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  • Lazy Doctor Who

    The Faceless Ones 1

    Lazy Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:20 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2018

    KK (1)

    Steven and Erika watch the closest thing Erika has found to truly new-to-her Who yet. With virtually no knowledge of what’s to come, this story takes on an extra layer of excitement!

    Host Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE336 - Review of the 2017 Dr. Who Christmas Special

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:22 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2018

    Maybe a little news to start but today is mainly for our live review of the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special 'Twice Upon a Time'

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE336 - Review of the 2017 Dr. Who Christmas Special

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:22 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2018

    Maybe a little news to start but today is mainly for our live review of the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special 'Twice Upon a Time'

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE336 - Review of the 2017 Dr. Who Christmas Special

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:22 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2018

    Maybe a little news to start but today is mainly for our live review of the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special 'Twice Upon a Time'

  • The Cultdom Collective

    EPISODE336 - Review of the 2017 Dr. Who Christmas Special

    The Cultdom Collective

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:22 (GMT) - 7 Jan 2018

    Maybe a little news to start but today is mainly for our live review of the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special 'Twice Upon a Time'

  • On the Time Lash

    The On the Time Lash Annual 2018

    On the Time Lash

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:02 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2018

    In a special seasonal episode, Ben and Mark are joined by their old friend Jonathan Melville to discuss Twice Upon a Time, A Christmas Carol, the end of the Moffat/Capaldi era and the start of the Chibnall/Whittaker one. Along the way they'll unwrap gifts, reflect on Christmases past, present and still to come, discuss the pros and cons of Steven Moffat, Doctor Who in the age of Netflix and long form drama, and ask whether it's entirely helpful in the current climate to so egregiously misrepresent a whole era. Apologies for the interference in the second half, clearly we're a bit out of practice.

  • On the Time Lash

    The On the Time Lash Annual 2018

    On the Time Lash

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:02 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2018

    In a special seasonal episode, Ben and Mark are joined by their old friend Jonathan Melville to discuss Twice Upon a Time, A Christmas Carol, the end of the Moffat/Capaldi era and the start of the Chibnall/Whittaker one. Along the way they'll unwrap gifts, reflect on Christmases past, present and still to come, discuss the pros and cons of Steven Moffat, Doctor Who in the age of Netflix and long form drama, and ask whether it's entirely helpful in the current climate to so egregiously misrepresent a whole era. Apologies for the interference in the second half, clearly we're a bit out of practice.

  • Doctor Who Time and Space

    Doctor Who Time and Space (245)

    Doctor Who Time and Space

    Direct Podcast Download

    16:51 (GMT) - 6 Jan 2018

    itunes pic
    Happy new year! It's the first episode of 2018 and in today's episode we look forward to all that is set to come in the hectic year ahead for doctor who, including our later thoughts of Jodie Whittaker, Chris Chibnall, series 11 and new companions as well as looking ahead to this year on the podcast, including a short discussion on comic cons this year. Plus, we review Chris Chibnall's first story, 42, give an announcement about some changes on the randomizer for the new year and discuss the latest news from the last seven days in the doctor who universe.

  • Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Twice Upon a Time

    Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:42 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    Joining me to discuss this momentous episode of Doctor Who is Denise (@CupOfTea69) and Keith (@50dw50).

    Also dropping in to talk about Twice Upon a Time is Simon (@daddaughterdr) and his daughter from the charming daddaughterdoctor blog.

    Show notes here.

  • Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Twice Upon a Time

    Trap One: A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:42 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    Joining me to discuss this momentous episode of Doctor Who is Denise (@CupOfTea69) and Keith (@50dw50).

    Also dropping in to talk about Twice Upon a Time is Simon (@daddaughterdr) and his daughter from the charming daddaughterdoctor blog.

    Show notes here.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 417(Paul McGann at ODP)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:02 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    A bit of event coverage to start 2018 with a Q&A with Paul McGann the 8th Doctor himself at last year's ODP autograph show.

    You can see my photos taken at the event here, check out the TARDIS console https://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/albums/72157688677063531

    End Theme: Dr Who(Gypsy Guitar) by Thrip

    The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/ If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • Tim's Take On...

    Tim's Take On:Episode 417(Paul McGann at ODP)

    Tim's Take On...

    Direct Podcast Download

    10:02 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    A bit of event coverage to start 2018 with a Q&A with Paul McGann the 8th Doctor himself at last year’s ODP autograph show.


    You can see my photos taken at the event here, check out the TARDIS console https://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/albums/72157688677063531


    End Theme: Dr Who(Gypsy Guitar) by Thrip


    The show is now on Facebook please join the group for exclusive behind the scenes insights and of course also discuss and feedback on the show https://www.facebook.com/groups/187162411486307/ If you want to send me comments or feedback you can email them to tdrury2003@yahoo.co.uk or contact me on twitter where I'm @tdrury or send me a friend request and your comments to facebook where I'm Tim Drury and look like this http://www.flickr.com/photos/tdrury/3711029536/in/set-72157621161239599/ in case you were wondering.

  • The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

    Doctor Who - Ep170: Happy New Doctor Year!

    The Doctor Who Big Blue Box Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:00 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    Big Blue Box Podcast - Episode 170

    Hey, Who fans and a very Happy New Year to you all. We're back behind the mic chatting all things Doctor Who so 2018, let's be 'avin ya!

    The News

    Twice Upon a Time official ratings and we shed a tear or two watching the time lapse video of Capaldi's TARDIS set being dismantled.

    Merch Corner

    Dalek Tat throws us this week - the Series 9 soundtrack is FINALLY being released(!), a new Roger Delgado biography is out now and we could start seeing Classic Doctor series' on blu ray.

    "Twice Upon a Time" Review

    An important episode this one - A multi-Doctor-regeneration-Christmas-special. It feels like a long time coming so we dive into the story, characters, the regen's and the ultimate first look at the new 13th Doctor. Are we happy with the Moff's last effort or do we shed sad tears at a potential anti-climax? Thank you for hanging out with us and kicking off 2018. Next week it's another multi-Doctor story with the classic The Three Doctors so grab those DVD's as we'll be asking for your usual thoughts. Have a brilliant week and until next time - Allons-y!

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 290

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:53 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    As we come to the end of the first week of the new (and hopefully better) year it's time once again to dive into the world of Geekdom.

    This week Monts and Nuge take a detailed look at Justice League and The Last Jedi. Be warned though as the geeky twosome will be spoiling the heck out of both films.

  • Geek Syndicate

    Geek Syndicate - Episode 290

    Geek Syndicate

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:53 (GMT) - 5 Jan 2018

    As we come to the end of the first week of the new (and hopefully better) year it's time once again to dive into the world of Geekdom.

    This week Monts and Nuge take a detailed look at Justice League and The Last Jedi. Be warned though as the geeky twosome will be spoiling the heck out of both films.

  • Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

    Episode 155W1: Wartime/Downtime/Daemos Rising

    Wanderers in the 4th Dimension: A Journey Through Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    21:51 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2018

    This week we begin our look at the Wilderness years with three Reeltime Productions films: Wartime, Downtime, and Daemos Rising!

    So Here are the Things.../Listener Mailbag

    Discussion of "Wartime" (David 6, Charlie 3, Trevor 3.5)

    Discussion of "Downtime" (David 7.75, Charlie 8, Trevor 8.75)

    Discussion of "Daemos Rising" (David 7, Charlie 5, Trevor 6)

    Big Finish: The Sirens of Time (David 6.9, Charlie 7.5, Trevor 7.25)


    Join us next week as we continue our coverage of Wilderness Years productions with Shakedown: Return of the Sontarans and Doctor Who: Dimensions in Time. Our audio adventure will be the novel adaptation Love and War, available from BigFinish.com.

  • A Disused Yeti

    A Disused Yeti #33b: The Muppets Take the TARDIS

    A Disused Yeti

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:28 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2018

    itunes pic
    Part two of the Doctor dream team episode. Though much of it is the cats untying shoelaces and talk of the muppets. To see the picture we were talking about and join the conversation, visit adisusedyeti.wordpress.com.

  • A Disused Yeti

    A Disused Yeti #33b: The Muppets Take the TARDIS

    A Disused Yeti

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:28 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2018

    itunes pic
    Part two of the Doctor dream team episode. Though much of it is the cats untying shoelaces and talk of the muppets. To see the picture we were talking about and join the conversation, visit adisusedyeti.wordpress.com.

  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 363 - Shorts, Shorts and More Shorts

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:58 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2018

    There are no shortage of short story reviews in this week’s episode. First we tackle the collection of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart stories in the recently released HAVOC Files 4. We examine the stories in the set NOT released as individual titles throughout the year.

    Then, we move to two stories released in recent weeks. First it’s “What’s Past is Prologue” by David McIntee.

    And then we review “The Note” by Andy Frankham Allen.


  • Traveling the Vortex

    Episode 363 - Shorts, Shorts and More Shorts

    Traveling the Vortex

    Direct Podcast Download

    04:58 (GMT) - 4 Jan 2018

    There are no shortage of short story reviews in this week’s episode. First we tackle the collection of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart stories in the recently released HAVOC Files 4. We examine the stories in the set NOT released as individual titles throughout the year.

    Then, we move to two stories released in recent weeks. First it’s “What’s Past is Prologue” by David McIntee.

    And then we review “The Note” by Andy Frankham Allen.


  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Earth Year 2017 in Review

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:50 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Looking back on the year, we run down some of the highlights that we as fans of Doctor Who have enjoyed from on screen, in audio, comics, books, and among the community channels. Continue reading -

  • Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Earth Year 2017 in Review

    Gallifrey Public Radio - A Doctor Who Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    20:50 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Looking back on the year, we run down some of the highlights that we as fans of Doctor Who have enjoyed from on screen, in audio, comics, books, and among the community channels.

  • The Doctor Who Hour

    Episode 28 - "The Web Planet" and "The Zarbi"

    The Doctor Who Hour

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    We're back after a long hiatus to begin our discussion of "The Web Planet," starting with the first two episodes, "The Web Planet" and "The Zarbi". After a long time away, starting here was... maybe.. not... the beeessstttt... Oh well, we made it through and you can finally join us once more for beep ants, bee men, lots of blinking, arm-napping, questionable noises, and the wanton destruction of a perfectly good tie-belt!

  • The Doctor Who Hour

    Episode 28 - "The Web Planet" and "The Zarbi"

    The Doctor Who Hour

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    We're back after a long hiatus to begin our discussion of "The Web Planet," starting with the first two episodes, "The Web Planet" and "The Zarbi". After a long time away, starting here was... maybe.. not... the beeessstttt... Oh well, we made it through and you can finally join us once more for beep ants, bee men, lots of blinking, arm-napping, questionable noises, and the wanton destruction of a perfectly good tie-belt!

  • Mutter's Spiral Podcast

    MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast 150 - "The God Complex"

    Mutter's Spiral Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:40 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year! MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast is back for its 150th episode, a discussion of the DOCTOR WHO Series 6 (32) episode, "The God Complex", written by Toby Whithouse and directed by Nick Hurran. We missed this episode on its original airing, during one of our (many) hiatus... hiatuses... hiati?, and it dovetails nicely with #148 on "The Horns of Nimon", so it gets that coveted spot as the sesquicentennial podcast!

    "God Complex" is an intriguing mix of creepy mystery/horror combined with a philosophical examining of our core faith/beliefs (be it in religion or other outside forces, or, in the case of Amy, the Doctor himself). It features a Minotaur at the center of a maze, but a very different one from classic Greek Mythology (or even "Nimon", which is namechecked in this story, thus the idea to link this with "Horns of Nimon").

    We dive deep in the story and its various elements, discussing what worked and what could have been fleshed out more. We talk about the excellent guest cast, the denouement with the Doctor saying goodbye (apparently) to Amy & Rory, and even discussion about what the Doctor saw, which was a mystery at the time, but is actually revealed in the episode in a very clever way (and ultimately very clearly revealed in "The Time of the Doctor").

    John has some great trivia as well, which is such a key part of our podcast! It's a really fun discussion that we hope you'll enjoy!

  • Mutter's Spiral Podcast

    MUTTER’S SPIRAL Podcast 150 - "The God Complex"

    Mutter's Spiral Podcast

    Direct Podcast Download

    17:40 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year!  MUTTER'S SPIRAL Podcast is back for its 150th episode, a discussion of the DOCTOR WHO Series 6 (32) episode, "The God Complex", written by Toby Whithouse and directed by Nick Hurran.  We missed this episode on its original airing, during one of our (many) hiatus... hiatuses... hiati?, and it dovetails nicely with #148 on "The Horns of Nimon", so it gets that coveted spot as the sesquicentennial podcast!

    "God Complex" is an intriguing mix of creepy mystery/horror combined with a philosophical examining of our core faith/beliefs (be it in religion or other outside forces, or, in the case of Amy, the Doctor himself).  It features a Minotaur at the center of a maze, but a very different one from classic Greek Mythology (or even "Nimon", which is namechecked in this story, thus the idea to link this with "Horns of Nimon").  

    We dive deep in the story and its various elements, discussing what worked and what could have been fleshed out more.  We talk about the excellent guest cast, the denouement with the Doctor saying goodbye (apparently) to Amy & Rory, and even discussion about what the Doctor saw, which was a mystery at the time, but is actually revealed in the episode in a very clever way (and ultimately very clearly revealed in "The Time of the Doctor").

    John has some great trivia as well, which is such a key part of our podcast!  It's a really fun discussion that we hope you'll enjoy!

  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Extra! - Love & Monstrous Commentary

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:30 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Ok so the commentary itself isn't monstrous. Nor is the episode. The amount of whiskey consumed while commentating...? Join Deb and Erika as they do a live-from-Deb's-couch, in-person commentary! (recorded in November, 2017, during Erika's epic US vacation-adventure)


  • Doctor Who: Verity!

    Extra! - Love & Monstrous Commentary

    Doctor Who: Verity!

    Direct Podcast Download

    12:30 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Ok so the commentary itself isn't monstrous. Nor is the episode. The amount of whiskey consumed while commentating...? Join Deb and Erika as they do a live-from-Deb's-couch, in-person commentary! (recorded in November, 2017, during Erika's epic US vacation-adventure)


  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #20: Coco & The Best/Worst of 2017

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:31 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year! On the first episode of 2018, we review the new Pixar movie Coco that's making waves in the overseas box office. We also discuss about the best (and worst) releases of 2017, and have a chat about the new Doctor Who Christmas special. 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:02:36 - Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time [Light Spoiler Review] 0:10:01 - What Have You Been Consuming Lately? -- 0:10:13 - A Whole Bunch of Things [Jen's Review] -- 0:20:35 - Nintendo Switch Stuff [Rob's Review] -- 0:23:08 - Y: The Last Man [Sandro's Review] 0:29:48 - Nerd Headlines -- 0:30:52 - Peter Jackson's Mortal Engines trailer -- 0:34:50 - Ocean's 8 trailer -- 0:40:31 - Live action Nutcraker trailer -- 0:43:33 - Black Panther rumors -- 0:47:27 - HEAPS of Star Wars things -- 1:00:32 - Hasbro Cinematic Universe...is a thing now -- 1:05:33 - Alien prequel-sequel is dead -- 1:06:25 - Writer announced for Tarantino's Star Trek -- 1:08:08 - Speedish Round 1:13:54 - Coco [Light Spoilers] 1:39:46 - The Best/Worst of 2017 1:59:37 - Next Time, Outro, Credits & Outtakes Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com". Follow the Show! Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandro Website: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/nerd-out-rob-lloyd-sandro/id1177798606?mt=2 Sticher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/an-improbable-podcast/nerdout-with-rob-lloyd-sandro-falce?refid=stpr Follow the Hosts! Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/ Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/ Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/

  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #20: Coco & The Best/Worst of 2017

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:31 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year! On the first episode of 2018, we review the new Pixar movie Coco that's making waves in the overseas box office. We also discuss about the best (and worst) releases of 2017, and have a chat about the new Doctor Who Christmas special. 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:02:36 - Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time [Light Spoiler Review] 0:10:01 - What Have You Been Consuming Lately? -- 0:10:13 - A Whole Bunch of Things [Jen's Review] -- 0:20:35 - Nintendo Switch Stuff [Rob's Review] -- 0:23:08 - Y: The Last Man [Sandro's Review] 0:29:48 - Nerd Headlines -- 0:30:52 - Peter Jackson's Mortal Engines trailer -- 0:34:50 - Ocean's 8 trailer -- 0:40:31 - Live action Nutcraker trailer -- 0:43:33 - Black Panther rumors -- 0:47:27 - HEAPS of Star Wars things -- 1:00:32 - Hasbro Cinematic Universe...is a thing now -- 1:05:33 - Alien prequel-sequel is dead -- 1:06:25 - Writer announced for Tarantino's Star Trek -- 1:08:08 - Speedish Round 1:13:54 - Coco [Light Spoilers] 1:39:46 - The Best/Worst of 2017 1:59:37 - Next Time, Outro, Credits & Outtakes Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com". Follow the Show! Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandro Website: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/nerd-out-rob-lloyd-sandro/id1177798606?mt=2 Sticher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/an-improbable-podcast/nerdout-with-rob-lloyd-sandro-falce?refid=stpr Follow the Hosts! Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/ Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/ Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/ See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

  • Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    #20: Coco & The Best/Worst of 2017

    Nerd-Out with Rob Lloyd, Jen Speirs & Sandro Falce

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:31 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year! On the first episode of 2018, we review the new Pixar movie Coco that's making waves in the overseas box office. We also discuss about the best (and worst) releases of 2017, and have a chat about the new Doctor Who Christmas special. 0:00:00 - Introduction 0:02:36 - Doctor Who: Twice Upon A Time [Light Spoiler Review] 0:10:01 - What Have You Been Consuming Lately? -- 0:10:13 - A Whole Bunch of Things [Jen's Review] -- 0:20:35 - Nintendo Switch Stuff [Rob's Review] -- 0:23:08 - Y: The Last Man [Sandro's Review] 0:29:48 - Nerd Headlines -- 0:30:52 - Peter Jackson's Mortal Engines trailer -- 0:34:50 - Ocean's 8 trailer -- 0:40:31 - Live action Nutcraker trailer -- 0:43:33 - Black Panther rumors -- 0:47:27 - HEAPS of Star Wars things -- 1:00:32 - Hasbro Cinematic Universe...is a thing now -- 1:05:33 - Alien prequel-sequel is dead -- 1:06:25 - Writer announced for Tarantino's Star Trek -- 1:08:08 - Speedish Round 1:13:54 - Coco [Light Spoilers] 1:39:46 - The Best/Worst of 2017 1:59:37 - Next Time, Outro, Credits & Outtakes Please send in any questions, review recommendations or feedback to "feedback.nerdout@gmail.com". Follow the Show! Facebook: http://fb.me/nerdoutwithrobjenandsandro Website: https://omny.fm/shows/nerdout iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/nerd-out-rob-lloyd-sandro/id1177798606?mt=2 Sticher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/an-improbable-podcast/nerdout-with-rob-lloyd-sandro-falce?refid=stpr Follow the Hosts! Rob Lloyd - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/roblloydactor/ - Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurerobby - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurerobby/ Jen Speirs - Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jenz00r - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obiwanjenobi/ Sandro Falce - Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandrofalce - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandrofalce/

  • Who's Doing What Now

    The Doctor's Wife

    Who's Doing What Now

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:48 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Amy and Rory go on a double date with the Doctor and the Tardis! Well, it's as close to a double date as you'll get on a show that's full of aliens, adventure, and certain doom around every corner. This week we're talking about the Series 6 episode The Doctor's Wife, from writer Neil Gaiman!

    Be sure to rate us on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean and on Google Play!

    We want to hear from you! Find us at your favorite social media outlets:

    Facebook - facebook.com/wdwnpod Twitter - @wdwnpodWebsite - wdwnpod.com

    Or email us at wdwnpod@gmail.com

    Special Thanks to the Jackpot Golden Boys for our theme. Find more of their great work on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jackpot

    Or on their website - http://www.jackpotgoldenboys.com

  • Who's Doing What Now

    The Doctor's Wife

    Who's Doing What Now

    Direct Podcast Download

    06:48 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Amy and Rory go on a double date with the Doctor and the Tardis! Well, it's as close to a double date as you'll get on a show that's full of aliens, adventure, and certain doom around every corner. This week we're talking about the Series 6 episode The Doctor's Wife, from writer Neil Gaiman!

    Be sure to rate us on iTunes, Stitcher, Podbean and on Google Play!

    We want to hear from you!  Find us at your favorite social media outlets:

    Facebook - facebook.com/wdwnpod Twitter - @wdwnpodWebsite - wdwnpod.com

    Or email us at wdwnpod@gmail.com

    Special Thanks to the Jackpot Golden Boys for our theme.  Find more of their great work on Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/jackpot

    Or on their website - http://www.jackpotgoldenboys.com

  • The Old Doctor Who Show

    Planet of Fire (Classic Doctor Who Review)

    The Old Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    05:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Alternate Galaxies: Blake's 7

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Rob and Dave occasionally take a look at great TV series and movies they enjoy, broadly from the genres of sci-fi and fantasy.

    They call these episodes, Alternate Galaxies.

    In this episode, Rob cedes his seat to Richard, who has a far greater knowledge of today's topic... Blake's 7.

    Today, January 2, 2018, marks 40 years since the transmission of the first Blake's 7 episode - The Way Back - in the UK.


    Blake's 7 is a British science fiction television series produced by the BBC. Four 13-episode series were broadcast on BBC1 between 1978 and 1981. It was created by Terry Nation, who also created the Daleks for the television series Doctor Who. The script editor was Chris Boucher. The main character, at least initially, was Roj Blake, played by Gareth Thomas. The series was inspired by various fictional media, including Robin Hood, Star Trek, Passage to Marseille, The Dirty Dozen, Brave New World and classic Western stories, as well as real-world political conflicts in South America and Israel.

    Blake's 7 was popular from its first broadcast, watched by approximately 10 million in the UK and shown in 25 other countries. Although many tropes of space opera are present, such as spaceships, robots, galactic empires and aliens, its budget was inadequate for its interstellar theme. Critical responses have been varied; some reviewers praised the series for its dystopian themes, strong characterisation, ambiguous morality and pessimistic tone, as well as displaying an "enormous sense of fun", but others have criticised its production values, dialogue and perceived lack of originality, with broadcaster and critic Clive James describing it as "classically awful".

    A limited range of Blake's 7 merchandise was issued, and books, magazines and annuals published. The BBC released music and sound effects from the series, and several companies made Blake's 7 toys and models. Four video compilations were released between 1985 and 1990, and the entire series was released in videocassette format starting 1991 and re-released during 1997, and as four DVD boxed sets between 2003 and 2006. The BBC produced two audio dramas during 1998 and 1999 that feature original cast members and broadcast by Radio 4. Although proposals for live-action and animated remakes have not been realised, Blake's 7 has been revived with two series of audio dramas, a comedic short film, and a series of fan-made audio plays.

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Alternate Galaxies: Blake's 7

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Rob and Dave occasionally take a look at great TV series and movies they enjoy, broadly from the genres of sci-fi and fantasy.

    They call these episodes, Alternate Galaxies.

    In this episode, Rob cedes his seat to Richard, who has a far greater knowledge of today's topic... Blake's 7.

    Today, January 2, 2018, marks 40 years since the transmission of the first Blake's 7 episode - The Way Back - in the UK.


    Blake's 7 is a British science fiction television series produced by the BBC. Four 13-episode series were broadcast on BBC1 between 1978 and 1981. It was created by Terry Nation, who also created the Daleks for the television series Doctor Who. The script editor was Chris Boucher. The main character, at least initially, was Roj Blake, played by Gareth Thomas. The series was inspired by various fictional media, including Robin Hood, Star Trek, Passage to Marseille, The Dirty Dozen, Brave New World and classic Western stories, as well as real-world political conflicts in South America and Israel.

    Blake's 7 was popular from its first broadcast, watched by approximately 10 million in the UK and shown in 25 other countries. Although many tropes of space opera are present, such as spaceships, robots, galactic empires and aliens, its budget was inadequate for its interstellar theme. Critical responses have been varied; some reviewers praised the series for its dystopian themes, strong characterisation, ambiguous morality and pessimistic tone, as well as displaying an "enormous sense of fun", but others have criticised its production values, dialogue and perceived lack of originality, with broadcaster and critic Clive James describing it as "classically awful".

    A limited range of Blake's 7 merchandise was issued, and books, magazines and annuals published. The BBC released music and sound effects from the series, and several companies made Blake's 7 toys and models. Four video compilations were released between 1985 and 1990, and the entire series was released in videocassette format starting 1991 and re-released during 1997, and as four DVD boxed sets between 2003 and 2006. The BBC produced two audio dramas during 1998 and 1999 that feature original cast members and broadcast by Radio 4. Although proposals for live-action and animated remakes have not been realised, Blake's 7 has been revived with two series of audio dramas, a comedic short film, and a series of fan-made audio plays.

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Alternate Galaxies: Blake's 7

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    03:00 (GMT) - 3 Jan 2018

    Rob and Dave occasionally take a look at great TV series and movies they enjoy, broadly from the genres of sci-fi and fantasy.

    They call these episodes, Alternate Galaxies.

    In this episode, Rob cedes his seat to Richard, who has a far greater knowledge of today's topic... Blake's 7.

    Today, January 2, 2018, marks 40 years since the transmission of the first Blake's 7 episode - The Way Back - in the UK.


    Blake's 7 is a British science fiction television series produced by the BBC. Four 13-episode series were broadcast on BBC1 between 1978 and 1981. It was created by Terry Nation, who also created the Daleks for the television series Doctor Who. The script editor was Chris Boucher. The main character, at least initially, was Roj Blake, played by Gareth Thomas. The series was inspired by various fictional media, including Robin Hood, Star Trek, Passage to Marseille, The Dirty Dozen, Brave New World and classic Western stories, as well as real-world political conflicts in South America and Israel.

    Blake's 7 was popular from its first broadcast, watched by approximately 10 million in the UK and shown in 25 other countries. Although many tropes of space opera are present, such as spaceships, robots, galactic empires and aliens, its budget was inadequate for its interstellar theme. Critical responses have been varied; some reviewers praised the series for its dystopian themes, strong characterisation, ambiguous morality and pessimistic tone, as well as displaying an "enormous sense of fun", but others have criticised its production values, dialogue and perceived lack of originality, with broadcaster and critic Clive James describing it as "classically awful".

    A limited range of Blake's 7 merchandise was issued, and books, magazines and annuals published. The BBC released music and sound effects from the series, and several companies made Blake's 7 toys and models. Four video compilations were released between 1985 and 1990, and the entire series was released in videocassette format starting 1991 and re-released during 1997, and as four DVD boxed sets between 2003 and 2006. The BBC produced two audio dramas during 1998 and 1999 that feature original cast members and broadcast by Radio 4. Although proposals for live-action and animated remakes have not been realised, Blake's 7 has been revived with two series of audio dramas, a comedic short film, and a series of fan-made audio plays.

  • The Blue Box Podcast

    Episode 288: Twice Upon a Review Time

    The Blue Box Podcast

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    16:36 (GMT) - 2 Jan 2018

    The Blue Box Podcast - Episode 288: Twice Upon a Review Time Brought to you every Saturday by Starburst Columnist - JR Southall, Lee Rawlings, Mark Cockram and Simon Brett.

  • The Doctor Who Show

    Alternate Galaxies: Blake's 7

    The Doctor Who Show

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:09 (GMT) - 2 Jan 2018

    Rob and Dave occasionally take a look at great TV series and movies they enjoy, broadly from the genres of sci-fi and fantasy.

    They call these episodes, Alternate Galaxies.

    In this episode, Rob cedes his seat to Richard, who has a far greater knowledge of today's topic... Blake's 7.

    Today, January 2, 2018, marks 40 years since the transmission of the first Blake's 7 episode - The Way Back - in the UK.


    Blake's 7 is a British science fiction television series produced by the BBC. Four 13-episode series were broadcast on BBC1 between 1978 and 1981. It was created by Terry Nation, who also created the Daleks for the television series Doctor Who. The script editor was Chris Boucher. The main character, at least initially, was Roj Blake, played by Gareth Thomas. The series was inspired by various fictional media, including Robin Hood, Star Trek, Passage to Marseille, The Dirty Dozen, Brave New World and classic Western stories, as well as real-world political conflicts in South America and Israel.

    Blake's 7 was popular from its first broadcast, watched by approximately 10 million in the UK and shown in 25 other countries. Although many tropes of space opera are present, such as spaceships, robots, galactic empires and aliens, its budget was inadequate for its interstellar theme. Critical responses have been varied; some reviewers praised the series for its dystopian themes, strong characterisation, ambiguous morality and pessimistic tone, as well as displaying an "enormous sense of fun", but others have criticised its production values, dialogue and perceived lack of originality, with broadcaster and critic Clive James describing it as "classically awful".

    A limited range of Blake's 7 merchandise was issued, and books, magazines and annuals published. The BBC released music and sound effects from the series, and several companies made Blake's 7 toys and models. Four video compilations were released between 1985 and 1990, and the entire series was released in videocassette format starting 1991 and re-released during 1997, and as four DVD boxed sets between 2003 and 2006. The BBC produced two audio dramas during 1998 and 1999 that feature original cast members and broadcast by Radio 4. Although proposals for live-action and animated remakes have not been realised, Blake's 7 has been revived with two series of audio dramas, a comedic short film, and a series of fan-made audio plays.

  • Gallifrey Stands

    Gallifrey Stands -Ep192- New Years Special: The End of Time - Part 2

    Gallifrey Stands

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:07 (GMT) - 2 Jan 2018

    Mich-Elf Sewell & Adam Snow-Manning pull an extra New Years shift to talk about the only New Years themed Doctor Who adventure The End of Time Part 2. Happy New Year from everyone here at Gallifrey Stands.

    Whovian Round-up & Round-up Reviews are by http://indiemacuser.com/

    Gallifrey Stands can be found at on twitter @DoctorSquee, by email GallifreyStandsPodcast@gmail.com, on stitcher, iTunes, The Tangent-Bound Network, Satchel Player & http://gallifreystandspodcast.podbean.com & on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481026762176392/

    You can buy the Gallifrey Stands lipbalm @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/209093664/gallifrey-stands-geek-stix-inspired-by?ref=shop_home_active_12

    Please support our Pod-Pals too:

    Due South by South East https://www.wonkyspanner.com/podcasts/duesouthbse/rss.xml

    DisAfterDark http://disafterdark.blogspot.co.uk/

    Just give me a few minutes http://justgivemeafewminutes.podomatic.com/

    AMAudioMedia http://amaudiomedia.com/

    TangentBoundNetwork http://TangentBoundNetwork.com/

    Drinking in the Park http://Neilandjohnny.com

    EMC Network http://www.electronicmediacollective.com/

    WhoNews http://www.who-news.com/

  • Gallifrey Stands

    Gallifrey Stands -Ep192- New Years Special: The End of Time - Part 2

    Gallifrey Stands

    Direct Podcast Download

    00:07 (GMT) - 2 Jan 2018

    Mich-Elf Sewell & Adam Snow-Manning pull an extra New Years shift to talk about the only New Years themed Doctor Who adventure The End of Time Part 2. Happy New Year from everyone here at Gallifrey Stands.

    Whovian Round-up & Round-up Reviews are by http://indiemacuser.com/

    Gallifrey Stands can be found at on twitter @DoctorSquee, by email GallifreyStandsPodcast@gmail.com, on stitcher, iTunes, The Tangent-Bound Network, Satchel Player & http://gallifreystandspodcast.podbean.com & on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481026762176392/

    You can buy the Gallifrey Stands lipbalm @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/209093664/gallifrey-stands-geek-stix-inspired-by?ref=shop_home_active_12

    Please support our Pod-Pals too:

    Due South by South East https://www.wonkyspanner.com/podcasts/duesouthbse/rss.xml

    DisAfterDark http://disafterdark.blogspot.co.uk/

    Just give me a few minutes http://justgivemeafewminutes.podomatic.com/

    AMAudioMedia http://amaudiomedia.com/

    TangentBoundNetwork http://TangentBoundNetwork.com/

    Drinking in the Park http://Neilandjohnny.com

    EMC Network http://www.electronicmediacollective.com/

    WhoNews http://www.who-news.com/

  • Gallifrey Stands

    Gallifrey Stands -Ep192- New Years Special: The End of Time - Part 2

    Gallifrey Stands

    Direct Podcast Download

    22:10 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    Mich-Elf Sewell & Adam Snow-Manning pull an extra New Years shift to talk about the only New Years themed Doctor Who adventure The End of Time Part 2. Happy New Year from everyone here at Gallifrey Stands.

    Whovian Round-up & Round-up Reviews are by http://indiemacuser.com/

    Gallifrey Stands can be found at on twitter @DoctorSquee, by email GallifreyStandsPodcast@gmail.com, on stitcher, iTunes, The Tangent-Bound Network, Satchel Player & http://gallifreystandspodcast.podbean.com & on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1481026762176392/

    You can buy the Gallifrey Stands lipbalm @ https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/209093664/gallifrey-stands-geek-stix-inspired-by?ref=shop_home_active_12

    Please support our Pod-Pals too:

    Due South by South East https://www.wonkyspanner.com/podcasts/duesouthbse/rss.xml

    DisAfterDark http://disafterdark.blogspot.co.uk/

    Just give me a few minutes http://justgivemeafewminutes.podomatic.com/

    AMAudioMedia http://amaudiomedia.com/

    TangentBoundNetwork http://TangentBoundNetwork.com/

    Drinking in the Park http://Neilandjohnny.com

    EMC Network http://www.electronicmediacollective.com/

    WhoNews http://www.who-news.com/

  • Lazy Doctor Who

    The Macra Terror 1-4

    Lazy Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:08 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    JJ (1-4)

    Erika and Steven ring out 2017 ON THE PODCAST! What better way to spend the dying hours of a year than with a delightful Doctor Who story about giant, authoritarian crabs? We couldn’t think of one. So here we are.

    Host Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky

  • Lazy Doctor Who

    The Macra Terror 1-4

    Lazy Doctor Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    07:08 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    JJ (1-4)

    Erika and Steven ring out 2017 ON THE PODCAST! What better way to spend the dying hours of a year than with a delightful Doctor Who story about giant, authoritarian crabs? We couldn’t think of one. So here we are.

    Host Erika Ensign and Steven Schapansky

  • Discussing Who

    Review of Twice Upon A Time

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:39 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018


    It’s the end of an Era – both for Doctor Who and Discussing Who. Join us as we review the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas special, ‘Twice Upon a Time’. Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.


  • Discussing Who

    Review of Twice Upon A Time

    Discussing Who

    Direct Podcast Download

    02:39 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    It's the end of an Era - both for Doctor Who and Discussing Who. Join us as we review the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas special, 'Twice Upon a Time'.  Hosted by Kyle Jones, Clarence Brown, and Lee Shackleford.

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR201 Happy New Year

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:03 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year!

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR201 Happy New Year

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:03 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year!

  • Roy's Rocket Radio

    RRR201 Happy New Year

    Roy's Rocket Radio

    Direct Podcast Download

    01:03 (GMT) - 1 Jan 2018

    Happy New Year!

  • Radio Free Skaro

    #615 - The Three Doctors

    Radio Free Skaro

    Direct Podcast Download

    19:00 (GMT) - 31 Dec 2017

    A year is about to expire, with a new 365 days around the sun just around the corner, and with this transition comes…stats. Yes, those of you who need to know the intimate details of eyeballs upon telescreens during the airing of “Twice Upon a Time”, fret no longer, we have all that information and more, including a truly mindbending look at how television scientists (including several Restoration Team boffins) extracted footage of Morecambe and Wise from a film canister full of goo. Plus news of a Bill Potts action dolly, Britbox coming to Canada, and an interview from Chicago TARDIS with three Doctors, the trio of physicians in question being Peter Davison, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy! Let’s hope all of you have a happy New Year with no complications!


    Twice Upon A Time BBC OvernightsTwice Upon A Time UK Audience AppreciationCapaldi writes to unsure fanBritBox coming to Canada in 2018Morecambe & Wise episode restorationPeter Capaldi Years Blu-Ray SetBill action figure2017 Doctor Who In MemoriamLI Who on hiatus

    Interview: – Peter DavisonColin BakerSylvester McCoyChicago TARDIS

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