 — Doctor Who: Matt Smith wasn’t a Who fan.
    • 05:49 — Doctor Who: Martin Clunes was approached to be Doctor 11?
    • 07:05 — Torchwood: New trailer for series 3.
    • 09:45 — Sarah Jane Adventures: K9 is back for half of series 3.
    • 10:19 — Australian K9 Series: K9 will be practical and CGI.
    • 12:04 — Red Dwarf: Back on Friday 10th of April 2009 on Dave.
    • 12:40 — Heroes: Hayden Panettiere downplays rumours of her departure.
    • 13:37 — Caprica: Premiering on DVD.
    • 14:16 — Tomb Raider: New film, new studio, new start.
    • 14:58 — Merchandise: Doctor Who Attack of the Cybermen on DVD and exclusive Doctor Who figures.
    • 16:36 – Doctor Who:
    • 16:45 — The Edge of Destruction.
    • 32:20 — Favourite Frightening Moments.
    • 47:30 – 30 Second Recommendation: Koyaanisqatsi.
    • 48:30 – ITV’s Demons.
    • 56:11 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 67:53 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 68:16 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Matt Smith.
    • Wikipedia: Martin Clunes.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • BBC: The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • Wikipedia: K-9.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • Dave (the TV channel).
    • Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: Hayden Panettiere.
    • Wikipedia: Caprica.
    • Wikipedia: Tomb Raider.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: Attack of the Cybermen.
    • Forbidden Planet International: Doctor Who Classic Exclusives.
    • BBC: Doctor Who: The Edge of Destruction.
    • Wikipedia: Koyaanisqatsi.
    • ITV: Demons.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Time Quest 09.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #38: The Wilf is Worth Ten of the Adric

    1 February 2009 (1:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Favourite Tear Jerkers and/or Sad Moments, Doctor Who: Battlefield, recommend Being Human, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:45 — Welcome!
    • 01:03 – News:
    • 01:04 — Fake Keith gloats.
    • 01:59 — Doctor Who: Michelle Ryan and Lee Evans to star in Easter Doctor Who special.
    • 05:33 — Torchwood: John Barrowman has a go at a comic strip.
    • 07:20 — Staggering Stories team to attend two conventions: Time Quest 09 and Invasion 09, in London.
    • 08:27 — New toys! Cute Doctor Who ‘Time Squad’ figures and Star Trek Barbies!
    • 11:14 — NBC executive disses Heroes writers, says Bryan Fuller will save them.
    • 12:08 — Heroes: both Ali Larter and Hayden Panettiere looking to jump ship?
    • 14:15 — Watchmen: Fox and Warners settle out of court, film to be released on schedule.
    • 15:30 — Stargate Universe: more casting news.
    • 17:41 — Dr. Horrible: clues about sequel plot in the DVD Musical Commentary.
    • 18:49 — Death! John Scott Martin, Patrick McGoohan, Ricardo Montalban, Bob May and Tony Hart all die within about a week.
    • 20:59 – Doctor Who:
    • 21:23 — Favourite Tear Jerkers and/or Sad Moments (and Fake Keith isn’t allowed to choose Doomsday).
    • 37:55 — Battlefield.
    • 61:13 – 30 Second Recommendation: Being Human.
    • 62:29 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 66:50 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 67:16 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Time Quest 09.
    • Doctor Who Convention: Invasion 09.
    • Forbidden Planet.com: Time Squad Doctor Who Figures.
    • Heroes.
    • Watchmen Film.
    • Wikipedia: Stargate Universe.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Wikipedia: John Scott Martin.
    • Wikipedia: Patrick McGoohan.
    • Wikipedia: Ricardo Montalban.
    • Wikipedia: Bob May.
    • Wikipedia: Tony Hart.
    • BBC: Doctor Who, Battlefield.
    • BBC: Being Human.
    • The Terrible Zodin, Doctor Who fanzine.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #37: Those Pesky Borrowing Demons

    18 January 2009 (2:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Matt Smith’s casting as Doctor 11, ITV’s Demons, feel the Agony Nanny’s sharp tongue, recommend Star Cops, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:38 — Welcome!
    • 01:45 – News:
    • 02:07 — Torchwood: John Barrowman wants more.
    • 02:41 — Red Dwarf: Craig Charles drops plot hints.
    • 03:36 — Dr Horrible: Joss Whedon says there will be more but on the web?
    • 04:40 — Star Trek: Chris Pine doubts everyone will like the new film.
    • 05:48 — Tron 2: Bruce Boxleitner is back, more casting news and filming on real sets.
    • 08:00 — Heroes: Character death – a regular wants out.
    • 09:44 — The Prisoner: Ian McKellen spills some details on the remake.
    • 11:22 — Barack Obama fist bumps Spider-man.
    • 12:28 — Noel Clarke: nominated for an Orange rising Star BAFTA award.
    • 13:21 — Doctor Who: Big News!
    • 14:14 – Doctor Who: Matt Smith is the Doctor!
    • 31:33 – The Agony Nanny.
    • 32:55 – 30 Second Recommendation: Star Cops.
    • 34:09 – ITV’s Demons – the first two episodes.
    • 47:32 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 63:04 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 63:23 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Star Trek.
    • Wikipedia: Tron.
    • Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: The Prisoner.
    • Wikipedia: Barack Obama.
    • Noel Clarke.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Star Cops.
    • ITV: Demons.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.
    • The Terrible Zodin, Doctor Who fanzine.
    • Nea’s Blog.
    • Leslie’s Doctor Who: The Musical Season 2.
    • Leslie’s Doctor Who: The Musical Season 3.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #36: The Next Godzilla

    2 January 2009 (7:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn, ready for the New Year, talk about Doctor Who: The Next Doctor, our Predictions for 2009, our Hopes and Dreams for 2009, see how wrong we were about our Predictions for 2008, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:29 — Welcome!
    • 01:21 – News:
    • 01:31 — Russell T Davies talks Doctor Who Specials companions.
    • 03:24 — Russell T Davies hopeful that David Tennant’s injury won’t hold up filming.
    • 04:06 — David Tennant would like a Doctor Who musical episode.
    • 05:52 — Torchwood Series 3 to be toned down because of US audience?
    • 07:14 — British Christmas Day ratings are in: Wallace & Gromit at #1, Doctor Who at #2.
    • 08:04 — BBC commissions Survivors series 2.
    • 08:49 — New Judge Dredd film on the cards.
    • 10:45 — Ashes to Ashes sees return of Life on Mars character!
    • 11:51 — ITV’s new series Demons just beginning.
    • 13:46 — Majel Barrett, Eartha Kitt & Harold Pinter are dead.
    • 15:02 — James Cameron may direct new JMS Forbidden Planet.
    • 16:56 – Predictions for 2009.
    • 25:10 – Hopes and Dreams for 2009.
    • 30:03 – Doctor Who: The Next Doctor.
    • 54:58 – A Retrospective: Our Predictions for 2008.
    • 59:38 – A Retrospective: Our Hopes and Dreams for 2008.
    • 61:53 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 67:34 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 68:03 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • Russell T Davies.
    • David Tennant.
    • BBC: Torchwood.
    • Wallace and Gromit.
    • BBC: Survivors.
    • Judge Dredd.
    • BBC: Ashes to Ashes.
    • ITV: Demons.
    • Wikipedia: Majel Barrett.
    • Eartha Kitt.
    • Wikipedia: Harold Pinter.
    • Wikipedia: James Cameron.
    • Wikipedia: Forbidden Planet.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #35: The Christmas Kazoo Charade

    21 December 2008 (11:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn get festive and talk about Doctor Who: The Christmas Specials and Science Fiction Christmas References, play Swanee-Kazoo and Charades, have a visit from The Agony Nanny, find lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:37 — Welcome!
    • 01:40 – News:
    • 01:57 — Sarah Jane Adventures Gets a Third Season.
    • 02:44 — Nicholas Courtney wants back on Doctor Who as the Brigadier!
    • 04:11 — Majel Barrett is Voicing the Enterprise Computer in the new Star Trek Film.
    • 04:35 — George Takei is Voicing a Neimodian in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
    • 05:17 — Knight Rider is Cut Short!
    • 06:15 — Heroes writer Bryan Fuller Slams Villains Arc.
    • 07:02 — Oliver Postgate (Clangers, Bagpus, Noggin the Nog) is dead.
    • 08:33 — Star Wars Holiday Special hits 30!
    • 11:20 — Caprica gets a Full Season.
    • 13:39 — Eleventh Hour (US version) gets ‘Back 5′ for Full Season.
    • 14:19 — David Tennant has Done His Back In and Takes a Break From Hamlet.
    • 15:10 — William Shatner/JJ Abrahms Feud is a Joke?
    • 15:45 – Quick Recommendation: The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008).
    • 16:55 – Pulling the Christmas Crackers.
    • 21:25 – Swanee-Kazoo!
    • 24:09 – 30 Second Recommendation: The Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke.
    • 25:30 – Doctor Who: The Christmas Specials.
    • 38:51 – Charades.
    • 43:21 – The Agony Nanny.
    • 44.21 – Science Fiction Christmas References.
    • 50.00 – Christmas in the Stars…
    • 50:30 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 58:55 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 59:47 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • The Sarah Jane Adventures.
    • Nicholas Courtney.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Majel_Barrett.
    • Wikipedia: George Takei.
    • NBC’s Knight Rider.
    • Heroes.
    • Oliver Postgate.
    • Star Wars Holiday Special.
    • Wikipedia: Caprica.
    • CBS: Eleventh Hour.
    • David Tennant.
    • The Shatner Project.
    • The Day the Earth Stood Still.
    • Wikipedia: Christmas Crackers.
    • Wikipedia: I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue: Swanee-Kazoo.
    • Wikipedia: The Songs of Distant Earth.
    • Wikipedia: Charades.
    • Wikipedia: Give Us a Clue.
    • Wikipedia: Christmas in the Stars.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast.
    • The Goodies: Father Christmas Do Not Touch Me.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #34: Exorcising Magpie

    7 December 2008 (2:59pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Best and Worst Comedy Moments, Futurama: Bender’s Game, the BBC’s new Apparitions, The Agony Nanny, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:30 — Welcome!
    • 01:18 – News:
    • 01:26 — Doctor Who: Paterson Joseph interviews everywhere.
    • 03:35 — Jonathan Miller brings on the Tennant Hamlet hate!
    • 04:16 — David Tennant holds a real skull in Hamlet.
    • 05:32 — Rumoured Buffy the Vampire Slayer film!
    • 07:09 — Bonekickers is buried.
    • 07:49 — Emma Thompson wants a Big Bang over Harry Potter.
    • 08:43 — Batman is dead! (No, not Adam West.)
    • 10:03 — Pushing Daisies is pushing up the daisies.
    • 11:44 — Tim Kring insults the Heroes fans, again!
    • 14:41 — George (Takei) of the Jungle.
    • 15:57 – 30 Second Recommendation: Bones.
    • 17:22 – Doctor Who: Best and Worst Comedy Moments.
    • 35:16 – BBC’s Apparitions.
    • 41:39 – The Agony Nanny.
    • 43.36 – Futurama: Bender’s Game.
    • 54:00 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 63:27 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 63:58 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: Paterson Joseph.
    • David Tennant.
    • Wikipedia: Jonathan Miller.
    • Wikipedia: Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
    • Bonekickers.
    • Wikipedia: Emma Thompson.
    • Wikipedia: Batman.
    • Pushing Daisies.
    • Wikipedia: Tim Kring.
    • Wikipedia: George Takei.
    • Bones.
    • BBC: Apparitions.
    • Wikipedia: Futurama Bender’s Game.
    • Altered Vistas: Dalek CGI Films.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Tim Drury’s Podcast.
    • Martinus Scriblerus’ Mr Dalek at the Eurovision Song Contest.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #33: Granny Knows Best

    23 November 2008 (3:13pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Best and Worst David Tennant Moments, Doctor Who: Candidates for Doctor 11, Favourite Number Twos, The Agony Nanny, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:27 — Welcome!
    • 01:13 – News:
    • 01:45 — David Tennant is leaving Doctor Who.
    • 02:28 — Sanctuary is getting a second season.
    • 03:55 — Heroes producers get the chop.
    • 05:56 — Dollhouse gets the Death Slot!
    • 06:39 — Babylon 5′s JMS to reimagine Forbidden Planet film.
    • 08:20 — Knight Rider gets back to basics.
    • 09:34 — Michael Crichton is extinct.
    • 10:02 — 4th season of Primeval in the planning.
    • 10:28 — William Shatner calls out George Takei, oh my.
    • 12:14 — Sad news on Mr Dalek…
    • 14:04 – Doctor Who:
    • 14:04 — Doctor Who: Best and Worst David Tennant Moments.
    • 27:08 — Doctor Who: Candidates for Doctor 11.
    • 37:10 – Favourite Number Twos.
    • 52:18 – The Agony Nanny.
    • 54:00 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 63:27 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 63:58 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Sanctuary.
    • Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: Dollhouse.
    • Forbidden Planet.
    • NBC’s Knight Rider.
    • Michael Crichton.
    • Primeval.
    • The Shatner Project.
    • Mr Dalek at the Cre’at Club.
    • Leslie’s Four to Doomsday Review.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

  • Staggering Egypt Holiday

    7 November 2008 (10:09pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Just a quick note to say that the three Staggering Stories Podcast team members that were due to holiday in Egypt (those being Adam, Fake Keith and Real Keith – plus two others not ever heard in the podcast) have arrived safely.

    In fact we could go so far as to say we are having a great (but exhausting) time of it right now!

    Here’s a few quick photos taken with my new camera. These are the JPEG versions without any kind of editing. At some point I’ll bring the RAW files into a tool to improve them.A Right click and ‘View Image’ to see them without the browser/Wordpress forced image resizing that gives those nice jaggies…

    Adam (me) going native.

    Luxor Temple – it’s tall!

    Three of the great pyramids at Cairo

    The Spinx with pyramids in the background (all arty and sunsetty!)

    The Nile at dusk.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #32: Jumping to Doomsday

    2 November 2008 (12:50pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Favourite and Least Favourite Music, Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday, Heroes Season 3 (so far), Fight Club: Captain Jack Harkness vs Captain Jack Sparrow, 30 Second Recommendation: Kim Newman’s Diogenes Club books, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:34 — Welcome!
    • 01:13 – News:
    • 01:17 — Doctor Who Children in Need: Christmas trailer.
    • 02:24 — THE Colin Baker in panto.
    • 03:26 — Tom Baker guest presents ‘Have I Got News For You’ episode.
    • 04:04 — Doctor Who Rumour: Paterson Joseph is Doctor 11?
    • 05:50 — New MMO – Star Wars: The Old Republic.
    • 07:11 — Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles gets a full second season.
    • 08:08 — William Shatner takes a pop at George Takei.
    • 09:37 – Doctor Who: Favourite and Least Favourite Music.
    • 26:10 – Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday.
    • 41:20 – Fight Club: Captain Jack Harkness vs. Captain Jack Sparrow.
    • 44:50 – 30 Second Recommendation: Kim Newman’s The Man from the Diogenes Club and The Secret Files of the Diogenes Club.
    • 45:42 – El Presidente.
    • 46:39 – Heroes Season 3.
    • 56:33 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 68:46 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 69:01 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Colin Baker in Jack in the Beanstalk at the Theatre Royal in Bath.
    • Have I Got News For You.
    • Wikipedia: Paterson Joseph.
    • Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • The Shatner Project.
    • Doctor Who: Four to Doomsday.
    • Wikipedia: Captain Jack Harkness.
    • Wikipedia: Captain Jack Sparrow.
    • The Man from the Diogenes Club.
    • The Secret Files of the Diogenes Club.
    • Heroes.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Leslie’s The Dark Knight/Doctor Who/Torchwood Story URL: Making It Stranger.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #31: Tapping the Essex Girl

    19 October 2008 (2:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Favourite and Least Favourite Teasers and Cliffhangers, Sanctuary, Stargate Continuum, Fight Club: Dr Leonard McCoy vs. Dr Beverly Crusher, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00:00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00:28 — Welcome!
    • 01:55 – News:
    • 02:16 — Doctor Who Children in Need Special?
    • 04:10 — Prince Charles spurns Russell T Davies.
    • 05:05 — David Tennant & Catherine Tate nominated for TV award.
    • 05:42 — Patrick Stewart to guest star in Doctor Who?
    • 06:20 — Torchwood Season 3, more guest stars.
    • 07:24 — Ashes to Ashes Season 2, now in 1982.
    • 08:18 — V to be reimagined.
    • 09:35 — Fox TV… More Fringe but Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles about to be cancelled?
    • 10:25 — Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog FINALLY released in UK and Australia.
    • 10:56 — Tr2n (Tron 2) trailer doing the rounds but in production hell.
    • 12:35 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 23:39 – Doctor Who: Favourite and Least Favourite Teasers and Cliffhangers.
    • 38:41 – Fight Club: Doctor Leonard McCoy vs. Doctor Beverly Crusher.
    • 43:25 – 30 Second Recommendations: Knights of the Old Republic.
    • 44:21 – Sanctuary.
    • 52:33 – Stargate Continuum.
    • 68:46 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 69:01 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Torchwood.
    • Ashes to Ashes.
    • V.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Fringe.
    • Wikipedia: Tron.
    • Leslie’s Review of Batman: The Dark Knight.
    • Barney’s YouTube Link: The Dark Knight- Joker Interrogation Scene Spoof
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Wikipedia: Doctor Leonard McCoy.
    • Wikipedia: Doctor Beverly Crusher.
    • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
    • Sanctuary.
    • Stargate Continuum.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #30: Sweeping the Clanger

    5 October 2008 (11:07am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Favourite TARDIS Moments and Least Favourite Companion Moments, Torchwood: Lost Souls, Summer 2008 Blockbuster Films, Fight Club: Sweep vs. The Clangers, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.30 — Welcome!
    • 01.09 – News:
    • 01.12 — Doctor Who: Win a tour of the Studio.
    • 02.08 — New Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Novel.
    • 03:46 — Spielberg wants some Chocky!
    • 04:55 — I am Legend Prequel Film.
    • 06:30 — Hari Puttar and the lawsuit of Fail.
    • 07:12 — The Shatner Project: The new Star Trek film rant.
    • 08:16 — Pirates of the Caribbean 4…
    • 09:45 — BBC Saturday evening schedule nightmare with Merlin.
    • 11:31 — Doctor Who: Tennant missing Doctor Who.
    • 12.26 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 25.45 – Doctor Who: Favourite TARDIS moments and Least Favourite Companion Moments.
    • 41.29 – Fight Club: Sweep vs. The Clangers.
    • 45.44 – Torchwood: Lost Souls.
    • 58.08 – Summer Blockbusters.
    • 58:16 — WALL-E
    • 62:26 — The X Files: I Want to Believe.
    • 65:42 — Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
    • 70:16 — Batman: The Dark Knight.
    • 73:09 — Hellboy 2: The Golden Army.
    • 76:34 — Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
    • 79:25 — The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor
    • 78.49 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 80.31 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Wikipedia: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: And Another Thing….
    • Wikipedia: Chocky.
    • Wikpedia: I am Legend (film).
    • Hari Puttar.
    • The Shatner Project.
    • Pirates of the Caribbean.
    • David Tennant.
    • Nea Dodson’s Live Journal.
    • Wikipedia: Sweep.
    • Wikipedia: Clangers.
    • Torchwood.
    • WALL-E.
    • The X Files.
    • Indiana Jones.
    • Batman: The Dark Knight.
    • Hellboy II: The Golden Army.
    • Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
    • The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #29: The Two Halves of Dobbin

    21 September 2008 (2:58pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Favourite Doctor and Favourite Companion Moments, DVD Extras: Pyramids of Mars & Earthshock, Fight Club: Spock vs. William T. Riker, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.29 — Welcome!
    • 00.52 – News:
    • 00.59 — Doctor Who: Tennant to do feature film?
    • 02.18 — Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse: Production halts for reworking.
    • 02:54 — David Tennant’s Hamlet sold out!
    • 03:37 — Ghostbusters 3.
    • 04:33 — Spider-man 4, Raimi and McQuire are in.
    • 05:40 — Watchmen legal wranglings.
    • 06:32 — Dr Horrible’s Sing-along Blog Soundtrack available internationally!
    • 07:13 — Rentaghost and Worzel Gummidge.
    • 07:58 — Doctor Who: Russell T Davies wants Russell Tovey, as Doctor 11.
    • 08.35 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 15.09 – Fight Club: Spock vs. William T. Riker.
    • 19.53 – Doctor Who: Favourite Doctor and Favourite Companion Moments.
    • 37.22 – Doctor Who: DVD Extras: Pyramids of Mars and Earthshock.
    • 59.15 – El Presidente.
    • 60.17 – Farewell for this podcast and what’s coming up next time!
    • 60.58 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart.
    • Wikipedia: Dollhouse.
    • Wikipedia: Ghostbusters.
    • Spider-Man Films.
    • Watchmen Film.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Rentaghost.
    • Wikipedia: Worzel Gummidge.
    • Russell T Davies.
    • Wikipedia: Mr Spock.
    • Wikipedia: William T Riker.
    • Doctor Who: Pyramids of Mars.
    • Doctor Who: Earthshock.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Star Wars Galaxies with Yivvits and MrBubble

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #28: The Duchovny with a Billion Backs

    7 September 2008 (6:15pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Doctor Who: Moments of Despair and Bafflement, Worst of New Who and Old Who, Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs, lots of general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.29 — Welcome!
    • 00.52 – News:
    • 01.06 — Large Hadron Collider going live.
    • 02.00 — Torchwood Series 3: Children of Earth.
    • 03:54 — Doctor Who specials to be recorded in America, then new Doctor?
    • 06:45 — New Red Dwarf for small screen.
    • 08:32 — Spooks Code 9 crashing.
    • 09:42 — James Bond: Quantum of Solace pushed back.
    • 11:21 — Kevin McKidd the new Highlander?
    • 12:58 — Stargate Universe.
    • 14:41 — Duchovny goes into rehab.
    • 16.22 – Fight Club: Commander Jeffrey Sinclair vs. Professor Nick Cutter.
    • 18.12 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 28.24 – Doctor Who: Moments of Despair and Bafflement.
    • 38.08 – Doctor Who: Our Worst of Old Who and New Who.
    • 59.37 – Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs.
    • 73.56 – Farewell for this podcast and what’s coming up next time!
    • 74.44 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Wikipedia: Large Hadron Collider.
    • Torchwood.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Red Dwarf.
    • Spooks Code 9.
    • Quantum of Solace.
    • Wikipedia: Highlander (franchise).
    • Wikipedia: David Duchovny.
    • Wikipedia: Jeffrey Sinclair.
    • Wikipedia: Nick Cutter.
    • Wikipedia: Stargate Universe.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Google Video: Harrison Bergeron
    • Wikipedia: Futurama.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #27: Guilty Pleasures

    24 August 2008 (12:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Moments of Bliss and Guilty Pleasures, Doctor Who: The Best of Old Who and New Who, Heroes Season Two, some general news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.28 — Welcome!
    • 01.05 – News:
    • 01.12 — Hugo Awards 2008 – Doctor Who: Blink and Stardust.
    • 02:27 — No plans for Firefly/Serenity sequel.
    • 04:20 — Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince film delayed until July 2009.
    • 06:21 — George Lucas considers Indy V.
    • 07:30 — Doctor Who: Trial of a Time Lord delayed until September.
    • 09:11 — Possible delay to Cubicle 7′s Doctor Who Roleplaying Game.
    • 10:08 — Song: Happy Birthday Dear Crumbly!.
    • 10.39 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 12.35 – Fight Club: Bones vs. Bonekickers
    • 23.36 – Moments of Bliss and Guilty Pleasures.
    • 32.05 – El Presidente.
    • 33.14 – Doctor Who: Our Best of Old Who and New Who.
    • 48.33 – Heroes Season Two.
    • 55.00 – Farewell for this podcast and what’s coming up next time!
    • 55.28 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Hugo Awards 2008.
    • No Serenity Sequel.
    • Wikipedia: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (film).
    • Wikipedia: Indiana Jones Franchise.
    • BBC: Trial of a Time Lord DVD Boxset delayed.
    • Cubicle 7.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Wikipedia: Babylon 5.
    • Bones.
    • Bonekickers.
    • Heroes.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #26: Dr. Horrible's Whovian Prom

    9 August 2008 (10:19pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, the Doctor Who Prom, Bonekickers, lots of news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.30 — Welcome!
    • 00.59 — Song: “We Have Our Crumbly Back.”
    • 01.45 — Where has Crumbly been?
    • 02.53 – News:
    • 03.06 — David Tennant & Patrick Stewart’s Hamlet: only signing RSC merchandise.
    • 05:28 — Star Trek Online is reborn.
    • 07:06 — DC Universe MMO.
    • 08:38 — Babylon 5 no more?
    • 10:12 — Life on Mars USA: Harvey Keitel & the alternate mythology.
    • 12:48 — Freema Agyeman quits Hub for law office.
    • 13:39 — Joss Whedon’s Doll House gets second pilot.
    • 15:09 — Wii Fit bites dog.
    • 15:52 — Cadbury Wispa bars are back, not in pog form.
    • 16.55 – Emails and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 18.18 – Fight Club: Luke Skywalker vs. Adric…
    • 23.36 – Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • 39.37 – Doctor Who Prom at the Royal Albert Hall.
    • 55.21 – Bonekickers.
    • 66.16 – Farewell for this podcast!
    • 66.30 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • King Bladud’s Pigs.
    • LugRadio.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast
    • Royal Shakespeare Company’s Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Stewart.
    • Star Trek Online.
    • Wikipedia: DC Universe Online.
    • Wikipedia: Babylon 5.
    • Wikipedia: Life on Mars: USA.
    • Wikipedia: Freema Agyeman.
    • Wikipedia: Law and Order: London.
    • Torchwood.
    • Wikipedia: Dollhouse.
    • Wii Fit.
    • Cadbury Wispa.
    • Wikipedia: Luke Skywalker.
    • Wikipedia: Adric.
    • Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Felicia Day’s The Guild.
    • Doctor Who Prom 2008.
    • Bokekickers.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #25: Have I Got News

    26 July 2008 (7:11pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn and Ian McArdell talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 in overview, lots of news, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.27 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.48 — Where is Crumbly?
    • 01.17 – News:
    • 01.22 — Life on Mars USA – a second pilot.
    • 03:10 — The Prisoner: Reversioned!
    • 05:58 — Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – dumbed down?
    • 07:23 — Heroes – BBC buying upfront.
    • 08:33 — Battlestar Galactica: Caprica and a TV movie.
    • 09:59 — Torchwood Season 3 writers announced.
    • 10:38 — Goodbye LugRadio.
    • 11:06 — Doctor Who: Journey’s End top rated programme for whole week.
    • 11.51 – Doctor Who: Season 4 Overview.
    • 60.58 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 61.35 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Wikipedia: Life on Mars: USA.
    • Wikipedia: The Prisoner.
    • Wikipedia: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • Wikipedia: Heroes.
    • Wikipedia: Battlestar Galactica: Caprica.
    • Torchwood.
    • LugRadio.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: “Series Four”.
    • The Journal Of The Most Normal Things.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #24: Lost and Found

    13 July 2008 (9:14am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and the ‘Real’ Keith Dunn talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes The Stolen Earth and Journey’s End, Fight Club: Sarah Jane Smith vs. Lois Lane, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.31 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.47 — Where Is Keith?
    • 02.13 – News:
    • 02.22 — Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • 05:03 — Star Trek: The Experience to close.
    • 05:32 — Don S. Davis has left the mountain.
    • 06.11 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 07.53 – Fight Club: Sarah Jane Smith vs. Lois Lane.
    • 15.47 – Doctor Who:
    • 15.59 — The Stolen Earth.
    • 44:59 — Journey’s End.
    • 92.34 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 93.19 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
    • Star Trek: The Experience.
    • Don S. Davis.
    • Wikipedia: Sarah Jane Smith.
    • Wikipedia: Lois Lane.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth.
    • Doctor Who: Journey’s End.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #23: The Whole of Human History in the Sound of a Squee

    29 June 2008 (12:43pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes Midnight and Turn Left, Fight Club: Han Solo vs. Mal Reynolds, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.36 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.16 — Where Is Keith?
    • 03.29 – News:
    • 03.51 — Harold Bishop has left the building.
    • 05:48 — A spate of accidental accidents.
    • 08.38 – Fight Club: Han Solo vs. Malcolm Reynolds.
    • 18.37 – Doctor Who:
    • 19.09 — Midnight.
    • 38:48 — Turn Left.
    • 41:19 — Tin Dog Podcast Promo!
    • 67:15 — Conjecture on the final two of Season Four!
    • 73.42 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 76.40 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 76.51 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Wikipedia: Harold Bishop.
    • Wikipedia: Han Solo.
    • Wikipedia: Mal Reynolds.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: Midnight.
    • Doctor Who: Turn Left.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #22: Vast Toffee (MN)

    15 June 2008 (10:10am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes Silence In The Library and Forest of the Dead, Steven Moffat taking over Doctor Who, Fight Club: Gene Hunt vs. Jack Regan, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.52 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.20 – News:
    • 01.20 — Tony’s Conventional Insult.
    • 02.44 — Where Is Keith?
    • 03.56 — Fake Keith’s Fake News.
    • 04.34 – Fight Club: Gene Hunt vs. Jack Regan!
    • 13.23 – Doctor Who:
    • 13.23 — Silence In The Library and Forest of the Dead.
    • 51.56 — Steven Moffat taking over from Russell T Davies.
    • 59.21 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 60.03 – Viva El Presidente.
    • 62.16 – The Taste Test: Stewie’s Domination Serum
    • 65.29 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 65.45 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Fury at Forty.
    • Wikipedia: Gene Hunt.
    • Wikipedia: The Sweeney.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: Silence in the Library.
    • Doctor Who: Forest of the Dead.
    • Stewie’s Domination Serum.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #21: The Clone and the Wrongness

    26 May 2008 (11:08am GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes The Doctor’s Daughter and The Unicorn and the Wasp, Fight Club: Kirk vs. Picard, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.31 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.59 — Where Is Keith?
    • 01.44 – News:
    • 01.51 — Nebulous Season 3 on BBC Radio 4.
    • 03.34 — Trevor’s Premature Feedback.
    • 04.54 – Fight Club: Kirk vs. Picard!
    • 12.54 – Doctor Who:
    • 14.16 — The Doctor’s Daughter.
    • 45.19 — The Unicorn and the Wasp.
    • 59.55 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 72.51 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 73.04 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Nebulous.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: The Doctor’s Daughter.
    • Doctor Who: The Unicorn and the Wasp.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #20: Too Crumbly to Sniff At

    11 May 2008 (1:42pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the Doctor Who Season 4 episodes The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky, Futurama: Bender’s Big Score, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01.08 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.49 — Where Is Keith?
    • 02.53 – Doctor Who: The Sontaran Stratagem and The Poison Sky.
    • 43.14 – Viva El Presidente.
    • 44.28 – Futurama: Bender’s Big Score.
    • 59.17 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 68.24 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 68.57 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: The Sontaran Stratagem.
    • Doctor Who: The Poison Sky.
    • Futurama: Bender’s Big Score.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #19: More Evil Twinnery

    27 April 2008 (9:39pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the first three episodes of Doctor Who Season 4, namely Partners in Crime, The Fires of Pompeii and Planet of the Ood, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.48 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.43 – News.
    • 02.19 — Tony now also hosting the DWO Whocast!
    • 04.48 — Mario Kart Wii.
    • 07.45 — World of Warcraft: Fury of Sunwell.
    • 09.42 — The Schrodinger Effect launches.
    • 12.43 – Doctor Who
    • 13.35 — The New Theme Tune.
    • 15.15 — Partners in Crime.
    • 33.00 — Fires of Pompeii.
    • 44.39 — Planet of the Ood.
    • 55.21 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 76.30 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 64.31 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • DWO WhoCast.
    • Fantragic Podcast: The Good Twin?.
    • Mario Kart Wii!
    • World of Warcraft.
    • Email Chris Hoyle for more details on The Schrodinger Effect.
    • Doctor Who.
    • Doctor Who: Partners in Crime.
    • Doctor Who: Fires of Pompeii.
    • Doctor Who: Planet of the Ood.
    • Doctor Who: Tin Dog Podcast

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #18: Injury of the Fake

    13 April 2008 (8:10pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about the end of Ashes to Ashes season 1, the end of Torchwood season 2 and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.30 — Greetings, yes?
    • 00.56 — News.
    • 02.45 — New Competition: Give Tony a new sad-fan ambition.
    • 07.43 – Ashes to Ashes:
    • 09.19 — Ashes to Ashes: Episode 5.
    • 12.10 — Ashes to Ashes: Episode 6.
    • 14.35 — Ashes to Ashes: Episode 7.
    • 21.25 — Ashes to Ashes: Episode 8.
    • 35.14 – Viva El Presidente.
    • 36.26 – Torchwood:
    • 37.46 — Torchwood: A Day in the Death.
    • 42.42 — Torchwood: Something Borrowed.
    • 45.29 — Torchwood: From Out of the Rain.
    • 48.39 — Torchwood: Adrift.
    • 53.48 — Torchwood: Fragments.
    • 60.09 — Torchwood: Exit Wounds.
    • 71.02 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 76.30 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 76.44 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Youtube: Coming to Alderaan.
    • Youtube: Star Wars according to a 3 year old.
    • Ashes to Ashes.
    • Torchwood.
    • The Railway Arms: Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes Forum.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #17: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Hitchhiker's Guide

    30 March 2008 (8:49pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Tony Gallichan and, occasionally, Alistair Lock celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (with thanks to Peter Wicks for the ‘Book Music’), and talk about a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.36 — Guide Entry: Podcasts
    • 01.26 — Greetings, yes?
    • 03.26 — Where Is Keith?
    • 03.56 – Sponsorship Announcment!
    • 05.13 – The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
    • 55.32 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 56.10 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 60.40 — Guide Entry: Television Shows, Adult.
    • 67.53 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 68.00 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Youtube: Jamiethedalek.
    • BBC Site: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
    • Wikipedia: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
    • ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha – The Hitchhker’s Guide Fan Club.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #16: An Absinthe of Keiths

    9 March 2008 (1:21pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell and Tony Gallichan again talk about Ashes to Ashes, Torchwood, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.33 — Greetings, yes?
    • 01.06 — Where Are Keiths?
    • 02.09 – News.
    • 02.40 — Phorm.
    • 03.30 — Terrorism in MMOs!
    • 04.49 — Quantum of Solace – Poor Composer…
    • 06.14 — Tony’s Mini Jersey Rant.
    • 05.58 – Viva El Presidente.
    • 08.16 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 09.55 – Ashes to Ashes: ‘Nothing Changes’ and ‘The Missng Link’.
    • 27.20 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 28.33 – Torchwood: ‘Reset’ and ‘Dead Man Walking’.
    • 47.57 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 49.44 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 59.08 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 59.29 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Ashes to Ashes.
    • Torchwood.
    • The Railway Arms: Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes Forum.
    • Staggering Stories: Music for Other People.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #15: The Merkin Letters

    24 February 2008 (8:40pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Ashes to Ashes, Torchwood, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.33 — Greetings, yes?
    • 02.11 — Where is Keith?
    • 07.46 – Viva El Presidente.
    • 09.11 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 13.43 – Primeval: Monster of the Week!
    • 15.32 – Ashes to Ashes: ‘Deja Vu’ and ‘The Happy Day’.
    • 37.20 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 39.00 – Competition: Name that Theme Tune.
    • 41.26 – Web Site Talk: The 10 Doctors & Farmergeddon’s Movies.
    • 43.59 – Torchwood: ‘Meat’ and ‘Adam’.
    • 66.56 – George Dubya Bushisms.
    • 70.01 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 84.48 – Crumbly on Terrance Dicks.
    • 87.56 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 88.06 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Staggering Stories: Podcast Drinking Game.
    • Mr Dalek Web Cam.
    • The Doctor’s Head Web Cam.
    • Ashes to Ashes.
    • The Ten Doctors Web Comic.
    • Farmergeddon’s YouTube Doctor Who Movies.
    • Torchwood.
    • Harry Harrison Blog.
    • Terrance Dicks.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #14: Lovin' the Alien

    10 February 2008 (6:57pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Tony Gallichan and Alistair Lock talk about Torchwood, the Virgin Publishing Doctor Who: New Adventures book line, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.54 — Greetings, yes?
    • 04.21 – DVDs we’ve been watching.
    • 07.42 — Where is Keith?
    • 09.39 – Books we’ve been reading.
    • 12.35 – Torchwood.
    • 50.43 – What’s on our MP3 players.
    • 54.48 – Virgin Publishing’s Doctor Who New Adventures series.
    • 72.03 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 73.31 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 74.04 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBV – The makers of Zygon.
    • Torchwood.
    • Wikipedia: Virgin New Adventures.
    • Human Nature, e-book version, on BBC.co.uk.
    • Lungbarrow, e-book version, on BBC.co.uk.
    • The Dying Days, e-book version, on BBC.co.uk.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #13: Voyage to the Banana of the Darned

    27 January 2008 (8:33pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned, Sam and Max, the PC game Portal, our recent Christmas presents, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 00.56 — Greetings, yes?
    • 03.34 — Where is Keith?
    • 05.33 – Our Christmas Presents: Fake Keith
    • 08.45 – Sam and Max.
    • 21:50 – Portal.
    • 28.27 – Our Christmas Presents: Adam.
    • 34.40 – Doctor Who – Voyage of the Damned.
    • 63.01 – Our Christmas Presents: Andy.
    • 67.22 – Our Christmas Presents: Tony.
    • 72.33 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 82.12 — The real Keith sinks without a trace.
    • 84.39 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 85.20 — End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.
    • 86.02 — Portal spoilers.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • Doctor Who: Voyage of the Damned.
    • Sam and Max, the Telltale Games Seasons.
    • Sam and Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die! Free Episode.
    • Portal.
    • Portal: First Slice. Free to nVidia graphics card owners.

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #12: Rumble in the Fungal

    12 January 2008 (11:23pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith and Tony Gallichan talk about Doctor Who: The TV Movie (aka The Enemy Within), Star Wars Galaxies, 2007 in review, predictions for 2008, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune.
    • 01.00 — Greetings, yes?
    • 02.15 — Where is Keith?
    • 02.57 – Predictions of the Future!
    • 03.10 — Fake Keith divines Billie Piper’s future career.
    • 03.28 — Crumbly has political fantasies.
    • 04.06 — Adam’s Predicable List. Is it curtains for Tom Baker?
    • 04.50 — Tony predicts Russell T. Davies goes Fonzie.
    • 05.25 — A grizzly fate for Tate?
    • 05.52 — The teddy gets it.
    • 06.25 — Tony dresses up as Captain Jack Harkness and Sean Pertwee attacks!
    • 07.19 — Special guest for Hamlet.
    • 07.40 — Tragedy for the Spice Girls.
    • 08.05 — New Star Wars Trilogy?
    • 09.00 – Hopes and Dreams, for the future.
    • 09.09 — Another Adam list, including Doctor Who, Babylon 5, Serenity 2, SETI and Staggering Stories Website redesign?
    • 10.56 — The Real Keith wants some Doctor Who MMO action.
    • 12.16 – Doctor Who – The 1996 Paul McGann TV Movie (aka The Enemy Within)
    • 12.50 — The gap decade.
    • 13.35 — Synopsis and mutant Smurfs
    • 15.21 — Dimensions in Time – wisely blanked from the mind.
    • 15.53 — Sylvester McCoy and his prat falls.
    • 18.25 — Eric Roberts does Rocky Horror in the TARDIS.
    • 22.56 — The scripts we didn’t have – the rapping TARDIS console!
    • 24.14 — The kissing and fireworks, cork popping, train through tunnel and other metaphors
    • 27.43 — Listener Leslie saves our bacon – again!
    • 36.58 — The Flying Dutchman of San Fancisco Police motorcyclists.
    • 37.44 — Next Time: We will talk about Voyage of the Damned.
    • 38.30 – Massively Multiplayer Games Talk: Star Wars Galaxies
    • 41.01 — Skill based rather than level based (before the shameful NGE)
    • 42.43 — Player towns, with statues!
    • 43.50 — Player economy and buffing people in the cantina.
    • 46.13 — The Combat Upgrade – the beginning of the end.
    • 48.00 — The New Game Experience – the end of the end (for many, at least).
    • 49.00 — The old Mission Terminals.
    • 53.20 — Knights of the Old Republic- A New Hope?
    • 54.30 – The Year in Review
    • 54.37 — Yet another list from Adam: Blake’s 7 audios, Sam Tyler is DEAD, Tennant making his mark.
    • 56.33 — Casino Royale – a new start for Bond.
    • 57.26 — Sam and Max, created by Steve Purcell (no relation!)
    • 58.00 — Death’s Head 3.0 – why?!
    • 59.14 – Letters and listener feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 59.37 — The real Keith isn’t a prevert, not this time, at least.
    • 63.07 – Goodbyeeeeeeeee!!
    • 63.46 — * Auld Lang Syne, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • Doctor Who: The TV Movie
    • Star Wars Galaxies

  • Staggering Stories Podcast #11: Festively High

    23 December 2007 (9:48pm GMT)
    Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 seconds

    Direct Podcast Download

    Show summary: Andy Simpkins, Adam J Purcell, Fake Keith, Tony Gallichan and special guest Paul-From-WhoCast (Paul Wilson) talk about Doctor Who: The Empty Child, Doctor Who: The Doctor Dances, Christmas TV from the past, and a variety of other stuff, specifically:

    • 00.00 – Intro and theme tune – now with added jingly bells stuff!
    • 00.41 — Season’s greetings, yes?
    • 00.52 — Intruder Alert! It’s Paul -From-Whocast!
    • 01.33 – Crackers!
    • 03.00 — If there’s crackers then terribly bad jokes can’t be too far behind – Flee!
    • 04.50 — The Head Of Pertwee’s got his hat on, hip hip hip hip Haiiii!
    • 07.29 — Where is Keith???
    • 07.51 — And now, two podcasts in one as Crumbly and Fake Keith go off into their own little world…..
    • 08.45 – History Today – Christmas Telly from the past!
    • 09.39 — The Game of Doom! Well, for Paul-From-Whocast it is, anyway….Exactly /how/ much does he love the Slitheen?
    • 11.55 — That bloody Blue Peter Advent Crown!
    • 15.00 — Tony and ‘Neighbours’, sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.
    • 16.45 — Stop! Hovis Time!
    • 21.47 — No, no, no, no, no, no, Dibbley?
    • 23.12 — So, fave Chrissie fillums then…
    • 25.16 — Scary Mary!! Aiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
    • 27.54 — Ah, Ludwig.
    • 31.27 – Doctor Who – The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances (with added new series themey stuff!)
    • 34.46 — Fake Keith tells the world her views on ‘Dalek’. You may need an adult to hear this with you ‘cos it scared us and we know her!
    • 36.35 — Fake Keith gives in on The Game Of Doom! Wimp!
    • 41.08 — Adam takes a firm stance on The Best Doctor Who Story In The World Ever – apparently…
    • 42.30 — Where is Fake Keith???
    • 43.39 — The Comments Of Leslie!
    • 47.00 — The Doctor – what a murdering git!
    • 52.45 — Ooh, it has /three/ settings!
    • 54.49 — Yes, we have no weapons facilities, we have no weapons facilities todaaaayyyyy..
    • 55.39 — How to think in four dimensions….
    • 57.17 — Junior Captain Jack and the Giant Kitty of Doom!
    • 59.45 — Squeeeee! (oh dear Bod!)
    • 60.46 — Hail Caeser Adam Caligula!
    • 62.58 — Tornadic cheesy link into….Cue Cliffhanger!!!
    • 63.09 – Letters and viewer feedback.* Hit us yourself at show@StaggeringStories.net
    • 67.10 — look, we’re doing the TV Movie, then Voyage of the Damned THEN Torchwood, ok? Good…we cocked that bit up to be honest..
    • 68.55 – And incidently, a happy Doctor Who fan cliche to all of you at home..oh, and goodbyeeeeeeeee!!!
    • 69.32 — * End theme, disclaimer, copyright, etc.

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories
    • The Empty Child
    • The Doctor Dances
    • DWO WhoCast
    • YouTube – Scary Mary

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