Who Back When

- Description:
- There are hundreds of Doctor Who episodes and stories out there and we intend to watch them all! Not just that - We'll watch, review, discuss, debate, rate and praise and/or poke holes in every episode of Doctor Who, starting with the 1963 pilot. That's right; we're beginning with William Hartnell and then working our way forward through time, episode by episode and Doctor by Doctor. From comparing Dalek and Cybermen military strategems to ranking companions by hairstyle, we've got it covered. And while you subscribe to us on iTunes, we're populating WhoBackWhen.com with written reviews, episode statistics and an ever-growing visual index of aliens, creatures, historical figures and companions that the Doctor meets along the way.
Homepage: http://whobackwhen.com
RSS Feed: http://whobackwhen.com/feed/
- Episodes:
- 322
- Average Episode Duration:
- 0:1:18:41
- Longest Episode Duration:
- 0:2:16:09
- Total Duration of all Episodes:
- 17 days, 14 hours, 14 minutes and 5 seconds
- Earliest Episode:
- 1 November 2024 (7:13am GMT)
- Latest Episode:
- 1 September 2024 (7:00am GMT)
- Average Time Between Episodes:
- 12 days, 9 hours, 15 minutes and 47 seconds
Who Back When Episodes
B035 Fourth Anniversary Blooper Reel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 22 minutes and 14 secondsWho Back When just turned Four Standard-Earth-Years Young!
The post B035 Fourth Anniversary Blooper Reel appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
N058 The Waters of Mars
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 29 secondsGrown men wet themselves as the Doctor summons the Time Lord Victorious and introduces the concept of fixed points in time
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C058 Colony in Space
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 58 minutes and 50 secondsIt's Space Pocahontas, but with lubed-up wrists, tear-away paper calendars and mud wrestling!
The post C058 Colony in Space appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
B034 Introducing Marie
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 27 minutes and 26 secondsMarie recently joined Who Back When, and we herewith finally sit down to introduce her to you, Podcastland!
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N057 Planet of the Dead
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 16 minutes and 51 secondsKleptomaniacs, coprophages and a scientist fanboy battle a civilisation-devouring sharknado from outer space
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C057 The Claws of Axos
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 44 secondsGolden-haired, miracle-bearing cherubs descend from the heavens and no one suspects that they might have a hidden agenda.
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C028 The Smugglers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 50 minutes and 26 secondsThe tale of one solitary woman in drag, stuck at an ultra-violent, 17th-century sausage fest while pirates look for hidden booty.
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N018 The Girl in the Fireplace
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 19 minutes and 38 secondsClockword androids watch as the Doctor snogs a woman he met when she was a little girl. And then there's a horse.
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BONUS: Daleks' Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 25 minutes and 28 secondsDoctor Who now has a hot niece, Ian's been replaced by Bernard Cribbins and there's plenty more Cushing for the pushing!
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BONUS: Springtime for 347
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes and 33 secondsA Bonus Doctor Who Adventure to say thank you to our iTunes Reviewers #2
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C027 The War Machines
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 36 minutes and 6 secondsA maniacal, telepathic computer dispatches clunky Dalek-wannabees to enslave mankind. Why? Because shut up, that's why.
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N017 School Reunion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 18 minutes and 58 secondsA glorious reunion with three Smiths, two tin dogs, and genetically modified gargoyles who are allergic to their own oil.
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N016 Tooth and Claw
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 48 secondsScottish Kung-Fu monks, Queen Victoria, and a werewolf that isn't a werewolf. Ok, then.
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C026 The Savages
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 31 secondsAn allegory about equality acted out by evil guys in blackface and fairly sophisticated cavemen. Also, The Doctor has a vibrator. No lie.
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BONUS: Last Christmas - The 2014 Christmas Special
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 15 minutes and 0 secondsCapaldi's first Xmas Special, and it's Alien meets The Thing meets Inception meets Santa... Mind-bending and awesome!
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BONUS: 2014 Xmas Blooper Reel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes and 20 secondsSeason's greetings from Who Back When - 'Tis the 2014 Xmas Blooper Reel!
The post BONUS: 2014 Xmas Blooper Reel appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
N015 New Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 22 secondsDoc and Rose see a familiar face each, and then square off against cat-nun-nurses and a horde of gross zombies
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A016 The Beast of Orlok
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 47 secondsIt's Frankenstein meets The Wolfman meets H.C. Andersen meets Jewish folklore meets aliens, set in Germany. Ok...
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BONUS: The Bees, The Bees, Oh No, Not The Bees!
Episode Duration: 0 minutes and 0 secondsBonus-Thanks to our iTunes Reviewers #1
The post BONUS: The Bees, The Bees, Oh No, Not The Bees! appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
BONUS: The Bees, The Bees, Oh No, Not The Bees!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 4 minutes and 47 secondsBonus-Thanks to our iTunes Reviewers #1
The post BONUS: The Bees, The Bees, Oh No, Not The Bees! appeared first on Who Back When | A Doctor Who Podcast.
N014 The Christmas Invasion
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 17 minutes and 10 secondsTennant's first proper episode as The Doctor, in which he sleeps a lot, Rose is inconsistent and aliens rock!
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C025 The Gunfighters
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 20 secondsTwo Docs get mixed-up; Steven and Dodo are master pianists; and the whole thing is tied together with the most annoying song in the Wild West.
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BONUS: The 9th Doctor Retrospective
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 10 minutes and 50 secondsAfter reviewing Eccleston's run as the 9th Doctor, we sat down to discuss the highlights and low-points of Series 1 of the Doctor Who revival.
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N013 The Parting of the Ways
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 20 minutes and 39 secondsRose is her own Deus Ex Machina, Jackie cashes in a dodgy favour, and we bid farewell to the 9th Doctor.
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N012 Bad Wolf
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 0 minutes and 14 secondsThe Doc escapes from the Big Brother House, Rose knows basic arithmetics, and Captain Jack has an ass-gun.
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C024 The Celestial Toymaker
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 55 minutes and 2 secondsThe Doctor is turned invisible, inaudible and intangible, and Steve and Vicki clown around in this both childish completely racist serial.
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N011 Boom Town
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 12 secondsThe Doctor has dinner with the enemy, Mickey wants to cheat on his girlfriend, and no one seems to object to Cardiff Castle being demolished.
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C023 The Ark
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 44 minutes and 26 secondsDodo dooms mankind with a sneeze; cyclopses lock humans in a security kitchen; and incorporeal creatures sit down in chairs.
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BONUS: The Peter Capaldi Debut!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 32 secondsOur new Doctor has already started flexing his muscles. Have a listen to our musings on Peter Capaldi's debut as the Time Lord.
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N010 The Doctor Dances
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 21 minutes and 5 secondsDoc has no rhythm, Jack has great taste in cocktails, and aliens can't distinguish bio matter from plastic.
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N009 The Empty Child
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 56 minutes and 20 secondsA creepy child telekinetically controls toy monkeys and makes gas masks grow out of people's faces, and we meet Captain Jack for the first time!
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C022 The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 26 secondsIn addition to The Doctor, Hartnell plays a different character in this one, who also goes on holiday. And then we get a new, annoying companion.
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A015 Hothouse
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 42 secondsThe Doctor and Lucie battle a rockstar environ-mentalist intent on turning the Earth into a Brussels sprout.
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N008 Father's Day
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 3 minutes and 28 secondsRose rescues her dead dad; Jackie is immortal; and in the end we forget that our hero is a cheating, lying, lousy husband.
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N007 The Long Game
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 52 minutes and 31 secondsThe Doc robs a cash machine; Rose drinks a cup of beef; and Adam proves he's a prick by getting a hole drilled into his forehead.
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C021 The Daleks' Master Plan
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 47 minutes and 7 secondsThe Doctor robs the Daleks, gains two companions, loses three, and then we even get an appearance by the monk. Epic!
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N006 Dalek
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 1 minutes and 3 secondsThe Doctor tries to save a life, then end it at all costs, while Rose takes the moral high-ground, and also gets a new boyfriend.
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C020 The Myth Makers
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 23 minutes and 48 secondsThe troupe arrives in Troy, where there's no Helen, Vicki falls in love, and the Doc leaves but one Trojan left alive.
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BONUS: 1st Anniversary Blooper Reel
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 15 minutes and 45 secondsIt's WBW's first birthday! To celebrate the occasion, have a listen to these bloopers and behind-the-scenes bits. Enjoy!
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N005 World War Three
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 53 minutes and 1 secondPart 2 of the farting aliens saga, in which The Doctor jeopardises Rose's life and UNIT employs the dumbest password ever.
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C019 Mission to the Unknown
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 21 secondsThree astronauts who aren't The Doctor battle homicidal vegetables and Daleks while the latter plot to take over the galaxy.
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A014 Orbis
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 54 minutes and 43 secondsThe 8th Doctor self-identifies as a jellyfish in this 'Little Mermaid'/'Doctor Who' mash-up.
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N004 Aliens of London
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 48 minutes and 33 secondsThe Doctor takes Rose back to London and traumatises her mother, while flatulent aliens stage a coup.
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C018 Galaxy 4
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 38 minutes and 39 secondsDoc, Vicki and Steven encounter sexism, Hutts and pudgy budget-Daleks in this serial that does not necessarily take place in Galaxy 4.
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A013 Sisters of the Flame & Vengeance of Morbius
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 28 minutes and 28 secondsThe Doctor and Lucie battle bionic centipedes, face the Sisterhood of Karn, and must stop the regeneration of Morbius.
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N003 The Unquiet Dead
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 49 minutes and 26 secondsDoc and Rose accidentally materialise in Cardiff and go Ghostbusting with Charles Dickens.
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BONUS: Dr Who and The Daleks
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 11 minutes and 57 secondsThe Doc's now a mere human; Susan should be in primary school; Barbara is her sister; and Ian just wants to tap-dance. What the actual f**k?!
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A012 The Zygon Who Fell To Earth
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 51 minutes and 9 secondsDoc & Lucie meet Auntie Pat again, and this time she's married, successful and happy... Well, they'll have to fix that, won't they?
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C017 The Time Meddler
Episode Duration: 0 days, 1 hours, 27 minutes and 11 secondsThe Doctor, Vicki and Steve arrive in England in 1066 and are pitted against Saxon logic, brutal Vikings and a fellow time traveller.
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BONUS: We have a new Co-Host!
Episode Duration: 0 days, 0 hours, 13 minutes and 41 secondsMeet the latest addition to Who Back When, The Roarmeister, who henceforth will be doing Classic Who reviews with Ponken.
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