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  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds - Season 2-7 Law & Order Conclusions

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:24 (GMT) - 27 Sep 2010

    Finally the Dissecting Worlds pair get back on the beat and bring together the conclusions from series 2 on Law & Order and Crime & Punishment in this bumper episode.
    In so doing they look at the subject in Vampire fiction. They consider the seperation of the Judicary in genre fiction. Ask why does Jonah.J.Jameson hate spiderman? They also ponder the relationship between Babylon 5 security and the Chief Constable of South Wales. Sigmund Freud and TV's Sherlock help with enquiries, and Starfleet Security's job spec is considered.
    On the way they also consider the shady godlen dagger wielding almost respectable genre cousin of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror - Crime Fiction & telly - CSI ends up walking into a door taking the jury system with it and Morse may fall down some stairs.
    Harry Potter, Capes and Tights and Dredd also guest star, With some parochial Marvel movie news. Ed McBain & She Hulk are mentioned in dispatches.
    Kehhar gets confused bettween honor/guilt culture (refering to honour and face which are the same thing - the dolt!) & gets told off by his wife.
    It's just like an early epsiode of the Sweeney really but without the smoking.
    They might even mention The Wire in an epsiode with more conclusions than the Return of the King movie.
    Email:dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk or twit Grampus @theGrampus or Kehaar @Clarkythecruel for feedback.
    Further opinionated nonsense available at Matt's Tolkien Gestures column on the geek syndicate site and roleplaying/wargaming rubbish from Kehaar at http://clarkythecruel.wordpress.com/
    The excellent Harker mentioned is available from here: http://www.arielpress.com/about.html

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #172 - Kein Light-Leid

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:53 (GMT) - 27 Sep 2010

    Knapp und kurz. Es gibt Harald und Raphael, es gibt News, es gibt Post und es gibt das Review zu "The Lodger". Was will man mehr?

  • Geek Syndicate

    Dissecting Worlds - Season 2-7 Law & Order Conclusions

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:24 (GMT) - 27 Sep 2010

    Finally the Dissecting Worlds pair get back on the beat and bring together the conclusions from series 2 on Law & Order and Crime & Punishment in this bumper episode.
    In so doing they look at the subject in Vampire fiction. They consider the seperation of the Judicary in genre fiction. Ask why does Jonah.J.Jameson hate spiderman? They also ponder the relationship between Babylon 5 security and the Chief Constable of South Wales. Sigmund Freud and TV's Sherlock help with enquiries, and Starfleet Security's job spec is considered.
    On the way they also consider the shady godlen dagger wielding almost respectable genre cousin of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror - Crime Fiction & telly - CSI ends up walking into a  door taking the jury system with it and Morse may fall down some stairs.
    Harry Potter, Capes and Tights and Dredd also guest star, With some parochial Marvel movie news. Ed McBain & She Hulk are mentioned in dispatches.
    Kehhar gets confused bettween honor/guilt culture (refering to honour and face which are the same thing - the dolt!) &  gets told off by his wife.
    It's just like an early epsiode of the Sweeney really but without the smoking.
    They might even mention The Wire in an epsiode with more conclusions than the Return of the King movie.
    Email:dissectingworlds@yahoo.co.uk or twit Grampus @theGrampus or Kehaar @Clarkythecruel for feedback.
    Further opinionated nonsense available at Matt's Tolkien Gestures column on the geek syndicate site and roleplaying/wargaming rubbish from Kehaar at http://clarkythecruel.wordpress.com/ 
    The excellent Harker mentioned is available from here: http://www.arielpress.com/about.html

  • Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Whocast #172 - Kein Light-Leid

    Whocast.de (Deutsche)

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:53 (GMT) - 27 Sep 2010

    Knapp und kurz. Es gibt Harald und Raphael, es gibt News, es gibt Post und es gibt das Review zu "The Lodger". Was will man mehr?

  • Tin Dog Podcast

    Fish Fingers and Custard issue 2

    Tin Dog Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    08:00 (GMT) - 27 Sep 2010

    another fab Fanzine for you

  • Podshock

    222 - Doctor Who: Podshock


    Direct Podcast Download

    22:56 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 222Doctor Who: Podshock - Episode 222
    Running time: 1:50:32

    Interview with Yee Jee Tso (Chang Lee in the 1996 movie), Tara Wheeler talks about tracking down David Tennant, Billy Davis files a report from Dragon*Con with Frazer Hines, Doctor Who: The Forgotten Army and Doctor Who: Podshock in New York City, join us for the next 25th anniversary event for the Gallifreyan Embassy, and more. Dedicated to the memory of David Jennings ("Adric Antfarm").

    Hosted by Louis Trapani, Ken Deep, with Tara Wheeler.

    Presented to you by the Gallifreyan Embassy and is a production of Art Trap Productions.

    This podcast is made possible in part by and is brought to you by Podshock Supporting Subscribers and from donations from listeners like you.

    This episode is also brought to you by Audible. Visit http://www.audiblepodcast.com/arttrap for your FREE audio-book download with free trial.

    Do you want the Enhanced Podcast AAC file format? Get our Enhanced Podcast version of this episode using our feed at http://www.gallifreyanembassy.org/podshock/podshock.xml.

  • The2ndDoctors Podcast

    EPISODE27 - Doctor Who: The2ndDoctors Podcast

    The2ndDoctors Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:06 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Colluden is the clue, now what is the Answer to what i'm reviewing?

  • The Flashing Blade Podcast

    The Flashing Blade Podcast 1-67

    The Flashing Blade Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:20 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Moons of madness! By the left frontal lobe of the Sky Demon! Yes, this time around, Jo! and Tony look at The Pirate Planet and try to 'APPRECIATE IT?'!!! Or do they ask 'What's it for, eh?'.


    Only way your gonna find out is to listen, innit?

    Theres some feedback - send yours to show@flashingblade.org.uk

    and at the end, there's a taste of nostalgia, be it for times past or for youth and lost loves....

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #217 - You Won't See Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:10 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    After taking the better part of September off to either move to, visit, or stay away from other continents, the Three Who Rule reconvened for their first regularly recorded episode of Radio Free Skaro since the hazy days of summer. And, lo! What a news list to come back to! Some old, most older, but all entirely relevant, otherwise it would have never been mentioned in the first place. And to top it off, there's a commentary on perhaps the best New Series episode made to date, "The Time of Angels". If you're going to listen to one episode of Radio Free Skaro, make it this one! (And all the others, too.)

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #217 - You Won't See Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:10 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    After taking the better part of September off to either move to, visit, or stay away from other continents, the Three Who Rule reconvened for their first regularly recorded episode of Radio Free Skaro since the hazy days of summer. And, lo! What a news list to come back to! Some old, most older, but all entirely relevant, otherwise it would have never been mentioned in the first place. And to top it off, there's a commentary on perhaps the best New Series episode made to date, "The Time of Angels". If you're going to listen to one episode of Radio Free Skaro, make it this one! (And all the others, too.)

  • Staggering Stories Podcast

    Staggering Stories Commentary #17: Doctor Who - The End of the World

    Staggering Stories Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:47 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Adam J Purcell, Andy Simpkins and Keith Dunn sit down, balhooned, in front of the second episode of the 2005 Doctor Who revival, The End of the World, and spout our usual nonsense!

    The Doctor’s stopped by a massive fan, Rose is feeling the heat and Jabe’s smoldering. But enough of their problems, please sit down with us to enjoy Doctor Who: The End of the Worlda|

    Vital Links:

    • Staggering Stories.
    • BBC: Doctor Who.
    • BBC: Doctor Who a The End of the World.
    • Doctor Who Podcast Alliance.
    • Facebook: Staggering Stories Group.
    • Twitter: Adam J Purcell.

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE65 - 20 Greatest SciFi Monsters!

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:11 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Greatest Monsters of SciFi starting with the SFX Poll Favourite Monsters, Supernatural Beings & Fantasy Creatures http://www.sfx.co.uk/2010/08/18/sfx-200-poll-results/3/

  • Radio Free Skaro

    Radio Free Skaro #217 - You Won't See Me

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    09:10 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    After taking the better part of September off to either move to, visit, or stay away from other continents, the Three Who Rule reconvened for their first regularly recorded episode of Radio Free Skaro since the hazy days of summer. And, lo! What a news list to come back to! Some old, most older, but all entirely relevant, otherwise it would have never been mentioned in the first place. And to top it off, there's a commentary on perhaps the best New Series episode made to date, "The Time of Angels". If you're going to listen to one episode of Radio Free Skaro, make it this one! (And all the others, too.)

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE65 - 20 Greatest SciFi Monsters!

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:11 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Greatest Monsters of SciFi starting with the SFX Poll Favourite Monsters, Supernatural Beings & Fantasy Creatures http://www.sfx.co.uk/2010/08/18/sfx-200-poll-results/3/

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE65 - 20 Greatest SciFi Monsters!

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:11 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Greatest Monsters of SciFi starting with the SFX Poll Favourite Monsters, Supernatural Beings & Fantasy Creatures http://www.sfx.co.uk/2010/08/18/sfx-200-poll-results/3/

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE65 - 20 Greatest SciFi Monsters!

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:11 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Greatest Monsters of SciFi starting with the SFX Poll Favourite Monsters, Supernatural Beings & Fantasy Creatures http://www.sfx.co.uk/2010/08/18/sfx-200-poll-results/3/

  • The Omega Podcast

    The Omega Podcast Episode 1-29: School Reunion

    The Omega Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:04 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

  • 'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    'Who' - Is The Man Cast episode 6.

    'Who' - Is The Man Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:02 (GMT) - 26 Sep 2010

    Hello my many (by now) listeners! Here is the latest episode of 'Who' - Is The Man Cast where I review (badly and not too in depth-ly) the eighth episdoe of season 5 of Doctor Who: Amy's Choice, a little bit more Discworld and feedback, of which I have a lot (and excuse my terrible reading skills).

    If you wish to send feedback please do to whoitm@hotmail.com or at the Facebook group.

    Now I'll plug something else than a podcast, but for my Australian listeners please join this group: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361821622#!?group.php?gid=117267174982218

    I hope you enjoy this epispode, and if you want to enjoy it on ituens you'll have to write: 'Who' - Is The Man Cast.

  • The TARDIS Tavern

    Episode 29: Flames On the Side of My Face a/k/a Planet of Fire

    The TARDIS Tavern

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:33 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    We are honored and pleased to have Katrina from the popular Bridging the Rift podcast joining us as we talk about "Planet of Fire," hot on the heels of its DVD release.

    This was an interesting one, particularly since what you can't hear is over an hour of footage on the cutting room floor in which we discuss such inanity as Star Trek, Star Wars, and The Human Centipede.  (Oh wait, maybe that last one was just in my head.)

    On a side note, special thanks to Katrina for not only being on our show, but saving the day after Sean's Audacity application froze up midway through the session without his knowledge.

    As for next week, we have a very special treat for you.  We will be making Doctor Who podcasting history by reviewing something that most fans have never had the pleasure of getting their hands on.  Want to take a guess what it is?  Discuss below...

    We have grown particularly fond of audio feedback, but regular emails are swell too.  Send them to tardistavern@gmail.com.  If you're into reading people's drunken ramblings, join Sean on Twitter via @tardistavern and also please sign up and say hello on our Facebook page.

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #28.3 The Pirate Planet 16.7|99

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:36 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    91 days until the 2010 Christmas Special.

    ONCE more with feeling, we take on The Key to Time:

    • It's here & it's about time! -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 28.3 <- Today Eric & co-host Josh along w/special guest-host Sean (@tardistavern) embark on a new quest to seek out The Key to Time. Get ready for more Tom Baker, Doctor Who season 16 action. Perhaps one of the most defined series arcs in Doctor Who to date, The Doctor and his incomparable companion Romana I find themeselves on a daring quest to save all of life, the universe, and everything. Prepare yourself for The Pirate Planet, story 99 part 3.
    • This commentary episode features yet another, albeit brief exclusive cameo appearnace by Tom 'The Asian Child.'


    • This commentary contains miscellaneous NuWho & Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Season 16 from September 2 - September 23, 1978. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, DO NOT complain to us. And as always there are strokes of innuendo throughout. Because Sean of The TARDIS Tavern Podcast joined us for this special recording you better believe the EXPLICIT tag is in full effect. If you're familiar with our commentaries you should've expected as much. If you're not, go back and listen!


    • Yes Eric knew misbegotten was a real word.
    • You can mostly thank Mr. EXPLICIT Sean for that flurry of cuss words at the end.


    Host/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: Bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook: facebook.com/Bullitt33
    Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Coverart/Sketch Artist: Julian Chapman
    Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @ Braxietel
    deviantART: type40productions.deviantart.com

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
    Tumblr: doctorwhomhc.tumblr.com
    Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC Theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)

  • Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    MHC #28.3 The Pirate Planet 16.7|99

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:36 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    91 days until the 2010 Christmas Special.

    ONCE more with feeling, we take on The Key to Time:

    • It's here & it's about time! -> HHG2W: Mostly Harmless Cutaway 28.3 <- Today Eric & co-host Josh along w/special guest-host Sean (@tardistavern) embark on a new quest to seek out The Key to Time. Get ready for more Tom Baker,  Doctor Who season 16 action. Perhaps one of the most defined series arcs in Doctor Who to date, The Doctor and his incomparable companion Romana I find themeselves on a daring quest to save all of life, the universe, and everything. Prepare yourself for The Pirate Planet, story 99 part 3.
    • This commentary episode features yet another, albeit brief exclusive cameo appearnace by Tom 'The Asian Child.'


    • This commentary contains miscellaneous NüWho & Classic SPOILERS pertaining to Season 16 from September 2 - September 23, 1978. If you are 100% spoilerphobic to New & Classic epsiodes not yet seen, DO NOT complain to us. And as always there are strokes of innuendo throughout. Because Sean of The TARDIS Tavern Podcast joined us for this special recording you better believe the EXPLICIT tag is in full effect. If you're familiar with our commentaries you should've expected as much. If you're not, go back and listen!


    • Yes Eric knew misbegotten was a real word. 
    • You can mostly thank Mr. EXPLICIT Sean for that flurry of cuss words at the end.



    Host/Producer: Eric Escamilla
    Email: EscoWHO ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Skype username: Bullitt33
    Twitter: @Bullitt33
    Facebook:  facebook.com/Bullitt33
    Blog: bullitt33tvblog.wordpress.com

    Co-host: Josh Zimon
    Email: whomeJZ ~at~ yahoo ~dot~com
    Twitter: @whomeJZ

    Coverart/Sketch Artist: Julian Chapman
    Email: samwisewise ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Twitter: @ Braxietel
    deviantART: type40productions.deviantart.com

    Mostly Harmless Cutaway
    Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
    Website: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
    Twitter: @DoctorWhoMHC
    Tumblr: doctorwhomhc.tumblr.com 
    Facebook: Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless Cutaway  

    MHC Theme created by Eric Escamilla.
    Anonymous cold open by Emily K. (@emilyooo)

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 36(Sophie Aldred at Whoverville 2)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:21 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    This week our Whoverville 2 coverage continues with Sophie Aldred's appearance at the convention, the audio quality is far from ideal but hopefully you can hear everything.

    I shot video of the first few minutes of this panel and you can see that here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWlAjqFeXQM

    You can see all of my photos of Whooverville 2 herehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624762545341/with/4962098534/


    If you would like to help support the show there is now a t shirt shop here http://www.zazzle.co.uk/tdrury a few designs are available one by me and the others by Craig Hansen.


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering. 



  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 36(Sophie Aldred at Whoverville 2)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:21 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    This week our Whoverville 2 coverage continues with Sophie Aldred's appearance at the convention, the audio quality is far from ideal but hopefully you can hear everything.

    I shot video of the first few minutes of this panel and you can see that here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWlAjqFeXQM

    You can see all of my photos of Whooverville 2 herehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624762545341/with/4962098534/

    If you would like to help support the show there is now a t shirt shop here http://www.zazzle.co.uk/tdrury a few designs are available one by me and the others by Craig Hansen.

    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 36(Sophie Aldred at Whoverville 2)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:21 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    This week our Whoverville 2 coverage continues with Sophie Aldred's appearance at the convention, the audio quality is far from ideal but hopefully you can hear everything.

    I shot video of the first few minutes of this panel and you can see that here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWlAjqFeXQM

    You can see all of my photos of Whooverville 2 herehttp://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/sets/72157624762545341/with/4962098534/


    If you would like to help support the show there is now a t shirt shop here http://www.zazzle.co.uk/tdrury a few designs are available one by me and the others by Craig Hansen.


    If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering. 



  • Earth Station One

    Earth Station One Episode 26 - I Saw What they Made Last Summer

    Earth Station One

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:24 (GMT) - 25 Sep 2010

    This week on ESO, Mike, Dan, Mike are joined once again by Kat to talk about our all our favorite summer movies, and what quiet didn't hit the mark. We also take a peek at the Doctor Who story "The Invasion" featuring the 2nd Doctor and his companions Jamie and Zoe. Also this week we … Continue reading

  • US WhoCast

    US WhoCast Ep 013: Stowaway Mytharc "The Long Unearthly Dissecting Game"

    US WhoCast

    Direct Podcast Download

    18:00 (GMT) - 24 Sep 2010

    This Stowaway Mytharc recaps "The Long Game", S1E07 of Doctor Who. Guest stars include Donald and Heath Solo from the Podtourage Podcast, Gareth from the Dissecting Dexter Podcast, and James from the Unearthly Child Doctor Who Podcast. To submit feedback - call 314 - 884 -1249 or send e-mail to uswhocast@gmail.com

  • Daveac Video Blog

    daveac vblog 114

    Daveac Video Blog

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:20 (GMT) - 24 Sep 2010

    Thunder & Fire move me to ride an elephant to South Africa

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #43: Part 2 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:00 (GMT) - 24 Sep 2010

    "When I say run, run!" Last time, on the DWP.... Trevor and Tom began their look at the second Doctor, and got as far as the end of his first season. In this episode we move onto his second, and arguably most popular season to see what lies within. We also hear fromJames, and Luke [...]

  • Two-minute Time Lord

    2MTL 162: The Convention of a Thousand Fezzes?

    Two-minute Time Lord

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:40 (GMT) - 24 Sep 2010

    In which I explore my misgivings about the Fezzing of Los Angeles, with a carefully applied corrective.

  • Gallicast (Francais)

    Episode #10 : City of Death

    Gallicast (Francais)

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:43 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    Cette fois-ci, Joel et Jonathan parlent un peu de la serie classic avec l'episode "City of Death", histoire faisant partie de la saison 17, avec Tom Baker dans le role titre. En prime, Joel parle du "City of Death Tour".

  • Geek Syndicate

    The Next Level - Eurogamer 2010 Special: Interview with Tom Champion

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    14:04 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    As we fast approach the 2nd Eurogamer expo Barry and Ant pull the Eurogamer Community Manager Tom Champion away from his preparations for a chat about the show.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 167

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:16 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    In this weeks spine tingling ep we do away with the news for an extended week that was including Clint, Comic Heroes,Interzone, XIII Day of the Black Sun, Green Manor 2 and in our main we take a look at the recent Hugo Awards.

    Owners of the Geek Syndicate iphone app can pick up an extra which is Dave's interview with comic book writer and novelist Greg Rucka.


  • Geek Syndicate

    The Next Level - Eurogamer 2010 Special: Interview with Tom Champion

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    13:04 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    As we fast approach the 2nd Eurogamer expo Barry and Ant pull the Eurogamer Community Manager Tom Champion away from his preparations for a chat about the show.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 167

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:16 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    In this weeks spine tingling ep we do away with the news for an extended week that was including Clint, Comic Heroes,Interzone, XIII Day of the Black Sun, Green Manor 2 and in our main we take a look at the recent Hugo Awards.

    Owners of the Geek Syndicate iphone app can pick up an extra which is Dave's interview with comic book writer and novelist Greg Rucka.


  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #43: Part 2 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:00 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    "When I say run, run!" Last time, on the DWP.... Trevor and Tom began their look at the second Doctor, and got as far as the end of his first season. In this episode we move onto his second, and arguably most popular season to see what lies within. We also hear fromJames, and Luke [...]

  • The Doctor Who Podcast

    The Doctor Who Podcast Episode #43: Part 2 of the DWP Retrospective of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton

    The Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    11:00 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    “When I say run, run!” Last time, on the DWP…. Trevor and Tom began their look at the second Doctor, and got as far as the end of his first season. In this episode we move onto his second, and arguably most popular season to see what lies within. We also hear from James, and [...]

  • Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Dirty WHOers 020

    Dirty WHOers's Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    Another kinda Dirty WHOers special, finally. Thanks to The Prof (and Terry) for stepping in to help on the edit here. This time round we look at the much lamented TV Movie. Opinions are like ass holes, everybody's got one...

  • Geek Syndicate

    Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 23

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:39 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    Welcome to Small Press Big Mouth Episode 23 where Stace and Lee have tons of small press related gorgeousness for you including: an interview with Leeds Alternative Comics Fair organisers Steve Tillotson and Hugh Raine, more small press related news then you could shake a photocopier at and reviews of Sherlock Homes vs Skeletor by Gareth Brookes, Viva La Monkeysuit, The Man Who Loved Breasts and Iron Wok Jan! Go ahead you know you want it!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Small Press Big Mouth - Episode 23

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:39 (GMT) - 23 Sep 2010

    Welcome to Small Press Big Mouth Episode 23 where Stace and Lee have tons of small press related gorgeousness for you including: an interview with Leeds Alternative Comics Fair organisers Steve Tillotson and Hugh Raine, more small press related news then you could shake a photocopier at and reviews of Sherlock Homes vs Skeletor by Gareth Brookes, Viva La MonkeysuitThe Man Who Loved Breasts and Iron Wok Jan! Go ahead you know you want it!

  • The Cloister Room

    The Cloister Room 007: The Spectrox Must Flow

    The Cloister Room

    Direct Podcast Download

    23:40 (GMT) - 22 Sep 2010

    WHAAAT? It's the seventh episode of The Cloister Room, a podcast about Doctor Who and other things. 

    This week, the "Doctor Who" is Peter Davison's swan song, "The Caves of Androzani." The "Other Things" are Buffy and Angel!

    Next week, we'll be talking about "Attack of the Cybermen," featuring Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor. The week after that we'll be talking about a Seventh Doctor story... of your choosing! Comment here on this post, or leave an @ reply for @TheCloisterRoom on Twitter telling us which Seventh Doctor story we should discuss. Stories not on DVD are fine! 

    Oh, and be sure to let us know what you think of the podcast, through either of those ways or by e-mail at thecloisterroom@gmail.com.



    00:00-01:08 - Introduction

    01:09-13:01 - Discussion of "The Caves of Androzani"

    13:02-16:37 - What's up next week?

    16:38-22:23 - Discussion of Buffy and Angel (only the vaguest and most minor of spoilers)

    22:24-end - Outroduction

  • The Bad Wilf Podcast

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    Imran: @Nerdthropology

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    Stream - http://blip.tv/file/4148243
    Download - http://blip.tv/file/get/Whonoobs-TheWhoNoobsEpisode11TheRescue610.mp3

  • The Who Noobs

    Episode 11: The Rescue

    The Who Noobs

    Direct Podcast Download

    15:13 (GMT) - 21 Sep 2010

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    Stream - http://blip.tv/file/4148243
    Download - http://blip.tv/file/get/Whonoobs-TheWhoNoobsEpisode11TheRescue610.mp3

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